Papers by Abdul Haris Setiawan
Jurnal At-Tamwil, Oct 28, 2023
Life in this digital era is greatly influenced by technological advances. The sheer volume of tec... more Life in this digital era is greatly influenced by technological advances. The sheer volume of technology shows that humans and technology cannot mix. In the 5.0 era, there is the idea that technology will work together with humans to improve the quality of life. One area that will benefit from the community is tourism. To increase tourism promotion, people can discover tourist attractions through digital content. Searching on various digital media, usually called social media, allows people to find tourist attractions through digital content. This conceptual research discusses the use of digital content as a tourism promotion tool. The importance of interesting content used in digital promotions so that the display supports the delivery of training presentation materials. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data source for this research comes from questions in a questionnaire regarding the opinions of tourist village managers in Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency regarding making videos based on digital media content to improve promotional skills. This research aims to find out whether there is an increase in knowledge of learning outcomes obtained from training.
Jiptek: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan, Jan 31, 2013
The objectives of this study are; (1) designing instructional media Computer Aided Design (CAD) f... more The objectives of this study are; (1) designing instructional media Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB) PTK FKIP UNS and Vocational High School (SMK) Building Construction Department, (2) to produce a viable medium of learning CAD, (3) determine whether the CAD design of learning media can improve the competence of students in PTB and vocational students Building Construction Department. The designing of instructional Media is made at Vocational High School (SMKN 5 Surakarta) given in the form of video instructional media learning is needed. The method used in this research is the development of research methods. Criteria for success of this study refers to the successful implementation of product testing. The success include process and outcome indicators: (1) it is compliance with aspects of the substance of learning, aspects of media and instructional aspects, (2) It fits for use as a medium of learning, (3) vocational students receive as an innovative product in the learning, (4) it can help Vocational High School students (SMK) in learning more effective and efficient. The conclusion of this study include: (1) CAD design of instructional media for PTB and SMK is carried out in accordance with the procedures, (2) media products of CAD Learning Media is worth to use in PTB FKIP UNS and SMK Building Construction Department, (3) CAD instructional media products can increase the competence of student at PTB and vocational students Building Construction Department.
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2019
ujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Menghasilkan mediapembelajaran E-Vocational dengan materi ... more ujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Menghasilkan mediapembelajaran E-Vocational dengan materi menggambar potongan lanjutan untuk matakuliah program CAD 2D. (2) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan Media Pembelajaran EVocational dengan materi menggambar potongan lanjutan untuk mata kuliah programCAD 2D.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian riset dan pengembangan, denganmelakukan pengembangan media pembelajaran E-Vocational. Prosedur pengembanganmedia pembelajaran dilakukan melalui: (1) Tahap studi pendahuluan dilakukan denganstudi literatur dan studi lapangan/observasi. (2)Tahap pengembangan dengan melakukanpengkajian materi, penyusunan desain model yang dibagi menjadi 6 bagian diantaranya:penyusunan draf materi dan dasar-dasar e-learning, proses pembuatan mediapembelajaran E-Vocational, pembuatan materi, pembuatan editing video pembelajaran,upload materi dan video pembelajaran pada E-Vocational, media pembelajaran EVocational. Selanjutnya. melakukan. validasi penilaia. kepada .par...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional UNS Vocational Day, Jan 19, 2018
Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tepat akan memudahkan peserta didik dalam... more Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tepat akan memudahkan peserta didik dalam belajar, akan tetapi penggunaan media pembelajaran dengan metode yang tidak terencana dapat mengakibatkan masalah baru yang justru dapat menurunkan kualitas pembelajaran. Penelitian penerapan media Pembelajaran video pada model demonstrasi terbimbing ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui langkah-langkah yang tepat dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran video dengan model demonstrasi terbimbing (2) memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran menggambar bangunan gedung dengan menggunakan aplikasi Autodesk Autocad. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas, yang dilaksanakan dengan mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada didalam kelas, merencanakan pembelajaran dengan menyusun langkah-langkah pembelajaran menggunakan model demonstrasi terbimbing, melaksanakan tindakan, observasi, evaluasi, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan. Data diperoleh melalui observasi pembelajaran di kelas, wawancara dan tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) langkah-langkah yang tepat dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran video dengan model demonstrasi adalah dengan diawali apersepsi, dilanjutkan membentuk kelompok dengan anggota empat mahasiswa, dilanjutkan pembagian file video pembelajaran dan soal, dilanjutkan dengan pemutaran video pembelajaran, dilanjutkan diskusi kelompok untuk mengerjakan soal, kemudian presentasi hasil kerja dengan metode demonstrasi terbimbing, selanjutnya dosen memberikan penguatan beserta kesimpulan dengan melibatkan mahasiswa, dan penilaian ; (2) Penggunaan media pembelajaran video dengan model demonstrasi terbimbing sebagaimana telah dilaksanakan pada penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan hasil belajar dari pra siklus sebesar 55%, siklus pertama 73%, siklus ke dua 94%.
