Papers by Mohammed EL BEKRI

The goal of this study was to assess the impact of binary combination antioxidant synergistic eff... more The goal of this study was to assess the impact of binary combination antioxidant synergistic effects of honeybee products (citrus honey, clover honey, sugar feeding honey, bee pollen, bee bread, bee wax, old wax comb, Egyptian propolis, Chinese propolis, royal jelly, Drone brood homogenate, worker brood homogenate, queen brood homogenate, bee venom) and The present study compared the antioxidant activity between ethanol and water extracts of bee products and evaluated the synergistic antioxidant activity effect of binary combination of bee products (water and ethanol extracts, separately), the antioxidant activity was analyzed via DPPH radical scavenging activity assay and found propolis as one of the most powerful antioxidant among all the honeybee products examined, and the ethanol (80%) extraction method recorded more antioxidant activity than the water extract, but in the royal jelly, drone brood homogenate, worker brood homogenate, queen brood homogenate and bee venom the water extract were the highest. The obtained results of honey bee product mixture activity affected by the interaction between chemical compositions of them, which had an impact on their antioxidant activity. And several of these binary combinations showed synergistic results; this might be because adding more antioxidant components from other products increased the antioxidant capacity.
In this paper, we provide some fixed point theorems for commuting mappings on locally convex spac... more In this paper, we provide some fixed point theorems for commuting mappings on locally convex spaces. The obtained results generalize Darbo's fixed point theorem, Sadovski's fixed point theorem and Markoff-Kakutani's theorem. As application, we get an extension of the Hahn-Banach theorem type.

Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, 2010
Les levains de fermentation ont été utilisés depuis des siècles pour améliorer et favoriser la co... more Les levains de fermentation ont été utilisés depuis des siècles pour améliorer et favoriser la conservation des aliments. Le présent travail a pour but de mettre en évidence un procédé contrôlé fiable permettant la fermentation et la conservation des olives, pour remplacer le procédé traditionnel connu au Maroc, dont la qualité est souvent peu appréciable. La bactérie lactique B2 et la souche de levure L1 isolées et sélectionnées, à grand pouvoir acidifiant et à haut potentiel fermentatif ont été retenues pour constituer le levain de fermentation. La fermentation des olives a été réalisée selon les trois protocoles expérimentaux suivants : une fermentation spontanée, une deuxième réalisée par un mélange simultané des deux souches (B2 et L1) et une troisième par une inoculation par la levure puis par la bactérie lactique après abaissement du pH. L'évolution de la fermentation a été suivie par analyse des paramètres physicochimiques (température, acidité, pH) et microbiologiques (FMAT, Coliformes, bactéries lactiques et levures). L'acidité a augmenté pour atteindre 1,1%, le pH a baissé pour atteindre 3,9 en fin de la fermentation. Cette fermentation contrôlée a permis une réduction du temps de fermentation, l'obtention des olives de qualité homogène et de qualité hygiénique finale satisfaisante.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2013
Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 2014
The aerial parts of Thymus capitatus were examined for fungicidal activities and analyzed for the... more The aerial parts of Thymus capitatus were examined for fungicidal activities and analyzed for their fatty acids concentrations, using trans-esterification and gas chromatography mass spectroscopy analysis. Fifteen fatty acids were identified, accounting for 95.0 % of the lipid content. Two major fatty acids, α-linolenic (29.6 %) and linoleic (15.1 %), were found in abundance in the hexane extract. The effect of fatty acids and hexane extract on the growth of the plant pathogenic fungi isolated by citrus fruits—Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryza, Penicillium digitatum, and Fusarium solani—fungi were examined by in vitro studies. The fatty acids and hexane extract inhibited the mycelial growth of all strains tested.
Journal of Essential Oil Research, 2014
ABSTRACT The chemical composition of Algerian Daucus carota ssp. hispanicus Gouan. essential oils... more ABSTRACT The chemical composition of Algerian Daucus carota ssp. hispanicus Gouan. essential oils has been investigated using gas chromatography/retention indices (GC/RIs) and GC–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), and their antibacterial and antifungal activities were tested for the first time. Chemical analysis allowed the identification of sixty-eight compounds amounting to 92.3–98.5% of aerial part essential oils and eight components representing 97.4–99.4% of root essential oils. Intra-species variations of the chemical compositions of essential oils from ten Algerian sample locations were investigated using statistical analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis). In addition, root essential oils of D. carota ssp. hispanicus were found to be strongly fungicidal and inhibitory to aflatoxin production.
Rao-Geodesic distance on the generalized gamma manifold: Study of three sub-manifolds and applica... more Rao-Geodesic distance on the generalized gamma manifold: Study of three sub-manifolds and application in the Texture Retrieval domain 1 Toshiaki Adachi: Trajectories on real hypersurfaces of type (A 2) which can be seen as circles in a complex hyperbolic space 19 Dmitri Alekseevsky: Lorentzian manifolds with transitive conformal group 35 Cornelia-Livia Bejan and Oldrich Kowalski: On a generalization of geodesic and magnetic curves 49
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 2009
Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2008
The objective of this study was to ascertain the scientific basis for the use of this plant in th... more The objective of this study was to ascertain the scientific basis for the use of this plant in the management of diabetes using streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced type-II diabetic rats.
The electrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules, especially those coming from biomass, ... more The electrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules, especially those coming from biomass, principally alcohols, has been studied for understanding the role of different experimental
Analytical modeling of mechanical behavior of structures: Comparative analysis, experimental vali... more Analytical modeling of mechanical behavior of structures: Comparative analysis, experimental validation and numerical correction with FEM of material defects generated by anisotropic etching

