Papers by José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira

Anais do XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2017), 2017
Teachers have increasingly employed different methods to enrich the learning of a subject in clas... more Teachers have increasingly employed different methods to enrich the learning of a subject in class, drive other assignments, and meet curriculum standards. One of such methods is the use of movies as an alternative educational experience to support class discussions. In this sense, websites such as TeachWithMovies 1 , arise as a valuable support to the creation of lesson plans. In this website, each movie is described as a lesson plan targeting the learning of a subject. However, the creation of such lesson plan or even a simple educational description of the movie can demand much work and time, since the text describing the teaching plan must consider educational aspects of the movie. In this work, we propose BEATnIk (Biased Educational Automatic Text summarIzation), which is an unsupervised algorithm to automatically generate movies' summaries. Such algorithm favors educational aspects from the text to generate a biased educational summary. The experiments conducted show that our approach statistically outperforms a baseline in precision, recall, and f-score.

Recommender Systems are software used to suggest user items in a personalized and automated way. ... more Recommender Systems are software used to suggest user items in a personalized and automated way. When combined with Points of Interest (POI), they can set locations as referable items. This type of approach is useful when the amount of POI available for the user is large. In the context of Universities, students have different needs and have to look for different locations to experience the Universities' resources. The goal of this paper is to present a POI-based Recommender System to improve student's well-being and to support their academic journey in a Smart Campus. The recommender system was implemented by an application called AONDE, which was used by 110 students, where 63 answered a satisfaction questionnaire allowing the data collection needed for the the system evaluation. An accuracy of 61% in the recommendations of items to students was measured, as well as a high satisfaction rate, where 90.5% of respondents said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the locations suggested by the app. The purpose of this experience paper is demonstrate that the approach here described proved to be useful for students' routine, impacting positively their academic journey. a
iSys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 2019
The reduction of electric energy consumption is considered as one of the main challenges in diver... more The reduction of electric energy consumption is considered as one of the main challenges in diverse sectors of the economy. To residential customers, the management of energy consumption can bring significant costs reduction and decreased environmental impact. This work presents a solution based on the use of situation-awareness applied in IOT that helps the users to reduce the consumption of electric energy through its own residence. The practical results obtained in the application of this proposal in a real-live scenario confirmed the option of collecting information directly of electrical appliances and inform the user of their energy expenditures in real-time, allowing the knowledge and the management of their expenses.
Informática na educação: teoria & prática, 2011
Este artigo apresenta uma nova abordagem para a modelagem do aluno em sistemas de e-learning para... more Este artigo apresenta uma nova abordagem para a modelagem do aluno em sistemas de e-learning para melhorar as capacidades de personalização, levando em consideração várias perspectivas complementares de contexto, como os contextos pessoal, educacional, tecnológico e especialmente o contexto cultural. As principais características da nossa abordagem são descritas e ilustradas, em particular detalhando (i) a adoção de ontologias para representação de modelos de contexto e (ii) como o contexto cultural poder ser modelado como uma extensão do tradicional modelo do aluno.
Procedia Computer Science, 2014
The Web 2.0 is the ultimate manifestation of User-Generated Content systems. Such systems contain... more The Web 2.0 is the ultimate manifestation of User-Generated Content systems. Such systems contain information of different quality levels. This paper proposes how to measure reputation from social interactions existing in social networks built according to health information. We selected Twitter as a case study, since retweet function can be compared with spreading information mechanism. We provided a new methodology to rank trustworthy sources in a network based on retweet ties which can help authorities and experts about health information on the internet. Additionally, as a secondary contribution, we also perform a study about the scale free characteristics of the explored retweet network.
Cadernos de Informática, Sep 30, 2010
Resumo A Web é uma fonte de busca onde as pessoas procuram informações sobre cuidados em saúde. E... more Resumo A Web é uma fonte de busca onde as pessoas procuram informações sobre cuidados em saúde. Entretanto, é aberta a vários tipos de publicação e provedores de informação, portanto a qualidade das informações em saúde que são publicadas são altamente variáveis e dinâmicas. Um usuário leigo que busca informação nem sempre possui o conhecimento e educação suficientes para avaliar e validar a informação disponível. Neste relatório aborda-se um sistema de recomendação baseado no perfil do ...
Considering culture in human computer interaction research is an important issue since culture ha... more Considering culture in human computer interaction research is an important issue since culture has a strong impact on many cognitive and affective processes, closed related to the design and evaluation of interactive systems. Also, people with different cultural backgrounds develop alternative interpretations and strategies and do not value their environment in the same way, and this reflects in their interactions and satisfaction with interactive technologies. In this survey we summarize some concepts of the cultural aspects related to human computer interaction research. After we discuss how HCI practices could address these cultural issues. Our intention is to establish background and some basic concepts for helping researchers incorporating cultural issues in their design and evaluation processes.

