Energy policy recently became an issue that has been highlighted by various parties, including ac... more Energy policy recently became an issue that has been highlighted by various parties, including academics in Indonesia. This coincides with the signs of the climate crisis, and the environmental damage that is affected by energy management. Although, there have been many studies discussing it, so far, there has been no research showing the direction of energy policy in Indonesia. Thus, this paper aims to map the trends in the literature. Bibliometric analysis is used to map topics raised from various research article by looking at the most common keywords, and identifying the most cited and productive sources. Per the results, the discussion of renewable energy and related topics became the dominant issue in the mapping of this main topic from 2003 to 2021. Then Energy Policy Journal the most cited reference, and the Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science became the most productive source. The results of this study indicate indirectly, how far Indonesia's energy p...
The pandemic in Indonesia requires a moving from offline learning to online learning to reduce th... more The pandemic in Indonesia requires a moving from offline learning to online learning to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, that practice facing some problem like the increment households spending for internet access, and inequality access technology. As a form of accountability and responsibility for these problems, the Indonesian government by the Ministry of Education and Culture made a policy of subsidizing internet quota for all teachers, students, and lecturers for four months. This subsidy was made to support distance learning during the pandemic. This article aims to examine the implementation of the internet quota subsidy policy. The literature review method is carried out by looking at previous research related to aid/subsidies policies during the crisis, policy implementation, and internet quota subsidy in Indonesia. The sources were collected from articles, reports, and mass media. The results show that looking at the output and the initiation, this policy has been r...
This research aims to analyze the development of ecofeminism approach implemented in Indonesia as... more This research aims to analyze the development of ecofeminism approach implemented in Indonesia as one of the measures of environmental preservation. Analysis prepared by descriptive case, the material obtained by the analysis of the study of literature in various print and online literature that discusses the approach and the application of the subject. Assessment begins with a discussion of the background to the author discusses the reasons why women should be engaged in environmental conservation, as well as the interesting things related to this discussion. Then the authors will describe the concept of ecofeminism and environmental protection as well as the relationship / correlation between them. This paper describes how ecofeminism may be an approach to building a real movement of women who have big goals in environmental conservation in Indonesia. As a result, there are some things that should be considered and could be a model for the development of women's movement in the preservation of this environment, using ecofeminism approach.
Pengadaan barang dan jasa publik yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara negara dalam hal ini pemerinta... more Pengadaan barang dan jasa publik yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara negara dalam hal ini pemerintah merupakan lingkup program pemerintah yang paling berpotensi menimbulkan korupsi. Maka dari itu, untuk mencegah munculnya tindak korupsi dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa, diperlukan prinsip-prinsip yang dilaksanakan oleh seluruh aktor yang terlibat dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa. Prinsip-prinsip yang harus diterapkan dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah sebagaimana tertuang pada bagian penjelasan pasal 5 atas Perpres 54 Tahun 2010 ialah efisien, efektif, transparan, terbuka, bersaing, adil dan akuntabel.
HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA Disusun sebagai syarat mengikuti mata... more HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA Disusun sebagai syarat mengikuti mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia yang dibimbing oleh Drs. Yusuf Suprapto, M.Pd Disusun Oleh : Sajida 145120600111002 UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK PROGRAM STUDI ILMU PEMERINTAHAN OKTOBER 2014 KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan bimbingan-Nya, penulis dapat mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan Makalah dengan judul "HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA". Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan laporan ini penulis tidak bekerja sendiri. Seperti gading tak ada yang tak retak, penulis menyadari bahwa dalam laporan ini tidaklah sempurna. Akhir kata, penulis meminta maaf apabila ada kekurangan dalam penyusunan laporan ini. Semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang membacanya dan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Penulis berharap, penelitian selanjutnya dapat memperbaiki kekurangan yang terdapat dalam laporan ini.
