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This paper registers some notes and interrogations concerning the express legal enshrinement of the concept of Social Market Economy. It highlights the ordoliberal origin of this concept and questions its meaning – associated with a... more
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União de direito para além do direito da União-as garantias de independência…
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    • Political Science
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O movimento digital, nomeadamente, as plataformas digitais (economia colaborativa) e a criação de um ecossistema digital, acabam por impor uma reflexão sobre uma mudança de paradigma do Direito. Ilustra a necessidade dessa reflexão, por... more
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    • Cyber and Digital Law
Proteção de dados pessoais, novo Regime Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais, Direitos Fundamentais e aplicação (do RGPD) no ordenamento jurídico português
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      Constitutional LawPolitical Science
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    • Art
Brexit/Protocol Ireland/Northern Ireland
Relation UE- UK after Brexit. The case of Ireland. Single Market.
International Law.
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"Cláusulas de paridade" e preços fixos, no setor da oferta turística intermediada através de "plataforma eletrónicas" (E-Book UNIO. SUMMER SCHOOL-2022). "Plataformas eletrónicas" de oferta de alojamento e serviços turísticos e alterações... more
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    • Direito da Concorrência
The speech of E. Macron (9 May, 2022). The Conference about the Future of Europe and the proposal of a new European Political Community.
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      European integrationFuture of the European Union
Ukranie. Enlargement. The future of Integration. Changing Rules.
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Bearing in mind the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation as of May 25, 2018, the Authors use the teachings of computer engineers to explain the extent to which data (including personal data) is at the basis of the... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsEuropean UnionPersonal Identity
The European integration is facing today a populist pressure which adds to the nationalist drive. Despite such movements behold a short-sighted and materially anti-democratic cosmovision, they are coming to power precisely through the... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Sciencedilemas
The European integration is facing today a populist pressure which adds to the nationalist drive. Despite such movements behold a short-sighted and materially anti-democratic cosmovision, they are coming to power precisely through the... more
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    • Direito
Jugdment EUCJ  PRIGOZHINA  - Case T - 212/22. 8, march, 2023.

Rule of Law. European Integration. Judicial power (independence).

Artº 296 TFUE.

War, but....rule of law.
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Democracy does not enjoy the world of good health, as it has ever enjoyed in the past, but it is not on the verge of grave" 1. These words are from the Italian master Norberto Bobbio, who, after this first part, states that "for a... more
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      Electronic DemocracyGood GovernanceITC Governance
Sobre a crise contemporânea do combate ao terrorismo e a proteção dos Direitos Humanos, Gustavo Pamplona Silva diz que aquela "é um desafio da agenda política internacional, e o terrorismo é uma das principais ameaças a tais direitos".... more
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      TerrorismCombating Terrorism and Counter Insurgency
"A democracia não goza no mundo de ótima saúde, como de resto jamais gozou no passado, mas não está à beira do túmulo". Quem diz isso é o mestre italiano Norberto Bobbio que, mais adiante, afirma que "para um regime democrático, o estar... more
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      Digital MediaDemocracyThe Internet
Esta Comunicação busca demonstrar a consolidação dos Direitos Humanos através das mídias, especialmente da Internet, evidenciando tudo o que vem sendo feito com vistas a efetiva consolidação desses direitos. Esta comunicação faz um... more
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      Human RightsThe InternetCivil Rights Movement, Agenda-Setting and the Media, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; New York Times v. Sullivan