Papers by Monika Michałowska
Brill, 2024
Richard Kilvington, one of the Oxford Calculators, was the only member of the group to pen an eth... more Richard Kilvington, one of the Oxford Calculators, was the only member of the group to pen an ethical commentary, thereby revealing his genuine interest in moral philosophy. In his Questions on the Ethics, he pondered an array of ethical issues that were en vogue in the first half of the fourteenth century, such as an ethical change from being virtuous to vicious, the structure of the will and its acts, the will-intellect relationship, the concept of habit, and the relationship between prudence and moral knowledge. Given the cluster of issues he addressed, his involvement in the debate was arguably rather standard in terms of themes. The novelty of his approach to ethical problems lay elsewhere. Specifically, he employed a variety of non-standard tools and arguments coming from physics to investigate ethical dilemmas. Although Kilvington was not the first to use, for example, the concept of motion to explore virtues/vices, his application of physical instruments and analogies reached an apex of sophistication in his Ethics, paving a new way for inspecting moral problems. Since his arguments are already known to have been eagerly taken over by his contemporaries and followers, such as Adam Wodeham, Robert Holcot, Robert Halifax, and John Ripa, it is now a matter of some urgency to shed more light on the origin of this new trend. This chapter examines Kilvington’s insights into the concept of virtues and vices as entwined with physical arguments, and highlights his unique methodology.
To illumine new approaches and to reveal the multiple facets of the will-debate, this conference ... more To illumine new approaches and to reveal the multiple facets of the will-debate, this conference will look into the leitmotifs of fourteenth-century voluntarist discourse, yet its special focus will lie on so far less studied aspects of the will that were trendy in the fourteenth-century, such as second-order volitions, supererogation, non-velle act of the will, temporal aspects of the will (instantaneous volition, intensification of the will over time), increase and decrease of the intensity of willing, new methods and arguments in the will-discourse, angelic vs human will, the mind-intellect unity, as well as roles the will played in explaining the production of social and political phenomena, such as artifacts, political and communal institutions, religious orders, and marriage, among others.
Technoetic Arts, 2022
What does it mean to be human? This question has made a meteoric career for itself, becoming a fo... more What does it mean to be human? This question has made a meteoric career for itself, becoming a focal point of almost every thread of the transhumanist debate. Significant as it is, the question eludes any definitive answer, since it directly engenders an array of related queries. This Special Issue questions our notions of the human being, human subjectivity, superiority and uniqueness, which tend to be underpinned by simplistic and simplifying dichotomies entrenched in western
philosophy, science and art.....
For more see here:
Technoetic Arts (Intellect), 2022
What does it mean to be human? This question has made a meteoric career for itself, becoming a fo... more What does it mean to be human? This question has made a meteoric career for itself, becoming a focal point of almost every thread of the transhumanist debate.Significant as it is, the question eludes any definitive answer, since it directly engenders an array of related queries. This Special Issue questions our notions of the human being, human subjectivity, superiority and uniqueness, which tend to be underpinned by simplistic and simplifying dichotomies entrenched in western philosophy, science and art. Eclipsed by the hierarchical vision of the world and dualistic metaphysics, the concept of the nonhuman (regardless of its biological form or ontological status) has always been dependent on its paring element (the human) losing its own significance and independent status. By articulating the problems we face in understanding and defining the human and the nonhuman, this Special Issue offers an insight into the current transhumanist discourse. Crossing the boundaries of disciplines and definitions, the contributors propose an assemblage of methodological and conceptual scaffoldings to build on in this project. They seek new ways and analytical strategies to advance the notions of ‘being one and many’ and ‘being-with’, and in doing so, they envision a new world where forging relations and co-existence with nonhuman agents lie at the core of human experience. The editorial gives some insight into the studies and concepts of this issue.
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Są one chronologicznie czwartym dziełem Kilvingtona i jednocześnie trzecim komentarzem do dzieł A... more Są one chronologicznie czwartym dziełem Kilvingtona i jednocześnie trzecim komentarzem do dzieł Arystotelesa jego autorstwa. Do pozostałych dzieł Kilvingtona zalicza się: Sophismata (Sofizmaty), Quaestiones super De generatione et corruptione (Kwestie do O powstawaniu i ginięciu), Quaestiones super Physicam (Kwestie do Fizyki), Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum (Kwestie do Sentencji) 2 oraz powstały już po opuszczeniu przez Kilvingtona uniwersytetu traktat teologiczny In causa domini Ardmachani: allegationes magistri Ricardi devoti viri contra fratres 3. Dotychczas wydane krytycznie zostały jedynie Sofizmaty 4 oraz Kwestie do Etyki 5. Dr hab. MONIKA MICHAŁOWSKA-Zakład Bioetyki Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi; adres do korespondencji: ul. Lindleya 6, 90-131 Łódź; e-mail: monika.michalowska@umed. ORCID: * Praca naukowa sfinansowana z środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr UMO-2014/15/ B/HS1/00409. 1 Więcej na temat powstania oraz zarysu tematyki Kwestii do Etyki zob. RICHARD KILVING
The Development of Aristotelian Psychology and Physiology in Medieval Europe Between 1200 and 1420: Introduction, 2022
The chapter is devoted to various aspects of philosophical anthropology in the views of Latin aut... more The chapter is devoted to various aspects of philosophical anthropology in the views of Latin authors of the Later Middle Ages. The boundaries of the period are set by two important historical occurrences: the translation of Aristotelian natural philosophy treatises into Latin at the turn of the thirteenth century and the early signs of crisis in scholastic philosophy precipitating the rejection of the pre-modern vision of human being as a psychosomatic unity by early modern science. It presents, in a chronological order, the changes and developments in the understanding of mutual relations between the soul and the body. It takes into account not only the areas of interest (reproduction, nutrition, growth, motion, perception, cognition, etc.) but also the forms of the analyzed works (literal commentaries, paraphrases, questions, treatises). Moreover, it pays attention to the way in which those works formed an interlocking chain through two and a half centuries of history with several recurrently crossing trails, some of which were frequented throughout the period, while others were of a more ephemeral character.
The questions concerning will, its freedom, and self-determination were leitmotifs in later medie... more The questions concerning will, its freedom, and self-determination were leitmotifs in later medieval philosophy. The overwhelming voluntarist trend that culminated in the later Middle Ages gave raise to multifaceted debates on the role of the will in human life. Naturally, these debates took into account the will’s relation to the intellect and other faculties of the soul in trying to explain human action, akrasia, and the role of motivation and other circumstances in producing volitional acts, as well as the connection between the will’s freedom and moral responsibility. Beyond questions concerning ethics and human action, the will played a role in explaining the production of social and political phenomena, such as artifacts, political and communal institutions, religious orders, marriage, and so forth. In this sense, the will can be perceived as a constructive power that, working with the intellect, can bring about effects that are relevant for social and political life beyond the individual moral life of a human being. The purpose of this conference is to bring together new and current research on conceptions of the will with a specific focus on ethical, political, and social contexts formulated in 13th- to 16th-century philosophy.
Udoskonalanie gatunku ludzkiegoproblemy definicyjne i argumentacyjne Human enhancement: problems ... more Udoskonalanie gatunku ludzkiegoproblemy definicyjne i argumentacyjne Human enhancement: problems of definition and argumentation Streszczenie Artykuł jest przeglądem głównych problemów definicyjnych i argumentacyjnych debaty nad udoskonalaniem gatunku ludzkiego. Dostrzegamy istnienie swoistej kaskady pojęciowej-usiłując podać definicję udoskonalania, autorzy starają się odróżnić je od terapii, dla zdefiniowania której potrzebują pojęcia normalności, a to z kolei odsyłaexplicite lub implicite-do pojęcia natury ludzkiej. W artykule: 1) przedstawiamy złożoność i nieostrość pojęcia udoskonalania, 2) analizujemy główne argumenty na rzecz zasadności odróżnienia pojęć "terapia" i "udoskonalanie", 3) analizujemy pojęcie normalności, 4) odnosimy się do trudności interpretacyjnych związanych z pojęciem "natura ludzka", 5) dostrzegając, że u podstaw obaw przed udoskonalaniem gatunku ludzkiego leży zjawisko nazywane neofobią, przyglądamy się mu w jednym z jego przejawów, 6) przedstawiamy uwikłany w szereg niejawnych założeń problem kryteriów kategoryzacji i klasyfikacji metod uważanych za doskonalące.
An interdisciplinary project “Dimensions of the body: between bioethics and film studies” is focu... more An interdisciplinary project “Dimensions of the body: between bioethics and film studies” is focused on the concepts of the body and on the ways of portraying it in audiovisual culture. One of the issues we investigate is the body of a paediatric patient. In this paper we concentrate on the new idea of using film as an element of psychiatric therapy of paediatric cancer patients. By referring to the concept of resilience theory, which studies the phenomenon of children’s, adolescents’ or adults’ positive adaptation despite adverse life conditions, traumatic events and hostile environments, we show how filmmaking workshops can constitute a key element of achieving resilience. In our research we employ the concept of José Luis Medina Amor’s theory of three C’s, that is: control, change, commitment. This paper presents the way filmmaking workshops for paediatric cancer patients could become a practical tool contributing greatly to achieving resilience. We show how all the elements of t...
