Papers by Sebastian Sikorski
Routledge eBooks, Oct 12, 2020
The problem of providing healthcare services publicly funded is complex. The purpose of the artic... more The problem of providing healthcare services publicly funded is complex. The purpose of the article is the presentation of a certain fragment of these issues, which, in accordance with title, concerns the legal basis of providing healthcare services publicly funded for homeless people. There is only one legal basis in this regard dedicated straight for the homeless people, namely providing health insurance under individual programme of recovering from homelessness, which in view of the extent of the application plays hardly any role. Other legal solutions are provided for a wider range of categories of people for which the homeless people can be classified. As a result of analysis, the demands de lege ferenda shall be made in the area causing the major difficulties of the application in practice of the rules governing these issues.
Medicine, law & society, 2022
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów, Aug 2, 2019
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
The study deals with the issue of the possibility of running a business by a housing association ... more The study deals with the issue of the possibility of running a business by a housing association which is rarely discussed in the literature. The specificity of this entity, focusing on the management of common real estate in multi-apartment buildings, makes it seem impossible for the housing community to undertake business activity. Each entity enjoys the right to start a business. Restrictions in this respect cannot be presumed due to the specificity of a given entity. In the current legal status undertaking such an activity for the apartment owners and creditors of the local government community is inadvisable and risky, inter alia, due to the lack of legal regulations regarding the possibility of declaring bankruptcy of a housing community. To ensure the safe economic activity of the housing community, the legislative changes indicated in the article are required.
The regulations for standardization of operations of the markets in financial instruments (MiFID)... more The regulations for standardization of operations of the markets in financial instruments (MiFID) is a new regulation which has been in effect in Poland from this year and is gaining a specific importance in terms of reality, taking into account the difficulties which, in connection w ith the world economic crisis, same entrepreneurs, who trade in FX derivatives have experienced. It is necessary to raise here a proposal, which will form the basie assumption of this article, i.e. the solutions introduced could provide an increase in the protection afforded to customers in the market in financial instruments. It is, however, necessary to stress that the protection of customers in the market in financial instruments is being implemented comprehensively, because the assumption of said regulation is the establishment of an unified legal framework for financial markets that operates within the framework of the EU member-states, together with Iceland, Norway, and Lichtenstein. The directiv...
Routledge eBooks, Sep 28, 2022
Medicine, Law & Society
The right to information, understood as a citizen’s right of access to data used in the process o... more The right to information, understood as a citizen’s right of access to data used in the process of making and enforcing laws, is a natural component of democratic systems. In the rich societies of Western Europe, which for years have been supporting civic education, society consciously uses the right to information. It is the interaction of citizens with decision-makers among others in the process of public information flow that changes ordinary public governance into good governance. The authors refer to the contextual understanding of good governance within the framework of multi-level interactions at the level of central and local government. Good governance should be understood as the achievement of ‘public value’ – i.e., the shared needs of many citizens but within the context of innovation and the economic development of societies. Informing means strengthening trust in public authorities, which in democratic states should have nothing to hide (even in a crisis).
The article deals with issues related to the rules of organization and tasks of the National and ... more The article deals with issues related to the rules of organization and tasks of the National and Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management. A detailed analysis has been conducted of the organizational scope of funds, their funding sources and the identification of objectives to be financed. Moreover, the article characterizes financial instruments which are used by funds, with particular emphasis on the principles of financing with the use of a bank credit.Politechnika Warszawsk
The problem of providing healthcare services publicly funded is complex. The purpose of the artic... more The problem of providing healthcare services publicly funded is complex. The purpose of the article is the presentation of a certain fragment of these issues, which, in accordance with title, concerns the legal basis of providing healthcare services publicly funded for homeless people. There is only one legal basis in this regard dedicated straight for the homeless people, namely providing health insurance under individual programme of recovering from homelessness, which in view of the extent of the application plays hardly any role. Other legal solutions are provided for a wider range of categories of people for which the homeless people can be classified. As a result of analysis, the demands de lege ferenda shall be made in the area causing the major difficulties of the application in practice of the rules governing these issues.
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów, 2019
Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne (BSP) znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie. Wykorzystanie tego typu ... more Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne (BSP) znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie. Wykorzystanie tego typu urządzeń możliwe jest także w obszarze ratownictwa medycznego. W artykule przedstawiono analizę obowiązujących obecnie w Polsce przepisów prawa. Z jednej strony analiza obejmuje przepisy Prawa lotniczego, które są tutaj kluczowe dla wykorzystania BSP, a na gruncie, których występują obecnie największe ograniczenia w wykorzystaniu tych urządzeń. Z drugiej strony dokonano przeglądu przepisówdeterminujących organizację i stosowanych rozwiązań w ramach systemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego.
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2010
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2015
Aksjologiczne i prawne aspekty niepełnosprawności, 2020
Szczególnie ważnym społecznie obszarem zainteresowania prawa administracyjnego są kwestie szczegó... more Szczególnie ważnym społecznie obszarem zainteresowania prawa administracyjnego są kwestie szczególnej opieki zdrowotnej nad osobami niepełnosprawnymi. Waga zagadnienia jest podwójnie kwalifi kowana: po pierwsze, chodzi o ważkie kwestie opieki zdrowotnej pozostające racjonalnie związane z podstawową potrzebą człowieka-bezpieczeństwem, po drugie, idzie o działania inkluzyjne, wyrównawcze, tak silnie powiązane z motywowanymi aksjologicznie dyrektywami ochrony godności człowieka potrzebującego i solidarności. Celem artykułu jest próba odniesienia się do konstytucyjnych podstaw szczególnej opieki zdrowotnej nad osobami niepełnosprawnymi. Autorzy, chcąc ukazać realizację tych podstaw, poddali analizie relatywnie niedawno (9 maja 2018 r.) uchwaloną ustawę o szczególnych rozwiązaniach wspierających osoby o znacznym stopniu niepełnosprawności (u.s.r.w.n.) 1. Chodzi zatem o ukazanie stosun
Papers by Sebastian Sikorski