Papers by Francinaldo S Silva
A leishmaniose visceral ou calazar é uma doença crônica e fatal. A transmissão do agente etiológi... more A leishmaniose visceral ou calazar é uma doença crônica e fatal. A transmissão do agente etiológico Leishmania chagasi ao homem, no Brasil, ocorre pela picada do inseto hematófago flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis, abundantemente encontrado em diversas áreas onde se faz inquéritos entomológicos no Brasil. O cão exerce importância epidemiológica em áreas endêmicas devido ser o reservatório doméstico da leishmaniose visceral. A doença canina é clinicamente semelhante à infecção humana, diferindo no que concerne às lesões dérmicas, frequentemente encontradas nos animais infectados e sintomáticos. A infecção no cão resulta em sintomatologia variada e está associada a um aumento nos níveis de anticorpos específicos e ausência de resposta mediada por células. As leishmânias são intracelulares e, sem uma resposta imune eficiente, multiplicam-se e migram, a partir de órgãos linfóides, para outros órgãos, acarretando em um espectro de alterações clínicas e patológicas que pode causar a morte do animal. O diagnóstico clínico é complexo e deve ser feito em combinação com testes parasitológicos, sorológicos e moleculares. Esta revisão aborda os principais aspectos clínicos, patológicos e imunológicos da LVC contribuindo para o diagnóstico clínico e diferencial da doença.
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 1999
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 1999
Dengue and Aedes aegypti are widespread in the State of Maranhão. During 1995, 87 of the 136 of t... more Dengue and Aedes aegypti are widespread in the State of Maranhão. During 1995, 87 of the 136 of the State's counties, including 176 towns and 480,687 households, were studied, of which 30 counties (34.4%), 118 towns (67.0%) and 10,357 households (2.1%) were positive for Aedes aegypti. The positive counties are distributed as follow: 3 on São Luís Island, 7 in the Amazonia of Maranhão, 12 in the southern zone of the cerrados or savannas, and 5 in the mixed forest/savanna/palm grove zone. One positive county for Ae. aegypti was located in each of the following: alluvial fields, forest/palm grove, and sand dune/shoals areas. The Ae. aegypti-positive household rates were higher in the Amazonia of Maranhão (3.5%) and on São Luís Island (2.5%), because they are the most heavily traveled migratory and trade routes between Maranhão and neighboring states and are also the State's main economic centers. Household infestation rates for Ae. aegypti and reported dengue case rates were higher during the rainy season, showing the importance of rain in forming prime breeding sites for Aedes and spreading dengue. Resumo O dengue e o Aedes aegypti encontram-se disseminados em municípios de todas as regiões do Maranhão. No ano de 1995, foram trabalhados 87 dos 136 municípios em que se divide geograficamente o Estado, 176 localidades e 480.687 imóveis. Foram considerados positivos para Ae. aegypti trinta municípios (34,4%), 118 localidades (67,0%) e 10.357 imóveis (2,1%). Dos municípios positivos, três pertencem à Ilha de São Luís, sete à Amazônia Maranhense, 12 à zona dos cerrados meridionais, cinco à zona mista de matas-cerrados-cocais. Nas zonas que seguemcampos aluviais, matas-cocais e dunas-restinga -, Ae. aegypti foi encontrado em apenas um município. Os índices de positividade predial foram mais elevados na Amazônia Maranhense (3,5%) e na Ilha de São Luís (2,5%), por constituírem as rotas de maior fluxo migratório da população e de escoamento de produtos entre o Maranhão e os estados vizinhos e também por serem áreas onde estão localizados os grandes centros urbanos e econômicos do Estado. Os índices de infestação predial por Ae. aegypti e de casos de dengue notificados foram maiores nos meses úmidos, mostrando a importância das chuvas na formação de criadouros do vetor e na distribuição de Aedes e do dengue.
