Papers by mohamed Tkiouat

IGI Global eBooks, 2017
The trend in the Human Resources Management is to enhance it to the strategic level, this paper i... more The trend in the Human Resources Management is to enhance it to the strategic level, this paper intends to provide an advanced decision making tool in the field of the Strategic Human Resources Management applying a combination of an augmented SWOT analysis approach to evaluate and to rank strategies and a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to eliminate the vagueness in the expressed opinions. The version of SWOT utilized here includes the client opinion and employee engagement besides to the traditional experts' assessment, while the FIS is an instrument that treats the data coming from SWOT analysis with the goal of avoiding the uncertainty that may come from the opinions expressed in the SWOT analysis and so to improve the ranking of the strategies. The results show improvements in prioritization of strategies in the way that besides knowing the decision to make for each, the model shows us also what to do regarding every strategy (what to maximize and what to minimize while talking about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat).The proposed model can be applied for strategies prioritization and decision making problems in all fields.

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Nov 1, 2018
Human Resource (HR) takes a dominate place in the life of an organization knowing that it becomes... more Human Resource (HR) takes a dominate place in the life of an organization knowing that it becomes one of the competitive factors, it is also considered an important preoccupation of governments who try to control the wage bill and the HR structure evolution. The current trend in HRM is to enhance it to the strategic level. The HR field is a complex system, its management is affected by the HR behavior in the way that it is very tough to predict or analyze the preferences and decisions of an employee; HRM is a dynamic discipline highly linked with people behavior, which interact freely without anyone's guidance. This analysis named bottom-up starts by focusing on the characteristics of each agent at a micro-level, because the agents behaviors and interactions each other and with the external environment lead to new laws and changes that occur on the macro-level. For this reason an Agent Based Modeling (ABM) is proposed in this paper to integrate this property (behaviorism) in modeling the HR structure evolution. This approach takes into consideration the endogenous conditions of an employee in his work and the exogenous shocks that can affect his behavior; the goal is to get closer to the HRM aspects reality and predict the future patterns of the HR structure.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 5, 2010
International audienc

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, Jun 30, 2015
Specimens of polyvinyl-acetate (PVA)-polyol blend by percentages by weight 3:1 have been prepared... more Specimens of polyvinyl-acetate (PVA)-polyol blend by percentages by weight 3:1 have been prepared with percentage by weight of kaolin (20wt%) at different particles size (75µm, 212µm, 300µm, 600µm and 2.36 mm.) as dumbbell shape. These are specimens (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Tension test of these specimens were measured such as tensile modulus, begin (σlow), tensile modulus, end (σhigh), tensile strength (σM) and tensile strength at break (σB). The measured values of tensile strength (σM) of specimens (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) are (1.41, 0.731, 0.873, 1.55 and 0.880 MPa), the tensile strength at break is (0.955, 0.461, 0.537, 1.23 and 0.657 MPa). The calculated values of final lengths at break according to the adjustment gauge length of the machine are Lo = 60 mm. at both ends of the specimens are (65.949, 68.304, 66.913, 67.224 and 65.112 mm). These values are investigated.

-Ce travail présente un diagramme causal construit à partir d'une synthèse préalable des principa... more -Ce travail présente un diagramme causal construit à partir d'une synthèse préalable des principaux facteurs qui influencent le comportement sécuritaire de facteur humain. Cette synthèse a permis de définir de manière pertinente les interactions causales entre l'ensemble de ces facteurs. Cette recherche s'est donc particulièrement intéressée aux différents facteurs explicatifs de la performance du comportement sécuritaire de facteur humain et aux relations de causalité qui lient ces facteurs en se basant sur l'approche de la dynamique des systèmes. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle conceptualisation de la dynamique d'un système industriel permettant une modélisation du comportement de sécurité de facteur humain. La portée pratique de ce travail est de dégager les principes d'actions pour développer et canaliser les comportements de sécurité des opérateurs dans le contexte de la sécurité industrielle. Ce modèle peut être utilisé comme un support permettant d'aider les managers à étudier l'impact d'éventuelles perturbations sur la performance des opérateurs.

Social Science Research Network, Feb 1, 2016
Financial services for the poor have existed since early ages and have been evolving from simple ... more Financial services for the poor have existed since early ages and have been evolving from simple transactions to the nowadays microfinance sophisticated products and complex markets. However, despite the steady progress of microfinance, many issues still need to be addressed, and the microfinance, as a part of the economic scheme, has proven its requirement for new approaches and studies which would embrace the development of its structures. In this context, the present work gives, at first, an overview of the evolution of microfinance, its trends and main issues. Then, an approach of microfinance as a complex system is presented with regards to the state of the art of the complexity theory. Finally, this paper discusses the relevance of agent-based modeling in microfinance and provides a number of existing microfinance agent-based models.

