Papers by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
RESUMO Usando o aparato conceitual da Analise Economica do Direito, pretende-se demonstrar que a ... more RESUMO Usando o aparato conceitual da Analise Economica do Direito, pretende-se demonstrar que a estipulacao das clausulas contratuais em nivel desfavoravel aos aderentes nao e necessariamente prejudicial aos seus interesses. Os contratos exercem funcao primordial de criacao de riquezas, incumbindo ao direito contratual atribuir obrigatoriedade aos contratos, catalisar trocas eficientes e substituir a vontade das partes simulando ambiente de mercado. Para cumprimento dessa funcao, os custos de transacao devem ser reduzidos. A tecnica de contratos de adesao reduz os custos de transacao, facilitando trocas eficientes. Na formulacao das Clausulas Contratuais Gerais, a adocao de clausulas acessorias mais favoraveis aos aderentes nao implica necessariamente ganhos para o aderente. Em outro norte, a estipulacao de CCG mais favoraveis aos predisponentes possibilitam maior eficiencia na competicao. Em ambiente de livre mercado, nao ha motivo racional para a adocao de clausulas contratuais m...
Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas, 2018
O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar se o Projeto de Lei Complementar 488/2017 do Senado (PLS 488/20... more O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar se o Projeto de Lei Complementar 488/2017 do Senado (PLS 488/2017) pode aumentar a permeabilidade dos criadores de políticas públicas ao uso de evidências, sobretudo comporta¬mentais. A hipótese é a de que a regulação proposta pode aumentar o uso de evidências na proposição de políticas públicas, ao recomendar mecanismos de controle, de avaliação e atenção ao texto legislativo que se proponha a instituir uma política pública. A metodologia adotada será a revisão biblio¬gráfica dos conceitos relevantes e das evidências comportamentais, assim como uma descrição e análise crítica do texto legislativo estudado. Come¬çamos por apresentar o PLS 488/2017, sua proposta de alteração legislativa e as razões para a sua proposição. Em seguida, discutimos o que pode ser considerado uma política pública, tanto da perspectiva acadêmica quanto da perspectiva do projeto de lei, comparando as definições apresentadas. Posteriormente, abordamos o movimento de políticas públicas baseadas em evidências, expondo seu surgimento, as formas de se compreender o uso de evidências nas políticas, algumas críticas e estratégias importantes para respondê-las. Passamos para o uso de evidências comportamentais nas políticas públicas, primeiro abordando os nudges, que são um tipo de política comportamental relevante no debate acadêmico, e, depois, defendendo um uso mais amplo das evidências comportamentais nos diversos estágios das políticas públicas. Por meio da revisão de literatura, percebemos que o uso de evidências nas políticas pode aumentar a efetividade das políticas e me¬lhorar a atuação do Estado. Por meio da análise crítica do PLS 488/2017, concluímos que ele abre espaço para o uso de evidências comportamentais em alguns de seus dispositivos, sobretudo na tomada de decisão e na imple¬mentação da política, e que o projeto pode ser visto como um estímulo ao diálogo entre os criadores de políticas e os coletores de dados e evidências comportamentais relevantes.
This paper aims to investigate whether Senate Bill 488/2017 can make policy-makers more receptive to the use evidences, especially behavioral ones. Our hypothesis is that the directive in the bill can increase the use of evidences in public policy propositions, in recommending control mechanisms and methods of evaluation of laws that creates new public policies. We will do the analysis by means of a literature review of the relevant concepts we are using and by a critical evaluation of the legislative text we are approaching. The structure of the text is as follows: we start by introducing the bill, its proposed legislative amendment and the reasons for its proposal. Next, we discuss what is a public policy, both from the academic point of view and from what the text of the bill tells us. Then, we approach the evidence-based movement, talking about its emergence, the multiple ways to use evidence in policies, some criticisms of it, and ways to answer them. The next move is the use of behavioral evidence on policies; we first present the nudges, an important type of behavioral policy in academia, and then expand the use of evidences to other stages of policies. We conclude that the use of behavioral evidence can increase the policy’s effectiveness and improve the perfor¬mance of the government, and that the bill, in some of its directives, paves the way for the use of behavioral evidence. The bill can be seen as an incentive for the dialogue and interchange between public policy-makers and researchers collecting relevant behavioral data.