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 2000
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical, 2000
... Rebêlo, José Manuel Macário. Silva, Antonio Rafael da. ... Id: 303472. Autor: Rebêlo, José Ma... more ... Rebêlo, José Manuel Macário. Silva, Antonio Rafael da. ... Id: 303472. Autor: Rebêlo, José ManuelMacário; Oliveira, Sueli Trindade de; Barros, Vera Lúcia Lopes; Silva, Francinaldo Soares; Costa, Jackson Mauricío Lopes; Ferreira, Luiz Alves; Silva, Antonio Rafael da. ...
Sand flies inject saliva into the mammalian host when probing for a blood meal. Understanding the... more Sand flies inject saliva into the mammalian host when probing for a blood meal. Understanding the initial vertebrate reactions against sand fly saliva is important for possible interventions because these insects transmit diseases to humans and other animals. Little is known of these reactions to New World sand flies. Repeated exposure of BALB/c mice to Lutzomyia longipalpis bites leads to local inflammatory cell infiltration comprised of neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils. Total IgG and IgG1 antibodies react predominantly with three major protein bands (45, 44, and 16 kD) of the insect saliva by Western blot. The injection of immune serum previously incubated with salivary gland homogenate induced an early infiltration with neutrophils and macrophages, suggesting the participation of immune complexes in triggering inflammation.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical, 1999
Resumo Apresenta-se uma lista de flebotomíneos com 32 espécies, sendo 1 Brumptomyia e 31 Lutzomyi... more Resumo Apresenta-se uma lista de flebotomíneos com 32 espécies, sendo 1 Brumptomyia e 31 Lutzomyia, distribuídas nos subgêneros Psychodopygus (6), Nyssomyia (5), Pressatia (3), E v a n d r o m y i a (2), P s a t h y r o m y i a (2), S c i o p e m y i a (2), L u t z o m y i a (1), M i c r o p y g o m y i a ( 1 ) , Viannamyia (1), e nos grupos Oswaldoi (5) e Migonei (3
The orchid bees are a very important group of pollinators distributed in the Neotropics. Although... more The orchid bees are a very important group of pollinators distributed in the Neotropics. Although a lot of studies concerning male euglossine bees have been done in this region, few works have so far been carried out in the Cerrado biome. This manuscript has the main objective to present the orchid bee community from a Gallery Forest in the Northeastern Brazilian Cerrado landscape, taking account the species composition, abundance, seasonality and hourly distribution. Male euglossine bees were collected monthly from October 2007 to May 2009, in the Reserva Florestal da Itamacaoca belonging to the Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Maranhão, in Chapadinha municipality, Maranhão State. The scents eucalyptol, eugenol and vanillin were utilized, between 07:00 and 17:00hr, to attract the euglossine males. Cotton balls were dampened with the scents and suspended by a string on tree branches 1.5m above soil level, set 8m from one another. The specimens were captured with entomological nets, killed with ethyl acetate and transported to the laboratory to be identified. A total of 158 individuals and 14 species of bees were recorded. The genus Eulaema was the most representative group of euglossine bees in relation to the total number of the sampled individuals, accounting for 50.6% of bees followed by Euglossa (26.6%), Eufriesea (15.2%) and Exaerete (7.6%). The most frequent species were Eulaema nigrita (27.8%), Eulaema cingulata (19%) and Euglossa cordata (18.3%). Many species typical of forested environments were found in samples, like Euglossa avicula, Euglossa violaceifrons and Eulaema meriana, emphasizing the role played by the Gallery Forests as bridge sites to connect the two great biomes of Amazonia and Atlantic Forest. The occurrence of Exaerete guaykuru represents the second record of this species for the Neotropical region, and both records coming from the Gallery Forest zones. The male euglossine bees were sampled mainly in the dry season, where 62.5% of the individuals were collected in that period. Eufriesea species appeared at the baits only in the wet season. The hourly frequency of bees at scent baits showed a clear preference for the morning period, where 87.9% visited the baits from 07:00 to 12:00hr. The euglossine bee fauna found in the Northeastern Maranhão Cerrado is represented chiefly by species of large geographic distribution and by some forest bee species, where their occurrence is maybe related to to the environmental conditions supported by the Gallery Forest ecosystem. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 625-633. Epub 2012 June 01.
Papers by Francinaldo S Silva