Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Humaniora Indonesia, Dec 28, 2023
Menjelang ujian skripsi tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang merasa tidak nyaman akibat rasa cemas yang t... more Menjelang ujian skripsi tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang merasa tidak nyaman akibat rasa cemas yang tidak bisa dikontrol. Kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya berpengaruh pada kelancaran dalam proses ujian skripsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat seberapa besar pengaruh puasa Daud terhadap kecemasan yang dialami mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ialah terdapat pengaruh antara puasa sunnah Daud dengan kecemasan mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan menerapkan one-group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan subjek pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-random dengan bentuk pengambilan sampel yaitu pursosive sampling. Intervensi ini dilaksanakan selama 3 kali. Durasi waktu per pertemuan 30-50 menit per sesi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, kedua subjek mengalami penurunan skor antara pretest dan posttest setelah intervensi, yaitu subjek N dengan skor 158 menjadi 139 dan subjek I dengan skor 133 menjadi 128. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan Puasa Daud memberi pengaruh terhadap kecemasan mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi.
Counseling training programs need to be held because there is still a lack of student skills rela... more Counseling training programs need to be held because there is still a lack of student skills related to this program. Thus the competence of peer counselors needs to be improved. This training program's purposes are to provide participants with new knowledge and insight regarding the treatment of peer counselors. The research sample was 47 students undergraduate. The experimental design used is One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. This training was held in two days with different durations. The research methods used here were mixed methods. The qualitative data were gained through a self-reflection form. Then, the quantitative data were taken through a knowledge test. The result of the Quantitative test was based on the analysis of the Paired sample T-Test, the result is p = 0.00 (p < 0.01). This implies that there is a clear difference before and after the training program. As can be seen from the qualitative results, the majority of the participants have experienced pos...
Menjadi mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari tugas yang harus diselesaikan. Namun, dalam penyelesaiannya... more Menjadi mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari tugas yang harus diselesaikan. Namun, dalam penyelesaiannya terdapat kendala yang sering dialami salah satunya yakni prokrastinasi. Hal tersebut menjadi hambatan dalam proses perkuliahan. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian untuk melihat efektivitas Islamic Time Management terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi mahasiswa. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini ialah islamic time management berpengaruh terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah one-group pretest-postest design dengan teknik random sampling. Intervensi dilakukan selama 3 kali dengan durasi waktu 30-70 menit setiap sesi. Berdasarkan data yang di dapatkan, terdapat penurunan skor sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi, subjek P dengan skor 144 menjadi 140 dan subjek I dengan skor 112 menjadi 103. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan data kualitatif berupa dokumentasi dari tugas-tugas yang diberikan selama pelatihan yakni: membuat daftar tugas...
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AM... more This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) in increasing motivation to memorize the Quran. This study used a quantitative pre-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 8 teenage boys aged 11-17 years, who were students at Pondok Tahfizh Quran Hisbah Al-Mizan Pontianak who were selected through random sampling. Data collection used a scale of motivation to memorize the Quran with a value of α .7737. Based on the paired sample of t test, a significance value of .004 (p < .05) was obtained, which indicated that there were differences in the level of motivation to memorize the Quran before and after training. Thus the Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) is effective in increasing the motivation to memorize the Quran in students.
Interaksi sosial pada anak sangat penting untuk dilatih agar dapat berkembang. Tantangan saat ini... more Interaksi sosial pada anak sangat penting untuk dilatih agar dapat berkembang. Tantangan saat ini adalah kemajuan teknologi dimana dapat menghambat interaksi anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan interaksi anak setelah diberikan permainan tradisional. Selanjutnya mengetahui gambaran interaksi sosial yang terjadi pada anak jika diberikan permainan tradisional. Hipotesis dalam penelitian adalah adanya pengaruh pemberian permainan tradisional terhadap interaksi sosial anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen, dengan memberikan perlakuan permainan tradisional. Pemilihan sampel pada kali ini menggunakan teknik random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi partisipan dengan setting alami. Secara umum berdasarkan pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi sosial terjadi pada kelompok subjek. Kesimpulan dari pengolahan data, subjek 1 didapati memiliki interaksi sosial yang lebih baik dibandingkan keseluruhan subjek. Hal i...
