luiz barbosa
I started my research activities independently at the end of 1991, after completing my PhD, funded by CNPq. Since then, CNPq has financed the research I coordinated, both at UFV (until 2012) and at UFMG (since 2013). I performed at UFV the first work in the area of organic synthesis, having dedicated myself to the study of new agrochemicals, implementing the LAB. OF AGROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS (LASA). Hundreds of students passed through this laboratory, that is still in fully functioning. At UFMG, I also implemented an organic synthesis laboratory, in activity and expansion.
From a scientific/technological point of view, I highlight the following discoveries: new methodology to generate oxyallylic cations using polyalloketones and diethylzinc; first to demonstrate the potential of ozonides as a new pharmacophoric group, which was patented by an American group and developed into a commercial drug (2012) for the treatment of malaria; tetraoxanes (patent) as a new class of herbicides; several new synthetic compounds such as herbicides, insecticides (patent) and nematicides; new triterpenes (patent) and tetraoxanes as leishmanicides, more active and less toxic than commercial drugs; aminoquinones as algaecides (patent filed); new butenolides and lactams as inhibitors of bacterial biofilm formation, with potential for the development of materials for dental prostheses (in progress); new class of tetronamides as potent algaecides; new natural products, including Carolignans (homage to Carolina, my daughter), later patented by other groups; total synthesis of several natural products, such as rubrolides, basidalin, streptonigrin, scopollin, etc; new essential oils with insecticidal activity and potential practical application; development of analytical methodology for quality control of essential oils; new methodology for the analysis of carbonyl groups in cellulose pulp; technology for the detoxification of industrial residue of Jatropha curcas.
In intellectual terms, I published more than 290 scientific articles, with more than 8,000 citations from Google Schoolar and 4,699 from Scopus. I have published several books, including the textbook “Introduction to Organic Chemistry”, with more than 40,000 copies sold and 3 editions, which has contributed to the training of thousands of students in Brazil and Angola.
From a social point of view, I contributed to the training (as an advisor and co-advisor) of 267 professionals (118 Masters, 51 Doctors, 88 Graduate students). Many of my former advisees have established research groups at various universities, being CNPq research fellows; I created the Doctoral Program in Agrochemistry at UFV and collaborated in the implementation of the Agrochemistry programs in Rio Verde (GO) and Alegre (ES - this one, created by a group of 3 former students at LASA). I created a YouTube channel to promote chemistry through general videos and video-classes (>6,000 hours of access in a year).
From a scientific/technological point of view, I highlight the following discoveries: new methodology to generate oxyallylic cations using polyalloketones and diethylzinc; first to demonstrate the potential of ozonides as a new pharmacophoric group, which was patented by an American group and developed into a commercial drug (2012) for the treatment of malaria; tetraoxanes (patent) as a new class of herbicides; several new synthetic compounds such as herbicides, insecticides (patent) and nematicides; new triterpenes (patent) and tetraoxanes as leishmanicides, more active and less toxic than commercial drugs; aminoquinones as algaecides (patent filed); new butenolides and lactams as inhibitors of bacterial biofilm formation, with potential for the development of materials for dental prostheses (in progress); new class of tetronamides as potent algaecides; new natural products, including Carolignans (homage to Carolina, my daughter), later patented by other groups; total synthesis of several natural products, such as rubrolides, basidalin, streptonigrin, scopollin, etc; new essential oils with insecticidal activity and potential practical application; development of analytical methodology for quality control of essential oils; new methodology for the analysis of carbonyl groups in cellulose pulp; technology for the detoxification of industrial residue of Jatropha curcas.
In intellectual terms, I published more than 290 scientific articles, with more than 8,000 citations from Google Schoolar and 4,699 from Scopus. I have published several books, including the textbook “Introduction to Organic Chemistry”, with more than 40,000 copies sold and 3 editions, which has contributed to the training of thousands of students in Brazil and Angola.
From a social point of view, I contributed to the training (as an advisor and co-advisor) of 267 professionals (118 Masters, 51 Doctors, 88 Graduate students). Many of my former advisees have established research groups at various universities, being CNPq research fellows; I created the Doctoral Program in Agrochemistry at UFV and collaborated in the implementation of the Agrochemistry programs in Rio Verde (GO) and Alegre (ES - this one, created by a group of 3 former students at LASA). I created a YouTube channel to promote chemistry through general videos and video-classes (>6,000 hours of access in a year).
Papers by luiz barbosa