Miguel Carvajal
Soy profesor de Periodismo en la Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, España). Actualmente centro mi investigación en la transformación de los medios de comunicación en el entorno digital. Me interesa la economía de los medios digitales y, especialmente, el estudio de las nuevas alternativas de financiación del periodismo, como el crowdfunding. Actualmente, participo en varios proyectos de investigación sobre las estrategias de la prensa en las tabletas y en los smartphones.
He sido profesor ayudante en la Universidad de Navarra (2001-2005) y profesor en la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (2005-2006). Además, he sido investigador visitante en la Universidad de Westminster de Londres (verano 2004) y en el Donald Mc Gannon Center de Fordham University (New York) (2010).
Miguel Carvajal, PhD, is Professor at the School of Communications of University Miguel Hernández (Elche, Spain). He has been Visiting Scholar at the Donald McGannon Communication Research Center at Fordham University (New York) during 2010. His research focuses in media economics, in particular the new models for funding digital journalism. He has published several studies in journals and books, including Strategies (book chapter) in The Economics Of The Mass Media (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006) and Media Concentration into the European Market (2002, with Sánchez-Tabenero, Alfonso). He is now participating in several research projects on digital newsroom convergence and distribution strategies of media companies in tablets and smartphones. He is also member of AE-IC, the Spain's Association for Communication Research and member of the GICOV Research Center in the Valencia Region.
Address: Universidad Miguel Hernández
Edificio Torreblanca
Avd. Universidad s/n, 03202
Elche (Alicante), SPAIN
He sido profesor ayudante en la Universidad de Navarra (2001-2005) y profesor en la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (2005-2006). Además, he sido investigador visitante en la Universidad de Westminster de Londres (verano 2004) y en el Donald Mc Gannon Center de Fordham University (New York) (2010).
Miguel Carvajal, PhD, is Professor at the School of Communications of University Miguel Hernández (Elche, Spain). He has been Visiting Scholar at the Donald McGannon Communication Research Center at Fordham University (New York) during 2010. His research focuses in media economics, in particular the new models for funding digital journalism. He has published several studies in journals and books, including Strategies (book chapter) in The Economics Of The Mass Media (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006) and Media Concentration into the European Market (2002, with Sánchez-Tabenero, Alfonso). He is now participating in several research projects on digital newsroom convergence and distribution strategies of media companies in tablets and smartphones. He is also member of AE-IC, the Spain's Association for Communication Research and member of the GICOV Research Center in the Valencia Region.
Address: Universidad Miguel Hernández
Edificio Torreblanca
Avd. Universidad s/n, 03202
Elche (Alicante), SPAIN
InterestsView All (10)
Conference Presentations by Miguel Carvajal
Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación global que pretende analizar las estrategias de producto y de distribución de los medios de comunicación en el ámbito digital. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir la presencia de los principales editores de prensa española en los móviles y en las tabletas a partir de un modelo de análisis en cuatro áreas (4Cs): canales, conversación, contenidos y comercialización. Los resultados sugieren que la multiplicación de canales por ahora ha provocado una estrategia defensiva y que no se aprovechan los recursos de estos nuevos soportes, cada vez más importantes para la audiencia."
Papers by Miguel Carvajal
and online advertising atomisation have transformed existing business models and put into
question traditional media management practices. Now more than ever, policy makers and
editors are concerned about the future of newspapers. In this changing scenario, there are new
media models that attempt to promote and preserve public interest journalism. Among them,
non-profit institutions and community-funded platforms are the most innovative and relevant
alternatives. They promote audience involvement using what is known as crowdfunding, or they
are funded by grants received from wealthy millionaires. For these new models, profit margins
and income are unwelcome. Despite the fact that they could be regarded as non-business models,
they are actually changing the paradigm of public interest journalism while providing fresh ideas
for traditional media. The aim of this paper is to explain the nature of crowdfunding by describing
the context in which it takes place and considering its impact on journalism. We have created a
database to identify all the crowdfunding initiatives around the world. The results highlight the
emergence of these platforms and other systems that make possible crowdfunded journalism and
investigative reporting. Transparency, user involvement and control over where their money goes
tend to be the success factors of these initiatives.
Artículos de investigación by Miguel Carvajal
Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación global que pretende analizar las estrategias de producto y de distribución de los medios de comunicación en el ámbito digital. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir la presencia de los principales editores de prensa española en los móviles y en las tabletas a partir de un modelo de análisis en cuatro áreas (4Cs): canales, conversación, contenidos y comercialización. Los resultados sugieren que la multiplicación de canales por ahora ha provocado una estrategia defensiva y que no se aprovechan los recursos de estos nuevos soportes, cada vez más importantes para la audiencia."
and online advertising atomisation have transformed existing business models and put into
question traditional media management practices. Now more than ever, policy makers and
editors are concerned about the future of newspapers. In this changing scenario, there are new
media models that attempt to promote and preserve public interest journalism. Among them,
non-profit institutions and community-funded platforms are the most innovative and relevant
alternatives. They promote audience involvement using what is known as crowdfunding, or they
are funded by grants received from wealthy millionaires. For these new models, profit margins
and income are unwelcome. Despite the fact that they could be regarded as non-business models,
they are actually changing the paradigm of public interest journalism while providing fresh ideas
for traditional media. The aim of this paper is to explain the nature of crowdfunding by describing
the context in which it takes place and considering its impact on journalism. We have created a
database to identify all the crowdfunding initiatives around the world. The results highlight the
emergence of these platforms and other systems that make possible crowdfunded journalism and
investigative reporting. Transparency, user involvement and control over where their money goes
tend to be the success factors of these initiatives.