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2016
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dal... more Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya pada siswa kelas X A Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK Negeri 2 Sukoharjo menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)melalui Lesson study. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam III siklus, setiap siklus meliputi tahap perencanaan (plan) , tahap pelaksanaan (do), tahap observasi, dan tahap refleksi (see). Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X A Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK N 2 Sukoharjo tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Data diperoleh melalui observasi ranah afektif, psikomotorik, dan keaktifan siswa, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Triangulasi data digunakan untuk menjaga validasi data, sedangkan untuk analisa data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif kualitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah odel pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) melalui Le...
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Abdul Haris ... more Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Abdul Haris Setiawan Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Sipil/Bangunan Jurusan PTK FKIP UNS Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Penelitian berupa survey yang bersifat confirmatory yang dimaksud untuk menguji model yang telah diuji sebelumnya berdasarkan teori-teori yang sudah ada sebelumnya terhadap fenomena sosial tertentu, yang ditujukan untuk memecahkan masalah yang sedang terjadi pada masa sekarang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri di kota surakarta, dengan pertimbangan bahwa lokasi tersebut terdapat permasalahan yang ditemukan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui: (1) tingkat kinerja guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri di Kota Surakarta; (2) tingkat kepemimpinan kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri di Kota Surakarta; (3) pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah (X) terhadap kinerja guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri di Kota Surakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik...
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendesain model materi ajar dan evaluasi yang memanfaat... more Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendesain model materi ajar dan evaluasi yang memanfaatkan Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) berbasis Project Based Learning (Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek) pada mata pelajaran Gambar Teknik. 2) Mengetahui efektifitas model materi ajar dan evaluasi yang memanfaatkan Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) berbasis Project Based Learning (Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek) pada mata pelajaran Gambar Teknik. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian Research and Development (Penelitian dan Pengembangan). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap, dengan tiap tahap terdiri atas studi pendahuluan, studi pengembangan, dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi, angket, dan tes. Pengujian produk menggunakan teknik Alpha Testing, Beta Testing, dan Sumatif Testing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terciptanya modul yang layak digunakan sebagai media pendukung pembelajaran, ditinjau dari: 1) Aspek Substansi, 68% (baik). 2) Aspek Instruksional, 72% (baik...
The study aims to determine the effect of adding steel lathe waste to the value of slump, determi... more The study aims to determine the effect of adding steel lathe waste to the value of slump, determine the effect of adding steel lathe waste to flexural strength of concrete, knowing the increasing of compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete due to the addition of steel lathe waste in different levels, and determine the optimum addition levels of steel lathe waste on the flexural strength of concrete. This study used an experimental method in the laboratory of Faculty of Training and Teacher Education Program and Building Engineering Materials and Structures Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering UNS by adding variety to the mix of waste steel lathe for normal concrete. The addition of a steel lathe waste variation with levels of 0% to 2.5% of the cement weight. The quality of concrete planned with mix design system = 20 MPa. Preparation of the samples consisted of 24 samples for compressive strength and flexural strength of 24 samples, the sample testing is done at 28 days ...
AbstractThe purposes of this study are (1) knowing the improving of students’ cognitive learning ... more AbstractThe purposes of this study are (1) knowing the improving of students’ cognitive learning outcomes in drawing techniques courses using video learning by applying learning model Ability Grouping; (2) knowing the improving of students’ affective learning outcomes in drawing techniques courses using video learning by applying learning model Ability Grouping, (3) knowing the improving of students’ psychomotor learning outcomes in drawing techniques courses using video learning by applying learning model Ability Grouping. Ability Grouping is a learning system where students’ activities were done in group and more emphasis on discussion between learners in groups. This learning system emphasizes how students digest and put forward a discussion of the results of the subject matter. This study is an action research conducted in two cycles. First cycle begins with the identification of existing problems in the class room, then planning the steps of learning by using ability grouping m...
Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series, 2021
Cooperative learning model Jigsaw which collaborated with lesson study is one of the strategies u... more Cooperative learning model Jigsaw which collaborated with lesson study is one of the strategies used to stimulate the students’ participation in the learning process, especially in solving and explaining each answer of problems given by the teacher so that the learning process is not only centered on the teacher but also the students. The purposes of this research are to: (1) determine the application of the appropriate steps in order to increase students’ participation and students’ learning outcome through Jigsaw cooperative learning model with lesson study; (2) to know the improvement of students’ participation and students’ learning outcome for the Engineering Mechanics subject of grade X of state SMK in Sukoharjo through the implementation of Jigsaw cooperative learning model with lesson study. This research is a classroom action research which conducted in three cycles.The results showed that: (1) there was appropriate application of steps in improving the students’ participa...
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dal... more Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya pada siswa kelas X Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK Sukoharjo menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) melalui Lesson study. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam III siklus, setiap siklus meliputi tahap perencanaan (plan) , tahap pelaksanaan (do), tahap observasi, dan tahap refleksi (see). Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK Sukoharjo. Data diperoleh melalui observasi ranah afektif, psikomotorik, dan keaktifan siswa, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Triangulasi data digunakan untuk menjaga validasi data, sedangkan untuk analisa data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif kualitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah odel pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) melalui Lesson study dapat meningkatan keaktifan ...
ABSTRACTThis study aims to (1) understand the influence of learning by the lecturerto student lea... more ABSTRACTThis study aims to (1) understand the influence of learning by the lecturerto student learning outcomes (2) know the size of the campus learningenvironment influence on learning outcomes, (3) know the level influence studentparticipation in learning on learning outcomes, (4) know the level of influencestudent study habits on learning outcomes and (5) know the size of the effect oflearning, the campus learning environment, student participation and studentstudy habits together toward student learning outcomes.The study population are students of PTB JPTK UNS FKIP followingcomputer applications course 2008/2009 academic year as many as 41 people.The sample used was all populations. The data was collected using aquestionnaire. The data analysis technique used is regression analysis.The results found that: (1) there are no significant positive effect betweenlearning by the lecturer (X1) on learning outcomes (Y) with correlation coefficientof 0.251, and the effective contribution...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 2020
As a part of developing research to design a vocational course, this study aims to examine studen... more As a part of developing research to design a vocational course, this study aims to examine students’ skills in the industries and discover the gap between industry need and vocational students’ skills. The future work is determining the relevant learning experiences for the course. It is a gap evaluation study using 130 samples selected from four vocational high schools by proportional random sampling with descriptive analysis and matched-pairs Wilcoxon test. The results showed the construction drawing skills are in a Good category of 68.26 with a Low discrepancy of 31.74% and the collaborative skills are in a Fair category of 61.69 with a Low discrepancy of 38.31%. Furthermore, the lowest students’ skills with the highest gap are the collaborative skills, prioritizing collaboration between peers of 57.50 with 42.50% discrepancy, prioritizing the team’s expectations of 58.08 with 41.92% discrepancy, and prioritizing group responsibilities and learning interdependence of 58.65 with 41.35% discrepancy.
Open Engineering, 2021
This study aims to support developing research in designing a vocational lesson and learning mode... more This study aims to support developing research in designing a vocational lesson and learning model for civil engineering education study program by examining students’ collaborative skills toward construction drawing skills as a substantial skill in civil engineering. This study investigated student performance for proposing collaborative learning approaches to improve student skills as needed by industry. It is an ex-post-facto study using 130 samples from several vocational high schools in Indonesia with descriptive statistics and regression for the data analysis. The results show that the collaborative skill is in a fair category of 60.00 and the construction drawing skill is in a good category of 67.49 on a 100 scale. There is a significant and positive influence of collaborative skill (X) toward construction drawing skill (Y) with a linear regression model Ŷ = 31.443 + 1.952X. Furthermore, it presented a correlation coefficient of 0.644, a determination coefficient (R 2) of 0.4...
