Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa melalui penerapan model s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa melalui penerapan model self-directed learning berbasis teknologi sehingga mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan perangkat teknologi secara benar dan tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research). Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 16 orang. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah observasi. Aspek-aspek aktivitas belajar mandiri mahasiswa yang diteliti adalah (1) kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mempersiapkan proses belajar mengajar,(2) kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah,(3)interaksi mahasiswa selama kegiatan proses belajar mengajar,(4) tanggung jawab mahasiswa, dan (5) motivasi dan kegairahan mahasiswa dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada mata kuliah academic writing dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran self directed berbasis ICT dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah academic writing. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan persentase skor aktivitas belajar mahasiswa aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I dan meningkat pada siklus II. Model pembelajaran self-directed berbasis ICT dapat dikembangkan lagi untuk dapat diterapkan pada program studi lain di lingkungan Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Bagi penggunna pertama kali, perlu pelatihan yang lebih mendalam dari dosen dan juga operator serta aktif dalam memperbaharui informasi, materi kuliah, dan tugas begitu juga dalam melakukan manajemen sistem e-Learning sehingga dapat sejalan dengan kurikulum yang berlaku.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa I... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan; untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dengan dosen dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara dan untuk mengetahui kesulitan dan upaya penyelesaian terhadap interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris pada semester empat di Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Setelah mengumpulkan data, peneliti menganalisis data dengan menggunakan reduksi, kemudian membagi data dengan mengkategorikannya. Setelah itu, peneliti membuat interprestasi dan mendeskripsikan data untuk menarik kesimpulan. Peneliti menemukan fenomena interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan berjalan dengan baik. Beberapa siswa dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas. Beberapa diantaranya, sekitar 15 siswa dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris. Interaksi kelas siswa dengan dosen dalam berbahasa Inggris di semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan juga berjalan dengan baik. Mereka dapat memberikan umpan balik untuk menanggapi dosen. Kemudian siswa juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam berdiskusi, presentasi, dan bertanya kepada dosen. Kesulitan dalam interaksi kelas siswa berbahasa Inggris adalah kurangnya kosakata, kesalahan dalam pengucapannya, kurangnya percaya diri, kurangnya latihan, dan tidak menguasai materi bahasa Inggris.
This research investigated the implementation of the use of PBL in improving the students' writin... more This research investigated the implementation of the use of PBL in improving the students' writing ability. The objectives of this research was to find out whether there is a significant effect of using PBL toward writing ability or not. This research is colaborating between english lecturer and development economic lecture where the output of this research is a module (a material collection of writing business letters technique including the sample). This research was carried out on the third semester students of Development Economics Department. The writer employed a quasiexperimental design. This research assigned one groups consists of 20 students. Based on the result of research the mean score of post test (79.80) was higher than the pre test (69.50). The paired t-test calculation shows the result of paired sample test (0.00 < 0.05) in which there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores after having treatments. In addition, the results suggest that teaching through PBL gives positive effects on students' ability in writing business letters.
Acitya : Journal of Teaching and Education, Jul 6, 2023
This study uses the Kirkpatrick evaluation model to evaluate the implementation of the Proficienc... more This study uses the Kirkpatrick evaluation model to evaluate the implementation of the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program at the UGN FKIP Language Laboratory. This research is qualitative and quantitative descriptive research, with the type of research used evaluative research. The subjects of this study were 30 students who attended language training from various study programs at Universitas Graha Nusantara. The instrument used is a questionnaire with a Likert scale, a formal test through pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out by drafting, classification, processing, interpretation and conclusion. The results show that the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program, run at the Language Laboratory of FKIP UGN, can be continued because it helps non-English Department students develop foreign language competence. The results of this evaluation can be used as material for consideration in determining steps that can be taken to improve the implementation of the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program so that the results of this program can be achieved optimally.
Anglo-Saxon : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Dec 11, 2019
The aim of this study is to determine the use of the Self Directed Learning model through the use... more The aim of this study is to determine the use of the Self Directed Learning model through the use of moodle technology media in which the learning model can enhance the quality and effectiveness of student learning independently so that students can use technology devices in a correct and proper way. This study utilizes a quantitative approach to the design of OneGroup Pretest-Posttest Design with a pre-experimental research technique. The researcher used cluster samples in the process of collecting samples. The data collected from this study was further analyzed and conclusions were reached using the Prerequisite Test of Analysis and the Paired T-Test Test for hypotheses. The findings of the study with the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the pre-test average value was lower than the post-test average, in description there were differences in the average learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the Paired T-Test statistics, Ha is accepted as having t-count value (13,691) greater than T-table (2,131). The results of the pre-testand posttesting are differenced on average so there is a significant effect of self-directed learning using moodle to improve student learning achievement in academic writing skills. The average value of the experimental class was included in a sufficient category, according to calculated results from Gainscores. It means learning through self-directed e-learning is quite effective in order to improve students ' academic writing abilities. Self-directed learning through Moodle and learning resources are quite effective and efficient in improving student learning and can encourage students to learn on-campus as well as at home, train students to be ready for learning, allow students to participate actively during face to face teaching and learning activities so that students can enhance learning outcomes.
Talking about the educational foundation, the educational foundation is necessary in Indonesia, s... more Talking about the educational foundation, the educational foundation is necessary in Indonesia, so that our country's ongoing education in a country we had a foundation or a very strong steps because the education in every country is not the same. Education is something that is universal and runs continuously from generation to generation. The effort of humanizing mankind through education is organized in accordance with the views of socio-cultural life of every society. Understanding of the Foundation of education is very important to use in making a decision and appropriate action in education. This is important because the results of education did not immediately seemed, so any decisions and actions taken in education should be tested.
Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019), 2020
The purpose of this study is to find out the answers to research problems. For more specific the ... more The purpose of this study is to find out the answers to research problems. For more specific the objectives of this study are 1) to increase the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary using Rosetta Stone media and applying the Dynamic Immersion method at the seventh-grade students of SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan. ; 2) To find out the effectiveness of rosetta stone software as media in teaching student's vocabulary at the seventh-grade students of SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan. Quasiexperimental methods are methods used in evaluations to obtain information. This research is conducted on the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan consisting of seven classes involving two classes of respondents which areas the experimental groups and control groups. The experimental group was treated by using Rosetta Stone learning media, while the control group was not treated. Based on the result, the writer got a mean of pre-test of the experimental group was 50,91and pretest of the control group was 49,39. The score post-test of experimental was 74,24 and control group was 63,64.The result of the t-test is higher than t-table; 4,93 > 1,99. It means that the achievement of students (taught by Rosetta stone) as media in vocabulary mastery is better than those without taught Rosetta stone.
This study aims to investigate the influence of selfdirected e-learning of improving students’ ac... more This study aims to investigate the influence of selfdirected e-learning of improving students’ academic writing ability independently and learning face to face in the classroom. Self-directed e-learning is a model of learning based on technology that is designed for independent learners, the objective method delivered the learning material such as a discussion forum and formative test. In this research used Moodle as a Self-directed elearning model where are the steps in this method are prepared learning materials and students' accounts, in learning activities, students do anywhere and anytime. The research method used in this research is the form of a quasi-experimental study using pretest-posttest design to measure abilities to write and learn through self-directed learning of one group. The collected data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative analysis used to analyze data from observations and questionnaires. The population is students of English Educa...
ANGLO-SAXON: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2019
The aim of this study is to collaborate on the Self Directed Learning model through the use of mo... more The aim of this study is to collaborate on the Self Directed Learning model through the use of moodle technology media in which the learning model can enhance the quality and effectiveness of student learning independently so that students can use technology devices in a correct and proper way. This study utilizes a quantitative approach to the design of OneGroup Pretest-Posttest Design with a pre-experimental research technique. The researcher used cluster samples in the process of collecting samples. The data collected from this study was further analyzed and conclusions were reached using the Prerequisite Test of Analysis and the Paired T-Test Test for hypotheses. The findings of the study with the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the pre-test average value was lower than the post-test average, in description there were differences in the average learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the Paired T-Test statistics, Ha is accepted ...
Batak Angkola. Teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan adalah teori Linguistik Historis Komparatif yan... more Batak Angkola. Teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan adalah teori Linguistik Historis Komparatif yang memiliki dua pandangan ini. Kedua pandangan tersebut adalah Tipe-tipe Perubahan Fonetis dan Tipe-tipe Proses Fonologis. Sedangkan metode yang penulis pergunakan adalah metode perbandingan yaitu perbandingan bahasa Batak Toba dengan bahasa Batak Angkola.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya hubungan pendekatan konstruktiv... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya hubungan pendekatan konstruktivisme terhadap kecemasan mahasiswa yang ditinjau dari kemampuan self- regulated learning. Metode penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada variable self- regulated learning dan kecemasan mahasiswa yang disebar melalui google form. Sebelum melakukan penyebaran instrument, maka dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Selanjutnya melakukan uji normalitas dan uji linearitas serta uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh terdapat adamya hubungan antara self-regulated learning dan kecemasan akademik. Mahasiswa yang mampu menerapkan self-regulated learning dengan baik akan mengalami kecemasan akademis yang lebih rendah.
