The crystallite size, strain, and dislocation studies of barium titanate powders and influenced b... more The crystallite size, strain, and dislocation studies of barium titanate powders and influenced by the polyvinyl alcohol and temperature
Energi panas bumi merupakan energi sumber daya alam berupa air panas atau uap panas yang terbentu... more Energi panas bumi merupakan energi sumber daya alam berupa air panas atau uap panas yang terbentuk melalui pemanasan di dalam bumi. Salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi panas bumi adalah Blawan-Ijen. Metode yang sering digunakan untuk identifikasi panas bumi adalah metode gravitasi. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data gravitasi satelit yaitu BGI dan GGMplus. Data Bouguer BGI merupakan data anomali bouguer yang sudah siap diolah, sedangkan untuk data GGMplus masih merupakan data gravity disturbance. Data gravitasi GGMplus tergolong data gravitasi yang masih baru, sehingga diperlukan pembandingan dengan data gravitasi lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi antara data gravitasi BGI dengan GGMplus. Proses korelasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemiripan antara data gravitasi GGMplus dengan BGI. Korelasi dilakukan dengan membuat digitasi kontur anomali gravitasi pada software Surfer dan menghitung nilai korelasi antar titik data gravitas...
Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy, 2021
In Indonesia is the Iyang-Argopuro Volcano Complex. The Research uses remote sensing methods and ... more In Indonesia is the Iyang-Argopuro Volcano Complex. The Research uses remote sensing methods and gravity methods conducted to study thermal anomalies and subsurface structures using Data images of Landsat 8 satellite and a data gravity of GGMPlus satellite. Moreover, the study aims to estimate the number of hoisting manifestations of the earth's heat at the compound of the Iyang-Argopuro volcano. Landsat 8 satellite image data is a spectral band (band 1-9) and a thermal band (band 10 and 11). The data was done in radiometric corrections, radiance correction, and reflex corrections, and was thus obtained a value of ground surface temperature (LST). The data was done in radiometric corrections, radiance correction, and reflectance corrections, to get an LST value. Processing data gravity of GGMPlus satellites with a bouguer correction, terrain corrections up to get a Complete Bouguer Anomaly (ABL) value. Furthermore, the ABL value consisting of regional and local anomalies is sepa...
Metode gravitasi merupakan metode yang sering digunakan dalam eksplorasi geofisika. Dengan perkem... more Metode gravitasi merupakan metode yang sering digunakan dalam eksplorasi geofisika. Dengan perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, akuisis data telah berkembang dengan memanfaarkan data satelit dan pemodelan, salah satunya adalah data gravitasi GGMplus. Pada penelitian ini, data gravitasi GGMplus akan digunakan untuk memetakan sebaran maar dan cinder cone di Wilayah Gunung Lamongan. Agar mendapatkan hasil anomali lokal data gravitasi yang optimal, dilakukan kombinasi metode filtering analisis power spectrum dan upward continuation. Kontur data ABL dilakukan sayatan, data anomali gravitasi dari setiap lintasan sayatan di-FFT sehingga didapatkan bilangan gelombang dan nilai power spectrum beserta grafik hubungan antara keduanya. Metode analisis power spectrum memberikan data lebar jendela yang dijadikan sebagai informasi penentuan ketinggian pada metode upward continuation. Peta kontur ABL di wilayah Gunung Lamongan menunjukkan rentang nilai medan gravitasi antara-20 mGal hingga 50 mGal. Nilai anomali tinggi menunjukkan keberadaan Gunung Lamongan yang didominasi oleh batuan intrusif. Struktur bawah permukaan wilayah Gunung Lamongan diduga terdiri atas tuf, lahar, breksi gunungapi, dan lava. Keberadaan maar dan cinder cone di wilayah Gunung Lamongan dapat dipetakan dari kontur anomali lokal. Kontur anomali lokal diperoleh dari data ABL dengan menghubungkan dua metode filtering analisis power spectrum dan upward continuation. Terdapat 10 cinder cone dan 8 maar yang tampak pada peta kontur anomali lokal.