The 1330s witnessed an unprecedented change in describing and solving ethical problems which germ... more The 1330s witnessed an unprecedented change in describing and solving ethical problems which germinated at the University of Oxford. The new trend triggered an extensive employment of logical and mathematical reasoning and tools in investigating the issues of natural philosophy and was soon transplanted into ethics and theology. Calculations, proportions, and measuring “ethical things” by the maximum and minimum grade or their first and last instants added up to a new set of problems under scrutiny, which prompted a series of unorthodox question: What if we can quantify virtues, vices, the will, and moral error? What if your will comes in degrees, and is more free on Monday, but less free on Tuesday? What if we can establish a scale of virtue and vice? This novel approach initiated by the Oxford Calculators challenged the standard medieval methods of addressing ethical problems. Soon, it would influence the minds of thinkers at the Universities of Paris and Vienna, representing the first instance of the reception of analytic philosophy on the Continent. Alluring though it sounded, the new movement was not welcomed by everyone in fourteenth-century Paris, or even at Oxford. Calculating human (im)morality was as tempting as it was objectionable to some.
Our conference will be dedicated to exploring the abundance of discourses on and approaches to late medieval ethics. We will search for the origins of this philosophical practice, look into the ways it was adopted by contemporary thinkers, and finally discuss the impact it had on the following generations of philosophers in the Middle Ages. We will ponder how ethical discourse was transformed at Oxford and on the Continent at that time to go beyond the standard and taken-for-granted contemporary views on fourteenth-century ethics.
Analiza i Egzystencja, 2021
The special issue of Analiza i Egzystencja entitled "The Intersections of Theology, Language, and... more The special issue of Analiza i Egzystencja entitled "The Intersections of Theology, Language, and Cognition in Medieval Tradition" features a diversity of approaches to debating theological and philosophical dilemmas in the late Middle Ages and offers a forum for cross-disciplinary research on medieval philosophy and theology. While scholars tended to cross disciplinary boundaries throughout the Middle Ages, interdisciplinary practices reached an apex of sophistication in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, promoting thematic and methodological entwinements. Admittedly, by combining analytical tools and terminology from disparate disciplines, thirteenth- and fourteenth-century authors crafted a methodological perspective that enabled them to describe and explore numerous issues from different angles, offering novel solutions to old problems. This approach was adopted in various fields of knowledge and proved most fruitful in theology, where it prompted a veritable cross-pollination of ideas. Especially inspiring were the intersections of theological, linguistic, and epistemological realms, as studied by several contributors to this issue.
Integrated Science: Science Without Borders (Springer Nature), 2021
Without a doubt, new forms of art, together with new (bio)technologies and bioengineering, challe... more Without a doubt, new forms of art, together with new (bio)technologies and bioengineering, challenge the well-established concepts, assumptions, and beliefs concerning the human and question the taken-for-granted parameters of what it means to be a human being. Given that bio/body art and new (bio)technologies influence our lives, significantly shaping the way we understand ‘the self’ and ‘the human,’ the extension of the discourse concerning these notions is greatly needed—the extension which will seriously take into account bio art and body art both as a tool of exploration and as a medium of transferring the findings to society. This new way of addressing the problems of human versus nonhuman will provide a platform for an interdisciplinary perspective that will enrich the debate by extending the anthropocentric vision of the world. The new vision of the world requires developing a new method of obtaining and sharing knowledge. The goal of this chapter is to show how the content can be connected with the method of work and theory with practice.
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Miscellanea Meddiaevalia Bd. 35, 2010
"Roczniki Filozoficzne" LVI n.2, 2008
BODY STORIES (Panoptikum), 2019
The volume entitled BODY STORIES presents various aspects of corporeality in bioethical and philo... more The volume entitled BODY STORIES presents various aspects of corporeality in bioethical and philosophical discourses as well as in artistic projects. The goal of this volume is to build a platform for an interdisciplinary debate on the dimensions of the body understood as a cultural phenomenon of the 21st century. By presenting this volume to readers, we also aim to cross the boundaries of various disciplines of humanities. By pointing out its multidimensional character, we wish to provide a forum for mutual inspirations.