This research aims to improve the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary and student lear... more This research aims to improve the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary and student learning outcomes using Rosetta Stone through Dynamic Immersion media. The Dynamic Immersion is an audiovisual method without translation, so it is hoped that the brains of students will immediately become accustomed to associating English words with visual images.After the instrument is declared valid and has a high level of reliability, the next step is to provide pre-test and post-test to both groups. The test given is a learning achievement test in the form of an objective test in the form of multiple-choice related to the vocabulary theme of singular and plural vocabulary which is done by students of the control class and the experimental class.Hypothesis testing is done to find out whether there is a significant influence on the Rosetta Stone media through the dynamic immersion method to the learning outcomes of Grade VII students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. Hypothesis testing in ...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
This paper aims to see the students' responses toward the use of Augmented Reality in English... more This paper aims to see the students' responses toward the use of Augmented Reality in English learning as the application has been used in some courses in some levels of students in UWKS. The study implemented the quasi-experimental methodology by applying for the program to two groups, controlled and experimental. Survey method along with the use of questionnaire was used for data collection. The finding and discussion showed that Augmented Reality was well -utilized in the activity of English language teaching. However, the utilization needed to be more optimized and explored due to most of them were first time users.
This paper is about to find out whether there is a significant difference between teaching readin... more This paper is about to find out whether there is a significant difference between teaching reading comprehension of narrative text by using the Herringbone Technique (HT) and the Context clues strategy to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan or not.And the number of sample in this research is 70 students. They are divided into 35 students who are taught by using the Herringbone Technique and 35 students are taught by using the Context clues strategy.In order to get the needed data, the writer applies the library and field research. And as the instrument for collecting the data from the field the writer uses the written test. After getting the data, the next step which is done by the writer is analyzing it by using the statistical analysis which is the formulation of t-test.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa melalui penerapan model s... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa melalui penerapan model self-directed learning berbasis teknologi sehingga mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan perangkat teknologi secara benar dan tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research). Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 16 orang. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah observasi. Aspek-aspek aktivitas belajar mandiri mahasiswa yang diteliti adalah (1) kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mempersiapkan proses belajar mengajar,(2) kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah,(3)interaksi mahasiswa selama kegiatan proses belajar mengajar,(4) tanggung jawab mahasiswa, dan (5) motivasi dan kegairahan mahasiswa dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada mata kuliah academic writing dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran self directed berbasis ICT dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah academic writing. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan persentase skor aktivitas belajar mahasiswa aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I dan meningkat pada siklus II. Model pembelajaran self-directed berbasis ICT dapat dikembangkan lagi untuk dapat diterapkan pada program studi lain di lingkungan Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Bagi penggunna pertama kali, perlu pelatihan yang lebih mendalam dari dosen dan juga operator serta aktif dalam memperbaharui informasi, materi kuliah, dan tugas begitu juga dalam melakukan manajemen sistem e-Learning sehingga dapat sejalan dengan kurikulum yang berlaku.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa I... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan; untuk mengetahui interaksi kelas siswa dengan dosen dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara dan untuk mengetahui kesulitan dan upaya penyelesaian terhadap interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris pada semester empat di Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Setelah mengumpulkan data, peneliti menganalisis data dengan menggunakan reduksi, kemudian membagi data dengan mengkategorikannya. Setelah itu, peneliti membuat interprestasi dan mendeskripsikan data untuk menarik kesimpulan. Peneliti menemukan fenomena interaksi kelas siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris pada semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan berjalan dengan baik. Beberapa siswa dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas. Beberapa diantaranya, sekitar 15 siswa dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris. Interaksi kelas siswa dengan dosen dalam berbahasa Inggris di semester empat Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan juga berjalan dengan baik. Mereka dapat memberikan umpan balik untuk menanggapi dosen. Kemudian siswa juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam berdiskusi, presentasi, dan bertanya kepada dosen. Kesulitan dalam interaksi kelas siswa berbahasa Inggris adalah kurangnya kosakata, kesalahan dalam pengucapannya, kurangnya percaya diri, kurangnya latihan, dan tidak menguasai materi bahasa Inggris.
This research investigated the implementation of the use of PBL in improving the students' writin... more This research investigated the implementation of the use of PBL in improving the students' writing ability. The objectives of this research was to find out whether there is a significant effect of using PBL toward writing ability or not. This research is colaborating between english lecturer and development economic lecture where the output of this research is a module (a material collection of writing business letters technique including the sample). This research was carried out on the third semester students of Development Economics Department. The writer employed a quasiexperimental design. This research assigned one groups consists of 20 students. Based on the result of research the mean score of post test (79.80) was higher than the pre test (69.50). The paired t-test calculation shows the result of paired sample test (0.00 < 0.05) in which there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores after having treatments. In addition, the results suggest that teaching through PBL gives positive effects on students' ability in writing business letters.
