Empty Nest Transition

For moms anywhere in the empty nest transition, covering topics on the preparation for and adjustment to the empty nest, how to live the empty nest to the fullest, finding your identity and purpose, and how to deal with empty nest feelings of loss and grief.
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Free Facebook Community for Christian Moms of Teenagers and Young Adults
Tips and encouragement for parenting, marriage, and transitioning to the empty nest for moms with kids in high school, college and young adult years, covering parenting teens for successful launch, empty nest syndrome, college transition, parenting older teens and young adults, midlife and empty nest marriage, midlife crisis, finding purpose and identity, setting goals, and empty nest health, dreams, adventure, travel.
Empty Nest: When the Kids Leave Home, Who is the ME Left Behind?
What would I do with a weekend alone in the house, he wanted to know? I would spend time in my own company, I explained, in the place where everything important happened.
All the Blogs for Older Women You Should be Reading Now
All the Blogs for Midlife Women You Should be Reading Now 1
Make the Most of the Rest of Your Life by Doing This Today
What are you doing to make the most of the rest of your life? Don’t wait any longer. If you don’t make a difference in your life now, then when. When is the right time to have the life you deserve? The beauty of midlife is you know. You KNOW what you love! Think of it as an infallible guidance system to getting yourself back on track. #midlife #reinventingyourself #personalgrowth #over50 #selfcare #reinventingyourselfafter50 #selfimprovement
Savoring Memories and Embracing the Future: Preparing for the Empty Nest
In preparing for the empty nest, it is important to balance savoring memories and embracing the future. What a whirlwind the last two weeks have been for me! We hosted two graduation parties (high school and college), slipped in a last-hurrah, 8-day family vacation before school starts back up, and then took the weekend to move my second youngest to school for her first year at college.
Turning Wishes into Reality
Empty nest transition: Every season of life brings its own goals. Right now, I am in the launching and emptying-of-the-nest period of life. I have lots of goals and wishes for my children and my relationship with them as we enter this next season of life together—as well as goals and wishes for my husband and myself.
The Launch & Beyond: Parenting Teens & Twenties with Joy & Grace
For me, the empty nest transition hit acutely a few years ago when I was writing my oldest son a short letter expressing my love for him on his eighteenth birthday. Are you somewhere in the empty nest transition, whether seeing it quickly approaching or having navigated it for awhile?
10 Amazing Reasons to be Thankful for The Empty Nest
The Empty Nest: 10 Amazing Reasons to be Thankful
The Empty Nest: Time to Reclaim Your Identity - Dr Momma Says
Momma Addict discusses the frequent loss of part of your identity during motherhood and how you regain those aspects of your life during the empty nest. Empty nest l Empty nester l loss of identity l Adult children l Grown Children l Self care l Caring for kids l Kids independence l Regain self l Take care of yourself l Kids in College l Dr. Momma l DrMommaSays.com
Empty Nest – When The First Chick Leaves The Nest
The empty nest is hard...when the first chick leaves the nest
My broken heart. From one college mom to another.
College move-in day is almost here. I don't even know how I'm going to get through it, but this mom knows what it's like. All the feeling and emotions you go through when sending your child off to college. #footprintsofinspiration #collegebound #college #freshmanyear #dormroom #collegestudent #collegefreshman #student #backtoschool #collegemom #faithandfamilies
The Prayer of A Mom Whose Nest Will Soon Be Empty
Here's a special prayer for the mom who is now - or soon to be - facing an empty nest. A beautiful and poignant adaption of Psalm 139! The Prayer of a Mom Whose Nest Will Soon Be Empty ~ Club31Women