Anais do XX Congresso do CONPEDI, 2011
Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as diferenças entre os tratamentos jurídicos na análi... more Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as diferenças entre os tratamentos jurídicos na análise dos impactos concorrenciais dos acordos de transferência de tecnologia nos direitos europeu e brasileiro. Procura-se demonstrar o necessário reforço do papel do Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC) na análise desses casos, de maneira a redimensionar a função do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI). Para tanto, foram abordadas algumas especificidades do direito europeu e suas principais diferenças do ordenamento norte-americano. Conclui-se caber ao INPI competências relacionadas à propriedade intelectual em dimensão estática, e que cabe ao SBDC a análise da dimensão dinâmica do instituto.
Sumário: 1 Introdução. 2 Função econômica dos contratos. 3 Elementos fundamentais da análise econ... more Sumário: 1 Introdução. 2 Função econômica dos contratos. 3 Elementos fundamentais da análise econômica dos contratos: liberdade e bilateralidade. 3.1 Liberdade contratual. 3.2 Bilateralidade ou sinalágma. 4 O nivelamento das cláusulas contratuais nos contratos de adesão: o Efeito de Akerlof. 5 Conclusão. 6 Referências.
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG, 2017
The paper aims to set grounds to analyse the correlation between Development and Rule of Law indi... more The paper aims to set grounds to analyse the correlation between Development and Rule of Law indicators in Brazil, comparing Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), which are perception indicators, and GDP per capita, homicides, and child mortality, in a comparative perspective between Brazil, Italy and the United States. It is formulated a hypothesis of unsustainable growth of Brazilian GDP per capita. It is identified the need of effort to increase the Rule of Law indicators in order to obtain sustainable growth in Brazil.
(O trabalho tem como objetivo fundamentar a análise da correlação entre indicadores de Desenvolvimento e Estado de Direito no Brasil, comparando Indicadores Globais de Governança (WGI), que são indicadores de percepção e PIB per capita, homicídios e mortalidade infantil, numa perspectiva comparativa entre o Brasil. Itália e Estados Unidos. É formulada uma hipótese de crescimento insustentável do PIB brasileiro per capita. Identifica-se a necessidade de esforços para aumentar os indicadores do Estado de Direito, a fim de obter crescimento sustentável no Brasil).
Revista da AMDE, 2009
Usando o aparato conceitual da Análise Econômica do Direito, pretende-se demonstrar que a estipul... more Usando o aparato conceitual da Análise Econômica do Direito, pretende-se demonstrar que a estipulação das cláusulas contratuais em nível desfavorável aos aderentes não é necessariamente prejudicial aos seus interesses. Os contratos exercem função primordial de criação de riquezas, incumbindo ao direito contratual atribuir obrigatoriedade aos contratos, catalisar trocas eficientes e substituir a vontade das partes simulando ambiente de mercado. Para cumprimento dessa função, os custos de transação devem ser reduzidos. A técnica de contratos de adesão reduz os custos de transação, facilitando trocas eficientes. Na formulação das Cláusulas Contratuais Gerais, a adoção de cláusulas acessórias mais favoráveis aos aderentes não implica necessariamente ganhos para o aderente. Em outro norte, a estipulação de CCG mais favoráveis aos predisponentes possibilitam maior eficiência na competição. Em ambiente de livre mercado, não há motivo racional para a adoção de cláusulas contratuais mais favoráveis aos aderentes, se implicam custos adicionais que diminuem a eficiência das trocas ocorridas e, por outro lado, diminuem o número de trocas eficientes.
Palavras-chave: análise econômica do direito, contratos de adesão, cláusulas padrão, efeito de Akerlof
-Resumo A Análise Econômica do Direito, como método e disciplina, desenvolve-se a partir de 1960,... more -Resumo A Análise Econômica do Direito, como método e disciplina, desenvolve-se a partir de 1960, com os estudos de Ronald Coase. Para Coase, enquanto a delimitação de direitos é um prelúdio essencial das transações de mercado, o resultado final é independente daquele arranjo inicial. A Análise Econômica do Direito desvincula o exame do Direito das bases morais, da investigação da culpa, preocupando-se mais com o arranjo final das decisões tomadas do que com a engenharia do fato causador. O Direito teria a função de assegurar o equilíbrio de mercado, de corrigir os desequilíbrios ou de simular condições de mercado, conforme o contexto de sua aplicação. Não há incompatibilidade do método da Análise Econômica do Direito com seu objeto. O método é adequado para a discussão do Direito em bases objetivas, com a formulação de proposições objetivamente verificáveis. Palavras chave: Análise econômica do Direito – Metodologia jurídica – Eficiência econômica.
