Papers by Marcos Sardá-Vieira
(Des)Troços - revista de pensamento radical, 2023
Abstract: This article analyzes the conformations of architecture as a device aimed at sexual ple... more Abstract: This article analyzes the conformations of architecture as a device aimed at sexual pleasures in cruising areas of Berlin, based on the relationship of queer detachment. Through cartographic methodology and phenomenological method, the intention is to understand how male bodies and homosexual desires are induced by spatial devices, objects and light/image effects, at the same time that such bodies and their performativities also modify the ways in which spatiality can be conceived and adapted. Thus, by breaking with architectural conventions in the face of dissident experiences of heteronormativity, the ambience of detachment for the performance of unauthorized sexual practices in public space or even by architectural convention stands out, in exchange for the consented exploitation of these bodies and desires by commercial establishments. This interaction of confinement in dark rooms (and hidden truths) reinforces the attraction factor of other consumer bodies, subjected to the supposed control and discipline of sexual behaviours and desires associated with the gay subculture and the pharmacopornographic regime, using as a subterfuge the disruptive aesthetics of the body when associated with architecture.
Resumo: Neste artigo analisam-se os meandros da arquitetura enquanto dispositivo voltado aos prazeres sexuais em áreas cruising de Berlim, tendo como base a relação de desapego queer. Através de metodologia cartográfica e método fenomenológico, a intenção é compreender como corpos masculinos e desejos homossexuais são induzidos por dispositivos espaciais, objetos e efeitos de luzes/imagens, ao mesmo tempo em que tais corpos e suas performatividades também alteram as maneiras como a espacialidade pode ser concebida e adaptada. Assim, ao romper com convenções arquitetônicas diante de experiências dissidentes da heteronormatividade, destaca-se a ambiência de desapego para o desempenho de práticas sexuais não autorizadas no espaço público ou mesmo pela convenção arquitetônica, em troca da exploração consentida desses corpos e desejos pelos estabelecimentos comerciais. Tal interação de confinamento em quartos escuros (e verdades ocultas) reforça o fator de atração de outros corpos consumidores, submetidos ao suposto controle e disciplina de comportamentos e desejos sexuais associados à subcultura gay e ao regime farmacopornográfico, tendo como subterfúgio a estética disruptiva do corpo quando associado à arquitetura.
Dialogia, 2023
Abstract: This article problematizes the Brazilian cultural war triggered by territorial and poli... more Abstract: This article problematizes the Brazilian cultural war triggered by territorial and political disputes during the roadblocks carried out at the end of 2022, after the result of the presidential election favourable to the left social democratic party. In view of this scenario, and based on the assumptions of qualitative research, we used discourse analysis to explore what emerged on the theme and related issues in bibliographic sources, articles and reports, in addition to non-participant observation. Thus, when we think of these demonstrations as experiences of promoting or annihilating the right to the city, along with other fundamental rights, we deflagrate the recurrent anti-democratic condition of a territory historically marked by ultraliberal interests. At the same time, we consider the opportunity to reflect on the constitution of the educating city in the re-signification of this experience and based on the common ethical posture through these experiences, which return to the city as a field of political action.
Resumo: Este artigo problematiza a guerra cultural brasileira deflagrada pelas disputas territoriais e políticas durante os bloqueios de estrada realizados no final de 2022, após o resultado da eleição presidencial favorável ao viés social-democrata de esquerda. Tendo em vista esse cenário, e com base em pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, utilizamos a análise de discurso para explorar o que emergiu sobre o tema e assuntos correlatos em fontes bibliográficas, artigos e reportagens, além de observação não-participante. Assim, ao pensarmos nessas manifestações como experiências de promoção ou aniquilamento do direito à cidade, junto de outros direitos fundamentais, deflagramos a condição antidemocrática recorrente de um território historicamente marcado pelos interesses ultraliberais. Ao mesmo tempo, consideramos a oportunidade para refletir sobre a constituição da cidade educadora na ressignificação dessa experiência e com base na postura ética comum através dessas vivências, que retomam a cidade como campo do fazer político.
