Papers by Karolina Czarnecka
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e) miR128 f) miR-130a g) miR-192 h) miR-221 i miR-222 j) miR-let7f in PB lymphocytes in patients with obturation vs. abnormal spirometry. (JPEG 4159 kb)
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e) miR-128a f) miR-130a g) miR-192 h) miR-221 i) miR-222 j) miR-let7f in PB lymphocytes in patients with acute vs. insidious form of disease. (JPEG 4053 kb)
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e) miR-128a f) miR-130a g) miR-192 h) miR-221 i) miR-222 j) miR-let7f in PB lymphocytes in patients in radiological stages I vs. II-IV (JPEG 4059 kb)
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) d) miR-27b, miR-20a ... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) d) miR-27b, miR-20a e) miR128 f) miR-130a g) miR-192 h) miR-221 i) miR-222 j) miR-let7f in BALF cells in patients in radiological stags I vs. II-IV (JPEG 4235 kb)
Box and whisker plots, presenting a) miR-16 b) miR-20a c) miR-128a expression mean values in PB l... more Box and whisker plots, presenting a) miR-16 b) miR-20a c) miR-128a expression mean values in PB lymphocytes of patients and controls. (JPEG 1357 kb)

PLoS ONE, 2014
Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), their inhibitors and cyclooxygenase-2... more Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), their inhibitors and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) participate in transformations of many various types of cancers. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between STAT5A/B, COX-2, and PIAS3 mRNA expression and tumor staging, metastasis status, and histopathological subtype in 71 patients with confirmed non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) diagnosis. Total RNA was isolated from NSCLC tissue samples and the expression of the studied genes was assessed using TaqMan probes in real-time PCR assay. The expression levels of STAT5A, STAT5B, and COX-2 genes were increased in 69%, 79%, and 71% NSCLC samples respectively, while PIAS3 expression was decreased in the majority (69%) of the studied tissues. Statistically significant differences were observed between STAT5 isoforms (P = 0.0008), with higher expression of STAT5B. We found statistically significant positive correlation between STAT5B and COX-2 (rho = 0.045), and significant negative correlation between STAT5B and PIAS3 (rho = 20.049). The negative correlation between STAT5B and PIAS3 (rho = 20.43) was also observed in T2a+T2b tumor group. Additionally, STAT5B and COX-2 expression levels were significantly different between T1a+T1b and T2a+T2b tumors (P = 0.002 and P = 0.041, respectively), with higher expression of both genes in T2 tumor stage. PIAS3 expression was significantly lower in NSCC subtype as compared with SCC subtype (P = 0.017). Also, STAT5A and STAT5B immunoexpression was assessed, and the results indicated significantly higher protein levels in NSCLC patients as compared with controls (P = 0.048 and P = 0.034, respectively). High STAT5B immunoexpression was positively correlated with STAT5B gene expression in tumors (rho = 0.755). STAT5B protein level was also significantly higher in T2a+T2b tumors, reflecting high STAT5B gene expression in this group. There was no statistically significant association between mRNA and protein expression levels of the studied genes and patients' characteristics: age, gender, smoking. The obtained results highlight the importance of the genes STAT5B and COX-2 in lung cancer progression.

Medical Oncology, 2013
The biological behavior of prostate cancer is uncertain, and therefore, search for molecular prog... more The biological behavior of prostate cancer is uncertain, and therefore, search for molecular prognostic markers associated with disease progression seems to be essential. We performed microsatellite allelotyping of DNA isolated from primary prostate tumors biopsies (prostate adenocarcinoma, PCa). We evaluated the frequency of allelic imbalance (AI), including loss of heterozygosity and/or microsatellite imbalance (LOH/MSI) as well as the association of these DNA alterations with clinicopathological variables. We assessed the significance of LOH/MSI alterations in selected imprinted and non-imprinted chromosomal regions (IR and NIR) in PCa. A total of 50 biopsies of prostate tumor (containing[75 % tumor cells) were histologically examined confirming prostate carcinoma. Microsatellite allelotyping using 16 microsatellite markers linked to the following chromosomal regions: 1p31.2, 3p21.3-25.3, 7q32.2, 9p21.3, 11p15.5, 12q23.2, and 16q22.1 was performed. The incidence of LOH/MSI alterations in prostate tumor cells was the highest for chromosomal regions 7q32.2 and 16q22.1 (31.25 and 26.60 %, respectively), followed by 1p31.2 and 3p21.3-25.3 (26.50 and 17.40 %, respectively). Statistically significant increase in LOH/MSI alterations has been observed for markers: D1S2137 (1p region; p = 0.00032), D9S974 (9p region; p = 0.0017), and D16S3025 (16q region; p = 0.0017). Statistically significant differences in frequency of LOH/MSI alterations in particular chromosomal regions have been found for 1p31.2, 7q32.2 and 16q22.1 (p = 0.027, p = 0.012 and p = 0.031, respectively). We documented statistically significant association between Fractional Allele Loss (FAL) index and advanced tumor stage (p \ 0.05). We suggest that genomic instability of LOH/MSI type is a frequent event in prostate carcinogenesis and assessed as FAL index has clinical value for the molecular staging of prostate cancer in (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy material.

Współczesna Onkologia, 2011
A Ai im m o of f t th he e s st tu ud dy y: : The aim of the study was to analyse the methylation... more A Ai im m o of f t th he e s st tu ud dy y: : The aim of the study was to analyse the methylation profile of the eight tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) ARHI, CDH1, KCNQ1, MEST, p16INK4A, RASSF1A, SLC5A8 and VHL in noncancerous thyroid tissue adjacent to papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and to assess whether it parallels the methylation level of the studied TSGs in the primary tumour. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d m me et th ho od ds s: : Thyroid tissue samples were obtained from patients with PTC from the centre of the primary lesion and the adjacent noncancerous tissue, macroscopically unchanged (n = 11). Genomic DNA was modified with sodium bisulfite and methylationspecific polymerase chain reactions (MSPs) were performed. For each studied TSG methylated and unmethylated MSP primers were designed. Quality and quantity of MSP products were assessed in automated electrophoresis. R Re es su ul lt ts s: : Qualitative analysis revealed the presence of methylated and nonmethylated alleles both in PTC and normal thyroid tissue for all genes, except one (KCNQ1). The highest methylation frequency was observed for ARHI, CDH1, p16INK4A, MEST and RASSF1A. Quantitative assessment confirmed a very high methylation level (MI values) for ARHI, CDH1 and RASSF1A. Methylation levels of the studied TSGs were only slightly higher in the PTC group. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on ns s: : Alterations of TSG methylation levels in thyroid tissue may be considered as an early molecular event, specific not only for cancerous lesions. Epigenetic modifications of these genes may be of functional importance for thyroid carcinogenesis. On the other hand, it may be explained by the concept of field cancerization.

