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Cats Eye
Chrysoberyl Cats Eye is a stone of protection happiness and serenity. It dispels unwanted energy from the aura. It amplifies good luck and fortune. It also encourages good judgment and provides a deeper understanding. It can help to enhance intuition, awareness, and to increase psychic abilities, as well as powers of concentration.
Suitable for sensitive people who may be easily overwhelmed by the stronger gemstone. Beneficial to induce a state of relaxation for people who are overly stressed. Gentle catalyst to the physical healing process and helpful in supporting the emotional body. Helps to lift depression by reducing the sense of isolation. Releases inhibitions by allowing spontaneous action from true feelings. Protect against negative energetic influences (entity attachment, psychic attack, negativity, etc.)
Helps to move blocked energies from the meridians and allows for more rapid evolution. High-frequency gemstones that cleanses and attunes the energetic and spiritual bodies. Helps the body heal on many levels.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline promotes relaxation and eases stress. It helps to unite one’s will and desires, and brings ideas into reality. It offers strong protection from external influences by repelling and protecting from negative energies. It also helps one’s to remain grounded and reduce fear. It also assists with self-empowerment by understanding oneself and others.
Ammonite - Liberate Your True Self
Ammonite is a fossilized animal, similar in structure to a snail, which was present in ancient times. It provides stability, structure and protection. It can help to transform negativity into a more free-flowing and positive state. It provides insights into the structure of concepts from start to finish, allowing ones to understand and retain the ‘whole picture’. It also includes the properties of sacred geometry and of the Fibonacci / Golden ratio which represents infinity.
Epidot encourages recovery and regeneration after a severe illness, or after great exhaustion brought on by overwork. It helps to lift the emotions and to dissolve sadness, sorrow, self-pity, and grief. It is a very good stone for overcoming the frustration caused by failure as it helps us to admit and accept our weaknesses. It can help to dissipate a critical nature, including self-critical.
Bounce back after a tense or stressful situation (emotional or physical). Enhances self-esteem and helps strengthen the will when recovering from trauma. Helps to understand the different issues related to your interaction with others. Helps to break the bonds of co-dependency. Helpful to bring awareness to your physical health, including your daily routine, your job and level of stress, and how it affects your well-being. Amplify the energy of other crystals when used in healing.
Muscovite stimulates & balances the third eye & crown chakras. Supports the intellect, especially in regards to quick-thinking and succinct and concise expression of ones feelings. Useful for people who are open to psychic energies and are learning to control the type, quality and quantity of information received. Can assist those who need to release emotional attachments especially if they are deep and strong. Lessens insecurities, uncertainties, and self-doubt.
Selenite cleanses the energy field and emotional body. It helps you connect with Spirit Guides. Selenite can support dream recollection & understanding. And is also a great mineral to charge and enhance other crystals.
Septarian Category - Liberate Your True Self
Septarian allows for patience and tolerance as well as emotional flexibility. It can help find the underlying cause of illness during meditation and support the body in healing itself.
Flint helps to be more grounded and organized and it helpful for people who feel ‘scattered brain’. Supports those who feel uncomfortable in a body. Helps to overcome shyness. Can calm emotional drama and help us move on in our life.
Indigo Gabbro Heart - Liberate Your True Self
Indigo Gabbro works to unify the two worlds of spirit and earth, light and dark. Balancing the positive and negative and understanding how these aspects work in harmony, not in conflict. Creates a deeper understanding of one’s gifts and abilities.
Spiritual Healing & Aura Photography
Chrysoprase promotes trust and a sense of safety. It also helps to let go of envy. It is a gemstone that promotes love of truth and hope. It is beneficial for solving relationship issues and making new connections and friendships. Chrysoprase is helpful in releasing codependent tendencies while still promoting commitment and fidelity. It can also release childhood issues and unresolved emotions. It is a lucky stone that brings success with new endeavors.
Spiritual Healing & Aura Photography
Shiva Lingam helps to improve overall energetic and physical health. Represents both the feminine and masculine as well as the cosmic energy from where creation is birthed. Great manifestation and abundance stone.
Spiritual Healing & Aura Photography
Que Sera is a great healing stone that keeps the physical body fully energized and in balance. If you have physical health issues, this can provide the metaphysical support you need. It helps the physical and immune systems to function optimally. It also supports you to stand in your power.