The purpose of this study is to provide new insights self-esteem for participants, and to find ou... more The purpose of this study is to provide new insights self-esteem for participants, and to find outcome increasing participant’s self-esteem after participating in the training. This experimental study was conducted for 6 teenagers with thalassemia who were selected based on the specific characteristics proposed. This study used a pure experimental design without control group. Data were collected through interviews and observations before and before treatment. The intervention provided was in the form of personal recognition training. This treatment uses lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and games with light methods. Lasts for 2 times with a duration of 2.5 hours. In general, almost all people who experience development and able to be creative during the material session, and allow participants to have and be able to be more confident. There was a change in the classification of participants, namely DA, DE, L, S, and W. Meanwhile, there was no change in Lu.
Being a victim of the earthquake can have a terrible impact or threaten the safety of one's s... more Being a victim of the earthquake can have a terrible impact or threaten the safety of one's soul. The natural disasters can also be a traumatic event taffecting the in-depth and long psychological impact which direct to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This study generally aimed to identify and understand the PTSD symptoms in earthquake victim. The specific purpose was training self-control technique in earthquake victim; therefore, they would be able to respond towards PTSD symptoms adaptively, and understand the efectiveness of active coping strategies to decrease the PTSD symptoms. The hypothesis of this study was the victim’s PTSD symptoms was lessened or reduced after applying active coping strategies therapy. The participant of this study was a woman who was the victim of earthquake and had the signed informed consent statement. The data were analyzed by non parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and was qualitatvely analyzed. (onetail p = 0.002, p < 0.05). The qua...
Relational aggression could be done by anyone, so the relational aggression is often considered r... more Relational aggression could be done by anyone, so the relational aggression is often considered reasonable in relationships. Wheareas according to the experts relational aggression as same or more dangerous than physical aggression. The study tested the hypothesis that training “Ibrahim-Kun” II could make the difference between the control group and the experimental group. This research selected 34 people from screening, but some partisipants maturation, Therefore 25 student who become voluntary, 24% boy responders and 76% girls responders, whose ages ranged from 12-14 years, and believe in the Islam. This study used randomised control group pretest-posttest design. The quantitative result from Independent Sample of T-Test (t = 2.331; sig = 0.031, p < 0.05), the analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. The majority of participants in the experimental group seemed to have attention, enthusiasm, good activity, and...
Relational aggression represents an effort to harm others more towards injuring and or attacking,... more Relational aggression represents an effort to harm others more towards injuring and or attacking, non physically, but more verbal and closed. This research study examined the effectiveness of Ibrahim-Kun II training to reduce the aggression relasional .The study tested the hypothesis that Training "Ibrahim-Kun II is predicted effectively reduce relational aggression. This research selected 51 people from screening, but 13 decreased or maturation. Thus as entangle 38 student people which voluntary ready to follow the training, 42,10 % men responder and 57.9% woman responder, age range from 12-14 years, and believe in the Islam. The quantitative result has been found from 7 statistical analysis test, that found the hypothesis has been accepted. The qualitative analysis also found that the majority of the partisipants have been changed. Almost all participants become aware of the negative effects of relational aggression, thinking first before taunting, and become compassionate to...