Energy policy recently became an issue that has been highlighted by various parties, including ac... more Energy policy recently became an issue that has been highlighted by various parties, including academics in Indonesia. This coincides with the signs of the climate crisis, and the environmental damage that is affected by energy management. Although, there have been many studies discussing it, so far, there has been no research showing the direction of energy policy in Indonesia. Thus, this paper aims to map the trends in the literature. Bibliometric analysis is used to map topics raised from various research article by looking at the most common keywords, and identifying the most cited and productive sources. Per the results, the discussion of renewable energy and related topics became the dominant issue in the mapping of this main topic from 2003 to 2021. Then Energy Policy Journal the most cited reference, and the Iop Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science became the most productive source. The results of this study indicate indirectly, how far Indonesia's energy p...
The pandemic in Indonesia requires a moving from offline learning to online learning to reduce th... more The pandemic in Indonesia requires a moving from offline learning to online learning to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, that practice facing some problem like the increment households spending for internet access, and inequality access technology. As a form of accountability and responsibility for these problems, the Indonesian government by the Ministry of Education and Culture made a policy of subsidizing internet quota for all teachers, students, and lecturers for four months. This subsidy was made to support distance learning during the pandemic. This article aims to examine the implementation of the internet quota subsidy policy. The literature review method is carried out by looking at previous research related to aid/subsidies policies during the crisis, policy implementation, and internet quota subsidy in Indonesia. The sources were collected from articles, reports, and mass media. The results show that looking at the output and the initiation, this policy has been r...
This research aims to analyze the development of ecofeminism approach implemented in Indonesia as... more This research aims to analyze the development of ecofeminism approach implemented in Indonesia as one of the measures of environmental preservation. Analysis prepared by descriptive case, the material obtained by the analysis of the study of literature in various print and online literature that discusses the approach and the application of the subject. Assessment begins with a discussion of the background to the author discusses the reasons why women should be engaged in environmental conservation, as well as the interesting things related to this discussion. Then the authors will describe the concept of ecofeminism and environmental protection as well as the relationship / correlation between them. This paper describes how ecofeminism may be an approach to building a real movement of women who have big goals in environmental conservation in Indonesia. As a result, there are some things that should be considered and could be a model for the development of women's movement in the preservation of this environment, using ecofeminism approach.
Pengadaan barang dan jasa publik yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara negara dalam hal ini pemerinta... more Pengadaan barang dan jasa publik yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara negara dalam hal ini pemerintah merupakan lingkup program pemerintah yang paling berpotensi menimbulkan korupsi. Maka dari itu, untuk mencegah munculnya tindak korupsi dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa, diperlukan prinsip-prinsip yang dilaksanakan oleh seluruh aktor yang terlibat dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa. Prinsip-prinsip yang harus diterapkan dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah sebagaimana tertuang pada bagian penjelasan pasal 5 atas Perpres 54 Tahun 2010 ialah efisien, efektif, transparan, terbuka, bersaing, adil dan akuntabel.
HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA Disusun sebagai syarat mengikuti mata... more HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA Disusun sebagai syarat mengikuti mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia yang dibimbing oleh Drs. Yusuf Suprapto, M.Pd Disusun Oleh : Sajida 145120600111002 UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK PROGRAM STUDI ILMU PEMERINTAHAN OKTOBER 2014 KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan bimbingan-Nya, penulis dapat mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan Makalah dengan judul "HUBUNGAN ILMU PEMERINTAHAN DENGAN 4 ILMU KENEGARAAN LAINNYA". Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan laporan ini penulis tidak bekerja sendiri. Seperti gading tak ada yang tak retak, penulis menyadari bahwa dalam laporan ini tidaklah sempurna. Akhir kata, penulis meminta maaf apabila ada kekurangan dalam penyusunan laporan ini. Semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang membacanya dan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Penulis berharap, penelitian selanjutnya dapat memperbaiki kekurangan yang terdapat dalam laporan ini.
Papers by Sajida Sajida