Papers by Biljana Petrevska
Трошоци за енергија и енергенси во современите хотелски објекти стануваат значителна ставка во вк... more Трошоци за енергија и енергенси во современите хотелски објекти стануваат значителна ставка во вкупните трошоци на работењето. Затоа, зголемување на ефикасноста и рационалното користење енергија во оваа стопанска гранка која е силно компетитивна и подложна на економски, климатски и трендовски фактори, во голема мера може да се подобри ако осмислено се пристапи и се искористат современите трендови на замена на традиционалните фосилни енергенси со обновливи енергетски извори, односно тнр. „зелена енергија“ како и со примена на современи методи за заштеди на енергијата и зголемување на енергетската ефикасност во оваа индустрија. Проектот предвидува сеопфатна анализа (теренско истражување, статистичка и техно-економска анализа) на постојните начини на користење на енергенсите и лоцирањето на трошоците за енергија во хотелската индустрија. Проектот ќе резултира со утврдување на сет постојни и нови техно-економски мерки и методи за подобрување на енергетската состојба преку зголемување на...
Photovoltaics (PV) have started replacing fossil fuels as major energy generation roadmaps, targe... more Photovoltaics (PV) have started replacing fossil fuels as major energy generation roadmaps, targeting higher efficiencies and/or lower costs are aggressively pursued to bring PV to cost parity with grid electricity. Staring with first generation semiconducting p-n junctions and the second generation thin film cells, the third generation PV technologies may overcome the fundamental limitations of photon to electron conversion in single-junction devices and, thus, improve both their efficiency and cost. Even more, recently developed “inorganics-to-organics” 4G polymer solar cells, brought new challenges for development, investigation and application of such sophisticated energy resources in various fields. This paper presents some notable advances in these technologies, namely organic, nanostructures, polymer and dye-sensitized solar cells and their potential applications in the tourism and hotel industry.Key Words: photovoltaic, energy efficiency, smart windows, hotel managemen
The paper evaluates the current level of tourism development in a micro region consisted of the m... more The paper evaluates the current level of tourism development in a micro region consisted of the municipalities of Gevgelija, Bogdanci and Dojran, as part of the South East planning region of Macedonia. It analyses the tourism sector dynamics by evaluating the market, the core value chain as well as the enabling environment for tourism development. Moreover, it elaborates the supporting functions, services, rules and regulations that facilitate tourism growth. For that purpose, the paper undertakes several commonly applied analysis (SWOT, PEST, VRIO and TALC) in the line of detecting the most profound obstacles as well as potentials for tourism enhancement of the micro region. The overall conclusion is that the current marketing strategy needs to be redesigned in order to overcome the spotted weaknesses.
Contemporary tourists are fully aware of numerous environmental concerns the tourism development ... more Contemporary tourists are fully aware of numerous environmental concerns the tourism development is facing with, so they have shifted their accommodation preferences towards eco-friendly hotel establishments. They prefer green products and are willing to pay for “green” services. They expect an environmentally responsible hotel to meet their environmental needs and expectations. This provokes a profound modification in the hotel industry which has steadily recognized the necessity for becoming greener in order to be well positioned in the competitive tourism market. The aim of this study is three-folded: (i) To assess the possibility of having “green” hotels in Macedonia, by elaborating the case of hotel “Flamingo” from Gevgelija; (ii) To analyze the level of fulfillment of ecological and energy standards necessary for becoming an environmentally friendly hotel, i.e. eco-hotel; and (iii) To pose some valuable recommendations for boosting the development of eco-hotels in Macedonia. T...
