Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 2021
This article discusses waqf: fiqh review, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia. This... more This article discusses waqf: fiqh review, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia. This study was written using qualitative method with library study as its approach. Data source is in the form of library publications (Library Research). Data types are written narrations or documents contained in publication sources. Data collection techniques are carried out by tracking the sources of such publications. Data analysis techniques use description analysis. The results of this study show that waqf is reviewed in terms of fiqh, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia has a mutually reinforcing relationship. From these findings, it can be concluded that waqf as an Islamic fiscal instrument has a strong foundation in terms of fiqh and ushul fiqh and its implementation, especially in Indonesia.
El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2020
One thing that investors need to decide to choose the best option in their investment is the best... more One thing that investors need to decide to choose the best option in their investment is the best portfolio arrangement. But, the problem was that many of them couldn’t make and arrange their portfolio arrangement well. So, this study was trying give them the way how to arrange the best portfolio and choose the best stock for their investment. This study was conducted by using Markowitz statistical model. The study lasted for four weeks and used five different stocks AT Bursa Efek Indonesia. They were (1) PT. Astra Internationan Indonesia (ASII), (2) PT. Telkom Indonesia (TLKM), (3) PT. Astra Agro Lestar (AALI), (4) PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI), and (5) PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk stocks (ANTM). The result showed that the stocks of PT. Astra Agro Lestari (AALI) and PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk stock (ANTM) as the best options to invest in stocks based on the markowitz, portfolio model.
This research is aimed to identify the urgency and the use of the concept of ‘Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar... more This research is aimed to identify the urgency and the use of the concept of ‘Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh’ in the development of Islamic Economics. As we know, the Islamic economics field is classified as the Muamalah field which has possibility to be developed with different approaches. The research methodology which was used in this study used the qualitative and library research approaches, including Arabic, English and Indonesian literature. The result showed that the concept of Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh can be one of qawaids to develop Islamic economics. For example: The concept can be applied to answer the hukm of debt trading, and others. ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi urgensi dan penerapan konsep Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh dalam pengembangan ekonomi syariah. Sebagaimana diketahui, kajian ekonomi syariah merupakan kajian muamalah yang memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan dengan menggunakan berbagai pendekatan. Metode yang diguna...
The Continuity of traditional and modern retail retail business attracts the most attention, beca... more The Continuity of traditional and modern retail retail business attracts the most attention, because it always puts the traditional retail business in a weak position. The result of this research is that the attention to the successful aspects of the service industry has not been a concern for the traditional retail business, thus weakening the position of traditional Retail business, coupled with the strong characteristic of the standardized service quality dimension as the business reference of modern minimarket services increasingly sharpening the performance gap retail business and thus further weaken the position of traditional retail business. Comparative analysis of Retail Business Traditional Stores and Retail Business Modern minimarket shows the successful aspects of the service business to be considered namely; consumers, management, and employees. This research includes descriptive research type using traditional approach. The analysis method used is a variant of semantic...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman pengusaha kena pajak atas subjek paj... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman pengusaha kena pajak atas subjek pajak, objek pajak, perhitungan pajak, dan konsekuensi pajak pertambahan nilai terhadap keberhasilan dalam perencanaan pajak pada pengusaha kena pajak yang terdapat di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer melalui kuesioner dengan skala likert. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 30 responden. Uji kualitas data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas menggunakan pearson correlation dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan cronbach alpha serta uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial dan simultan, pemahaman PKP atas subjek pajak, objek pajak, perhitungan pajak, dan konsekuensi pajak PPN berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan dalam perencanaan pajak. Kata Kunci: Subjek Pajak, Objek Pajak, Perhitungan Pajak, dan Konsekuensi Pajak Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, Keberhasilan Dalam Perencanaan Pajak
This paper tries to discuss about Market, Market Mechanism and Price Levels in Islamic Microecono... more This paper tries to discuss about Market, Market Mechanism and Price Levels in Islamic Microeconomics Perspective. In contrast to the conventional economy which frees the formation of price levels only on the market mechanism, determining the price level through market mechanisms in Islamic economics is based on the principles of justice in order to achieve mutual benefit (al-Mashlahah). Therefore, when inequality is detrimental to one party in a market, the role of the government in creating justice for both parties is a solution that is legitimate. This in microeconomic terminology is known as market intervention, which is carried out by the government as a step to stabilize the price level so that it does not harm one party in the market. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the market and price levels in Islamic microeconomics with a philosophical approach. The methodology used in this study used qualitative research based on literature study. The result showed that there were...
