Papers by Pizaini Pizaini
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri, Dec 12, 2020
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2016
The trade business license certificate (SIUP) is a paper-based license to conduct trade businesse... more The trade business license certificate (SIUP) is a paper-based license to conduct trade businesses in Indonesia issued by the government. Until today, there is no mechanism for verifying the validity of document unless to verify it manually. The current paper presents a design that allows paperbased verification of the printed trade business license. It aims to provide the verification mechanism and ensure the document validity. Our design implemented digital signature with QR Code image that placed into the document and the digital certificate issued by a certification authority (CA). The proposed scheme generated 442 Bytes of data and version 14 of QR Code to scan easily by a reader device. The experimental result indicates that our scheme is easy and feasible to implement in Indonesia with guaranteed the document integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation.
Communication via Short Message Service (SMS) messaging is a technology that still has some probl... more Communication via Short Message Service (SMS) messaging is a technology that still has some problems that limited message size and message content security. Message size is greater than 140 bytes are sent over the SMS and the message can be read by others if they have access to the SMS Center. Implementation of cryptographic and compression on the SMS message can increase security and improve the efficiency of the delivery of the message. Algorithm Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is one of the reliable cryptographic methods to secure data and combined with Huffman compression that uses statistical principles to produce data that are smaller. The combination of encryption and compression can result in four modes, namely messaging Only Compress, Compress and Encrypt, Encrypt and Compress and Encrypt Only. Only Compress delivery mode can reduce the size of the message with a compression ratio of 72.87%. Only while the Encrypt transmission mode can improve the security of a message, ...
Telkomnnika, Dec 2016
The trade business license certificate (SIUP) is a paper-based license to conduct trade businesse... more The trade business license certificate (SIUP) is a paper-based license to conduct trade businesses in Indonesia issued by the government. Until today, there is no mechanism for verifying the validity of document unless to verify it manually. The current paper presents a design that allows paper-based verification of the printed trade business license. It aims to provide the verification mechanism and ensure the document validity. Our design implemented digital signature with QR Code image that placed into the document and the digital certificate issued by a certification authority (CA). The proposed scheme generated 442 Bytes of data and version 14 of QR Code to scan easily by a reader device. The experimental result indicates that our scheme is easy and feasible to implement in Indonesia with guaranteed the document integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation.
Seminar Nasional Teknologi nformasi, Komunikasi dan Industri (SNTIKI) 4, Oct 3, 2012
Komunikasi melalui Short Message Service (SMS) merupakan teknologi pengiriman pesan yang masih me... more Komunikasi melalui Short Message Service (SMS) merupakan teknologi pengiriman pesan yang masih memiliki beberapa permasalahan yaitu ukuran pesan yang terbatas dan keamanan isi pesan. Ukuran pesan yang lebih dari 140 byte akan dikirim lebih dari satu SMS dan isi pesan dapat dibaca oleh orang lain jika memiliki akses ke SMS Center. Implementasi kriptografi dan kompresi pada SMS dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan serta meningkatkan efisiensi jumlah pengiriman pesan. Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) merupakan salah satu metode kriptografi yang handal untuk mengamankan data dan dikombinasikan dengan kompresi Huffman yang menggunakan prinsip statistik untuk menghasilkan data yang berukuran lebih kecil. Kombinasi enkripsi dan kompresi dapat menghasilkan empat mode pengiriman pesan yaitu Compress Only, Compress and Encrypt, Encrypt and Compress dan Encrypt Only. Mode pengiriman Compress Only dapat mengurangi ukuran pesan dengan
rasio kompresi sebesar 72,87 %. Sedangkan mode pengiriman Encrypt Only dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan, tetapi menghasilkan pesan yang lebih besar dari pesan asli. Jika kompresi dan enkripsi dikombinasikan menghasilakan rasio kompresi sebesar 75,94 %.
Papers by Pizaini Pizaini
rasio kompresi sebesar 72,87 %. Sedangkan mode pengiriman Encrypt Only dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan, tetapi menghasilkan pesan yang lebih besar dari pesan asli. Jika kompresi dan enkripsi dikombinasikan menghasilakan rasio kompresi sebesar 75,94 %.
rasio kompresi sebesar 72,87 %. Sedangkan mode pengiriman Encrypt Only dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan, tetapi menghasilkan pesan yang lebih besar dari pesan asli. Jika kompresi dan enkripsi dikombinasikan menghasilakan rasio kompresi sebesar 75,94 %.