Bîrzu Vasile
Vasile Bîrzu is a licentiate in Orthodox Theology of the „Andrei Şaguna”, Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania (1993). He was ordained as hieromonk in 2000. PhD in Patristic Theology at the same university (2004). A DEA at the Ecole Practique des Hautes etudes, University of Sorbonne V, Section des Sciences religieuses (2005). He is an assistant lecturer in the discipline of Spirituality at the „Andrei Şaguna” Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, a priest and spiritual father at the same Faculty. He has published translations and studies in the field of patristic theology and spirituality.
Address: Mitropolia Ardealului, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă ,,Sfântul Andrei Șaguna” Sibiu
Address: Mitropolia Ardealului, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă ,,Sfântul Andrei Șaguna” Sibiu
Papers by Bîrzu Vasile
The study shows that there is not holyness and sharing of the sanctifying grace of Truth, but only in Christ through the Holy Spirit, which is very relevant and important in the context of modern doctrines which are talking about an edification and straightening, or even an incorruptibility and perfection and glory of created rational nature in itself and using natural and cosmic energies. The personal edification specific to the state of holiness is based on the work of the Holy Trinity that shares an esential holiness of the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit within subjective salvation, and through the Holy Spirit in the Son within the objective salvation. St. Cyril uses specific expressions evocative in this regard, emphasizing the foundation of holiness in the very being of the Father in the Holy Trinity and the Trinitarian consubstantiality as the basis of her sharing towards people in the Church as the pnevmatic body of Christ.
The study shows that there is not holyness and sharing of the sanctifying grace of Truth, but only in Christ through the Holy Spirit, which is very relevant and important in the context of modern doctrines which are talking about an edification and straightening, or even an incorruptibility and perfection and glory of created rational nature in itself and using natural and cosmic energies. The personal edification specific to the state of holiness is based on the work of the Holy Trinity that shares an esential holiness of the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit within subjective salvation, and through the Holy Spirit in the Son within the objective salvation. St. Cyril uses specific expressions evocative in this regard, emphasizing the foundation of holiness in the very being of the Father in the Holy Trinity and the Trinitarian consubstantiality as the basis of her sharing towards people in the Church as the pnevmatic body of Christ.
şi relatări despre mănăstirea Pângăraţi precum şi prin noile interpretări şi
concluzii ce le-au permis şi inspirat aceste noi descoperiri prin prelucrarea şi
coroborarea atentă a lor cu celelalte informaţii pe care le interpretasem deja
acum mai mult de 10 ani când am scris şi îngrijit prima ediţie a acestei