-Abstract Economic Analysis of Law, as a method and discipline, gained prominence during the 1960's with Ronald Coases's pioneering studies. According to Coase, while the delimitation of rights is an essential prelude to market transactions, the ultimate result is independent of the legal decision. Economic Analysis of Law disentails the study of Law from the moral basis, from investigation of guilt, searching for the optimum result of the decisions. The Law should guarantee market equilibrium, correct market unbalances or simulate market conditions, depending on the application context. There are no incompatibilities between the Economic Analysis of Law method and its object. The method is adequate to give an objective basis for legal discussion, making it possible to formulate assumptions that are objectively verifiable.
E Civitas, Oct 31, 2008
A Análise Econômica do Direito como método e disciplina. Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende Lara Bacharel... more A Análise Econômica do Direito como método e disciplina. Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende Lara Bacharel, Mestre e Doutor em Direito (UFMG). ... tanto a eficiência econômica quanto a própria eficiência jurídica. 4 O princípio do maior prazer eo conceito do Homo oeconomicus ...
Books by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
Legal conversations between Italy and Brazil, 2018
This volume is the latest product of a long-term collaboration be-tween the Faculty of Law of the... more This volume is the latest product of a long-term collaboration be-tween the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento and the Faculty of law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. When the collaboration started in 2013, we thought it could help deepen our understanding of processes of legal change going on in both Europe and Brazil. After five years, we have to acknowledge that the scope of our collaboration has become much broader. Amidst the dramatic economic and political events that both the European Union and Brazil are facing in the pre-sent decade, we came to realize that our research interests in different branches of law led us to put into question traditional methodologies, consolidated interpretations and legal concepts widely employed in global debates. To put it bluntly, the conversations we engaged in made us acutely aware that our reciprocal understanding of each other’s legal system was grounded on several unstated assumptions. Some of these assumptions were also misleading or utterly false. Thus, the most important contribution of this collaboration so far has been to set out on a learning process.
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
Direito, desenvolvimento e a propriedade intelectual, 2010
A obra investiga a relação entre Direito, Desenvolvimento e Propriedade Intelectual, dividindo-se... more A obra investiga a relação entre Direito, Desenvolvimento e Propriedade Intelectual, dividindo-se em cinco partes. Inicialmente, dedica-se à descrição do conflito entre o direito do desenvolvimento e o direito ao desenvolvimento, na perspectiva econômica. São definidas as idéias de desenvolvimento e de desenvolvimento econômico e sua inter-relação com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, tomando-se como pressupostos os pensamentos de Marx, Schumpeter e Solow. Em seguida, é estudado o fenômeno do desenvolvimento tecnológico e a economia das idéias, com auxílio das contribuições de Paul Romer. Por fim, apresentam-se as conclusões do trabalho, devendo-se destacar a de que a propriedade intelectual é importante instituto de política de desenvolvimento econômico e que o conteúdo da propriedade intelectual, bem como suas limitações, está no cerne do conflito entre o direito do desenvolvimento e o direito ao desenvolvimento.
Law, Development and Innovation, 2015
This book deals with one strand of the intense debate concerning the links between law and develo... more This book deals with one strand of the intense debate concerning the links between law and development, namely the coordination of innovation processes and legal change. It analyzes how innovation, and ultimately development, can be fostered or hindered by existing or new legal infrastructures.
The book includes eleven original contributions from senior and junior scholars and is divided into two parts, the first focusing on theoretical frameworks and the second presenting several case studies on various institutional aspects. A particular strength of this part is its broad geographical coverage, which encompasses the legal frameworks in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
The contributions collected in this book will be of value to a broad readership. Academic scholars will find useful information on lessons learned from reforms implemented in different areas and come to better understand the methodological hurdles involved in reform assessment. Policymakers in national and international organizations can draw on these studies when designing new programs. Lastly, practitioners in developed and developing countries can use these contributions to promote the success of current or new initiatives.