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2009
In cooperative editing environments (e.g. Wikis), users can create and edit documents in a freely... more In cooperative editing environments (e.g. Wikis), users can create and edit documents in a freely and cooperatively manner. However, sometimes it is interesting to identify if the contributions made by one user are really reliable, since users don't trust each other in an explicit way. This point is a central discussion about the open publishing truthfulness. While it is difficult to automatically identify the relevance of each user contribution, it is more plausible to evaluate their reputation as perceived by the community. In this paper we describe a model to evaluate the user's reputations in a Wiki community and the prototype developed for its evaluation. The basic assumption is that we are dealing with a homogeneous cooperative group on a limited knowledge context. This environment exists, for instance, in a cooperative group trying to consolidate organizational implicit knowledge into documents as a class-based report generation. This kind of environment is very useful to stimulate collaborative learning.
Proceedings 33rd International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems TOOLS 33, 2000
This paper presents an object oriented framework for task scheduling. This framework can be used ... more This paper presents an object oriented framework for task scheduling. This framework can be used in domains such as Process-centred Software Engineering Environments, Workflow Management Systems or Project Management Systems. The framework was conceived based on both current methods for the development of frameworks and an existing architectural pattern for process managers. A prototype of the framework was developed using the Java Language. The lessons learnt show the experience of extracting a framework from well-known applications that can be reused in practical domains. Thus, this work contributes not only in the production of a framework but also giving insights in the application of novel techniques to the development of frameworks.
Text Mining and its Applications to Intelligence, CRM and Knowledge Management, 2005
TV channel provider: mining the user feedback. LK Wives, S Loh, JL Duizith, JP Moreira De Oliveir... more TV channel provider: mining the user feedback. LK Wives, S Loh, JL Duizith, JP Moreira De Oliveira Text Mining and its Applications to Intelligence, CRM and Knowledge Management. Billerica, MA: WIT Press, 2005. 265, 2005. Text mining has many applications in numerous fields. In this section we describe one of these applications, related to Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Applications and CRM. The mining was performed on a real data set collected by a Brazilian pay TV channel provider 32 Information Storage, Retrieval, and Analysis(CI).
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2010
... Ana Marilza Pernas1,2, José Palazzo Oliveira1 1Instituto de Informática Universidade Fed... more ... Ana Marilza Pernas1,2, José Palazzo Oliveira1 1Instituto de Informática Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Brasil {ana.pernas, palazzo} 2Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil Amel Bouzeghoub3 3Computer Science Department ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, 2011
Some of the metrics more commonly used for Social Networks Analysis (SNA) do not consider the wei... more Some of the metrics more commonly used for Social Networks Analysis (SNA) do not consider the weights of relationships between the actors of the analyzed Social Network, if it exists. These weights aim to measure the importance of the relational ties between actors and also are important to be considered in a SNA. This paper purposes the Gini Coefficient to
Conceptual Modeling — ER 2000, 2000
AHF Laender, SW Liddle, VC Storey (Eds.): ER2000 Conference, LNCS 1920, pp. 295-308, 2000. © Spri... more AHF Laender, SW Liddle, VC Storey (Eds.): ER2000 Conference, LNCS 1920, pp. 295-308, 2000. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000 ... A Conceptual Modeling Framework for Multi-agent Information Systems1 ... Ricardo M. Bastos 1 and José Palazzo M. de Oliveira 2

This paper motivates the blend of social computing with service-oriented computing, giving "birth... more This paper motivates the blend of social computing with service-oriented computing, giving "birth" to social Web services. On the one hand, social computing builds user applications upon the principles of collective action and content sharing. On the other hand, serviceoriented computing builds enterprise applications upon the principles of service offer and demand and loose coupling. Thanks to this blend social Web services can operate taking into account with whom they worked in the past and with whom they would like to work in the future. To engineer social Web services, this paper presents a four-step method that addresses several questions related to the engineering exercise. These questions are what relationships exist between Web services, what social networks correspond to these relationships, how to build social networks of Web services, and what social behaviors can Web services exhibit. Experiences dealing with implementing social Web services are, also, reported in the paper.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
This paper presents a context-aware text summarizer based on ontologies intended to be used for a... more This paper presents a context-aware text summarizer based on ontologies intended to be used for adapting information to mobile devices. The system generates summaries from texts according to the profile of the user and the context where he/she is at the moment. Context is determined by spatial and temporal localization. Ontologies are used to allow identifying which parts of the texts are related to the user's profile and to the context. Ontologies are structured as hierarchies of concepts and concepts are represented by keywords with a weight associated.
Papers by José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira