Papers by Rogério Gonzatto

Nas áreas com produção intensiva de suínos, os dejetos líquidos dos animais constituem importante... more Nas áreas com produção intensiva de suínos, os dejetos líquidos dos animais constituem importante fonte de nitrogênio (N) às culturas; entretanto, esses dejetos são uma das principais causas de poluição do solo, do ar e da água. É preciso buscar estratégias que reduzam as perdas de N desse resíduo orgânico para o ambiente e que melhorem a sua eficiência agronômica, relativa ao fornecimento de N às culturas comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de inibidor de nitrificação (IN) e da aplicação parcelada de dejetos líquidos de suínos (Dls) sobre o acúmulo de N e a produtividade de milho e trigo em plantio direto. Os tratamentos avaliados constaram da aplicação da dose recomendada de Dls em aplicação única e parcelada (1/3 em pré-semeadura e 2/3 em cobertura), com e sem IN. Além desses quatro tratamentos, foi avaliado um tratamento com adubação mineral (NPK) recomendada ao milho e ao trigo e outro sem IN e sem fertilizantes (testemunha). O IN, à base de dician...

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2021
Soil erosion in Brazil is very high, and there is need to promote aggregate stability technics to... more Soil erosion in Brazil is very high, and there is need to promote aggregate stability technics to increase the soil organic matter and the soil water infiltration, with a consequent decrease in erosion processes. Applications of animal manure on sandy loam soil may increase carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents in soil aggregates, causing increased aggregate stability. This study aimed to evaluate the contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well as the physical properties of a sandy loam soil subjected to 11 years of application animal manure and mineral fertilizer. The experiment was conducted under no-tillage (NT) system with corn (Zea mays L.)/black oat (Avena strigose Schreb.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)/black oat, and corn/wheat (Triticum spp.) crops. The following treatments were used: control (no fertilization), pig slurry (PS), pig deep litter (DL), cattle slurry (CS), and mineral fertilizer (NPK). Soil aggregates were obtained from undisturbed soil samples collected at soil depths of 0 to 5, 5 to 10, and 10 to 20 cm. Applications of PS, DL, and CS on soil increased TOC and TN contents, and increasing weighted mean diameter (WMD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) in the topsoil. Use of DL and CS increased TOC at 0 to 5 cm in comparison to PS, NPK, and control. The use of animal manure also resulted in higher TN contents at 0 to 5 and 10 to 20 cm compared to control. The use of animal manure for 11 years under NT reduced the amount of mesoaggregates (2.0 > Ø ≥ 0.25 mm) and microaggregates (Ø < 0.25 mm) and increased GMD in the topsoil in comparison to the NPK and control. The animal manure promoted the dispersion of clays at 5 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm, resulting in lower soil aggregation in depth. Principal component analysis confirmed that animal manure reduced the degree of flocculation, with a consequent decrease in aggregation indexes, as it grouped the manure treatments in opposition to the NPK and control treatments.

Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2013
Nas áreas com produção intensiva de suínos, os dejetos líquidos dos animais constituem importante... more Nas áreas com produção intensiva de suínos, os dejetos líquidos dos animais constituem importante fonte de nitrogênio (N) às culturas; entretanto, esses dejetos são uma das principais causas de poluição do solo, do ar e da água. É preciso buscar estratégias que reduzam as perdas de N desse resíduo orgânico para o ambiente e que melhorem a sua eficiência agronômica, relativa ao fornecimento de N às culturas comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de inibidor de nitrificação (IN) e da aplicação parcelada de dejetos líquidos de suínos (Dls) sobre o acúmulo de N e a produtividade de milho e trigo em plantio direto. Os tratamentos avaliados constaram da aplicação da dose recomendada de Dls em aplicação única e parcelada (1/3 em pré-semeadura e 2/3 em cobertura), com e sem IN. Além desses quatro tratamentos, foi avaliado um tratamento com adubação mineral (NPK) recomendada ao milho e ao trigo e outro sem IN e sem fertilizantes (testemunha). O IN, à base de dician...