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK), 2019
Studi literatur untuk mengestimasi temperature reservoir Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu telah dilakuka... more Studi literatur untuk mengestimasi temperature reservoir Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu telah dilakukan menggunakan metode geotermometri larutan. Perhitungan temperature diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan empiris kandungan unsure-unsur kimia terlarut pada air panas Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu. Kandungan unsure ini diperoleh dari hasil analisis sampel air panas dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) yang dilakukan oleh Rizqiya 2014, berupa konsentrasi Na, K, Ca, Mg dan SiO2. Dari hasil perhitungan ini, estimasi temperature reservoir Bledug Kuwu berkisar antara 90.411 – 148.354 0C.
HIGH-ENERGY PROCESSES IN CONDENSED MATTER (HEPCM 2020): Proceedings of the XXVII Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of RI Soloukhin, 2020
ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Reflector based smart solar tracker (RBSST) as a solution of gl... more ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Reflector based smart solar tracker (RBSST) as a solution of global climate change and its economic analysis for 900VA customer
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2017
Gumuk is a natural phenomenon that occurs in East Java, especially in Jember. The existence of gu... more Gumuk is a natural phenomenon that occurs in East Java, especially in Jember. The existence of gumuk scattered in the district of Jember has mined intensively, causing their numbers have declined dramatically. Collecting data in this study conducted on each of the gumuk using waypoint on GPS device consisting of latitude and longitude coordinates. Waypoint data is modified into shapefile (shp) then it is processed using ArcView Gis 3.3. Based on our preliminary studies in 2 Subdistrict of Pakusari and Ledokombo identified as cumulate gumuk while in the subdistrict of Arjasa as spread gumuk. The groundwater potential in cumulate and spread gumuk need to be investigated so that further confirming the role of gumuks as a water storage. Groundwater potential estimated using self potential methods. The results obtained in the cumulate gumuk have potential value 2 mV to-14 mV, the goundwater potential in the gumuk can be assumed to be dominant. While on the spread gumuk, soil water anomaly uneven, only at some point. The groundwater potential in this gumuk less dominant than the cumulate gumuk. From this study could be concluded that the distribution of cumulate gumuk more abundant groundwater potential than spread gumuk.
Lack of clean water when entering the dry season is a problem that often occurs in the FMIPA Univ... more Lack of clean water when entering the dry season is a problem that often occurs in the FMIPA University of Jember. The purpose of this research is to know and estimate the potential distribution of the aquifer in the research area. 3D modeling of resistivity data was carried out using Voxler software. The input of resistivity data from the measurement results in the research area that the inversion process had carried out. The modeling results obtained an aquifer potency of 207.862,21 m 3 or 21.63% of the total volume on the model image's cross-sectional map, with an irregular distribution pattern. Finally, using this method, the modeling of the aquifer potential volume and distribution can be estimated, and can be used as consideration in the use of groundwater in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. Kekurangan air bersih ketika memasuki musim kemarau merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di lingkungan FMIPA Universitas Jember. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah adalah mengetahui dan memperkirakan sebaran potensi akuifer di daerah penelitian. Pemodelan 3D data resistivitas dilakukan menggukanan perangkat lunak Voxler, dengan input data resistivitas hasil pengukuran di daerah penelitian yang sudah dilakukan proses inversi. Dari hasil pemodelan diperoleh potensi akuifer sebesar 207.862,21 m 3 atau 21,63 % dari total volume pada peta penampang citra model, dengan pola sebaran tidak beraturan. Dari hasil pemodelan potensi volume dan sebarannya dapat diperkirakan, dan dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pemanfaatan air tanah di lingkungan FMIPA Universitas Jember.