Molecular Biology Reports, 2013
In lung cancer pathogenesis, genetic instability, i.e., loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsat... more In lung cancer pathogenesis, genetic instability, i.e., loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MSI) is a frequent molecular event, occurring at an early stage of cancerogenesis. The presence of LOH/ MSI in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) was found in many chromosomal regions, but exclusive of 3p their diagnostic value remains controversial. In this study we focused on other than 3p regions-1p31.2, 7q32.2, 9p21.3, 11p15.5, 12q23.2 and 16q22-the loci of many oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes. To analyze the potential role of LOH/MSI involved in NSCLC pathogenesis we allelotyped a panel of 13 microsatellite markers in a group of 56 cancer specimens. Our data demonstrate the presence of allelic loss for all (13) analyzed markers. Total LOH/MSI frequency in NSCLC was the highest for chromosomal region 11p15.5 (25.84 %), followed by 9p21.3 and 1p31.2 (19.87 and 16.67 % respectively). A statistically significant increase of total LOH/MSI frequency was detected for the 11p15.5 region (p = 0.0301; v 2 test). The associations of total LOH/MSI frequency: 1) increase in 11p15.5 region (p = 0.047; v 2 test) and 2) decrease in 7q32.2 region (p = 0.037; v 2 test) have been statistically significant in AJCC III (American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging). In Fractional Allele Loss (FAL) index analysis, the correlation with cigarette addiction has been statistically significant. The increased amount of cigarettes smoked (pack years) in a lifetime correlates with increasing FAL (p = 0.024; Kruskal-Wallis test). These results demonstrate that LOH/MSI alternation in studied chromosomal regions is strongly influenced by tobacco smoking but do not seem to be pivotal NSCLC diagnostic marker with prognostic impact. Keywords Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) Á Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) Á Microsatellite instability (MSI) Á Microsatellite markers Á Genetic instability
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-16 c) miR-20a d) miR-27b e) miR128 f) miR-130a g) miR-192 h) miR-221 i) miR-222 j) miR-let7f in BALF cells in patients with the acute vs. insidious form of disease. (JPEG 4285 kb)
Box and whisker plots, presenting a) miR-16 b) miR-20a c) miR-27b d) miR-128a e) miR-130a f) miR-... more Box and whisker plots, presenting a) miR-16 b) miR-20a c) miR-27b d) miR-128a e) miR-130a f) miR-222 g) miR-let7f expression mean values in BALF cells of patients and controls. (JPEG 3074 kb)
Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-27b c) miR-128a d) miR-130... more Box and whisker plots representing the expression of a) miR-15b b) miR-27b c) miR-128a d) miR-130 e) miR-192 f) miR-221 g) miR-222 h) miR-let7f in BALF cells in subgroup of patients with a restrictive spirometric pattern vs. normal spirometry (JPEG 3712 kb)
Significant frequency of allelic imbalance in 3p region covering RARb and MLH1 loci seems to be e... more Significant frequency of allelic imbalance in 3p region covering RARb and MLH1 loci seems to be essential in molecular non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021
Cancer cells utilise several mechanisms to increase their survival and progression as well as the... more Cancer cells utilise several mechanisms to increase their survival and progression as well as their resistance to anticancer therapy: deregulation of growth regulatory pathways by acquiring grow factor independence, immune system suppression, reducing the expression of antigens activating T lymphocyte cells (mimicry), induction of anti-apoptotic signals to counter the action of drugs, activation of several DNA repair mechanisms and driving the active efflux of drugs from the cell cytoplasm, and epigenetic regulation by microRNAs (miRNAs). Because it is commonly diagnosed late, lung cancer remains a major malignancy with a low five-year survival rate; when diagnosed, the cancer is often highly advanced, and the cancer cells may have acquired drug resistance. This review summarises the main mechanisms involved in cisplatin resistance and interactions between cisplatin-resistant cancer cells and the tumour microenvironment. It also analyses changes in the gene expression profile of cis...

Medical Oncology, 2014
Integration of the HPV genome into a host cell DNA leads to the deregulated overexpression of the... more Integration of the HPV genome into a host cell DNA leads to the deregulated overexpression of the viral E6 and E7 oncoproteins, and this is a key factor for progression from low-grade cervical lesions to high-grade lesions and invasive cervical cancer. The aim of our study was to analyze the expression levels of HPV E6*I/E6*II and E7 genes in cervical neoplasia of different grades. The analysis involved 10 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (CIN1), 15 high-grade lesions (CIN2 and CIN3), as well as normal cytology samples (n=10). HPV genotyping was done using RealLine HPV 16/18 kit. The expression analysis was performed in real-time PCR assay using gene-specific primers and SYBR Green. HPV16 DNA was found in 65.71% patients, including also normal cytology samples. The increased expression level of E6*I was observed in 12 (34.3%) patients. The expression of E6*II was increased in 10 (28.6%) samples, and E7 overexpression was found in 14 (40%) patients. Significant positive correlation was observed between the amount of HPV16 DNA and the levels of E6*I and E6*II expression. There were no statistically significant differences in expression levels of the studied genes between the groups (CIN1 vs. CIN2/CIN3 vs. normal cytology). Statistically significant differences were found in CIN2/CIN3 group, with the higher expression of E6*II as compared with E6*I. We suggest that the expression level of E6*II gene might be used as an indicator of cervical cancer severity, in patients with high-grade cervical neoplasia, but these observations need to be confirmed in a larger patient cohort.

