Papers by Piotr Chybalski
Przegląd Sejmowy, 2024
Autor opinii dowodzi, że postanowienie Marszałka Sejmu w sprawie stwierdzenia wygaśnięcia mandatu... more Autor opinii dowodzi, że postanowienie Marszałka Sejmu w sprawie stwierdzenia wygaśnięcia mandatu poselskiego, wydane w trybie art. 249 § 1 Kodeksu wyborczego, wywołuje skutek prawny od doręczenia tego postanowienia osobie, której dotyczy. W konsekwencji osoba ta nie może być już uznawana za posła, a zatem nie może wykonywać jakichkolwiek przewidzianych prawem uprawnień i obowiązków związanych z mandatem parlamentarnym. W dalszej części opinii autor analizuje kwestie trybu doręczenia ww. postanowienia, a także biegu terminu na odwołanie się od postanowienia do Sądu Najwyższego. Ponadto postuluje rozważenie ewentualnej zmiany art. 250 Kodeksu wyborczego, która sprowadzałaby się do przesądzenia w treści tego przepisu, iż zakwestionowany przez Marszałka Sejmu mandat poselski wygasałby z upływem terminu na wniesienie odwołania do Sądu Najwyższego bądź ewentualnie wskutek nieuwzględnienia odwołania przez Sąd Najwyższy.
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 2023
The paper presents the principle of protection of citizens’ confidence in the state, which is one... more The paper presents the principle of protection of citizens’ confidence in the state, which is one of the foundations of the constitutional principle of the democratic state ruled by law. Attention was drawn to the specific requirements covered by this principle, such as the guarantee of legal certainty for the individual, the prohibition of retroactivity of the law, or the order to protect acquired rights. Forms of implementation of this principle at the statutory level are presented, as well as its relationship to the so-called right to good administration.
Zagadnienia prawa konstytucyjnego. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Krzysztofowi Skotnickiemu w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin. Tom 2, 2024
The paper presents the current scope of electoral rights of British citizens in Poland in the lig... more The paper presents the current scope of electoral rights of British citizens in Poland in the light of the international agreement between Poland and the UK of 29th May 2020, in which both states mutually granted their citizens voting rights in local election. The Author claims that implementing the agreement in Poland raises doubts as to the conformity of the new rules to the Polish Constitution of 1997.
Wolne i uczciwe wybory. Sądownictwo konstytucyjne - teoria i praktyka. Tom VI, 2023
The paper concerns discussing the prerequisites of an effective constitutional review of electora... more The paper concerns discussing the prerequisites of an effective constitutional review of electoral law in light of the principle of proportional representation (in case such principle is explicitely included in a national constitution). It is claimed that such a review depends on three factors, i.e. the existence of a specialised constitutional court, determining the contents of the principle of proportional representation and the providing the constitutional court with necessary time to review electoral legislation.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis, 2022
The problem of functioning of the Sejm in time of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is currently a matter b... more The problem of functioning of the Sejm in time of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is currently a matter being, due to obvious reasons, often discussed by Polish legal doctrine. The purpose of the paper was to carry out a dogmatic analysis of constitutional rules with determine the allowed scope of modification or organising plenary sittings of the Sejm, what allowed to draw conclusions regarding the constitutionality of the so-called hybrid model of sittings introduced as a result of the adoption of the amendments of the Standing Orders on 26th March 2020. While a practical value of the model of hybrid plenary sittings, i.e. with a possibility of a remote participation of Deputies, cannot be questioned, the legal solutions in question raise doubts as to their conformity to the Constitution. Still it should be mentioned that there various doctrinal standpoints regarding this matter. A separate part of the paper was focused on the possibilities of reorganising plenary sittings of the Sejm on the basis of general, having been in force for many years, rules of the Standing Orders, i.e. in a hypothetical situation, if no normative changes regarding this issue had been in March 2020.
Review of European and Comparative Law, 2022
The paper is dedicated to describing the way of reception by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal o... more The paper is dedicated to describing the way of reception by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of the "chilling effect", i.e. an institution related to such activities of public authorities that form an indirect act of deterrence regarding the execution of constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms, esp. the freedom of expression. The discussed concept has originated in judicial decisions of the US Supreme Court and has spread into many contemporary legal systems, including jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Although it is evident that the Tribunal "took over" that concept from the ECHR, it in fact developed its own, unfortunately internally inconsistent, understanding of the chilling effect. Four different ways of application of chilling effect may be noticed in judicial decisions of the Polish CT, while only two of them reflect the perception of this institution by the US Supreme Court and the ECHR.
A summary of the paper is published as "Reception of chilling effect by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal", Academia Letters 2021, Article 654
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
A Deputy does not have to inform the Marshal of the Sejm about an intention of being employed as ... more A Deputy does not have to inform the Marshal of the Sejm about an intention of being employed as an assistant professor in a higher education institution, because it is a creative activity of an individual nature. Such obligation would exist if a Deputy had to perform additional responsibilities (apart from a pure academic or didactic work). In such case a Deputy would lose the right to receive a salary. However, s/he could apply for a partial salary – in the sum equal to the difference between a full Deputy’s salary and an additional one (received as a result of an additional employment).