The mathematical modelling of geological structures, i.e. magma intrusion or dyke, has been done,... more The mathematical modelling of geological structures, i.e. magma intrusion or dyke, has been done, based on magnetic data with inversion techniques using MatLab. The magnetic equation is a non-linear equation, and completion is done using a linear approach to non-linear mathematical models of magnetic data using the Taylor expansion approach and Jacobi Matrix. The first step of this research is to make synthetic data forward modelling from the magnetic equation of magma intrusion or dyke cases without errors, and the next stepping then add errors to the data. The next step is to do an inversion to get the parameters sought, i.e. depth and angle of the magma intrusion, by giving initial guesses, and then re-correct iteratively until convergent results are obtained. Finally, parameters of slope dyke or thin magma intrusion and its depth can be determined. The results obtained indicate that this technique can be used to get physical parameters sought from magnetic data for simple geolo...
There are several secondary gravity data on the internet that can be freely accessed and download... more There are several secondary gravity data on the internet that can be freely accessed and downloaded for research purposes. These gravity data include Topex Gravity data, which provides free-air gravity data, BGI (Observation Gravity data, Free-Air, Complete Anomaly Bouguer), and GGMPlus Gravity Data. GGMPlus gravity data is gravity data with the smallest grid spacing compared to Topex and BGI data, with a grid spacing of approximately 200 meters. This data consists of 5 data sets, including Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration data. This study correlates between Topex and BGI free-air data with GGMPlus data (Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration), and BGI Observation Gravity data with GGMPlus (Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration) data using Pearson correlation technique. Correlated data are gravity data in volcanic regions in Central and East Java. As a result, Gravity Disturbance data on GGMPlus is equivalent to Free-Air Gravity Data on Topex and BGI, while ...
Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan mengalami bencana tanah ... more Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan mengalami bencana tanah longsor. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya longsor akibat dari kondisi batuan yang lemah sehingga mengakibatkan massa tanah diatasnya bergerak. Kondisi ini dapat diketahui dari nilai resistivitas yang dideteksi menggunakan metode geolistrik. Nilai resistivitas menggambarkan jenis tanah untuk setiap lapisan tanah. Tanah longsor selain dipengaruhi jenis tanah, juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisis tanah salah satunya yaitu permeabilitas tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hasil metode geolistrik dan uji permeabilitas tanah. Data resistivitas awal diolah menggunakan software RES2DINV yang selanjutnya diolah dengan software Rockworks untuk mengetahui sebaran nilai resistivitas dalam bentuk 3D. Uji permeabilitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan tanah dalam melewatkan air. Diketahui hasil dalam bentuk 3D nilai resistivitas berada pada rentang (8.29 – 149.83) Ω...
Indonesia's geographical conditions which are at the confluence of three tectonic plates cont... more Indonesia's geographical conditions which are at the confluence of three tectonic plates contribute to the availability of geothermal energy. The first step that can be taken in geothermal potential exploration activities is to study the characteristics of geothermal potential areas. In this case the study of the characteristics of geothermal potential will be carried out in the Ijen Mountains complex. This study aims to analyze the distribution of geothermal potential based on land surface temperature, and geothermal manifestations based on the association of land surface temperature and geomorphology. Remote sensing data used in the study were Landsat 8 images acquired in September 2013, 2015, and 2017. The results showed that geothermal potential areas were in the interior of the Ijen Mountains caldera with a temperature anomaly of 26-50 °C which was dominated by high greenish vegetation. While some geothermal manifestations that have been recorded are known to be associated ...
Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan Metode Geolistrik 1 D dan pengukuran resistivitas sampel b... more Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan Metode Geolistrik 1 D dan pengukuran resistivitas sampel batuan mangan di laboratorium, dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan dan kedalaman batuan Mangan di Gunung Sadeng, Jember. Gunung Sadeng merupakan gunung kapur yang teridentifikasi mengandung batuan mangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik 1 Dimensi atau Vertical Elecrical Sounding (VES) dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger, sedangkan pengukuran sampel di laboratorium menggunakan metode empat titik. Data diolah menggunakan Software Ipi2win untuk memperoleh litologi bawah permukaan. Mangan memiliki nilai resistivitas rendah dengan rentang (44-160) Ωm dan termasuk dalam resistivitas limestone. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa litologi di kawasan Gunung Sadeng terdiri dari limestone, gamping terumbu, limestone bersisipan mangan, dan lempung kering. Limestone bersisipan mangan berada di kedalaman (14,20-23,4) m, (3,52-16,20) m dan (3,79-7,91) m. Sedangkan hasil labo...