With advances in information technology, big data, mobile communications, and robotics, digital t... more With advances in information technology, big data, mobile communications, and robotics, digital technologies are increasingly being used in factories around the world. This digital transformation is named industry 4.0. Today, industrial companies are looking at how to adopt this era and implement these technologies 4.0 while improving their performance and generating more profits. The objective of this paper is to help companies to better choose the appropriate digital technologies according to their activities using a multi-experts-multi-criteria decision-making approach under hesitant fuzzy information. The proposed model is a generic model based on Multi-Agent Systems allowing to have an idea of the parameters necessary to apply the adopted approach. The adopted approach allows a better representation of uncertainty and subjectivity of experts’ judgments. It would be of great interest, especially, when exact quantitative data are not available. A real case company example is expo...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Sep 1, 2021

International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2021
In order to address challenges in the sustainable development of transportation, economy, and env... more In order to address challenges in the sustainable development of transportation, economy, and environment, governments along with conventional automobile manufacturers and consumers are extremely interested in the development of the electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing industry and market. However, many manufacturers are worried about entering the EV market because of some of the limitations of EVs and government economic policies. A framework for failure risk-based ranking of EV projects is proposed that applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a method of ranking. The hierarchy structure of the AHP is created with the risk categories, risk factors, and EV project candidates at different levels of the decision. By specifying the failure risk categories and failure risk factors, the ranking of EV project failure risks and the EV projects are accomplished via the pairwise comparison in the AHP. The results from the ranking provide useful information for planning and decision ma...

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Nowadays, energy modeling is among the most required tools for the optimization of the energy sys... more Nowadays, energy modeling is among the most required tools for the optimization of the energy system performance on a regional, national and global scale. The need for studies of energy models is justified by the increasing energetic demand, the evolution of power generation technologies and the transition to modern economics for developing countries. The aim of this study is to provide different aspects, techniques and characteristics of the existing energy models in literature. A better understanding of each model framework and requirements may lead to a better analysis of the Moroccan energy system description and criticism of its performance and ability to cope with the government international engagements concerning greenhouse gases emissions and also national engagements mostly the need to overcome the demand-supply related issues.

This paper tries to reduce moral hazards in an entrepreneur-Angel financing relationship. This re... more This paper tries to reduce moral hazards in an entrepreneur-Angel financing relationship. This relationship is usually characterized by mutual empathy as opposed to it being absent in a VC relationship. We seek to identify optimal payments to an entrepreneur under effort shirking in a contract where terms of payments are set at the beginning of the project. We use multi-period game theoretic approach and compare the results under VC and angel financing. The study founds similar insights to VC financing where optimal contracts lies in back loading the payments to the entrepreneur. However, if mutual empathy exists, then the preference to back-load payments is lessened. Another distinguishing feature under angel, as opposed to Vc financing, is that increased mutual empathy induces the entrepreneur to be less concerned about the back-loading of payments. This leads to the conclusion that, due to empathy, the entrepreneur becomes more patient in receiving compensations. We also found th...
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Jan 22, 2016
In Islamic banking, the offering of a Mudaraba contract to a privately informed agent results in ... more In Islamic banking, the offering of a Mudaraba contract to a privately informed agent results in adverse selection. In incentive theory, a hypothesis is that the seller, in our case the Islamic bank, may offer different menu of contracts to separate non-efficient agents from the efficient ones. To test this hypothesis, we apply a game theory approach using an incomplete information model combined with an adverse selection index. From a rational point of view a bank would like to offer a higher type contract to an efficient agent to get higher rewards. Under an asymmetric case, however, we found evidence that in some cases offering a lower type contract can result in higher social value. Menu offering is found not to be the ultimate solution for agent's types' separation.

2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA), 2017
Human Resource Management (HRM) has taken recently a big importance, it is an approach to managin... more Human Resource Management (HRM) has taken recently a big importance, it is an approach to managing human resource that supports long-term business goals, it tries to enhance the management of Human Resource (HR) to a strategic level through human capital. HRM is a dynamic discipline highly linked with people behaviour, which interact freely without anyone's guidance. In order to analyze this system Multi-Agent Modeling is a kind of environment that simulates this free interaction between Human Resource and let the system evolve automatically. This analysis named bottom-up starts from the focus on the characteristics of each agent. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the main concepts used in the strategic human resource management, which will give a focus on HRM regarding its strategic role and contribution to the performance of the organization. The paper presents also a proposed framework of agent-based modeling of civilian employees which will allow us to predict the evolution and the effect of policies on the HR system.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 1999
This article presents a new algorithm that we have developed to find the minimal cut-sets of a co... more This article presents a new algorithm that we have developed to find the minimal cut-sets of a coherent fault tree. The model presented is based on Petri nets. We also show that for a large fault tree, we are faced with the complexity problem. We suggest the use of place fusion as well as a methodology that can allow us to overcome this difficulty.
British Academy of Management eBooks, Sep 3, 2021
In this paper we try to compare the performnace of profit and loss sharing contract and debt cont... more In this paper we try to compare the performnace of profit and loss sharing contract and debt contracts in the face of economic crisis such as Covid 19. Our approch relies on an artificial intelligence model using Netlogo to predict the probability of defaults (banckrupcies) of entrepreneurial contracts. We have found simulation evidence that PLS contracts have lower number of defaults than debt contracts during a crisis. The fact that PLS contracts provide the advantage of sharing losses reduces the chances of banckrupcies compared to debt contracts where the entreprenurs bears wholly the risk of projects failure. On the other hand we found that Debt contracts provide less banckrupcies during normal conditions. This suggest that failure of PLS contracts is not only due to economic conditions but to high level of moral hasard.
Papers by mohamed Tkiouat