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2012
This study aimed to verify the transmission of fungi through seeds of Schinus terebinthifolius Ra... more This study aimed to verify the transmission of fungi through seeds of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi. (aroeira-vermelha) collected in the municipality of Santa Maria-RS, as well as the pathogenicity of the fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. Isolated from these seeds, aroeira-vermelha seedlings. For the transmission test 100 seeds were used, divided into four replicates of 25 each. The seeds were sown in sand and the evaluations were weekly, quantified the number of seedlings emerging and symptomatic. The fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. identified in a high percentage in both the sanity test (55%) and in the transmission test (52%) was isolated in culture medium for subsequent verification of pathogenicity. Inoculation of Pestalotiopsi sp. in seedlings of aroeira-vermelha spraying was carried out via the concentration of 2.106 conidia/mL, the evaluations were weekly for 28 days. The fungi identified in the test transmission were: Pestalotiopsis sp. (52%), Fusarium sp. (15%) and Cladosporium sp. (12...

Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2012
O cultivo de plantas de cobertura, no outono/inverno, na região do Planalto do Rio Grande Sul con... more O cultivo de plantas de cobertura, no outono/inverno, na região do Planalto do Rio Grande Sul contribui para o sucesso do sistema plantio direto. No entanto, informações relativas à produção de fitomassa e decomposição de resíduos dessas espécies ainda são escassas para a região, sobretudo para espécies consorciadas. O experimento foi conduzido em Não-Me-Toque, RS, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, avaliando-se nove tratamentos, sendo quatro constituídos por plantas de cobertura em culturas puras [centeio (Secale cereale L.), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb), ervilha forrageira (Pisum sativum subesp. arvense) e nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg)] e cinco por consórcios [(centeio + ervilha forrageira, centeio + nabo forrageiro, aveia + nabo forrageiro, centeio + ervilhaca (Vicia sativa L.) e aveia + ervilhaca)]. A dinâmica de decomposição dos resíduos culturais das plantas de cobertura foi avaliada em bolsas de decomposição, as qua...

Ciência Rural, 2013
O uso de malhas pigmentadas em cultivos de hortaliças folhosas permite a melhor adequação do ambi... more O uso de malhas pigmentadas em cultivos de hortaliças folhosas permite a melhor adequação do ambiente às plantas, com destaque para a rúcula. Essa hortaliça vem conquistando maior espaço no mercado consumidor brasileiro desde o final da década de 90. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar as condições ambientais proporcionadas pelo uso de telas pigmentadas na cobertura de túneis de cultivo, relacionando com as respostas agronômicas da rúcula, cultivada dentro desses túneis sobre diferentes coberturas de solo. As coberturas de túneis foram: a Chromatinet® azul, Chromatinet® vermelha, tela aluminizada prata, Sombrite® 50% e filme plástico transparente de polietileno de baixa densidade de 100µ. As coberturas de solo, também denominadas mulchings, dentro dos túneis foram: o filme plástico de polietileno de cor preta; de polietileno de dupla-face nas cores preta e branca, com a face branca voltada para cima; casca de arroz e a ausência de mulching. O delineamento utilizado foi o de bloc...

Carbon Management, 2021
Abstract Injection of pig slurry (PS) into soils under no-tillage system (NTS) is more efficient ... more Abstract Injection of pig slurry (PS) into soils under no-tillage system (NTS) is more efficient for improving soil chemical and physical attributes, and reducing C and N emissions, than surface applications. This study evaluated the effect of using injection and surface application of PS, compared to NPK and control treatments, on the soil aggregate, C and N contents, and isotopes 13C and 15N. The NTS consisted of rotations of summer (maize) and winter (black oat and wheat) grasses from 2011 to 2015. The treatments were PS injected into the soil (PSI), PS applied on the soil surface (PSS), chemical fertilization (NPK), and control (CTRL). The following soil properties were evaluated in the 0–5, 5–10, and 10–20 cm layers: aggregate stability (geometric mean diameter – GMD; aggregate mass distribution); total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in macroaggregates (8.0–0.25 mm), microaggregates (<0.25 mm), and bulk soil (<2.0 mm); and isotopes 13C and 15N in macro and microaggregates. The application of PSI improved the soil physical attributes, presenting higher GMD (0–5 cm) than the PSS, NPK, and CTRL treatments. In the 5–10 cm layer, the PSI treatments were more efficient in increasing the GMD and macroaggregate mass than the NPK. PSI also was more efficient in increasing TOC and TN when compared to PSS, and generated a higher GMD, which are protectors of these elements in the soil. The natural abundance of 15N denoted the lower soil organic matter decomposition in the PSI treatment when compared to the PSS. The natural abundance of 13C showed less-negative values in macroaggregates than in microaggregates, denoting that the soil management practices and crops used (grasses) affected positively the abundance of 13C. After seven applications of PS in maize-oat-wheat rotation in NTS, the application of PSI was more efficient in improving the soil physical and chemical attributes than the application of PSS.

Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas, 2018
The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil total nitrogen (TN), and N contents in humic... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil total nitrogen (TN), and N contents in humic substances (HS) of the organic matter in aggregates of soils cultivated with onion under no-till system for horticulture (NTSH) and conventional tillage system (CTS), comparing with an area of forest. The evaluated treatments were natural vegetation (control), 100% black oats, 100% rye, 100% oilseed radish, intercrop of oilseed (14%) + rye (86%), intercrop of oilseed (14%) + black oats (86%), area under CTS of onion for ±37 years, and area with secondary forest for ±30 years. Five years after the NTSH implementation, undisturbed soil samples from the layers 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-20 cm were collected; these samples presented aggregate sizes between 2.0 mm and 8.00 mm. The TN, and N contents of the HS were subdivided into fulvic acids (N-FA), humic acids (N-HA), and humin (N-HU) fractions. The change from CTS to NTSH increases the TN and N-HU contents in the 0-5 cm soil layer. The intercrop of oats and oilseed radish, used as soil plant cover species in NTSH, presented a greater increase in N-HU (0-20 cm) than the other treatments. Black oats, and natural

The agronomic efficiency of liquid swine manure (LSM) depends on the use of strategies to mitigat... more The agronomic efficiency of liquid swine manure (LSM) depends on the use of strategies to mitigate nitrogen (N) losses after its application to the soil, and thus preserve its fertilizing potential. In order to evaluate the injection of LSM into the soil and the addition of a nitrification inhibitor, as ways to increase its efficiency as a N source to the corn crop in the no-tillage system, an experiment was carried out under an Aluminofferic Red Latosol. The used treatments were: one control, surface application (total area) of LSM, injection of LSM in furrows, surface application (total area) of LSM + dicyandiamide (DCD), injection of LSM + DCD in furrows, and mineral fertilization. The mineral N in the soil and number of rows per ear, number of grains per row, 1,000-grain mass and grain yield for corn were evaluated. One day after the application of the treatments, the recovery of the mineral N in the soil with the injection of LSM exceeded by 10 kg ha-1 that observed with the su...

A sociedade em seu processo de evolucao determina novos valores para embasar as decisoes relacion... more A sociedade em seu processo de evolucao determina novos valores para embasar as decisoes relacionadas ao consumo de alimentos, bens e servicos. O valor ambiental e um dos que tem sido considerados nas escolhas de quais alimentos consumir. A sociedade hoje apresenta ao setor agropecuario preocupacoes relacionadas a consideracao de aspectos como eficiencia hidrica do produto, forma de uso da terra e emissoes de gases na producao, no processamento e na distribuicao do alimento. Respostas a essas questoes devem ser dadas com base no conhecimento cientifico, considerando as varias visoes dos atores que compoem os complexos agroindustriais. A producao animal, atividade geradora nao so de proteina de qualidade, mas tambem de varios outros produtos e servicos fundamentais para a economia e para o bem-estar social, constitui uma das atividades agropecuarias mais contestadas quanto ao seu impacto ambiental e, particularmente, a forma como utiliza a agua. Portanto, os atores do complexo agroin...

