Books by Diego Beraca Martínez Guzmán
(Book) Applied Chemistry: A textbook for Engineers and Technologists, 2013
(I'm not the author of this, I'm just sharing) Free PDF Book "Applied Chemistry: A textbook for E... more (I'm not the author of this, I'm just sharing) Free PDF Book "Applied Chemistry: A textbook for Engineers and Technologists" by G.V. Roussak & H.D. Gesser. 2013. Fourth Ed.
(Book) Acid-Base Diagrams, 2013
(I'm not the author of this work) Free PDF Book "Acid-Base Diagrams" by Heike Kahlert & Fritz Sch... more (I'm not the author of this work) Free PDF Book "Acid-Base Diagrams" by Heike Kahlert & Fritz Scholz.
(Book) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (4th Ed), 2013
(I'm not the author of this) Free PDF Book "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Fundamentals and Applic... more (I'm not the author of this) Free PDF Book "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Fundamentals and Applications" by Daan J.A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar & Bernd Meibohm.
Papers by Diego Beraca Martínez Guzmán
[PDF] Diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal (Investigación bibliográfica), 2019
Investigación bibliográfica-teórica respecto a las pruebas clínicas para el apoyo en el diagnósti... more Investigación bibliográfica-teórica respecto a las pruebas clínicas para el apoyo en el diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal. Diego Beraca Martínez Guzmán, 2º semestre Q.F.B. para la asignatura de Estructura de la materia y enlace químico. Universidad La Salle, Ciudad de México.
Books by Diego Beraca Martínez Guzmán
Papers by Diego Beraca Martínez Guzmán