Book chapters by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
Legal conversations between Italy and Brazil, 2018
This volume is the latest product of a long-term collaboration be-tween the Faculty of Law of the... more This volume is the latest product of a long-term collaboration be-tween the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento and the Faculty of law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. When the collaboration started in 2013, we thought it could help deepen our understanding of processes of legal change going on in both Europe and Brazil. After five years, we have to acknowledge that the scope of our collaboration has become much broader. Amidst the dramatic economic and political events that both the European Union and Brazil are facing in the pre-sent decade, we came to realize that our research interests in different branches of law led us to put into question traditional methodologies, consolidated interpretations and legal concepts widely employed in global debates. To put it bluntly, the conversations we engaged in made us acutely aware that our reciprocal understanding of each other’s legal system was grounded on several unstated assumptions. Some of these assumptions were also misleading or utterly false. Thus, the most important contribution of this collaboration so far has been to set out on a learning process.
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
Legal conversations between Italy and Brazil, 2018
ABSTRACT: The chapter presents and discusses the theoretic tool of mechanism design, developed in... more ABSTRACT: The chapter presents and discusses the theoretic tool of mechanism design, developed in Game Theory, as adequate and useful tool for strategic Institutional Design. It is assumed that institutions matter a great deal in economic and social development, and that the institutions that matter most are legal institutions. We seek ways of establishing normative strategies for building institutions that promote development. In particular, for the design of normative systems for the promotion of economic and social development, it is sought to establish common bases to all branches of Law and compatible with the institutional insertion/interaction desired. It is discussed the use of tool of mechanism design of the game theory to help building legal institutions to achieve economic and social development.
RESUMO: O capítulo apresenta a ferramenta teórica de desenho de mecanismos, desenvolvida na Teoria dos Jogos, como ferramenta adequada e útil para o Design Institucional estratégico. Assume-se que as Instituições são muito importantes no desenvolvimento econômico e social e que as Instituições que mais importam são Instituições Jurídicas. É discutido o uso da ferramenta de desenho de mecanismos da Teoria dos Jogos para ajudar na construção de instituições jurídicas para alcançar o desenvolvimento econômico e social
LARA, Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende. Análise Econômica da Propriedade Intelectual. In: Luciano Benet... more LARA, Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende. Análise Econômica da Propriedade Intelectual. In: Luciano Benetti Timm. (Org.). DIREITO E ECONOMIA NO BRASIL. 2ed.São Paulo: Atlas, 2014, v. 1, p. 357-381.
Marco Civil e Governança da Internet: diálogos entre o doméstico e o global. , 2016
O processo de evolução das políticas de defesa da concorrência tradicionalmente acontece com algu... more O processo de evolução das políticas de defesa da concorrência tradicionalmente acontece com algum atraso em relação à evolução econômica. Em outras palavras, a defesa da concorrência sofre com um período de defasagem até ser devidamente informada pelas teorias econômicas e, a partir disso, adaptar-se para que esteja de acordo com os mais recentes paradigmas sociais e econômicos. Com isso, em determinados momentos históricos onde as mudanças do contexto econômico ainda não foram plenamente alcançadas e compreendidas pelo sistema de defesa da concorrência, o processo de interação entre a defesa da concorrência e os agentes econômicos deve ser tratado com especial cuidado.
Corrupção e seus Múltiplos Enfoques Jurídicos, 2017
LARA, Fabiano Teodoro; LUZ, Reinaldo Diogo . Análise do programa de leniência da Lei Anticorrupçã... more LARA, Fabiano Teodoro; LUZ, Reinaldo Diogo . Análise do programa de leniência da Lei Anticorrupção brasileira: características e efetividade. In: Cristiana Fortini. (Org.). Corrupção e seus Múltiplos Enfoques Jurídicos. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2017, v. , p. 230-.
Papers by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
This paper aims to investigate whether Senate Bill 488/2017 can make policy-makers more receptive to the use evidences, especially behavioral ones. Our hypothesis is that the directive in the bill can increase the use of evidences in public policy propositions, in recommending control mechanisms and methods of evaluation of laws that creates new public policies. We will do the analysis by means of a literature review of the relevant concepts we are using and by a critical evaluation of the legislative text we are approaching. The structure of the text is as follows: we start by introducing the bill, its proposed legislative amendment and the reasons for its proposal. Next, we discuss what is a public policy, both from the academic point of view and from what the text of the bill tells us. Then, we approach the evidence-based movement, talking about its emergence, the multiple ways to use evidence in policies, some criticisms of it, and ways to answer them. The next move is the use of behavioral evidence on policies; we first present the nudges, an important type of behavioral policy in academia, and then expand the use of evidences to other stages of policies. We conclude that the use of behavioral evidence can increase the policy’s effectiveness and improve the perfor¬mance of the government, and that the bill, in some of its directives, paves the way for the use of behavioral evidence. The bill can be seen as an incentive for the dialogue and interchange between public policy-makers and researchers collecting relevant behavioral data.
(O trabalho tem como objetivo fundamentar a análise da correlação entre indicadores de Desenvolvimento e Estado de Direito no Brasil, comparando Indicadores Globais de Governança (WGI), que são indicadores de percepção e PIB per capita, homicídios e mortalidade infantil, numa perspectiva comparativa entre o Brasil. Itália e Estados Unidos. É formulada uma hipótese de crescimento insustentável do PIB brasileiro per capita. Identifica-se a necessidade de esforços para aumentar os indicadores do Estado de Direito, a fim de obter crescimento sustentável no Brasil).
Palavras-chave: análise econômica do direito, contratos de adesão, cláusulas padrão, efeito de Akerlof
-Abstract Economic Analysis of Law, as a method and discipline, gained prominence during the 1960's with Ronald Coases's pioneering studies. According to Coase, while the delimitation of rights is an essential prelude to market transactions, the ultimate result is independent of the legal decision. Economic Analysis of Law disentails the study of Law from the moral basis, from investigation of guilt, searching for the optimum result of the decisions. The Law should guarantee market equilibrium, correct market unbalances or simulate market conditions, depending on the application context. There are no incompatibilities between the Economic Analysis of Law method and its object. The method is adequate to give an objective basis for legal discussion, making it possible to formulate assumptions that are objectively verifiable.
Books by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
The book includes eleven original contributions from senior and junior scholars and is divided into two parts, the first focusing on theoretical frameworks and the second presenting several case studies on various institutional aspects. A particular strength of this part is its broad geographical coverage, which encompasses the legal frameworks in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
The contributions collected in this book will be of value to a broad readership. Academic scholars will find useful information on lessons learned from reforms implemented in different areas and come to better understand the methodological hurdles involved in reform assessment. Policymakers in national and international organizations can draw on these studies when designing new programs. Lastly, practitioners in developed and developing countries can use these contributions to promote the success of current or new initiatives.
Book chapters by Fabiano Teodoro R Lara
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
RESUMO: O capítulo apresenta a ferramenta teórica de desenho de mecanismos, desenvolvida na Teoria dos Jogos, como ferramenta adequada e útil para o Design Institucional estratégico. Assume-se que as Instituições são muito importantes no desenvolvimento econômico e social e que as Instituições que mais importam são Instituições Jurídicas. É discutido o uso da ferramenta de desenho de mecanismos da Teoria dos Jogos para ajudar na construção de instituições jurídicas para alcançar o desenvolvimento econômico e social
This paper aims to investigate whether Senate Bill 488/2017 can make policy-makers more receptive to the use evidences, especially behavioral ones. Our hypothesis is that the directive in the bill can increase the use of evidences in public policy propositions, in recommending control mechanisms and methods of evaluation of laws that creates new public policies. We will do the analysis by means of a literature review of the relevant concepts we are using and by a critical evaluation of the legislative text we are approaching. The structure of the text is as follows: we start by introducing the bill, its proposed legislative amendment and the reasons for its proposal. Next, we discuss what is a public policy, both from the academic point of view and from what the text of the bill tells us. Then, we approach the evidence-based movement, talking about its emergence, the multiple ways to use evidence in policies, some criticisms of it, and ways to answer them. The next move is the use of behavioral evidence on policies; we first present the nudges, an important type of behavioral policy in academia, and then expand the use of evidences to other stages of policies. We conclude that the use of behavioral evidence can increase the policy’s effectiveness and improve the perfor¬mance of the government, and that the bill, in some of its directives, paves the way for the use of behavioral evidence. The bill can be seen as an incentive for the dialogue and interchange between public policy-makers and researchers collecting relevant behavioral data.
(O trabalho tem como objetivo fundamentar a análise da correlação entre indicadores de Desenvolvimento e Estado de Direito no Brasil, comparando Indicadores Globais de Governança (WGI), que são indicadores de percepção e PIB per capita, homicídios e mortalidade infantil, numa perspectiva comparativa entre o Brasil. Itália e Estados Unidos. É formulada uma hipótese de crescimento insustentável do PIB brasileiro per capita. Identifica-se a necessidade de esforços para aumentar os indicadores do Estado de Direito, a fim de obter crescimento sustentável no Brasil).
Palavras-chave: análise econômica do direito, contratos de adesão, cláusulas padrão, efeito de Akerlof
-Abstract Economic Analysis of Law, as a method and discipline, gained prominence during the 1960's with Ronald Coases's pioneering studies. According to Coase, while the delimitation of rights is an essential prelude to market transactions, the ultimate result is independent of the legal decision. Economic Analysis of Law disentails the study of Law from the moral basis, from investigation of guilt, searching for the optimum result of the decisions. The Law should guarantee market equilibrium, correct market unbalances or simulate market conditions, depending on the application context. There are no incompatibilities between the Economic Analysis of Law method and its object. The method is adequate to give an objective basis for legal discussion, making it possible to formulate assumptions that are objectively verifiable.
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
The book includes eleven original contributions from senior and junior scholars and is divided into two parts, the first focusing on theoretical frameworks and the second presenting several case studies on various institutional aspects. A particular strength of this part is its broad geographical coverage, which encompasses the legal frameworks in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
The contributions collected in this book will be of value to a broad readership. Academic scholars will find useful information on lessons learned from reforms implemented in different areas and come to better understand the methodological hurdles involved in reform assessment. Policymakers in national and international organizations can draw on these studies when designing new programs. Lastly, practitioners in developed and developing countries can use these contributions to promote the success of current or new initiatives.
The essays collected in this volume, discussed at the conference held in Trento in December 2017, reflect such process. Each author tries to make sense of his/her own research questions while at the same time comparing and contrasting the analysis of a specific topic with his/her perception of the debates taking place elsewhere. From anticorruption legislation to legal theory, from consumer law to law and development, what the authors strive to accomplish is not only an in-formed analysis of legal problems, but a reflection on how problems are defined and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their pur-poses.
Besides a cross-cutting learning process, the collaboration between Trento and Minas Gerais has had many other tangible results: two books and a special issue, three conferences, two visiting professors’ teaching modules, several lectures in Master and Ph.D. programs, one agreement on student and staff exchange, and of course countless hours of phone calls and videoconferencing. More than twenty senior and junior researchers have been involved on both sides of this collaboration. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts, as well as the enthusiastic support we received by our two Faculties. Without them, none of the above mentioned activities would have been possible. We also thank the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region for the financial support it gave to this volume and to one of the previous conferences.
Learning processes never stop. Therefore, in the coming years we plan to find new ways to engage in insightful legal conversations between Italy and Brazil.
RESUMO: O capítulo apresenta a ferramenta teórica de desenho de mecanismos, desenvolvida na Teoria dos Jogos, como ferramenta adequada e útil para o Design Institucional estratégico. Assume-se que as Instituições são muito importantes no desenvolvimento econômico e social e que as Instituições que mais importam são Instituições Jurídicas. É discutido o uso da ferramenta de desenho de mecanismos da Teoria dos Jogos para ajudar na construção de instituições jurídicas para alcançar o desenvolvimento econômico e social
innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy, que contribuiu significativamente para o estudo dos impactos das inovações tecnológicas no mercado. A sua análise da gestão da inovação colaborou na construção de concepções mais realistas da forma, contrapondo-se e aprimorando as perspectivas teóricas mais tradicionais. Como reconhecimento da importância dessa pesquisa, em 2006, a Research Policy, revista na qual foi publicada o referido trabalho, organizou uma edição especial de comemoração dos 20 anos de sua publicação. A relevância daquele artigo se confirma ao saber que, em julho de 2006, ele era o mais citado dos que já foram publicados pela revista, com um total de 681 citações naquela época.
Isso se deve à perspectiva interdisciplinar que o autor conferiu à abordagem do tema da inovação, o que acabou garantindo uma dimensão mais ampla do assunto.
Nesse contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as
contribuições e a atualidade do artigo de David Teece de 1986, especialmente no que tange ao debate relacionado aos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Foi realizada pesquisa teórica que se ancora no diálogo entre o artigo da década de oitenta e alguns autores que publicaram na edição especial da Research Policy de 2006 (vol. 35, nº 8), dentre eles o próprio Teece.
