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Set Aus 3 Lebendigen Orangefarbenen Künstlichen Eukalyptusstängeln - Realistische Herbstblumen Für Zuhause Und Bauernhausdeko | Perfekt Für Hochzeiten, Partys Und Feiertagsfeiern
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Rose Explorer - 100 Stems - 50cm
Flower: Rose Variety: Explorer Color: Red Stem Count: 100 StemsWhat can we say about roses? A timeless classic, the sky's the limit with possibilities for our hundreds of varieties of beautiful farm fresh roses. Try Bunching them together in a French pavé style for a classic bridal bouquet, or pair them with Hydrangeas, Stock, Viburnum, Cymbidium Orchid Blooms, Astilbe and Lilac for a Garden Style centerpiece that is sure to please!