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 2021
This article discusses waqf: fiqh review, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia. This... more This article discusses waqf: fiqh review, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia. This study was written using qualitative method with library study as its approach. Data source is in the form of library publications (Library Research). Data types are written narrations or documents contained in publication sources. Data collection techniques are carried out by tracking the sources of such publications. Data analysis techniques use description analysis. The results of this study show that waqf is reviewed in terms of fiqh, legal basis and its implementation in Indonesia has a mutually reinforcing relationship. From these findings, it can be concluded that waqf as an Islamic fiscal instrument has a strong foundation in terms of fiqh and ushul fiqh and its implementation, especially in Indonesia.
El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2020
One thing that investors need to decide to choose the best option in their investment is the best... more One thing that investors need to decide to choose the best option in their investment is the best portfolio arrangement. But, the problem was that many of them couldn’t make and arrange their portfolio arrangement well. So, this study was trying give them the way how to arrange the best portfolio and choose the best stock for their investment. This study was conducted by using Markowitz statistical model. The study lasted for four weeks and used five different stocks AT Bursa Efek Indonesia. They were (1) PT. Astra Internationan Indonesia (ASII), (2) PT. Telkom Indonesia (TLKM), (3) PT. Astra Agro Lestar (AALI), (4) PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI), and (5) PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk stocks (ANTM). The result showed that the stocks of PT. Astra Agro Lestari (AALI) and PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk stock (ANTM) as the best options to invest in stocks based on the markowitz, portfolio model.
This research is aimed to identify the urgency and the use of the concept of ‘Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar... more This research is aimed to identify the urgency and the use of the concept of ‘Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh’ in the development of Islamic Economics. As we know, the Islamic economics field is classified as the Muamalah field which has possibility to be developed with different approaches. The research methodology which was used in this study used the qualitative and library research approaches, including Arabic, English and Indonesian literature. The result showed that the concept of Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh can be one of qawaids to develop Islamic economics. For example: The concept can be applied to answer the hukm of debt trading, and others. ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi urgensi dan penerapan konsep Fii al-Akhdzi Bi Ar-Rukhsoh dalam pengembangan ekonomi syariah. Sebagaimana diketahui, kajian ekonomi syariah merupakan kajian muamalah yang memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan dengan menggunakan berbagai pendekatan. Metode yang diguna...
The Continuity of traditional and modern retail retail business attracts the most attention, beca... more The Continuity of traditional and modern retail retail business attracts the most attention, because it always puts the traditional retail business in a weak position. The result of this research is that the attention to the successful aspects of the service industry has not been a concern for the traditional retail business, thus weakening the position of traditional Retail business, coupled with the strong characteristic of the standardized service quality dimension as the business reference of modern minimarket services increasingly sharpening the performance gap retail business and thus further weaken the position of traditional retail business. Comparative analysis of Retail Business Traditional Stores and Retail Business Modern minimarket shows the successful aspects of the service business to be considered namely; consumers, management, and employees. This research includes descriptive research type using traditional approach. The analysis method used is a variant of semantic...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman pengusaha kena pajak atas subjek paj... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman pengusaha kena pajak atas subjek pajak, objek pajak, perhitungan pajak, dan konsekuensi pajak pertambahan nilai terhadap keberhasilan dalam perencanaan pajak pada pengusaha kena pajak yang terdapat di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer melalui kuesioner dengan skala likert. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 30 responden. Uji kualitas data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas menggunakan pearson correlation dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan cronbach alpha serta uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial dan simultan, pemahaman PKP atas subjek pajak, objek pajak, perhitungan pajak, dan konsekuensi pajak PPN berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan dalam perencanaan pajak. Kata Kunci: Subjek Pajak, Objek Pajak, Perhitungan Pajak, dan Konsekuensi Pajak Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, Keberhasilan Dalam Perencanaan Pajak
This paper tries to discuss about Market, Market Mechanism and Price Levels in Islamic Microecono... more This paper tries to discuss about Market, Market Mechanism and Price Levels in Islamic Microeconomics Perspective. In contrast to the conventional economy which frees the formation of price levels only on the market mechanism, determining the price level through market mechanisms in Islamic economics is based on the principles of justice in order to achieve mutual benefit (al-Mashlahah). Therefore, when inequality is detrimental to one party in a market, the role of the government in creating justice for both parties is a solution that is legitimate. This in microeconomic terminology is known as market intervention, which is carried out by the government as a step to stabilize the price level so that it does not harm one party in the market. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the market and price levels in Islamic microeconomics with a philosophical approach. The methodology used in this study used qualitative research based on literature study. The result showed that there were...
Papers by yudi permana