O presente trabalho foi, portanto, dividido em duas seções. Na primeira,
serão abordados os principais aspectos do artigo de 1986, evidenciando, sobretudo, a visão do autor sobre a importância dos ativos complementares na obtenção de lucros com a inovação e sua interface com os regimes de apropriabilidade. Na segunda, fundamentalmente a partir dos artigos de Gary Pisano, Giovani Dosi,
Luigi Marengo, Corrado Pasquali e Richard Nelson publicados na Research Policy, vol. 35, nº 8, (2006), serão expostas as conclusões destes autores e de outros no que tange à aplicação da teoria Proting from Innovation (PFI) sobre os regimes de apropriabilidade, sob a luz das mudanças contemporâneas na natureza da propriedade intelectual.
Palavras-chave: Redução das desigualdades regionais, Assimetria tarifária, Regulação,
Energia elétrica, Aneel, Direito.
The present article seeks to bring to the debate the issue of price asymmetries in electric energy in Brazil, which concern the existence of more expensive tariffs in the least developed regions of the country. In order to investigate this issue, the present study consisted of examining, especially in the light of the constitutional principle of reduction of regional inequalities, the existing asymmetries in the electric energy sector, and the role of regulatory agencies, notably in ANEEL, in reducing these inequalities.
Keywords/Palabras-claves/Mots-clés: Reduction of regional inequalities, Price assimetry, Regulation, Electricity, Aneel, Law
(LARA, Fabiano Teodoro; MENDES, Daniela Nicoli . Assimetria Tarifária na Regulação do Setor de Energia Elétrica no Brasil. In: Everton das Neves Gonçalves; Fernando Gustavo Knoerr; Giovani Clark. (Org.). Transformações na Ordem Social e Econômica e Regulação. 1ed.Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2017, v. 1, p. 65-84).
perspectiva comparativa e empírica. Programas de leniência assim entendidos como conjunto de normas que permitem que infratores evitem ou reduzam as punições que receberiam em troca de confissão e colaboração no processo de apuração conduzido pelas autoridades competentes, são adotadas em ordenamentos estrangeiros desde 1978. O recém adotado programa de leniência na lei anticorrupção brasileira (Lei nº 12.846/2013) apresenta distinções significativas do programa de leniência antitruste (Lei nº 12.529/11). O programa funda-se na Teoria da Dissuasão. O programa de leniência anticorrupção brasileiro apresenta como principais características: admitir apenas a leniência parcial; aparentemente limitam o acesso à leniência aos aplicantes que primeiro se apresentarem às autoridades (não obstante a realidade observada no caso da Operação Lava-Jato); seu pedido pode ser formulado ex post; inexistindo restrições à aplicação ao líder da conduta ilícita. Não obstante seja um importante
avanço, já é possível apontar questões que devem ser mais bem tratadas de forma a
possibilitar o efetivo combate à corrupção.
Palavras-chave: Leniência, Anticorrupção, Controle, Administração
The paper examines the leniency program in the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law, from a
comparative and empirical perspective. Leniency programs, understood as a set of standards that allow offenders to avoid or reduce the punishments they would receive in exchange for confession and collaboration during the assessment process conducted by the competent authorities, are adopted in foreign legal systems since 1978. The recently adopted leniency program in Brazilian anti-corruption law (Law No. 12,846 / 2013) shows significant distinctions of antitrust leniency program (Law No. 12.529 / 11). The program is founded on the Theory of Deterrence. The Brazilian anticorruption leniency program has the following main characteristics: admit only partial leniency; apparently limits access to the applicants who first present themselves to the authorities (despite the reality observed in the case of
Operação Lava-Jato); can be requested ex post; there are no restrictions on application to the leader of the illicit conduct. Although being an important advance, it is possible to identify issues that should be better handled in order to enable the effective fight against corruption.
Keywords/Palabras-claves/Mots-clés: Leniency, Anti-corruption, Control, Administration
(LARA, Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende; LUZ, Reinaldo Diogo . Programa de Leniência na Lei Anticorrupção. In: Marcos Leite Garcia; Heron José de Santana Gordilho; Carlos Victor Muzzi Filho. (Org.). Esfera Pública, Legitimidade e Controle. Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2015, v. 1, p. 176-195.)
Palavras-chave: Política de defesa da concorrência, Política industrial, Desenvolvimento econômico.