У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н... more У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н и с л о г и с т и к а G o c e D e l c h e v U n i v e r s i t y S h t i p F a c u l t y o f T o u r i s m a n d B u s i n e s s L o g i s t i c s Петта Меѓународна Научна Конференција Fifth International Scientific Conference ПРЕДИЗВИЦИТЕ ВО ТУРИЗМОТ И БИЗНИС ЛОГИСТИКАТА ВО 21 ВЕК CHALLENGES OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS LOGISTICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY ЗБОРНИК НА ТРУДОВИ CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н и с л о г и с т и к а G o c e D e l c e v U n i v e r s i t y S h t i p F a c u l t y o f T o u r i s m a n d B u s i n e s s L o g i s t i c s
Трудот укажува на предизвиците околу интензивната примена на Интернетот како медиум во промоција ... more Трудот укажува на предизвиците околу интензивната примена на Интернетот како медиум во промоција на туризмот. За таа цел, предмет на истражување е односот на младата популација генерално кон три аспекти: (1) Примена на Интернетот во туризмот и патувањето; (2) Користење електронски социјални мрежи во споделувањето искуства од туризмот и патувањето; и (3) Доверба во електронските медиуми за потребите на туристичката промоција. Целта на овој труд е да го определи степенот на користење на електронските алатки во туристичката промоција од страна на младата популација во Македонија. Оттука, ова емпириско истражување информира за резултатите добиени од анкета спроведена на 502 млади потрошувачи. Исходите ги потврдуваат поставените истражувачки хипотези и укажуваат на круцијалното значење за примена на електронските алатки во туристичката промоција со цел зголемување на свеста и сознанието за Македонија како туристичка дестинација. Во таа насока, трудот го препорачува овој концепт и ја потт...
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, 2021
Planning tourism development means preparing the destination for coping with uncertainties as tou... more Planning tourism development means preparing the destination for coping with uncertainties as tourism is sensitive to many changes. This study tested two types of artificial neural networks in modeling international tourist arrivals recorded in Ohrid (North Macedonia) during 2010-2019. It argues that the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) network is more accurate than the Nonlinear AutoRegressive eXogenous (NARX) model when forecasting tourism demand. The research reveales that the bigger the number of neurons may not necessarily lead to further performance improvement of the model. The MLP network for its better performance in modelling series with unexpected challenges is highly recommended for forecasting dynamic tourism demand.
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON, 2013
In the past few decades, tourism has emerged asone of the major industries in the world economy, ... more In the past few decades, tourism has emerged asone of the major industries in the world economy, by benefiting transportation, accommodation,catering and many other sectors. It provokes an interest among all countries, regardless the level of economic development. Therefore, many undeveloped and developing countries identified tourism as one of the greatest sources of economic growth and detected it as the only way-out for economic prosperity. This research argues the inevitable relationship between tourism and economic development with an aim to investigate tourism impacts. Moreover, the paper attempts to disentangle the economic impacts of tourism industry in Macedonia by assessing its direct contribution to the economic development. For that purpose, some commonly applied economic parameters are addressed: the gross domestic product in order to measure the contribution of tourism to the overall economic activity; employment in tourism as possibility to contribute to job creation ...
In the past few decades, tourism has emerged asone of the major industries in the world economy, ... more In the past few decades, tourism has emerged asone of the major industries in the world economy, by benefi ting transportation, accommodation,catering and many other sectors. It provokes an interest among all countries, regardless the level of economic development. Th erefore, many undeveloped and developing countries identifi ed tourism as one of the greatest sources of economic growth and detected it as the only way-out for economic prosperity. Th is research argues the inevitable relationship between tourism and economic development with an aim to investigate tourism impacts. Moreover, the paper attempts to disentangle the economic impacts of tourism industry in Macedonia by assessing its direct contribution to the economic development. For that purpose, some commonly applied economic parameters are addressed: the gross domestic product in order to measure the contribution of tourism to the overall economic activity; employment in tourism as possibility to contribute to job creation in combating unemployment rate; and the net fl ows of tourism services by analyzing the balance of payments. Th e research generally covers comparative analyses based on stylized facts obtained from desk-research and available sources of secondary data. Th e data set covers the period 1997-2012. Special attention is put on the period before and after the global fi nancial crisis. Th e research fi ndings reveal modest contribution of tourism towards economic development in Macedonia. Similar to many tourism-oriented countries, Macedonia was not immune to the negative shocks provoked by the world economic crisis that interrupted the upward tourism trend.Th e research underscores the necessity for continuous analysis of tourism economic impacts as an important consideration for strengthening national economy. Finally, the paper gains additional importance since the outcomes pose some valuable considerations to all tourism key-actors responsible for creating economic development strategies in Macedonia.