Medical Oncology, 2013
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of allelic imbalance (AI) in several loci o... more The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of allelic imbalance (AI) in several loci of tumor suppressor genes in 3p region on the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) development. We evaluated the frequency of loss of heterozygosity and/or microsatellite imbalance (LOH/MSI) and assessed their association with patients' characteristics (age, gender, tobacco addiction) and NSCLC classification according to TNM/AJCC staging. To analyze the potential role of AI involved in NSCLC pathogenesis, we allelotyped a group of 74 NSCLC patients using 7 microsatellite markers. The highest frequency of LOH/MSI, however, not statistically significant, was observed in RARb and MLH1 (p = 0.104 and p = 0.216, respectively) loci. The association between high LOH/MSI frequency in 3p region with male gender (p = 0.041) as well as with age (especially [60 years) for RARb and MLH1 genes (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.020, respectively) was documented. Statistically significant increased frequency of MLH1 allelic loss in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) versus non-squamous cell carcinoma (non-SCC) was observed (p = 0.01). Significant increase in LOH/MSI frequency in 3p region (mainly in FHIT and MLH1 loci) in correlation with cigarette addiction in a lifetime (C40 years and C40 Pack Years) was also documented (p \ 0.05). The highest LOH/ MSI was revealed in RARb locus in IA tumors (p = 0.0001), while the similarly high allelic loss of MLH1 correlated with III A/B tumors (p = 0.0002), according to AJCC staging. The obtained results demonstrate that AI is influenced by tobacco smoking and seems to be vital in the molecular diagnosis of NSCLC, especially of SCC subtype. Keywords Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) Á Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) Á Microsatellite instability (MSI) Á Microsatellite markers Á Molecular diagnosis Adam Antczak and Monika Migdalska-Sęk contributed equally to this work.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Opinion of administrative personnel about smoke-free regulations]](
Przeglad lekarski, 2010
The aim of the study was to analyze the opinion of administrative personnel in school on smoke-fr... more The aim of the study was to analyze the opinion of administrative personnel in school on smoke-free regulations. The study population consisted of 320 subjects. Among the study population questionnaire was conducted including socio-demographic characteristic, smoking and SHS profile. Detail information was collected about opinion on smoke-free public places such as offices, other workplaces, health and educational buildings, restaurants and bars. About 22% of study population declared current tobacco smoking. More current everyday smoking was observed among men comparing to women (17.8% vs. 9.1%; p < 0.05). The study indicated that high percentage support total ban of smoking in public offices (84%), health care buildings (89%), and educational buildings (86%). 60% of the study subject were in favor of smoke-fee restaurants and 38% sypport smoke-free burs, pubs and clubs. The strong approval for ban on tobacco product advertising was indicated by 41% of respondents and 38% of the...

Background: Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (Pin1), encoded by PIN1 gene with locus in chromo... more Background: Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (Pin1), encoded by PIN1 gene with locus in chromosome 19p13, is an enzyme that catalytically induces conformational changes in proteins after phosphorylation on serine or threonine residues preceding proline (pSer/Thr-Pro motifs); in this way, it has an influence on protein interactions and intracellular localizations of proteins. The aim of the study were: 1) an assessment of PIN1 gene expression level in benign and malignant thyroid lesions; 2) the evaluation of possible correlations between gene expression and histopathological variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) or tumour size, classified according to TNM classification of primary tumours (in case of PTC only); 3) the estimation of possible relationships between expression of the gene in question and patients’ sex or age. Methods: Seventy (70) tissue samples were analyzed: 32 cases of PTC, 7 cases of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), 7 cases of follicular adenoma (FA), a...
Biomedycyna oznacza eksperymentalne biologiczne i medyczne nauki zintegrowane w calośc, w tym nau... more Biomedycyna oznacza eksperymentalne biologiczne i medyczne nauki zintegrowane w calośc, w tym nauki chemiczne o związkach wielkocząstoczkowych.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Smoke-free environment--nurse attitudes towards smoke-free regulations]](
The aim of the study was to analyze the nurse attitudes towards smoke-free regulations in public ... more The aim of the study was to analyze the nurse attitudes towards smoke-free regulations in public places. The study population consisted of 299 nurses. Among the study population questionnaire was conducted including socio-demographic characteristic, smoking and ETS profile, knowledge about health effects of smoking and abilities for conduction of antismoking counseling. Detail information was collected about nurse opinion on smoke-free public places such as offices, other workplaces, health and educational buildings, restaurants and bars. About 18% of study participants declared current tobacco smoking and 25% were former smokers. Almost all participating in the study women (85%-98%) are in favor of smoking ban in offices, health and educational buildings. 75% supported smoking ban in workplaces but 15% of them were somewhat opposed. Most of the nurses were in favor of smoke-free restaurants (64%) but they were less likely to support smoke-free bars, pubs and clubs (45%). Unfortunat...
Papers by Karolina Czarnecka