The decrease in the role of community leaders and religious leaders in overcoming alcoholic irreg... more The decrease in the role of community leaders and religious leaders in overcoming alcoholic irregularities is a separate problem in a community community. The purpose of this research is generally to increase the knowledge of community and religious leaders in the prevention of misuse of alcoholic irregularities. The hypothesis of this study is that the knowledge on MIRAS on the subject would be found higher or increased after obtaining psychoeducation "Anti MIRAS". The participants of this study were community leaders and religious leaders who stated their agreement and willingness. Data were analyzed by Paired Sample of T-Test and qualitatively. Quantitative results indicate that psychoeducation intervention "Anti MIRAS" did not significantly increase participants' knowledge. However, the qualitative results found that the outcome of this intervention was able to provide a positive insight about the dangers of MIRAS and bridging community leaders to agree on 11 points of agreement. Findings, limitations and recommendations in this study will also be discussed.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Humaniora Indonesia, Dec 28, 2023
Menjelang ujian skripsi tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang merasa tidak nyaman akibat rasa cemas yang t... more Menjelang ujian skripsi tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang merasa tidak nyaman akibat rasa cemas yang tidak bisa dikontrol. Kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya berpengaruh pada kelancaran dalam proses ujian skripsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat seberapa besar pengaruh puasa Daud terhadap kecemasan yang dialami mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ialah terdapat pengaruh antara puasa sunnah Daud dengan kecemasan mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan menerapkan one-group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan subjek pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-random dengan bentuk pengambilan sampel yaitu pursosive sampling. Intervensi ini dilaksanakan selama 3 kali. Durasi waktu per pertemuan 30-50 menit per sesi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, kedua subjek mengalami penurunan skor antara pretest dan posttest setelah intervensi, yaitu subjek N dengan skor 158 menjadi 139 dan subjek I dengan skor 133 menjadi 128. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan Puasa Daud memberi pengaruh terhadap kecemasan mahasiswa menjelang ujian skripsi.
Counseling training programs need to be held because there is still a lack of student skills rela... more Counseling training programs need to be held because there is still a lack of student skills related to this program. Thus the competence of peer counselors needs to be improved. This training program's purposes are to provide participants with new knowledge and insight regarding the treatment of peer counselors. The research sample was 47 students undergraduate. The experimental design used is One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. This training was held in two days with different durations. The research methods used here were mixed methods. The qualitative data were gained through a self-reflection form. Then, the quantitative data were taken through a knowledge test. The result of the Quantitative test was based on the analysis of the Paired sample T-Test, the result is p = 0.00 (p < 0.01). This implies that there is a clear difference before and after the training program. As can be seen from the qualitative results, the majority of the participants have experienced pos...
Menjadi mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari tugas yang harus diselesaikan. Namun, dalam penyelesaiannya... more Menjadi mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari tugas yang harus diselesaikan. Namun, dalam penyelesaiannya terdapat kendala yang sering dialami salah satunya yakni prokrastinasi. Hal tersebut menjadi hambatan dalam proses perkuliahan. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian untuk melihat efektivitas Islamic Time Management terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi mahasiswa. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini ialah islamic time management berpengaruh terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah one-group pretest-postest design dengan teknik random sampling. Intervensi dilakukan selama 3 kali dengan durasi waktu 30-70 menit setiap sesi. Berdasarkan data yang di dapatkan, terdapat penurunan skor sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi, subjek P dengan skor 144 menjadi 140 dan subjek I dengan skor 112 menjadi 103. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan data kualitatif berupa dokumentasi dari tugas-tugas yang diberikan selama pelatihan yakni: membuat daftar tugas...
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AM... more This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) in increasing motivation to memorize the Quran. This study used a quantitative pre-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 8 teenage boys aged 11-17 years, who were students at Pondok Tahfizh Quran Hisbah Al-Mizan Pontianak who were selected through random sampling. Data collection used a scale of motivation to memorize the Quran with a value of α .7737. Based on the paired sample of t test, a significance value of .004 (p < .05) was obtained, which indicated that there were differences in the level of motivation to memorize the Quran before and after training. Thus the Islamic-based Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) is effective in increasing the motivation to memorize the Quran in students.
Interaksi sosial pada anak sangat penting untuk dilatih agar dapat berkembang. Tantangan saat ini... more Interaksi sosial pada anak sangat penting untuk dilatih agar dapat berkembang. Tantangan saat ini adalah kemajuan teknologi dimana dapat menghambat interaksi anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan interaksi anak setelah diberikan permainan tradisional. Selanjutnya mengetahui gambaran interaksi sosial yang terjadi pada anak jika diberikan permainan tradisional. Hipotesis dalam penelitian adalah adanya pengaruh pemberian permainan tradisional terhadap interaksi sosial anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen, dengan memberikan perlakuan permainan tradisional. Pemilihan sampel pada kali ini menggunakan teknik random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi partisipan dengan setting alami. Secara umum berdasarkan pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi sosial terjadi pada kelompok subjek. Kesimpulan dari pengolahan data, subjek 1 didapati memiliki interaksi sosial yang lebih baik dibandingkan keseluruhan subjek. Hal i...