In the past few years, tourism became an emerging sector in Macedonia. This research intends to i... more In the past few years, tourism became an emerging sector in Macedonia. This research intends to investigate the components that have positive influence thus contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) of Macedonia. Moreover, this empirical study attempts to estimate the contribution of tourism to the overall economic activity of Macedonia. For that purpose, an econometric model is introduced using several commonly applied variables. So, the main aim of the paper is to identify tourism influence in terms of foreign arrivals, overnights and capital investment representing tourism total contribution to the GDP of Macedonia. The investigation employs the regression analysis based on stylized facts obtained from desk-research and available sources of secondary data. The data set covers the period 1992-2012. The research findings reveal modest contribution of tourism towards economic development in Macedonia. Therefore, the paper underscores the necessity for continuous analysis of tourism direct economic impacts as an important consideration for strengthening national economy.
Yearbook Faculty of Computer Science, Apr 1, 2013
Факултет за информатика, Универзитет "Гоце Делчев"-Штип Faculty of Computer Science, Goce Delcev ... more Факултет за информатика, Универзитет "Гоце Делчев"-Штип Faculty of Computer Science, Goce Delcev University-Stip ГОДИШЕН ЗБОРНИК ФАКУЛТЕТ ЗА ИНФОРМАТИКА YEARBOOK FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Издавачки совет Проф. д-р Саша Митрев Проф. д-р Лилјана Колева-Гудева Проф. д-р Владо Гичев Проф. д-р Цвета Mартиновска Проф. д-р Татајана Атанасова-Пачемска Доц. д-р Зоран Здравев Доц. д-р Александра Милева Доц. д-р Сашо Коцески Доц. д-р Наташа Коцеска Доц. д-р Зоран Утковски Доц. д-р Игор Стојановиќ Доц. д-р Благој Делипетров Редакциски одбор Проф. д-р Цвета Mартиновска Проф. д-р Татајана Атанасова-Пачемска Доц. д-р Наташа Коцеска Доц. д-р Зоран Утковски Доц. д-р Игор Стојановиќ Доц. д-р Александра Милева Доц. д-р Зоран Здравев Главен и одговорен уредник Доц. д-р Зоран Здравев Јазично уредување Даница Гавриловаска-Атанасовска (македонски јазик) Павлинка Павлова-Митева (англиски јазик
Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2012
As one of the fastest growing world industries, tourism has been detected as a source for benefit... more As one of the fastest growing world industries, tourism has been detected as a source for benefiting to various sectors. Thus, each country insists on developing it and making a profit from its variety of impacts. This has been a priority task to all governments, particularly to small and developing countries as Macedonia. This paper addresses the role of government in its efforts for planning tourism development in Macedonia. Moreover, an attempt is made in assessing several key areas of governmental influence on tourism, like process of privatization, legislation, tourism promotion and fiscal policy. The paper performs different types of analyses based on available sources of secondary data and comparable quantities which are analysed by descriptive statistics. The data set generally covers a twenty year horizon and over. This empirical evidence underlines the importance of government actions as a prerequisite for well-established tourism planning process.
The Young Economists Journal, 2012
Due to variety of positive impacts, each country is interested in developing tourism. This paper ... more Due to variety of positive impacts, each country is interested in developing tourism. This paper disentangles the economic impacts of tourism industry in Macedonia and makes an attempt to assess the contribution to the economic development. So, some commonly applied economic parameters are addressed. Moreover, different types of analysis are performed, based on available sources of secondary data supplemented by descriptive statistics. The data set spreads over a twenty year horizon, covering the period from 1991 ...
Conference Proceedings Vol. 2, International Conference “Trends and Challenges in the Economic Development”, Varna, Bulgaria, 2012
Being recognized as one of the fastest growing world-wide industries in the last decades, tourism... more Being recognized as one of the fastest growing world-wide industries in the last decades, tourism development was sharply interrupted in the middle of 2008 by the global financial crisis. This paper makes an attempt to describe the effects of the world economic crisis on tourism development by elaborating the case of Macedonia. Moreover, it argues the consequences, in the first line the negative ones, to the overall economic growth. In this respect, some commonly applied economic parameters are assessed in order to present ...
Conference Proceedings Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2012, 2012
In the past few decades, tourism has emerged as one of the major industries in the world economy,... more In the past few decades, tourism has emerged as one of the major industries in the world economy, by benefiting transportation, accommodation, catering and many other sectors. Thus, each country insists on developing it and making a profit from its variety of impacts. Moreover, everyone is interested in increasing the number of incoming visitors since it serves as a source of economic growth. This paper addresses the economic impacts of tourism in Macedonia and makes an attempt to assess its contribution to the economic ...