Acitya : Journal of Teaching and Education, Jul 6, 2023
This study uses the Kirkpatrick evaluation model to evaluate the implementation of the Proficienc... more This study uses the Kirkpatrick evaluation model to evaluate the implementation of the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program at the UGN FKIP Language Laboratory. This research is qualitative and quantitative descriptive research, with the type of research used evaluative research. The subjects of this study were 30 students who attended language training from various study programs at Universitas Graha Nusantara. The instrument used is a questionnaire with a Likert scale, a formal test through pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out by drafting, classification, processing, interpretation and conclusion. The results show that the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program, run at the Language Laboratory of FKIP UGN, can be continued because it helps non-English Department students develop foreign language competence. The results of this evaluation can be used as material for consideration in determining steps that can be taken to improve the implementation of the Proficiency Test Preparation Course Program so that the results of this program can be achieved optimally.
Anglo-Saxon : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Dec 11, 2019
The aim of this study is to determine the use of the Self Directed Learning model through the use... more The aim of this study is to determine the use of the Self Directed Learning model through the use of moodle technology media in which the learning model can enhance the quality and effectiveness of student learning independently so that students can use technology devices in a correct and proper way. This study utilizes a quantitative approach to the design of OneGroup Pretest-Posttest Design with a pre-experimental research technique. The researcher used cluster samples in the process of collecting samples. The data collected from this study was further analyzed and conclusions were reached using the Prerequisite Test of Analysis and the Paired T-Test Test for hypotheses. The findings of the study with the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the pre-test average value was lower than the post-test average, in description there were differences in the average learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the Paired T-Test statistics, Ha is accepted as having t-count value (13,691) greater than T-table (2,131). The results of the pre-testand posttesting are differenced on average so there is a significant effect of self-directed learning using moodle to improve student learning achievement in academic writing skills. The average value of the experimental class was included in a sufficient category, according to calculated results from Gainscores. It means learning through self-directed e-learning is quite effective in order to improve students ' academic writing abilities. Self-directed learning through Moodle and learning resources are quite effective and efficient in improving student learning and can encourage students to learn on-campus as well as at home, train students to be ready for learning, allow students to participate actively during face to face teaching and learning activities so that students can enhance learning outcomes.
Talking about the educational foundation, the educational foundation is necessary in Indonesia, s... more Talking about the educational foundation, the educational foundation is necessary in Indonesia, so that our country's ongoing education in a country we had a foundation or a very strong steps because the education in every country is not the same. Education is something that is universal and runs continuously from generation to generation. The effort of humanizing mankind through education is organized in accordance with the views of socio-cultural life of every society. Understanding of the Foundation of education is very important to use in making a decision and appropriate action in education. This is important because the results of education did not immediately seemed, so any decisions and actions taken in education should be tested.
Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019), 2020
The purpose of this study is to find out the answers to research problems. For more specific the ... more The purpose of this study is to find out the answers to research problems. For more specific the objectives of this study are 1) to increase the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary using Rosetta Stone media and applying the Dynamic Immersion method at the seventh-grade students of SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan. ; 2) To find out the effectiveness of rosetta stone software as media in teaching student's vocabulary at the seventh-grade students of SMP N 3 Padangsidimpuan. Quasiexperimental methods are methods used in evaluations to obtain information. This research is conducted on the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan consisting of seven classes involving two classes of respondents which areas the experimental groups and control groups. The experimental group was treated by using Rosetta Stone learning media, while the control group was not treated. Based on the result, the writer got a mean of pre-test of the experimental group was 50,91and pretest of the control group was 49,39. The score post-test of experimental was 74,24 and control group was 63,64.The result of the t-test is higher than t-table; 4,93 > 1,99. It means that the achievement of students (taught by Rosetta stone) as media in vocabulary mastery is better than those without taught Rosetta stone.
This study aims to investigate the influence of selfdirected e-learning of improving students’ ac... more This study aims to investigate the influence of selfdirected e-learning of improving students’ academic writing ability independently and learning face to face in the classroom. Self-directed e-learning is a model of learning based on technology that is designed for independent learners, the objective method delivered the learning material such as a discussion forum and formative test. In this research used Moodle as a Self-directed elearning model where are the steps in this method are prepared learning materials and students' accounts, in learning activities, students do anywhere and anytime. The research method used in this research is the form of a quasi-experimental study using pretest-posttest design to measure abilities to write and learn through self-directed learning of one group. The collected data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative analysis used to analyze data from observations and questionnaires. The population is students of English Educa...