The purpose of this study is to provide new insights self-esteem for participants, and to find ou... more The purpose of this study is to provide new insights self-esteem for participants, and to find outcome increasing participant’s self-esteem after participating in the training. This experimental study was conducted for 6 teenagers with thalassemia who were selected based on the specific characteristics proposed. This study used a pure experimental design without control group. Data were collected through interviews and observations before and before treatment. The intervention provided was in the form of personal recognition training. This treatment uses lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and games with light methods. Lasts for 2 times with a duration of 2.5 hours. In general, almost all people who experience development and able to be creative during the material session, and allow participants to have and be able to be more confident. There was a change in the classification of participants, namely DA, DE, L, S, and W. Meanwhile, there was no change in Lu.
Being a victim of the earthquake can have a terrible impact or threaten the safety of one's s... more Being a victim of the earthquake can have a terrible impact or threaten the safety of one's soul. The natural disasters can also be a traumatic event taffecting the in-depth and long psychological impact which direct to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This study generally aimed to identify and understand the PTSD symptoms in earthquake victim. The specific purpose was training self-control technique in earthquake victim; therefore, they would be able to respond towards PTSD symptoms adaptively, and understand the efectiveness of active coping strategies to decrease the PTSD symptoms. The hypothesis of this study was the victim’s PTSD symptoms was lessened or reduced after applying active coping strategies therapy. The participant of this study was a woman who was the victim of earthquake and had the signed informed consent statement. The data were analyzed by non parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and was qualitatvely analyzed. (onetail p = 0.002, p < 0.05). The qua...
Relational aggression could be done by anyone, so the relational aggression is often considered r... more Relational aggression could be done by anyone, so the relational aggression is often considered reasonable in relationships. Wheareas according to the experts relational aggression as same or more dangerous than physical aggression. The study tested the hypothesis that training “Ibrahim-Kun” II could make the difference between the control group and the experimental group. This research selected 34 people from screening, but some partisipants maturation, Therefore 25 student who become voluntary, 24% boy responders and 76% girls responders, whose ages ranged from 12-14 years, and believe in the Islam. This study used randomised control group pretest-posttest design. The quantitative result from Independent Sample of T-Test (t = 2.331; sig = 0.031, p < 0.05), the analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. The majority of participants in the experimental group seemed to have attention, enthusiasm, good activity, and...
Relational aggression represents an effort to harm others more towards injuring and or attacking,... more Relational aggression represents an effort to harm others more towards injuring and or attacking, non physically, but more verbal and closed. This research study examined the effectiveness of Ibrahim-Kun II training to reduce the aggression relasional .The study tested the hypothesis that Training "Ibrahim-Kun II is predicted effectively reduce relational aggression. This research selected 51 people from screening, but 13 decreased or maturation. Thus as entangle 38 student people which voluntary ready to follow the training, 42,10 % men responder and 57.9% woman responder, age range from 12-14 years, and believe in the Islam. The quantitative result has been found from 7 statistical analysis test, that found the hypothesis has been accepted. The qualitative analysis also found that the majority of the partisipants have been changed. Almost all participants become aware of the negative effects of relational aggression, thinking first before taunting, and become compassionate to...
The decrease in the role of community leaders and religious leaders in overcoming alcoholic irreg... more The decrease in the role of community leaders and religious leaders in overcoming alcoholic irregularities is a separate problem in a community community. The purpose of this research is generally to increase the knowledge of community and religious leaders in the prevention of misuse of alcoholic irregularities. The hypothesis of this study is that the knowledge on MIRAS on the subject would be found higher or increased after obtaining psychoeducation "Anti MIRAS". The participants of this study were community leaders and religious leaders who stated their agreement and willingness. Data were analyzed by Paired Sample of T-Test and qualitatively. Quantitative results indicate that psychoeducation intervention "Anti MIRAS" did not significantly increase participants' knowledge. However, the qualitative results found that the outcome of this intervention was able to provide a positive insight about the dangers of MIRAS and bridging community leaders to agree on 11 points of agreement. Findings, limitations and recommendations in this study will also be discussed.
Papers by Ema Baroroh