Conference Proceedings, International Conference “The Role of Media in Promotion of Product and Service”, Skopje, Macedonia, 2012
This study is focused on the strengths and challenges associated with using the Internet as a rap... more This study is focused on the strengths and challenges associated with using the Internet as a rapidly evolving medium in tourism promotion. For this purpose, the paper examines the young-adult consumers' attitude, mainly towards three aspects:(1) application of Internet for travel and tourism;(2) usage of on-line social networks in sharing travel and tourism experiences; and (3) trust in e-media for tourism promotion purposes. The aim of this research is to determine the level of application of e-tools in tourism promotion by young ...
Conference Proceedings, International Conference “Faces of the Crisis”, Skopje, Macedonia, 2012
For many decades, tourism in the world has been experiencing continuing growth, being interrupted... more For many decades, tourism in the world has been experiencing continuing growth, being interrupted by the global financial crisis. This paper attempts to describe the effects of the world economic crisis on tourism in Macedonia and the consequences to the overall economic development. Therefore, some of the commonly used economic parameters are assessed in order to present an overview of the main indicators which identify tourism industry in Macedonia. In this respect, the study is based on various analyses made upon ...
Денешниве услови во кои се наоѓа Република Македонија можат да се окарактеризираат како неповолни... more Денешниве услови во кои се наоѓа Република Македонија можат да се окарактеризираат како неповолни, во поглед на нејзината економска развиеност. Секоја земја, па така и нашава треба да ги искористи своите компаративни предности, своите потенцијали за да доживее економска експанзија. Настаните се интегрален дел на туризмот, но и нераскинлив дел со човечката цивилизација. Значи настаните се глобален феномен кои се повеќе добиваат на значење низ индустријата на евентите. Нашата држава, а и источниот регион иако имаат културно наследство, традиција, историја сепак до сега не го искористиле настанот како можност за брендирање на дестинацијата. Настаните имаат големо влијание врз секој сегмент од човековиот живот, во економскиот, опшествениот, културниот и политичкиот. Причината поради која туристичките настани се се повеќе популарни лежи во тоа што тие произведуваат многу позитивни ефекти и оптимални крајни резултати за целото општество. Ова истражување има цел да одредени теоретски созна...
Vernacular architecture is an important segment of a cultural identity of the Balkan Peninsula. T... more Vernacular architecture is an important segment of a cultural identity of the Balkan Peninsula. This study enables understanding of common types of vernacular architecture by comparing construction, function, and forms in rural areas in Macedonia and Serbia. The main aim is to identify similarities in vernacular rural dwellings dated from the XIX and beginning of the XX century. The research employs a mixed-method approach, particularly the exploratory sequential design in terms of gathering data, analysing and generalizing qualitative findings. Moreover, it applies comparative, historic and morphology methods over the evolution of various forms of housing in the Balkan Peninsula. The study was conducted in the rural areas dispersed over Macedonia and the southern part of Serbia. The concluding remarks point to a presence of similar constructive, spatial and typological forms of vernacular architecture, generally being related to the local natural environment, ethnic characteristics and traditional understanding of construction. This paper contributes to the limited academic work on this issue, along with its practical significance for posing findings, suggestions, and recommendations for preserving the Balkans architectural heritage and embedding it in the contemporary forms of rural tourism.
The paper argues the necessity of applying innovative approaches in meeting tourists' needs and p... more The paper argues the necessity of applying innovative approaches in meeting tourists' needs and preferences, thus acting as sophisticated toll for promoting tourism. The research investigates the case of Macedonia and attempts to justify the necessity of developing intelligent way for supporting and enhancing tourism promotion. Moreover, it poses positive impulses from introducing recommendation systems to tourism industry as a precondition for assisting tourists and travelers in identifying personal tailor-made itinerary. Additionally, the paper gives a glance on positive outcomes from such software module, particularly to small and tourism developing countries as Macedonia. Finally, this research aims to alarm relevant tourism-actors in the country, that the time has changed and that new innovative approaches must be introduced when addressing tourism promotion on national level.
Papers by Biljana Petrevska