Especies vegetais de diferentes familias na rotacao ou sucessao de culturas para o cultivo de ceb... more Especies vegetais de diferentes familias na rotacao ou sucessao de culturas para o cultivo de cebola melhora os atributos edaficos. Avaliou-se os efeitos do cultivo de diferentes especies de plantas de cobertura sobre os atributos quimicos do solo no cultivo da cebola em sistema plantio direto (SPD) e convencional do solo (SPC). Os tratamentos foram: T1-sucessao cebola/milho em SPD; T2-rotacao comercial com cobertura de inverno em SPD; T3-rotacao milho/gramineas de inverno em SPD; T4-sucessao leguminosa de verao em SPD; T5-rotacao gramineas de verao/inverno em SPD; T6-sucessao leguminosa de verao/graminea inverno em SPD; T7-sucessao milho/cebola em SPC; T8-consorcio de coberturas de verao em SPD. Foram quantificados os teores de carbono orgânico total (COT), nitrogenio total (NT), e parâmetros de fertilidade. Calculou-se a capacidade de troca cationica (CTC). O T7 reduz o COT e NT. O T6 aumenta o COT e NT quando comparado com os tratamentos com somente gramineas ou leguminosas. O T1...
The fast nitrifi cation of ammoniacal nitrogen (N) of organic and mineral sources in soil can res... more The fast nitrifi cation of ammoniacal nitrogen (N) of organic and mineral sources in soil can result in losses of nitrate (NO 3 -) to the environment. One strategy to reduce these losses involves the use of nitrifi cation inhibitors. The objective of this study was to evaluate, in laboratory conditions, the effi ciency of Agrotain ®

O cultivo de plantas de cobertura, no outono/inverno, na região do Planalto do Rio Grande Sul con... more O cultivo de plantas de cobertura, no outono/inverno, na região do Planalto do Rio Grande Sul contribui para o sucesso do sistema plantio direto. No entanto, informações relativas à produção de fitomassa e decomposição de resíduos dessas espécies ainda são escassas para a região, sobretudo para espécies consorciadas. O experimento foi conduzido em Não-Me-Toque, RS, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, avaliando-se nove tratamentos, sendo quatro constituídos por plantas de cobertura em culturas puras [centeio (Secale cereale L.), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb), ervilha forrageira (Pisum sativum subesp. arvense) e nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg)] e cinco por consórcios [(centeio + ervilha forrageira, centeio + nabo forrageiro, aveia + nabo forrageiro, centeio + ervilhaca (Vicia sativa L.) e aveia + ervilhaca)]. A dinâmica de decomposição dos resíduos culturais das plantas de cobertura foi avaliada em bolsas de decomposição, as quais foram distrib...

Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2018
The impact on nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions caused by combining dairy slurry (DS) and urea to s... more The impact on nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions caused by combining dairy slurry (DS) and urea to supply crops with nitrogen (N) is still not well characterized. The main objective of this study was to compare the differences between N 2 O emissions in the cases of exclusive use of urea and the combined use of DS and urea as N sources to no-tillage wheat and corn. We also compared N 2 O emissions between two DS application methods (surface-broadcast vs. injection), as well as the addition of dicyandiamide (DCD) to DS. The experiment was conducted under no-tillage and six treatments were applied at sowing as follows: no fertilization (control), surface-broadcast urea (urea-N), surface-broadcast DS (DSs), surface-broadcast DS with DCD (DSs + DCD), shallow-injected DS (DSi), and shallow-injected DS with DCD (DSi + DCD). Urea was applied at side-dressing in all treatments with DS and urea-N. The N 2 O emissions were evaluated from the application of the treatments to wheat until 22 days after corn harvest, resulting in a total of 364 days. The partial supply of the N demand of wheat and corn, by DS application at sowing, and the posterior complement of N demand by side-dressing urea increased the annual N 2 O emissions only when DS was shallow-injected without DCD (DSi). Although the amount of N 2 ON emitted from the DSi treatment was 1.04 kg ha-1 (91.2 %) higher than from DSs in corn, the annual N 2 ON emissions did not differ between the two methods of DS application to the soil. The emission factors of N 2 ON were low, ranging from 0.49 % (DSi + DCD) to 1.27 % (DSi). The results of this study suggest that the combined use of DS with urea in N fertilization of no-tillage wheat and corn (DS applied at sowing and urea at side-dressing) caused no changes in the annual N 2 ON emissions compared to crops fertilized exclusively with urea (1/3 at sowing + 2/3 at side-dressing). However, DCD should be added if DS is shallow-injected.

