International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2004
Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthri... more Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthritis, tissue augmentation and ocular surgery. More recently, it has been investigated for use in polymer therapeutics as a carrier for drugs and biologically active proteins, thanks to its biodegradability, biocompatibility and inherent biological properties. Such biological functions are strongly dependent on HA's chain length, yet the molecular weight of HAs used in polymer conjugates varies widely and is inconsistent with its intended application. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the ideal chain length of HA to be used in polymer conjugates for enhanced tissue repair.
Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell,... more Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell, E. grandis Hill ex. Maiden, E. pilularis Sm., and E. urophylla S. T. Blake) and two clones of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr. de Juss) Muell. Arg.), planted in Brazil, were used to manufacture wood cement-bonded particleboard (CBWP). Boards measuring 450 Â 450 Â 13 mm were manufactured in a wood/cement/water ratio of 1:4:1, by weight; nominal density of 1.4 g/cm 3 and 4% of additive (CaCl 2 ÁH 2 O) using a mixture of each eucalypts species (50%) and the two clones of rubberwood (25% of each). Three replications were fabricated for each treatment and the physical and mechanical properties of the boards evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Standard test methods for evaluating properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials. ASTM D 1037-96a, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1998]. The results of modulus of elasticity ranged from 4090 to 4771 MPa. The results of modulus of rupture ranged from 5.8 to 6.4 MPa. Internal bond were similar to those found in the literature. Screw withdrawal values were up to 2020 N. The panels showed very good dimensional stability. The mixture of species and also the addition of calcium chloride have improved the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Decay fungi tests were conducted according to the ASTM D 2017-81 [Standard test method for accelerated laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods. ASTM D 2017-81, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1994-e1. p. 324] for two representative wood-attacking fungi, a brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murrill and a white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve samples were tested and after 12 weeks of exposure the average weight loss was determined. The test indicated that CBWP was classified as ''highly resistant'' and the samples gained weight. (E.Y.A. Okino), [email protected] (M.R. de Souza), [email protected]. (M.A.E. Santana), [email protected] (M.V.S. Alves), [email protected] (M.E. de Sousa), [email protected] (D.E. Teixeira). 0958-9465/$ -see front matter Ó
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2009
... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natur... more ... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natural durability of the wood depends on its chemical composition and accessibility of its nutrients to organisms. The main chemical factors ...
... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Au... more ... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcos AE Santana a , E-mail The ... Koki (Hopea pierrei), Malas (Homalium foetida), are primarily constituted of guaiacyl units, notwithstanding the fact the woods are typical ...
10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to m... more 10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to manufacture cement-bonded particleboards 12 (CBPB). Three replications were carried out for each treatment, totaling six single layered boards. Physical and mechanical 13 properties of the boards were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, vols. 04-09. Phila-14 delphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, ASTM D 1037-96a, 1998] standard. The wood of cypress showed 15 suitability as raw material for the manufacture of CBPB. All the properties of cypress CBPB were higher than the Bison HZ type 16 building boards used as reference. The light color and easy wood processing of cypress wood are favorable parameters for panels 17 manufacturing. The results corroborate those reported for CBPB using pine, rubberwood, acacia, babassu, and eucalyptus particles. 18 The CBPB were also submitted to fungi decay resistance test according to ASTM D 2017-81 [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 19 vols. 04-09. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, 1994-e1. ASTM D 2017 standard and 20 exposed to the attack of Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murr. and Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve 21 specimens were tested for each treatment and the average weight loss was determined after 12 weeks of exposure. Laboratory tests 22 showed that there was no measurable wood degradation (weight loss). Fungi mycelium did not even cover completely the surface of 23 the specimens. CBPB when exposed to both brown-and white-rot fungi, rather than weight loss, showed weight gains ranging from 24 2% to 4%. Therefore, CBPB is technically suitable for exterior use where both moisture and favorable conditions for fungi 25 development are present. 26
... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison... more ... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison, S., 1992. Fiber based composites from recycled mixed paper and magazine stock. ... 270–276. Santana and Teixeira, 1993 Santana, MAE, Teixeira, DE, 1993. ...
... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected pro... more ... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected proof (Continued) Scientific name Family name Common name in Other common names Distribution Brazil T abebuia incana AH Gentry Bignoniaceae Ipê -amarelo Flor amarilla ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2004
Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthri... more Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthritis, tissue augmentation and ocular surgery. More recently, it has been investigated for use in polymer therapeutics as a carrier for drugs and biologically active proteins, thanks to its biodegradability, biocompatibility and inherent biological properties. Such biological functions are strongly dependent on HA's chain length, yet the molecular weight of HAs used in polymer conjugates varies widely and is inconsistent with its intended application. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the ideal chain length of HA to be used in polymer conjugates for enhanced tissue repair.
Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell,... more Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell, E. grandis Hill ex. Maiden, E. pilularis Sm., and E. urophylla S. T. Blake) and two clones of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr. de Juss) Muell. Arg.), planted in Brazil, were used to manufacture wood cement-bonded particleboard (CBWP). Boards measuring 450 Â 450 Â 13 mm were manufactured in a wood/cement/water ratio of 1:4:1, by weight; nominal density of 1.4 g/cm 3 and 4% of additive (CaCl 2 ÁH 2 O) using a mixture of each eucalypts species (50%) and the two clones of rubberwood (25% of each). Three replications were fabricated for each treatment and the physical and mechanical properties of the boards evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Standard test methods for evaluating properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials. ASTM D 1037-96a, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1998]. The results of modulus of elasticity ranged from 4090 to 4771 MPa. The results of modulus of rupture ranged from 5.8 to 6.4 MPa. Internal bond were similar to those found in the literature. Screw withdrawal values were up to 2020 N. The panels showed very good dimensional stability. The mixture of species and also the addition of calcium chloride have improved the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Decay fungi tests were conducted according to the ASTM D 2017-81 [Standard test method for accelerated laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods. ASTM D 2017-81, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1994-e1. p. 324] for two representative wood-attacking fungi, a brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murrill and a white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve samples were tested and after 12 weeks of exposure the average weight loss was determined. The test indicated that CBWP was classified as ''highly resistant'' and the samples gained weight. (E.Y.A. Okino), [email protected] (M.R. de Souza), [email protected]. (M.A.E. Santana), [email protected] (M.V.S. Alves), [email protected] (M.E. de Sousa), [email protected] (D.E. Teixeira). 0958-9465/$ -see front matter Ó
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2009
... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natur... more ... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natural durability of the wood depends on its chemical composition and accessibility of its nutrients to organisms. The main chemical factors ...
... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Au... more ... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcos AE Santana a , E-mail The ... Koki (Hopea pierrei), Malas (Homalium foetida), are primarily constituted of guaiacyl units, notwithstanding the fact the woods are typical ...
10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to m... more 10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to manufacture cement-bonded particleboards 12 (CBPB). Three replications were carried out for each treatment, totaling six single layered boards. Physical and mechanical 13 properties of the boards were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, vols. 04-09. Phila-14 delphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, ASTM D 1037-96a, 1998] standard. The wood of cypress showed 15 suitability as raw material for the manufacture of CBPB. All the properties of cypress CBPB were higher than the Bison HZ type 16 building boards used as reference. The light color and easy wood processing of cypress wood are favorable parameters for panels 17 manufacturing. The results corroborate those reported for CBPB using pine, rubberwood, acacia, babassu, and eucalyptus particles. 18 The CBPB were also submitted to fungi decay resistance test according to ASTM D 2017-81 [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 19 vols. 04-09. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, 1994-e1. ASTM D 2017 standard and 20 exposed to the attack of Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murr. and Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve 21 specimens were tested for each treatment and the average weight loss was determined after 12 weeks of exposure. Laboratory tests 22 showed that there was no measurable wood degradation (weight loss). Fungi mycelium did not even cover completely the surface of 23 the specimens. CBPB when exposed to both brown-and white-rot fungi, rather than weight loss, showed weight gains ranging from 24 2% to 4%. Therefore, CBPB is technically suitable for exterior use where both moisture and favorable conditions for fungi 25 development are present. 26
... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison... more ... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison, S., 1992. Fiber based composites from recycled mixed paper and magazine stock. ... 270–276. Santana and Teixeira, 1993 Santana, MAE, Teixeira, DE, 1993. ...
... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected pro... more ... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected proof (Continued) Scientific name Family name Common name in Other common names Distribution Brazil T abebuia incana AH Gentry Bignoniaceae Ipê -amarelo Flor amarilla ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2004
Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthri... more Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthritis, tissue augmentation and ocular surgery. More recently, it has been investigated for use in polymer therapeutics as a carrier for drugs and biologically active proteins, thanks to its biodegradability, biocompatibility and inherent biological properties. Such biological functions are strongly dependent on HA's chain length, yet the molecular weight of HAs used in polymer conjugates varies widely and is inconsistent with its intended application. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the ideal chain length of HA to be used in polymer conjugates for enhanced tissue repair.
Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell,... more Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell, E. grandis Hill ex. Maiden, E. pilularis Sm., and E. urophylla S. T. Blake) and two clones of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr. de Juss) Muell. Arg.), planted in Brazil, were used to manufacture wood cement-bonded particleboard (CBWP). Boards measuring 450 Â 450 Â 13 mm were manufactured in a wood/cement/water ratio of 1:4:1, by weight; nominal density of 1.4 g/cm 3 and 4% of additive (CaCl 2 ÁH 2 O) using a mixture of each eucalypts species (50%) and the two clones of rubberwood (25% of each). Three replications were fabricated for each treatment and the physical and mechanical properties of the boards evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Standard test methods for evaluating properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials. ASTM D 1037-96a, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1998]. The results of modulus of elasticity ranged from 4090 to 4771 MPa. The results of modulus of rupture ranged from 5.8 to 6.4 MPa. Internal bond were similar to those found in the literature. Screw withdrawal values were up to 2020 N. The panels showed very good dimensional stability. The mixture of species and also the addition of calcium chloride have improved the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Decay fungi tests were conducted according to the ASTM D 2017-81 [Standard test method for accelerated laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods. ASTM D 2017-81, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1994-e1. p. 324] for two representative wood-attacking fungi, a brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murrill and a white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve samples were tested and after 12 weeks of exposure the average weight loss was determined. The test indicated that CBWP was classified as ''highly resistant'' and the samples gained weight. (E.Y.A. Okino), [email protected] (M.R. de Souza), [email protected]. (M.A.E. Santana), [email protected] (M.V.S. Alves), [email protected] (M.E. de Sousa), [email protected] (D.E. Teixeira). 0958-9465/$ -see front matter Ó
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2009
... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natur... more ... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natural durability of the wood depends on its chemical composition and accessibility of its nutrients to organisms. The main chemical factors ...
... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Au... more ... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcos AE Santana a , E-mail The ... Koki (Hopea pierrei), Malas (Homalium foetida), are primarily constituted of guaiacyl units, notwithstanding the fact the woods are typical ...
10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to m... more 10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to manufacture cement-bonded particleboards 12 (CBPB). Three replications were carried out for each treatment, totaling six single layered boards. Physical and mechanical 13 properties of the boards were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, vols. 04-09. Phila-14 delphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, ASTM D 1037-96a, 1998] standard. The wood of cypress showed 15 suitability as raw material for the manufacture of CBPB. All the properties of cypress CBPB were higher than the Bison HZ type 16 building boards used as reference. The light color and easy wood processing of cypress wood are favorable parameters for panels 17 manufacturing. The results corroborate those reported for CBPB using pine, rubberwood, acacia, babassu, and eucalyptus particles. 18 The CBPB were also submitted to fungi decay resistance test according to ASTM D 2017-81 [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 19 vols. 04-09. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, 1994-e1. ASTM D 2017 standard and 20 exposed to the attack of Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murr. and Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve 21 specimens were tested for each treatment and the average weight loss was determined after 12 weeks of exposure. Laboratory tests 22 showed that there was no measurable wood degradation (weight loss). Fungi mycelium did not even cover completely the surface of 23 the specimens. CBPB when exposed to both brown-and white-rot fungi, rather than weight loss, showed weight gains ranging from 24 2% to 4%. Therefore, CBPB is technically suitable for exterior use where both moisture and favorable conditions for fungi 25 development are present. 26
... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison... more ... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison, S., 1992. Fiber based composites from recycled mixed paper and magazine stock. ... 270–276. Santana and Teixeira, 1993 Santana, MAE, Teixeira, DE, 1993. ...
... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected pro... more ... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected proof (Continued) Scientific name Family name Common name in Other common names Distribution Brazil T abebuia incana AH Gentry Bignoniaceae Ipê -amarelo Flor amarilla ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2004
Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthri... more Hyaluronan (HA) has been extensively used for various medical applications, including osteoarthritis, tissue augmentation and ocular surgery. More recently, it has been investigated for use in polymer therapeutics as a carrier for drugs and biologically active proteins, thanks to its biodegradability, biocompatibility and inherent biological properties. Such biological functions are strongly dependent on HA's chain length, yet the molecular weight of HAs used in polymer conjugates varies widely and is inconsistent with its intended application. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the ideal chain length of HA to be used in polymer conjugates for enhanced tissue repair.
Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell,... more Six eucalypts species Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook, E. cloeziana F. Muell, E. grandis Hill ex. Maiden, E. pilularis Sm., and E. urophylla S. T. Blake) and two clones of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr. de Juss) Muell. Arg.), planted in Brazil, were used to manufacture wood cement-bonded particleboard (CBWP). Boards measuring 450 Â 450 Â 13 mm were manufactured in a wood/cement/water ratio of 1:4:1, by weight; nominal density of 1.4 g/cm 3 and 4% of additive (CaCl 2 ÁH 2 O) using a mixture of each eucalypts species (50%) and the two clones of rubberwood (25% of each). Three replications were fabricated for each treatment and the physical and mechanical properties of the boards evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Standard test methods for evaluating properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials. ASTM D 1037-96a, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1998]. The results of modulus of elasticity ranged from 4090 to 4771 MPa. The results of modulus of rupture ranged from 5.8 to 6.4 MPa. Internal bond were similar to those found in the literature. Screw withdrawal values were up to 2020 N. The panels showed very good dimensional stability. The mixture of species and also the addition of calcium chloride have improved the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Decay fungi tests were conducted according to the ASTM D 2017-81 [Standard test method for accelerated laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods. ASTM D 2017-81, vol. 04.09. ASTM, 1994-e1. p. 324] for two representative wood-attacking fungi, a brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murrill and a white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve samples were tested and after 12 weeks of exposure the average weight loss was determined. The test indicated that CBWP was classified as ''highly resistant'' and the samples gained weight. (E.Y.A. Okino), [email protected] (M.R. de Souza), [email protected]. (M.A.E. Santana), [email protected] (M.V.S. Alves), [email protected] (M.E. de Sousa), [email protected] (D.E. Teixeira). 0958-9465/$ -see front matter Ó
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2009
... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natur... more ... microorganisms belonging to the Basidiomycetes. According to Eaton and Hale (1993), the natural durability of the wood depends on its chemical composition and accessibility of its nutrients to organisms. The main chemical factors ...
... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Au... more ... Esmeralda YA Okino a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Marcos AE Santana a , E-mail The ... Koki (Hopea pierrei), Malas (Homalium foetida), are primarily constituted of guaiacyl units, notwithstanding the fact the woods are typical ...
10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to m... more 10 Abstract 11 Control and hot water treated particles of cypress (Cupressus spp.) were used to manufacture cement-bonded particleboards 12 (CBPB). Three replications were carried out for each treatment, totaling six single layered boards. Physical and mechanical 13 properties of the boards were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, vols. 04-09. Phila-14 delphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, ASTM D 1037-96a, 1998] standard. The wood of cypress showed 15 suitability as raw material for the manufacture of CBPB. All the properties of cypress CBPB were higher than the Bison HZ type 16 building boards used as reference. The light color and easy wood processing of cypress wood are favorable parameters for panels 17 manufacturing. The results corroborate those reported for CBPB using pine, rubberwood, acacia, babassu, and eucalyptus particles. 18 The CBPB were also submitted to fungi decay resistance test according to ASTM D 2017-81 [Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 19 vols. 04-09. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials--ASTM, 1994-e1. ASTM D 2017 standard and 20 exposed to the attack of Gloeophyllum trabeum (Persoon ex Fries) Murr. and Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus ex Fries) Pil at. Twelve 21 specimens were tested for each treatment and the average weight loss was determined after 12 weeks of exposure. Laboratory tests 22 showed that there was no measurable wood degradation (weight loss). Fungi mycelium did not even cover completely the surface of 23 the specimens. CBPB when exposed to both brown-and white-rot fungi, rather than weight loss, showed weight gains ranging from 24 2% to 4%. Therefore, CBPB is technically suitable for exterior use where both moisture and favorable conditions for fungi 25 development are present. 26
... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison... more ... Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 42 12 (1996), pp. 1243–1249. Rowell and Harrison, 1992 Rowell, RM,Harrison, S., 1992. Fiber based composites from recycled mixed paper and magazine stock. ... 270–276. Santana and Teixeira, 1993 Santana, MAE, Teixeira, DE, 1993. ...
... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected pro... more ... Suriname, V enezuela Page 4. 472 MAE Santana and EYA Okino Article in press - uncorrected proof (Continued) Scientific name Family name Common name in Other common names Distribution Brazil T abebuia incana AH Gentry Bignoniaceae Ipê -amarelo Flor amarilla ...