Richard Kilvington on the Will Acting and Time. Question: Utrum voluntas eliciens actum voluntati... more Richard Kilvington on the Will Acting and Time. Question: Utrum voluntas eliciens actum voluntatis pro aliquo instanti debeat ipsum actum per aliquod tempus necessario tenere from his Questions on the Sentences
Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków, 2016
Ryszard Kilvington, założyciel i jeden z najaktywniejszych członków szkoły Kalkulatorów Oksfordzk... more Ryszard Kilvington, założyciel i jeden z najaktywniejszych członków szkoły Kalkulatorów Oksfordzkich, jest autorem komentarza do Etyki nikomachejskiej Arystotelesa, zatytułowanego Kwestie do Etyki (Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum, 1324-1326), w którym podejmuje rozważania dotyczące woli, czynów dobrowolnych i niedobrowolnych, zagadnienia słabości moralnej oraz rozwijania cnót moralnych. Propozycja Kilvingtona jest niezwykle ciekawa, ale również bezprecedensowa, bowiem w rozważaniach poświęconych woli oraz cnotom i wadom etycznym Kilvington wykorzystuje terminologię i argumenty zaczerpnięte z obszaru logiki i filozofii przyrody, poddając wolę i cnotę etycznie nieustannym pomiarom, obliczając ich maksimum i minimum, czy też pierwszą czy ostatnią chwile ich trwania. Z tych analiz wyłania się koncepcja woli rozumianej jako złożona, wielopłaszczyznowa i wielowymiarowa władza o niebywałej dynamice.
Papers by Monika Michałowska
philosophy, science and art.....
For more see here:
Our conference will be dedicated to exploring the abundance of discourses on and approaches to late medieval ethics. We will search for the origins of this philosophical practice, look into the ways it was adopted by contemporary thinkers, and finally discuss the impact it had on the following generations of philosophers in the Middle Ages. We will ponder how ethical discourse was transformed at Oxford and on the Continent at that time to go beyond the standard and taken-for-granted contemporary views on fourteenth-century ethics.
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philosophy, science and art.....
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Our conference will be dedicated to exploring the abundance of discourses on and approaches to late medieval ethics. We will search for the origins of this philosophical practice, look into the ways it was adopted by contemporary thinkers, and finally discuss the impact it had on the following generations of philosophers in the Middle Ages. We will ponder how ethical discourse was transformed at Oxford and on the Continent at that time to go beyond the standard and taken-for-granted contemporary views on fourteenth-century ethics.
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technology that has been witnessed for the past thirty
years resulted in emerging new ethical dilemmas as well as
the revision of some perennial ones. The paper aims at a
feminist approach to oocyte and spare embryo donation for
research. First, referring to different concepts of autonomy
and informed consent, we discuss whether the decision to
donate oocyte/embryo can truly be an autonomous choice
of a female patient. Secondly, we argue the commonly
adopted language of gift is misleading and that calling for
altruism could put female patients at risk of exploitation.
Finally, we point out that the presence of gender stereotypes
in the procreative area casts doubt whether even a
more robust notion of informed consent manages to overcome
this risk.
Keywords: dying, eroticism, ageing, stereotypes, clichés, contemporary cinema
debaty nad udoskonalaniem gatunku ludzkiego.
Dostrzegamy istnienie swoistej kaskady pojęciowej – usiłując podać
definicję udoskonalania, autorzy starają się odróżnić je od terapii,
dla zdefiniowania której potrzebują pojęcia normalności, a to z kolei
odsyła – explicite lub implicite – do pojęcia natury ludzkiej. W artykule:
1) przedstawiamy złożoność i nieostrość definicji pojęcia udoskonalania,
2) analizujemy główne argumenty na rzecz zasadności
odróżnienia pojęć „terapia” i „udoskonalanie”, 3) analizujemy pojęcie
normalności, 4) odnosimy się do trudności interpretacyjnych
związanych z pojęciem „natura ludzka”, 5) dostrzegając, że u podstaw
obaw przed udoskonalaniem gatunku ludzkiego leży zjawisko
nazywane neofobią, przyglądamy się mu w jednym z jego przejawów,
6) przedstawiamy uwikłany w szereg niejawnych założeń problem
kryteriów kategoryzacji i klasyfikacji metod uważanych za doskonalące.
Łódź, 13-14 June
Dr Monika Mansfeld, University of Łódź
Dr hab. Monika Michałowska, Medical University of Łódź
Dr hab. Marek Gensler, Prof. UŁ, University of Łódź
Research in history of science is an important part of the study of history of civilization. A special place in the history of science is occupied by the study of medieval science, not only because of its role in transmission of ancient knowledge into the Modern Times, but also because of its own, ingenious and inspiring achievements. This is especially visible in some issues, like the problem of mind-body relationship, to which late medieval thinkers made considerable contributions. Starting from moment, in which Aristotle’s De anima and Parva naturalia were translated into Latin, medieval philosophers, fascinated with new perspectives opened by those works, engaged in numerous attempts at integrating and extending this field of knowledge. In their work, they were able skilfully to join the Aristotelian tradition with their own observations and conclusions concerning the problems raised by the Philosopher.