The spectral-element method (SEM) has been applied to simulate seismic wave propagation in 2D ten... more The spectral-element method (SEM) has been applied to simulate seismic wave propagation in 2D tentative geological model of Geothermal Area in Tiris, East Java Indonesia. we used 2-D model with 36 km x 5 km dimensions and discretized into 720 × 80 rectangular elements (mesh). We computed 8000 time steps with a sampling interval of 0.001 s using 10 Hz Ricker wavelet. The snapshots of seismic wave propagation along Tiris 2D geological model illustrate that SEM could accurately modeling seismic wave propagation. The seismic event that triggers a vibration in rock layers not only depend on the characteristics of the seismic earthquake source parameters and seismic wave propagation media, but also influenced by geometry of the media, such as topography and geological setting. The influence of ground topography, difference media, and structural geology were demonstrated by different time of wave arrival and different amplitudes. Therefore, SEM could be applied as preliminary study in geot...
ABSTRACT The Tiris geothermal field (TGF) is indicated by the presence of two sets of surface war... more ABSTRACT The Tiris geothermal field (TGF) is indicated by the presence of two sets of surface warm springs located within the proximity of two volcanoes: Mt. Lamongan and Mt. Argopuro. Preliminary assessment of TGF in terms of petrology of the volcanic rock and geochemistry of springs has been studied by Deon et al. (2012). The combination of petrology and geochemistry studies suggests: 1) the relation between sea water and the origin of warm springs and 2) the existence of a concealed layer responsible for capturing H2S gas which, in turn, accounts to the observed HCO3- excess of the springs. In order to support hypotheses resulting from those petrology and geochemistry studies, two passive seismic field experiments have been deployed successively. The first small-scale seismic noise study in 2011 was carried out by setting up 5 geophones for 5-days monitoring positioned around Mt. Lamongan. The second larger-scale passive seismic study has been performed since October 2012 setting up 16 short period stations and 4 broad-band stations around TGF for 6 months monitoring period. The goal of preliminary seismic noise test in 2011 was to identify pre-dominant noise characteristics in the area, while passive seismic monitoring in 2012 attempts to reveal the underground geologic structure of TGF derived from seismic properties. We report the set-up of both experiments and describe first result of seismic noise analysis and preliminary monitoring analysis. References Deon, F.; Moeck, I.; Scheytt, T.; Jaya, M.S. (2012): Preliminary assessment of the geothermal system of the Tiris colcanic area, East Java, Indonesia. 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition (Copenhagen, Denmark 2012).
The simulation of the wave propagation of the radar in the sub-surface was very important to be u... more The simulation of the wave propagation of the radar in the sub-surface was very important to be understood before being carried out of field acquisition, to maximize the design of the acquisition and to optimized radar gram data’s. One of the approaches in the simulation of the data was to use propagation modeling of the electromagnetic wave by using the Finite Difference Time Domain solution (FDTD). Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in the GPR requires a solution of Maxwell’s equations or present a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solution of Maxwell’s that permit accurate computation of the radiated field from a transmitting antenna. Propagating through the air-earth interface, scattering by subsurface targets and reception of the scattered fields by receiving antenna. This technique is second-order accurate in time and fourth-order accurate in space. In this paper, I demonstrate the synthetic radar gram by applying this technique to two-dimensional examples from a ...