European Journal of Soil Science, 2015
Pig slurry (PS) is a valuable nitrogen (N) source for agricultural crops but the simultaneous sup... more Pig slurry (PS) is a valuable nitrogen (N) source for agricultural crops but the simultaneous supply of readily decomposable carbon and mineral N can result in large soil nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions. Our objective was to determine the individual and combined effects of split PS application and addition of a nitrification inhibitor (dicyandiamide, DCD) on N 2 O emissions and soil mineral N concentration in southern Brazil. Soil N 2 O fluxes were measured from November 2010 to November 2011 from a maize (Zea mays L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) sequence under various fertilizer treatments: no-N control, PS applied in a single pre-plant dose with or without DCD, PS split-applied with or without DCD, and urea split-applied. Cumulative N 2 O emissions increased linearly (R 2 = 0.73) with increasing soil nitrate (NO 3 −) exposure, indicating that management practices aimed at reducing soil NO 3 − concentrations can decrease soil N 2 O emissions. In total for the two crops, splitting PS reduced N 2 O emission factors (EF) by 33%, whereas the addition of DCD reduced EF by 60 and 41% when PS was applied in single and split doses, respectively. However, splitting PS or adding DCD failed to reduce N 2 O losses more than a single pre-plant PS application in maize where background soil NO 3 − concentrations were large. The addition of DCD to PS applied as a single pre-plant dose resulted in the largest reduction in soil N 2 O emissions, whereas splitting PS with and without DCD resulted in significantly smaller abatements. Consequently, we concluded that adding DCD to PS in a single pre-plant application is a better option than splitting PS applications for reducing soil N 2 O emissions in no-till cereal cropping systems in southern Brazil.

The nitrogen (N) losses through gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O) after ... more The nitrogen (N) losses through gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O) after pig slurry (PS) application in soil is a subject still little studied in Brazil, especially under no-till conditions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate, under fi eld conditions, the NH3 volatilization and the N2O emission after PS application in corn, with and without surface oat straw. The treatments for measuring N2O emissions, during 90 days, were: T1-unamended soil (control), T2 – Soil + PS, T3 – Soil + oat straw and T4 – Soil + PS + oat straw. The NH3 volatilization was quantifi ed only in the last three treatments. PS, at the dose 60m 3 ha -1 , was applied prior the sowing of corn, in a randomized design, with three replications. Oat straw on the soil surface reduced NH3 volatilization by 34%, but enhanced N2O emission by 167%. The higher N2O fl uxes occurred during the fi rst 40 days after PS addition, always after rain and/or irrigation events.

Brazilian Journal of Development
Espécies vegetais de diferentes famílias na rotação ou sucessão de culturas para o cultivo de ceb... more Espécies vegetais de diferentes famílias na rotação ou sucessão de culturas para o cultivo de cebola podem melhorar os atributos químicos do solo. Avaliou-se os efeitos do cultivo de diferentes espécies de plantas de cobertura sobre os atributos químicos do solo no cultivo da cebola em sistema plantio direto (SPD) e convencional do solo (SPC). Os tratamentos foram: T1-sucessão cebola/milho em SPD; T2-rotação comercial com cobertura de inverno em SPD; T3-rotação milho/gramíneas de inverno em SPD; T4-sucessão leguminosa de verão em SPD; T5-rotação gramíneas de verão/inverno em SPD; T6-sucessão leguminosa de verão/gramínea inverno em SPD; T7-sucessão milho/cebola em SPC; T8-consórcio de coberturas de verão em SPD. Foram quantificados os teores de carbono orgânico total (COT), nitrogênio total (NT), e parâmetros de fertilidade. Calculou-se a capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC). O revolvimento do solo e a sucessão milho/cebola em SPC (T7) reduz os teores de COT e NT quando comparado ao SPD com o uso de plantas de cobertura em sucessão e rotação com a cebola. O uso de mucuna preta (leguminosa) e centeio (gramínea) em sucessão à cebola (T6) aumenta os teores de COT e NT quando comparado com a rotação ou sucessão com somente gramíneas ou somente leguminosas. A sucessão cebola/milho no SPD (T1) e no SPC (T7) apresentam resultados contrastantes: o SPD na sucessão milho/cebola aumenta os teores de COT, NT, Ca e CTC na camada superficial do solo em comparação ao SPC. A rotação de gramíneas no verão (milheto) e no inverno (aveia e centeio) para produção de cebola no SPD aumenta os teores de Ca e a CTC do solo em profundidade (5-10 e 10-20 cm), sendo mais eficientes que os demais tratamentos. O uso de mucuna preta (leguminosa) e centeio (gramínea) em sucessão a cebola (T6) incrementa os atributos químicos do solo na camada superficial em comparação aos tratamentos com ausências de plantas de coberturas (T1 e T7).
Journal of Environment Quality
Papers by Rogério Gonzatto