The main objective of our conference is for the participants to share their research experience and results concerning late medieval texts dealing with problems belonging to the borderland between psychology and physiology. The research on these source texts contributes to our better understanding of the role those problems had in the history of late medieval thought and, moreover, it increases the awareness of how the late medieval concepts dealing with mutual relations of body, mind and soul influenced the scientific discourse in later historical periods.
W naszym wystąpieniu skoncentrujemy się na przykładach reprezentacji umierania i opieki paliatywnej w kulturze audiowizualnej. Pokażemy, z jaką częstością pojawiają się one we współczesnej kulturze audiowizualnej i czy odsetek filmów oraz seriali medycznych, w których są obecne, zmienia się. Wskażemy, którym filmowym motywom zazwyczaj towarzyszą. Następnie przeanalizujemy je na dwóch płaszczyznach – z punktu widzenia bioetyki i medycyny.
W naszych rozważaniach zwrócimy uwagę na powtarzające się na ekranie fakty i mity dotyczące opieki paliatywnej i umierania. Na koniec wskażemy kilka zjawisk, które przyczyniają się do stereotypizacji śmierci i opieki paliatywnej na ekranie.
(Badania naukowe w ramach projektu badawczego nr 2015/19/B/HS1/00996 finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki)
Wywiad z autorkami dostepny jest tutaj:
Konferencja naukowa odbyła się w dniach 1-2 marca 2019 r. w Centrum Dydaktycznym Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi w ramach realizacji projektu „Rozwój 2b” Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki w latach 2016-2019 (nr. projektu: 0073/NPRH4/H2b/83/2016). W skład komitetu naukowego weszły dr hab. Monika Michałowska i dr Anna Alichniewicz z Zakładu Bioetyki Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. W konferencji udział wzięli badacze z 14 ośrodków akademickich w Polsce.
Relacja z konferencji dostępna jest tutaj:
This volume presents a critical edition of question 4 from Kilvington’s Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum, complete with an introduction to the edition and a guide to Kilvington’s theological concepts.
are still available solely in manuscripts. Secondly, some authors whose merits as ingenious philosophers and/or logicians have already been acknowledged did not pen texts explicitly or entirely devoted to the will and have thus been regarded as irrelevant to debates on the will. Consequently, their writings have not been studied from the will-perspective. Thirdly, the contemporary discourse on late medieval theories of the will developed by scholars working on ethics, the metaphysics of the will, and moral psychology has of late been dominated by a tendency to marginalize “minor authors” and those whose reputation lay elsewhere. We believe that this trend has particularly disadvantaged the Oxford
Calculators, therefore, this book seeks to shed some light on the concepts of the will hatched at Oxford in the 1330s by exploring the themes and approaches adopted by Walter Chatton (an opponent of William Ockham) and Richard Kilvington (one of the Oxford Calculators).
This threefold volume starts with the theories of William Ockham to show
how he paved the way for the Oxonian thinkers of the 1330s, some of whom were his conversation partners and opponents in disputes. In Part 1, we offer a detail study of his notions of the human and the divine wills, the freedom of the will as entwined with the problem of future contingents and divine foreknowledge, the will and time, and the will in relation to causal chains. Part 2 illumines the diversity of the will’s acts and the manifold structure of the will as envisaged by Walter Chatton and Richard Kilvington. Part 3 focuses on the complexity of the temporal entanglements of the will’s acting and shows how the problem of simultaneous contradictories was advanced by the Oxonian philosophers to develop finally into a separate issue, known as the contradiction
theory of change.
Critical Edition of Question 3 from Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum
of fertilisation, on pregnancy as well as on the health of the mother
and foetus have been broadly addressed in the relevant medical literature;
the increased risk of “pregnancy-induced diseases, mainly
hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and placenta praevia”
for older pregnant women has also become generally acknowledged.
¹ The fact that the issue of late motherhood has gained such
intense interest prompts the question as to whether comparable attention
has been devoted to the reproductive outcomes of late fatherhood.
Our study aims to provide some insight into the way the
problem of both maternal and paternal age is discussed in medical
literature, namely what language is employed and whether the
problems of maternal and paternal ages are contextualised in the
same way.