The crystallite size, strain, and dislocation studies of barium titanate powders and influenced b... more The crystallite size, strain, and dislocation studies of barium titanate powders and influenced by the polyvinyl alcohol and temperature
Energi panas bumi merupakan energi sumber daya alam berupa air panas atau uap panas yang terbentu... more Energi panas bumi merupakan energi sumber daya alam berupa air panas atau uap panas yang terbentuk melalui pemanasan di dalam bumi. Salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi panas bumi adalah Blawan-Ijen. Metode yang sering digunakan untuk identifikasi panas bumi adalah metode gravitasi. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data gravitasi satelit yaitu BGI dan GGMplus. Data Bouguer BGI merupakan data anomali bouguer yang sudah siap diolah, sedangkan untuk data GGMplus masih merupakan data gravity disturbance. Data gravitasi GGMplus tergolong data gravitasi yang masih baru, sehingga diperlukan pembandingan dengan data gravitasi lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi antara data gravitasi BGI dengan GGMplus. Proses korelasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemiripan antara data gravitasi GGMplus dengan BGI. Korelasi dilakukan dengan membuat digitasi kontur anomali gravitasi pada software Surfer dan menghitung nilai korelasi antar titik data gravitas...
Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy, 2021
In Indonesia is the Iyang-Argopuro Volcano Complex. The Research uses remote sensing methods and ... more In Indonesia is the Iyang-Argopuro Volcano Complex. The Research uses remote sensing methods and gravity methods conducted to study thermal anomalies and subsurface structures using Data images of Landsat 8 satellite and a data gravity of GGMPlus satellite. Moreover, the study aims to estimate the number of hoisting manifestations of the earth's heat at the compound of the Iyang-Argopuro volcano. Landsat 8 satellite image data is a spectral band (band 1-9) and a thermal band (band 10 and 11). The data was done in radiometric corrections, radiance correction, and reflex corrections, and was thus obtained a value of ground surface temperature (LST). The data was done in radiometric corrections, radiance correction, and reflectance corrections, to get an LST value. Processing data gravity of GGMPlus satellites with a bouguer correction, terrain corrections up to get a Complete Bouguer Anomaly (ABL) value. Furthermore, the ABL value consisting of regional and local anomalies is sepa...
Metode gravitasi merupakan metode yang sering digunakan dalam eksplorasi geofisika. Dengan perkem... more Metode gravitasi merupakan metode yang sering digunakan dalam eksplorasi geofisika. Dengan perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini, akuisis data telah berkembang dengan memanfaarkan data satelit dan pemodelan, salah satunya adalah data gravitasi GGMplus. Pada penelitian ini, data gravitasi GGMplus akan digunakan untuk memetakan sebaran maar dan cinder cone di Wilayah Gunung Lamongan. Agar mendapatkan hasil anomali lokal data gravitasi yang optimal, dilakukan kombinasi metode filtering analisis power spectrum dan upward continuation. Kontur data ABL dilakukan sayatan, data anomali gravitasi dari setiap lintasan sayatan di-FFT sehingga didapatkan bilangan gelombang dan nilai power spectrum beserta grafik hubungan antara keduanya. Metode analisis power spectrum memberikan data lebar jendela yang dijadikan sebagai informasi penentuan ketinggian pada metode upward continuation. Peta kontur ABL di wilayah Gunung Lamongan menunjukkan rentang nilai medan gravitasi antara-20 mGal hingga 50 mGal. Nilai anomali tinggi menunjukkan keberadaan Gunung Lamongan yang didominasi oleh batuan intrusif. Struktur bawah permukaan wilayah Gunung Lamongan diduga terdiri atas tuf, lahar, breksi gunungapi, dan lava. Keberadaan maar dan cinder cone di wilayah Gunung Lamongan dapat dipetakan dari kontur anomali lokal. Kontur anomali lokal diperoleh dari data ABL dengan menghubungkan dua metode filtering analisis power spectrum dan upward continuation. Terdapat 10 cinder cone dan 8 maar yang tampak pada peta kontur anomali lokal.