Revista Fragmentos de Cultura, 2022
Abstract: The objective of this article is to present the dissident character promoted by the amb... more Abstract: The objective of this article is to present the dissident character promoted by the ambiguous performativities of LGBT people as experiences against the urban order throughout their passages, bodily transiences and occupational in Berlin (Germany). Thus, based on my experiences in the organized space of this metropolis during my stays in 2016 and 2019, I report some wandering experiences between different places: at a meeting point between blocks, at the subway station and in a public and tree-lined area of the Tiergarten. In the theoretical and methodological framework, I am based on the concepts of wandering and derives from Paola Jacques and Francesco Careri, in addition to the notion of passages and transiences from Walter Benjamin and Michel de Certeau. Finally, with this report I hope to discuss possible experiences of becoming queer, as an ephemeral deconstruction of the cis-heteronormative condition to conceive new aesthetics of existence and deviations in the contemporary city.
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o caráter dissidente promovido pelas performatividades ambíguas de pessoas LGBT enquanto experiências contra a ordem urbanística ao longo de suas passagens e transitoriedades corporais e ocupacionais em Berlim (Alemanha). Assim, com base nas minhas vivências no espaço organizado desta metrópole durante estadias em 2016 e 2019, relato algumas experiências errantes entre diferentes lugares: em pontos de encontro entre quadras, na estação de metrô e em área pública e arborizada do Tiergarten. No referencial teórico e metodológico, baseio-me nos conceitos de errância e deriva, a partir de Paola Jacques e Francesco Careri, além da noção de passagens e transitoriedades, a partir de Walter Benjamin e Michel de Certeau. Enfim, com este relato espero discorrer sobre possíveis experiências do devir queer, enquanto desconstrução efêmera da condição cis-heteronormativa para conceber novas estéticas de existência e desvios na cidade contemporânea.
Pixo - Revista de Arquitetura, Cidade e Contemporaneidade, 2022
Resumo: As cidades interioranas do sul do Brasil revelam hábitos e tradições peculiares na consti... more Resumo: As cidades interioranas do sul do Brasil revelam hábitos e tradições peculiares na constituição da urbanidade contemporânea. No caso de Erechim, localizada ao norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), observamos o predomínio de conservadorismos marcados pela relação desigual de gêneros e sexualidades na precarização de identidades dissidentes, que repercutem em processos de exclusões e discriminações cotidianas. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar os meios de apropriação e sobrevivência social de corporalidades e expressões de dissidências de gênero e sexualidades diante de limites morais e tradições peculiares, demarcados na espacialização formal da cidade. Deste modo, realizamos levantamento de campo (por observação não participante, diário de campo, croquis e fotografias) e revisão bibliográfica para construirmos nossa metodologia cartográfica e interdisciplinar. Por fim, constatamos vivências particulares de dissidências e subversões corporais-identitárias na ocupação efêmera e criativa de espaços heterotópicos felizes e informais.
Abstract: The interior cities of southern Brazil reveal peculiar habits and traditions in the constitution of contemporary urbanity. In the case of Erechim, located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, we observe the predominance of conservatism marked by the unequal relationship of genders and sexualities in the precariousness of dissident identities, which have repercussions on processes of daily exclusions and discriminations. In this context, the goal of this article is to analyse the means of appropriation and social survival of corporeality and expressions of gender and sexual dissidences in the face of moral limits and peculiar traditions, demarcated in the formal spatialization of the city. Thus, in the interdisciplinary relationship between gender, space and sexualities, we carried out a field survey (by non-participant observation, field diary, sketches and photographs) and literature review to build our cartographic methodology. Finally, we found particular experiences of dissidence and body-identity subversions in the ephemeral and creative occupation of happy heterotopic and informal spaces.
Pasado Y Memoria, 2022
Resumen: Ante el panorama creciente de restricciones y vigilancia de las manifestaciones de urban... more Resumen: Ante el panorama creciente de restricciones y vigilancia de las manifestaciones de urbanidad y, al mismo tiempo, de la regulación y disciplina de la planificación urbana formal, este artículo contextualiza las dinámicas de constitución de urbanidad por parte de los colectivos LGBTQ en Berlín a lo largo del tiempo como referencia de la constitución de nuevas estéticas de existencia y representación frente a una cultura material y urbana restrictiva y condicionada por las políticas cisheteropatriarcales. A partir de esta referencia historiográfica berlinesa, constituida desde el método fenomenológico-hermenéutico, consideramos, finalmente, que las acciones innovadoras de los grupos disidentes deben ser continuas en la efímera apropiación de la ciudad, como movimiento de resistencia a los estados de permanencia y conservadurismos.