For a great part of the literature, industrial policy and competition policy have a tough
coexistence. While industrial policy defenders see competition policy as an obstacle, antitrust authorities consider industrial policy as a dangerous form of state interference on the markets. This debate has increased recently due to the world economic crisis, given the perceived failure of free market and the return of government intervention into the economy. However, despite recognizing the existence of potential conflicts to be dealt with, it is possible that competition policy carries out a complementary role to the industrial policy in the creation of competitive environments, thus promoting economic development. The present work aimed at studying the compatibility between industrial policy and competition policy measures, as well as its contributions to economic development. It was possible to identify that industrial and competitive policies are closely related. According to the definition adopted, one may even comprehend the other. Therefore, the conclusion was that
these policies are compatibles, once they have convergent goals: both aim at an increase of entrepreneurial competitiveness and, thus, at economic development.
Keywords: Competition policy, Industrial policy, Economic
(LARA, Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende; LUZ, Reinaldo Diogo . Política Industrial e Política de Defesa da Concorrência: Compatibilidade e Contribuições para o Desenvolvimento Econômico. In: Maraluce Maria Custódio; João Marcelo de Lima Assafim. (Org.). Direito, inovação, propriedade intelectual e concorrência. Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2015, v. 1, p. 183-213).
We discuss the recall procedure currently adopted and practiced in the Brazilian market. The regulation and a literature review regarding the Consumer Law are presented. We analyze the specific regulations and recall statistics of the knowledge of the population about the institute and the adhesion to the campaigns. Our main conclusion is that the recall is an important step in consumer protection, but the procedure currently adopted necessarily result in a transfer of costs and risks to the consumer, generating a protective umbrella mitigation. According to the Brazilian adopted system, the consumer pays the risks of the business activities two times: once when acquiring the product and again when having costs with the recall.
(LARA, Fabiano Teodoro de Rezende; GONTIJO, Guilherme Dias. Recall: proteção do consumidor ou transferência de custos e riscos do negócio?. In: Viviane Coêlho de Séllos Knoerr; Frederico da Costa Carvalho Neto; Ronaldo Alves de Andrade. (Org.). Direito do consumidor. 1ed.Florianópolis: FUNJAB, 2013, v. 1, p. 345-359.).
A intensificação das transações feitas pela internet ocasionou o surgimento de um novo fenômeno econômico, que clama por mudanças na teoria concorrencial, na medida em que a tradicional análise não é suficiente para lidar com essa nova realidade. O antigo conceito de abuso de poder dominante e as antigas ferramentas antitrustes necessárias para o seu combate devem ser questionadas quando utilizadas no setor da nova economia. Ao se analisar o caso Google e a decisão do caso Microsoft, ambas as empresas investigadas por exercer o poder dominante na nova economia, pode se perceber um impasse existente entre políticas antitruste
e inovação tecnológica, que deve ser solucionado sobre a perspectiva de que as políticas antitrustes não devem interferir desnecessariamente no avanço tecnológico. As conclusões apontam no sentido de que a solução encontrada pelas autoridades concorrenciais deve ser cautelosa e benéfica para os consumidores e para o mercado, não os privando da inovação tecnológica.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: poder de mercado; poder monopolístico; abuso; concorrência; novaeconomia.
The increment of transactions over the internet has caused the emergence of a new economic phenomenon, which calls for changes in the antitrust theory, because traditional analysis is not sufficient to deal with this new reality. The old concept of abuse of dominant power and the old antitrust tools necessary to prevent monopolistic powers should be questioned when used in the new economy sector. When analyzing Google's case investigation and Microsoft´s case decision, both companies investigated by exercising the dominant power in the new economy, we can identify a standoff between antitrust policy and technological innovation, which should be solved on the view that policies antitrust should not interfere unnecessarily in technological advancement. The conclusions point in the sense that the solution found by the competition authorities should be cautious and beneficial for consumers and the market, not depriving them of technological innovation.
KEYWORDS: market power; monopoly power; abuse; competition; new economy.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Direito da Concorrência. Antitruste. Atos de concentração. Análise
Prévia. Gun jumping.
This paper aims to set some research basis for the study of pre-merger gun jumping in Brazilian Law. In 2012, Brazilian antitrust Law adopted the premerger review system, according to which, before the approval of the merging and acquisition operation, the parties into the agreement are seen as separate companies, and should act accordingly. This means the parties could not alter competitive behavior, for example. However, in order to guarantee the success of the operation and security of the parties stockholders, could the parties coordinate their activities to some extent? Where should be the limits of lawful premerger coordination? What should be understood as unlawful gun jumping?
KEYWORDS: Competition Law. Antitrust. Mergers. Premerger review. Gun jumping