ANGLO-SAXON: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 2019
The aim of this study is to collaborate on the Self Directed Learning model through the use of mo... more The aim of this study is to collaborate on the Self Directed Learning model through the use of moodle technology media in which the learning model can enhance the quality and effectiveness of student learning independently so that students can use technology devices in a correct and proper way. This study utilizes a quantitative approach to the design of OneGroup Pretest-Posttest Design with a pre-experimental research technique. The researcher used cluster samples in the process of collecting samples. The data collected from this study was further analyzed and conclusions were reached using the Prerequisite Test of Analysis and the Paired T-Test Test for hypotheses. The findings of the study with the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the pre-test average value was lower than the post-test average, in description there were differences in the average learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the Paired T-Test statistics, Ha is accepted ...
Batak Angkola. Teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan adalah teori Linguistik Historis Komparatif yan... more Batak Angkola. Teori yang digunakan dalam tulisan adalah teori Linguistik Historis Komparatif yang memiliki dua pandangan ini. Kedua pandangan tersebut adalah Tipe-tipe Perubahan Fonetis dan Tipe-tipe Proses Fonologis. Sedangkan metode yang penulis pergunakan adalah metode perbandingan yaitu perbandingan bahasa Batak Toba dengan bahasa Batak Angkola.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya hubungan pendekatan konstruktiv... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya hubungan pendekatan konstruktivisme terhadap kecemasan mahasiswa yang ditinjau dari kemampuan self- regulated learning. Metode penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada variable self- regulated learning dan kecemasan mahasiswa yang disebar melalui google form. Sebelum melakukan penyebaran instrument, maka dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Selanjutnya melakukan uji normalitas dan uji linearitas serta uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh terdapat adamya hubungan antara self-regulated learning dan kecemasan akademik. Mahasiswa yang mampu menerapkan self-regulated learning dengan baik akan mengalami kecemasan akademis yang lebih rendah.
This research aims to improve the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary and student lear... more This research aims to improve the vocabulary of students' English vocabulary and student learning outcomes using Rosetta Stone through Dynamic Immersion media. The Dynamic Immersion is an audiovisual method without translation, so it is hoped that the brains of students will immediately become accustomed to associating English words with visual images.After the instrument is declared valid and has a high level of reliability, the next step is to provide pre-test and post-test to both groups. The test given is a learning achievement test in the form of an objective test in the form of multiple-choice related to the vocabulary theme of singular and plural vocabulary which is done by students of the control class and the experimental class.Hypothesis testing is done to find out whether there is a significant influence on the Rosetta Stone media through the dynamic immersion method to the learning outcomes of Grade VII students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. Hypothesis testing in ...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
This paper aims to see the students' responses toward the use of Augmented Reality in English... more This paper aims to see the students' responses toward the use of Augmented Reality in English learning as the application has been used in some courses in some levels of students in UWKS. The study implemented the quasi-experimental methodology by applying for the program to two groups, controlled and experimental. Survey method along with the use of questionnaire was used for data collection. The finding and discussion showed that Augmented Reality was well -utilized in the activity of English language teaching. However, the utilization needed to be more optimized and explored due to most of them were first time users.
This paper is about to find out whether there is a significant difference between teaching readin... more This paper is about to find out whether there is a significant difference between teaching reading comprehension of narrative text by using the Herringbone Technique (HT) and the Context clues strategy to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan or not.And the number of sample in this research is 70 students. They are divided into 35 students who are taught by using the Herringbone Technique and 35 students are taught by using the Context clues strategy.In order to get the needed data, the writer applies the library and field research. And as the instrument for collecting the data from the field the writer uses the written test. After getting the data, the next step which is done by the writer is analyzing it by using the statistical analysis which is the formulation of t-test.
Audiovisual Translation or subtitling is one of alternative in learning a foreign language. It is... more Audiovisual Translation or subtitling is one of alternative in learning a foreign language. It is a new educational tool and ideas. It offers variety and flexibility, contextualizes linguistic items, provides exposure to cultural and nonverbal elements, and is closer to natural ideal communication than the written or oral modes. In this article, we provide the learning experiences design implemented in subtitling course taught in the sixth semester of the Degree in English Language Education Program of IAIN Surakarta, in Indonesia, and we examine the tasks and technique implementation in the classroom. Specifically, we pay attention more on Project-Based Learning (PBL) and review from colleague in the subtitling course. The discussion of both students' performances and their reactions to the new learning experiences is the main results.
Papers by Yulia Damanik