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych 2021, nr 2, 2021
In the opinion of the author certain provisions of the proposed bill raise constitutional doubts ... more In the opinion of the author certain provisions of the proposed bill raise constitutional doubts or may cause constitutional reservations, inter alia, in the light of the principle of specificity of law, the principle of separation of powers, the scope of the subject matter of parliamentary rules of regulation. Furthermore, insofar as the bill relates to the payment of compensation and redress, it appears to be burdened with a constitutional defect of the nature of the so-called legislative omission. The author of the opinion points out that the bill also lacks a number of solutions concerning the payment of compensation and redress.
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
Przegląd Sejmowy
The opinion contains the legal analysis of the bill on the principles for establishing the order ... more The opinion contains the legal analysis of the bill on the principles for establishing the order of filling the mandates of the Deputies to the European Parliament elected by the Republic of Poland for the term 2019-2024 (print no 3272) According to its author, the bill solves the problem indicated by the National Electoral Commission, related to a possible situation, when on the day of elections to the European Parliament the number of seats for the Republic of Poland equals 51 instead of 52 What is more, the constitutional admissibility of the proposed bill is unquestionable Nonetheless, the author indicates the need for certain modifications of the bill, in particular a modification ensuring that a person vested with "the fifty-second mandate" is not referred to, in the proposed provisions, as "the Deputy to the European Parliament, who does not take the seat at the beginning of the term"
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych
Academia Letters, 2021
The paper a is short summary of results of the research project no. 2017/01/X/HS5/01344, financed... more The paper a is short summary of results of the research project no. 2017/01/X/HS5/01344, financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) within the MINIATURA I funding scheme.
Konstytucjonalizm Polski (refleksje z okazji jubileuszu 70-lecia urodzin i 45-lecia pracy naukowej profesora Andrzeja Szmyta), 2020
The Author discusses the problem of immunity of a Deputy to the Polish Sejm, serving as a member ... more The Author discusses the problem of immunity of a Deputy to the Polish Sejm, serving as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. A person holding jointly both functions can profit from two sets of immunity rules, one regulated by Article 105 of the Polish Constitution (concerning Deputies and Senators), and another one granted by international law (concerning members of the PACE). The scope of both immunity rules is, to some extent, different. However sometimes it is necessary to lift both immunities in order to bring the Deputy (and in the same time a member of the PACE) to legal responsibility.
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, vol. 1, 2018
The discussed Article specifies the acceptable subject matter of points of order. The assumption ... more The discussed Article specifies the acceptable subject matter of points of order. The assumption that they may concern matters being the subject of orders of the day and the course of sittings means that the subject matter of the point of order cannot become a matter to be considered in the future, i.e. during any of subsequent sittings. In the author’s opinion, it is in principle unacceptable to submit pro futuro points of order. Article 184 para. 2 of the Standing Orders of the Sejm refers only to the subject of the point of order and not to the motives of the motion submitted by the applicant. This means that, on justifying the point of order, a Deputy may rely on external circumstances, i.e. not related to a group of matters considered by the Sejm during a given sitting.
in: Sądownictwo konstytucyjne. Teoria i praktyka. Tom II, M. Granat (ed.), 2019
The author discusses a legal institution of the so-called legislative silence regarding electoral... more The author discusses a legal institution of the so-called legislative silence regarding electoral law, as developed in three judicial decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal issued between 2006 and 2011. Although the Tribunal was inspired by international standards set out in the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, adopted by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), it developed an original restriction concerning introducing amendments to electoral law shortly before the day of vote. According to the Constitutional Tribunal, enacting significant amendments to electoral law is admissible not later than six months before the latest possible day or ordering elections, unless extraordinary and objective circumstances occur. The author is of the opinion that the principle of legislative silence is a useful invention of the Constitutional Tribunal, because it prevents adopting instrumental (politically motivated) modifications of electoral law that may distort the result of elections. However a detailed analysis of that principle results in raising significant doubts concerning its practical application, due to the fact the Tribunal expressed it with a considerable vagueness and that it, to some extent, contradicted itself. The final remarks of the paper include a suggestion to modify the principle of legislative silence in order to make it more unambiguous.
Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, vol. 2, 2019
The author states that the lack of complying with the National Electoral Commission’s (NEC) propo... more The author states that the lack of complying with the National Electoral Commission’s (NEC) proposal on changes in electoral districts in the elections to the Sejm and Senate will result in an internal inconsistency of the Electoral Code with regard to elections to the Sejm. It will also cause a violation of the constitutional principle of equality in elections. On the other hand elections conducted in accordance with the legal framework without the NEC’s proposal will be valid. Doubts as to the validity of the elections may arise, if the Constitutional Tribunal considers the current provisions (i.e. not-amended as the NEC suggested) unconstitutional.
Papers by Piotr Chybalski
A summary of the paper is published as "Reception of chilling effect by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal", Academia Letters 2021, Article 654
A summary of the paper is published as "Reception of chilling effect by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal", Academia Letters 2021, Article 654