Data warehouse (DW) architectures, which are at the core of many new generation information syste... more Data warehouse (DW) architectures, which are at the core of many new generation information systems, are designed to provide decision makers and professional analysts with intuitive and performing means to explore and get intelligent data from large heterogeneous databases. Most methods dealing with DW projects focus on functional requirements related to data quality; nonfunctional requirements like security, performance or operability are considered in a complete separate way. The lack of a global approach that gather concurrently both aspects from the requirements analysis to the conceptual design causes that many DW projects fail to meet their goals in satisfying users’ needs and expectations. This work aims at developing a framework that encompasses both functional and non-functional requirements during the whole process of data warehouse design. This is achieved by integrating three additional aspects in the requirements analysis workflow, namely organizational, decisional and ...

Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE, 2004
There are huge numbers of wild animals distributed throughout the world and the diversity of wild... more There are huge numbers of wild animals distributed throughout the world and the diversity of wildlife species is immense. Each landscape and habitat has a kaleidoscope of niches supporting an enormous variety of vertebrate and invertebrate species, and each species or taxon supports an even more impressive array of macro-and micro-parasites. Infectious pathogens that originate in wild animals have become increasingly important throughout the world in recent decades, as they have had substantial impacts on human health, agricultural production, wildlife-based economies and wildlife conservation. The emergence of these pathogens as significant health issues is associated with a range of causal factors, most of them linked to the sharp and exponential rise of global human activity. Among these causal factors are the burgeoning human population, the increased frequency and speed of local and international travel, the increase in human-assisted movement of animals and animal products, changing agricultural practices that favour the transfer of pathogens between wild and domestic animals, and a range of environmental changes that alter the distribution of wild hosts and vectors and thus facilitate the transmission of infectious agents. Two different patterns of transmission of pathogens from wild animals to humans are evident among these emerging zoonotic diseases. In one pattern, actual transmission of the pathogen to humans is a rare event but, once it has occurred, human-to-human transmission maintains the infection for some period of time or permanently. Some examples of pathogens with this pattern of transmission are human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome, influenza A, Ebola virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome. In the second pattern, direct or vector-mediated animal-to-human transmission is the usual source of human infection. Wild animal populations are the principal reservoirs of the pathogen and human-to-human disease transmission is rare. Examples of pathogens with this pattern of transmission include rabies and other lyssaviruses, Nipah virus, West Nile virus, Hantavirus, and the agents of Lyme borreliosis, plague, tularemia, leptospirosis and ehrlichiosis. These zoonotic diseases from wild animal sources all have trends that are rising sharply upwards. In this paper, the authors discuss the causal factors associated with the emergence or re-emergence of these zoonoses, and highlight a selection to provide a composite view of their range, variety and origins. However, most of these diseases are covered in more detail in dedicated papers elsewhere in this Review.
ABSTRACT Introduction: around the world 1.3 developing countries. University students living in p... more ABSTRACT Introduction: around the world 1.3 developing countries. University students living in public hostels in Khartoum State and secondly to identify the possible risk factors involved. Methods: public hostels in Khartoum State. Blood samples were collected from 810 university students for the estimation of haemoglobin level. with only one associated with the level of anemia 28.1% for the age group [16 Students who were receiving bursary (the poorest studen associated with infections i.e. typhoid, intestinal worms. students living in public hostels was high (26.2%). Anemia was more prevalent among females, y groups, those having infections and of the lower economic status.