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK), 2019
Studi literatur untuk mengestimasi temperature reservoir Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu telah dilakuka... more Studi literatur untuk mengestimasi temperature reservoir Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu telah dilakukan menggunakan metode geotermometri larutan. Perhitungan temperature diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan empiris kandungan unsure-unsur kimia terlarut pada air panas Gunung Lumpur Bledug Kuwu. Kandungan unsure ini diperoleh dari hasil analisis sampel air panas dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) yang dilakukan oleh Rizqiya 2014, berupa konsentrasi Na, K, Ca, Mg dan SiO2. Dari hasil perhitungan ini, estimasi temperature reservoir Bledug Kuwu berkisar antara 90.411 – 148.354 0C.
HIGH-ENERGY PROCESSES IN CONDENSED MATTER (HEPCM 2020): Proceedings of the XXVII Conference on High-Energy Processes in Condensed Matter, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of RI Soloukhin, 2020
ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Reflector based smart solar tracker (RBSST) as a solution of gl... more ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Reflector based smart solar tracker (RBSST) as a solution of global climate change and its economic analysis for 900VA customer
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2017
Gumuk is a natural phenomenon that occurs in East Java, especially in Jember. The existence of gu... more Gumuk is a natural phenomenon that occurs in East Java, especially in Jember. The existence of gumuk scattered in the district of Jember has mined intensively, causing their numbers have declined dramatically. Collecting data in this study conducted on each of the gumuk using waypoint on GPS device consisting of latitude and longitude coordinates. Waypoint data is modified into shapefile (shp) then it is processed using ArcView Gis 3.3. Based on our preliminary studies in 2 Subdistrict of Pakusari and Ledokombo identified as cumulate gumuk while in the subdistrict of Arjasa as spread gumuk. The groundwater potential in cumulate and spread gumuk need to be investigated so that further confirming the role of gumuks as a water storage. Groundwater potential estimated using self potential methods. The results obtained in the cumulate gumuk have potential value 2 mV to-14 mV, the goundwater potential in the gumuk can be assumed to be dominant. While on the spread gumuk, soil water anomaly uneven, only at some point. The groundwater potential in this gumuk less dominant than the cumulate gumuk. From this study could be concluded that the distribution of cumulate gumuk more abundant groundwater potential than spread gumuk.
Lack of clean water when entering the dry season is a problem that often occurs in the FMIPA Univ... more Lack of clean water when entering the dry season is a problem that often occurs in the FMIPA University of Jember. The purpose of this research is to know and estimate the potential distribution of the aquifer in the research area. 3D modeling of resistivity data was carried out using Voxler software. The input of resistivity data from the measurement results in the research area that the inversion process had carried out. The modeling results obtained an aquifer potency of 207.862,21 m 3 or 21.63% of the total volume on the model image's cross-sectional map, with an irregular distribution pattern. Finally, using this method, the modeling of the aquifer potential volume and distribution can be estimated, and can be used as consideration in the use of groundwater in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. Kekurangan air bersih ketika memasuki musim kemarau merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di lingkungan FMIPA Universitas Jember. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah adalah mengetahui dan memperkirakan sebaran potensi akuifer di daerah penelitian. Pemodelan 3D data resistivitas dilakukan menggukanan perangkat lunak Voxler, dengan input data resistivitas hasil pengukuran di daerah penelitian yang sudah dilakukan proses inversi. Dari hasil pemodelan diperoleh potensi akuifer sebesar 207.862,21 m 3 atau 21,63 % dari total volume pada peta penampang citra model, dengan pola sebaran tidak beraturan. Dari hasil pemodelan potensi volume dan sebarannya dapat diperkirakan, dan dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pemanfaatan air tanah di lingkungan FMIPA Universitas Jember.