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, Jul 31, 2017
The current educational process shows that many students who are less active during the learning ... more The current educational process shows that many students who are less active during the learning process. Learning process is focused on the teachers only which affects the students' lack of understanding of the lesson. This study aims to determine the application of edmodo media with ASSURE learning design on teacher performance and student learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action research conducted in class X TKBB SMK N 2 Surakarta, amounting to 31 students. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of the planning, implementation, observation, and refletion phases. The research instrument used consisted of teacher performance appraisal, student performance appraisal by teacher, cognitive, psychomotor, and affective assessment. The validity of the data using triangulation and analyze the data using descriptive quantitative analyze model by using descriptive statistics.The results showed that at the time of pre-cycle of teacher performance included in category C with value 66,67, cycle I entered in category B with value of 75,00 and cycle II entered in category B with value 83,33. Its mean, Edmodo media with ASSURE learning design can improve teacher performance. In each cycle, as well as the increase in student learning outcomes, this means increased teacher performance also has an impact on increasing student learning outcomes
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan, 2017
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah : (1) Merancang media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial pada mata... more Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah : (1) Merancang media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial pada mata kuliah Ilmu Ukur Tanah II. (2) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial pada mata kuliah Ilmu Ukur Tanah II. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research & Development (R&D) melalui prosedur pengembangan media pembelajaran yaitu : (1) Tahap studi pendahuluan dengan melaksanakan studi lapangan dan studi literatur. (2) Tahap studi perancangan dengan melakukan penyusunan desain media yang dibagi menjadi 3 bagian diantaranya: penyusunan draft materi, penyusunan naskah materi, penyusunan storyboard dan penentuan kebutuhan software dan hardware. Kemudian pengambilan video, screenshoot video, editing video, dubbing audio dan penyusunan dalam adobe flash professional cs6. Selanjutnya melakukan validasi penilaian kepada para ahli / pakar materi, media dan pembelajaran untuk menilai kelayakan media pembelajaran. Selanjutnya melakukan uji coba terbatas dengan 8 mahas...
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2015
The purpose of this research is to improve the teaching of engineering mechanics and explain the ... more The purpose of this research is to improve the teaching of engineering mechanics and explain the mechanism of implementation of engineering mechanics of learning through the implementation of cooperative learning TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) in class X SMK TGB B 2 Sukoharjo academic year 2014/2015.This study uses a Class Action Research (CAR). This study was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects in this study TGB B class X SMK Negeri 2 Sukoharjo the school year 2014/2015 amounted to 32 consist of 17 boys and 15 girls. Data collection techniques with learning outcomes assessment calculations simple construction, observation, and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis based on the percentage.Based on data analysis results: The implementation of cooperative learning TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) can improve the mechanics of learning te...
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran Kontekstual tipe Examples No... more Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran Kontekstual tipe Examples Non-Examples dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar (2) Mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran Kontekstual tipe ExamplesNon-Examples. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kontekstual tipe Examples Non- Examples. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI TGB SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Triangulasi data digunakan untuk menjaga validasi data, sedangkan untuk teknik analisis data digunakan teknik analisis interaktif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah: (1) Penerapan model pembelajaran Kontekstual tipe Examples Non-Examples dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar. (2) Adanya peningkatan efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran Kontekstual tipe Examples Non-Examples.Kata Kunci: Kontekstual
Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2018
h: 0px; "> This research aims to: (1) determine the application of SAVI’s modelto improve... more h: 0px; "> This research aims to: (1) determine the application of SAVI’s modelto improve the quality of process and student learning achievement (2) determine the improvement of quality learning process (3) determine the improvement of student learning achievement in building construction subject in tenth grade Civil Engineering at SMKN 2 Surakarta. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research were conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation, and tests.The validity test of the data using data triangulation and data analysis using descriptive analysis. The result showed that (1) application of SAVI’s model in classroom has been done well (2) SAVI’s model can improve the quality of learning process in classroom (3) SAVI’s model can improve the student learning achievement in classroom. This means, after the application of...
Papers by Abdul Haris Setiawan