In Information Retrieval System (IRS), the Automatic Relevance Feedback (ARF) is a query reformul... more In Information Retrieval System (IRS), the Automatic Relevance Feedback (ARF) is a query reformulation technique that modifies the initial one without the user intervention. It is applied mainly through the addition of terms coming from the external resources such as the ontologies and or the results of the current research. In this context we are mainly interested in the local analysis technique for the ARF in ad-hoc IRS on Arabic documents. In this article, we have examined the impact of the variation of the two parameters implied in this technique, that is to say, the number of the documents «D» and the number of terms «T», on an Arabic IRS performance. The experimentation, carried out on an Arabic corpus text, enables us to deduce that there are queries which are not easily improvable with the query reformulation. In addition, the success of the ARF is due mainly to the selection of a sufficient number of documents D and to the extraction of a very reduced set of relevant terms T for retrieval.

Computer Science & Information Technology ( CS & IT ), 2015
We present in this work an energy detection algorithm, based on spectral power estimation, in the... more We present in this work an energy detection algorithm, based on spectral power estimation, in the context of cognitive radio. The algorithm is based on the Neyman-Pearson test where the robustness of the appropriate spectral bands identification, is based, at one hand, on the 'judicious' choice of the probability of detection (P D) and false alarm probability (P F). First, we accomplish a comparative study between two techniques for estimation of PSD (Power Spectral Density): the periodogram and Welch methods. Also, the interest is focused on the choice of the optimal duration of observation where we can state that this latter one should be inversely proportional to the level of the SNR of the transmitted signal to be sensed. The developed algorithm is applied in the context of cognitive radio. The algorithm aims to identify the free spectral bands representing, reserved for the primary user, of the signal carrying information, issued from an ASCII encoding alphanumeric message and utilizing the BPSK modulation, transmitted through an AWGN (Added White Gaussian Noise) channel. The algorithm succeeds in identifying the free spectral bands even for low SNR levels (e.g. to-2 dB) and allocate them to the informative signal representing the secondary user.
Physical Review B, 2014
Iron phthalocyanine adsorbed on an oxygen covered Fe(110) surface shows a complex coverage-depend... more Iron phthalocyanine adsorbed on an oxygen covered Fe(110) surface shows a complex coverage-dependent spin polarization during growth of a molecular monolayer. Spin polarization is modified at low submonolayer coverages, absent at intermediate submonolayer coverages, and reappears in modified form for a complete monolayer. This is attributed to coverage-dependent adsorption configurations from a random adsorption system to a packed monolayer with a well-defined interfacial spin polarization. In addition, we report on the observation of a rotation of the spin direction of photoelectrons in the presence of molecules which is attributed to molecular modifications of surface magnetic anisotropy.
Bulletin of the American …, 2012
Graphene grown by the thermal decomposition of SiC has become of interest to the semiconductor in... more Graphene grown by the thermal decomposition of SiC has become of interest to the semiconductor industry due to its unique, high-mobility electronic structure. The growth is of a more scalable nature when compared to exfoliated flakes produced from the ``scotch tape'' method. The ...
Papers by Mohammed EL BEKRI