Alexander T Vazsonyi
Editor-In-Chief, The Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal Link: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsProdDesc.nav?prodId=Journal200872
Adolescent Development Lab: http://fam-hes.ca.uky.edu/ADL
Phone: 859-257-9762
Address: University of Kentucky
316 Funkhouser Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0054
Journal Link: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsProdDesc.nav?prodId=Journal200872
Adolescent Development Lab: http://fam-hes.ca.uky.edu/ADL
Phone: 859-257-9762
Address: University of Kentucky
316 Funkhouser Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0054
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Books by Alexander T Vazsonyi
This SAGE Major Work covers key contributions in the area of adolescent development framed by Bronfenbrenner’s seminal, from the latest developments in fMRI technology to current insights about adolescent health and problem behaviors, and is designed to be a touchstone text for scholars, practitioners and educators within the fields of developmental psychology, health, and education.
Volume I: Biological Processes, Puberty, and Brain Development
Volume II: Proximal Developmental Contexts: The Family and Peer Group
Volume III: Schools, Achievement, Work, and Careers
Volume IV: Distal Developmental Contexts – Neighborhoods, School, and Culture
Volume V: Health, Health-Risk, and Problem Behaviors
Papers by Alexander T Vazsonyi
This SAGE Major Work covers key contributions in the area of adolescent development framed by Bronfenbrenner’s seminal, from the latest developments in fMRI technology to current insights about adolescent health and problem behaviors, and is designed to be a touchstone text for scholars, practitioners and educators within the fields of developmental psychology, health, and education.
Volume I: Biological Processes, Puberty, and Brain Development
Volume II: Proximal Developmental Contexts: The Family and Peer Group
Volume III: Schools, Achievement, Work, and Careers
Volume IV: Distal Developmental Contexts – Neighborhoods, School, and Culture
Volume V: Health, Health-Risk, and Problem Behaviors