The mathematical modelling of geological structures, i.e. magma intrusion or dyke, has been done,... more The mathematical modelling of geological structures, i.e. magma intrusion or dyke, has been done, based on magnetic data with inversion techniques using MatLab. The magnetic equation is a non-linear equation, and completion is done using a linear approach to non-linear mathematical models of magnetic data using the Taylor expansion approach and Jacobi Matrix. The first step of this research is to make synthetic data forward modelling from the magnetic equation of magma intrusion or dyke cases without errors, and the next stepping then add errors to the data. The next step is to do an inversion to get the parameters sought, i.e. depth and angle of the magma intrusion, by giving initial guesses, and then re-correct iteratively until convergent results are obtained. Finally, parameters of slope dyke or thin magma intrusion and its depth can be determined. The results obtained indicate that this technique can be used to get physical parameters sought from magnetic data for simple geolo...
There are several secondary gravity data on the internet that can be freely accessed and download... more There are several secondary gravity data on the internet that can be freely accessed and downloaded for research purposes. These gravity data include Topex Gravity data, which provides free-air gravity data, BGI (Observation Gravity data, Free-Air, Complete Anomaly Bouguer), and GGMPlus Gravity Data. GGMPlus gravity data is gravity data with the smallest grid spacing compared to Topex and BGI data, with a grid spacing of approximately 200 meters. This data consists of 5 data sets, including Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration data. This study correlates between Topex and BGI free-air data with GGMPlus data (Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration), and BGI Observation Gravity data with GGMPlus (Gravity Disturbance and Gravity Acceleration) data using Pearson correlation technique. Correlated data are gravity data in volcanic regions in Central and East Java. As a result, Gravity Disturbance data on GGMPlus is equivalent to Free-Air Gravity Data on Topex and BGI, while ...
Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan mengalami bencana tanah ... more Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan mengalami bencana tanah longsor. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya longsor akibat dari kondisi batuan yang lemah sehingga mengakibatkan massa tanah diatasnya bergerak. Kondisi ini dapat diketahui dari nilai resistivitas yang dideteksi menggunakan metode geolistrik. Nilai resistivitas menggambarkan jenis tanah untuk setiap lapisan tanah. Tanah longsor selain dipengaruhi jenis tanah, juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisis tanah salah satunya yaitu permeabilitas tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hasil metode geolistrik dan uji permeabilitas tanah. Data resistivitas awal diolah menggunakan software RES2DINV yang selanjutnya diolah dengan software Rockworks untuk mengetahui sebaran nilai resistivitas dalam bentuk 3D. Uji permeabilitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan tanah dalam melewatkan air. Diketahui hasil dalam bentuk 3D nilai resistivitas berada pada rentang (8.29 – 149.83) Ω...
Indonesia's geographical conditions which are at the confluence of three tectonic plates cont... more Indonesia's geographical conditions which are at the confluence of three tectonic plates contribute to the availability of geothermal energy. The first step that can be taken in geothermal potential exploration activities is to study the characteristics of geothermal potential areas. In this case the study of the characteristics of geothermal potential will be carried out in the Ijen Mountains complex. This study aims to analyze the distribution of geothermal potential based on land surface temperature, and geothermal manifestations based on the association of land surface temperature and geomorphology. Remote sensing data used in the study were Landsat 8 images acquired in September 2013, 2015, and 2017. The results showed that geothermal potential areas were in the interior of the Ijen Mountains caldera with a temperature anomaly of 26-50 °C which was dominated by high greenish vegetation. While some geothermal manifestations that have been recorded are known to be associated ...
Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan Metode Geolistrik 1 D dan pengukuran resistivitas sampel b... more Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan Metode Geolistrik 1 D dan pengukuran resistivitas sampel batuan mangan di laboratorium, dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan dan kedalaman batuan Mangan di Gunung Sadeng, Jember. Gunung Sadeng merupakan gunung kapur yang teridentifikasi mengandung batuan mangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik 1 Dimensi atau Vertical Elecrical Sounding (VES) dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger, sedangkan pengukuran sampel di laboratorium menggunakan metode empat titik. Data diolah menggunakan Software Ipi2win untuk memperoleh litologi bawah permukaan. Mangan memiliki nilai resistivitas rendah dengan rentang (44-160) Ωm dan termasuk dalam resistivitas limestone. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa litologi di kawasan Gunung Sadeng terdiri dari limestone, gamping terumbu, limestone bersisipan mangan, dan lempung kering. Limestone bersisipan mangan berada di kedalaman (14,20-23,4) m, (3,52-16,20) m dan (3,79-7,91) m. Sedangkan hasil labo...
The spectral-element method (SEM) has been applied to simulate seismic wave propagation in 2D ten... more The spectral-element method (SEM) has been applied to simulate seismic wave propagation in 2D tentative geological model of Geothermal Area in Tiris, East Java Indonesia. we used 2-D model with 36 km x 5 km dimensions and discretized into 720 × 80 rectangular elements (mesh). We computed 8000 time steps with a sampling interval of 0.001 s using 10 Hz Ricker wavelet. The snapshots of seismic wave propagation along Tiris 2D geological model illustrate that SEM could accurately modeling seismic wave propagation. The seismic event that triggers a vibration in rock layers not only depend on the characteristics of the seismic earthquake source parameters and seismic wave propagation media, but also influenced by geometry of the media, such as topography and geological setting. The influence of ground topography, difference media, and structural geology were demonstrated by different time of wave arrival and different amplitudes. Therefore, SEM could be applied as preliminary study in geot...
ABSTRACT The Tiris geothermal field (TGF) is indicated by the presence of two sets of surface war... more ABSTRACT The Tiris geothermal field (TGF) is indicated by the presence of two sets of surface warm springs located within the proximity of two volcanoes: Mt. Lamongan and Mt. Argopuro. Preliminary assessment of TGF in terms of petrology of the volcanic rock and geochemistry of springs has been studied by Deon et al. (2012). The combination of petrology and geochemistry studies suggests: 1) the relation between sea water and the origin of warm springs and 2) the existence of a concealed layer responsible for capturing H2S gas which, in turn, accounts to the observed HCO3- excess of the springs. In order to support hypotheses resulting from those petrology and geochemistry studies, two passive seismic field experiments have been deployed successively. The first small-scale seismic noise study in 2011 was carried out by setting up 5 geophones for 5-days monitoring positioned around Mt. Lamongan. The second larger-scale passive seismic study has been performed since October 2012 setting up 16 short period stations and 4 broad-band stations around TGF for 6 months monitoring period. The goal of preliminary seismic noise test in 2011 was to identify pre-dominant noise characteristics in the area, while passive seismic monitoring in 2012 attempts to reveal the underground geologic structure of TGF derived from seismic properties. We report the set-up of both experiments and describe first result of seismic noise analysis and preliminary monitoring analysis. References Deon, F.; Moeck, I.; Scheytt, T.; Jaya, M.S. (2012): Preliminary assessment of the geothermal system of the Tiris colcanic area, East Java, Indonesia. 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition (Copenhagen, Denmark 2012).
The simulation of the wave propagation of the radar in the sub-surface was very important to be u... more The simulation of the wave propagation of the radar in the sub-surface was very important to be understood before being carried out of field acquisition, to maximize the design of the acquisition and to optimized radar gram data’s. One of the approaches in the simulation of the data was to use propagation modeling of the electromagnetic wave by using the Finite Difference Time Domain solution (FDTD). Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in the GPR requires a solution of Maxwell’s equations or present a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solution of Maxwell’s that permit accurate computation of the radiated field from a transmitting antenna. Propagating through the air-earth interface, scattering by subsurface targets and reception of the scattered fields by receiving antenna. This technique is second-order accurate in time and fourth-order accurate in space. In this paper, I demonstrate the synthetic radar gram by applying this technique to two-dimensional examples from a ...
Papers by Agus Suprianto