Abstract: In view of the growing panorama of restrictions and policing of the manifestations of urbanity and, at the same time, of the regulation and discipline of formal urban planning, this article contextualizes the dynamics of constitution of urbanity by LGBTQ groups in Berlin over time as a reference of constitution of new aesthetics of existence and representation, in the face of restrictive material and urban culture and conditioned by cis-heteropatriarchal policies. Based on this Berlin historiographical reference, constituted from the phenomenological-hermeneutical method, we consider, finally, that the innovative actions of dissident groups must be continuous in the ephemeral appropriation of the city, as a movement of resistance to the states of permanence and conservatism.
Diversidade e Educação, 2021
Resumo: Neste artigo analisamos as nuances relativas à identidade moral e expressão de gênero e s... more Resumo: Neste artigo analisamos as nuances relativas à identidade moral e expressão de gênero e sexualidades por meio de desenhos artísticos produzidos por adolescentes e jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio. Nosso objetivo é compreender as representações identitárias de reprodução e/ou imaginação criadora através dos desenhos, tendo como contexto social e político o campo de disputas entre movimentos feministas e contrassexuais e grupos conservadores em defesa da família tradicional e dos desejos cis-heteropatriarcais. Assim, a partir dos resultados do projeto de extensão “Arte de Caderno”, que reuniu trabalhos de estudantes de escolas públicas de diferentes regiões do Brasil, analisamos a produção de desenhos destacando expressões identitárias e corporais como parte do entendimento de adolescentes e jovens sobre os valores morais discutidos na atualidade. Portanto, apesar de a maioria dos desenhos reproduzir os valores hegemônicos de corporalidades e expressões identitárias binárias, outros suscitam a expressão criativa de representações identitárias dissidentes.
Abstract: In this article we analyse the nuances related to moral identity and expression of gender and sexualities through artistic drawings produced by teenagers and young high school students. Our objective is to understand the identity representations of reproduction and/or creative imagination through drawings, having as a social and political context the field of disputes between feminist and counter sexual movements and conservative groups in defense of the traditional family and cis-heteropatriarchal desires. Thus, based on the results of the Arte de Caderno extension project, which brought together works by students from public schools from different regions of Brazil, we analysed the production of drawings highlighting identity and bodily expressions as part of the understanding of adolescents and young people about moral values discussed today. Therefore, although most drawings reproduce the hegemonic values of corporeality and binary expressions of identity, others raise the creative expression of dissident identity representations.
URBANA: Revista Eletrônica do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre a Cidade, Oct 31, 2016
Resumo: Esta publicação interdisciplinar apresenta uma reflexão entre o gênero, como categoria de... more Resumo: Esta publicação interdisciplinar apresenta uma reflexão entre o gênero, como categoria de análise, e o espaço, enquanto campo de materialização das representações sociais, dos desejos e da condição do corpo. Em contraste ao planejamento regular e ordenado da cidade do século XIX, como efeito das medidas de controle social, problematizamos a possibilidade de um lugar onde as pessoas pudessem expressar suas singularidades publicamente, indo além do gênero e rompendo com a heteronormatividade. Com apoio da teoria queer, apresentamos o exemplo desta livre associação entre gênero e espaço através do filme “O Congresso Futurista”, onde o fluxo das liberdades identitárias, dos desejos e da hibridização do corpo refletem-se na desterritorialização do espaço urbano, definindo o simulacro de um lugar dinâmico e flexível a ser compartilhado.
Abstract: This interdisciplinary publication presents a reflection of gender as a category of analysis, and space, while materialization field of social representations, desires and body condition. In contrast to regular planning and orderly city of the nineteenth century, as the effect of social control measures, we exemplify the possibility of a place where people would express their singularities publicly, going beyond gender and breaking with the heteronormativity. With the support of queer theory, we present the example of free association between gender and space through the film "The Congress", where the flow of identity freedoms, desires and body hybridization are reflected in the deterritorialization of the urban space, defining the simulacrum of a dynamic and flexible place to be shared.
Literatura e Autoritarismo, Dec 26, 2016
Resumo: Na visão de um ser alienígena, que estratégias e nuances de vulnerabilidade poderiam ser ... more Resumo: Na visão de um ser alienígena, que estratégias e nuances de vulnerabilidade poderiam ser apontadas para a condição do ser homem e ser mulher na sociedade urbana? Partindo desta curiosidade, este artigo reflete sobre a inversão do que caracteriza a vulnerabilidade humana fora de uma perspectiva consolidada pela dominação masculina, tendo como referência a narrativa do filme “Sob a Pele”, de 2013. A partir desta ficção, consideramos a vulnerabilidade do gênero masculino diante da ameaça de uma consciência inumana, que pretende capturar seus corpos. Em contraponto, nas relações que marcam o gênero feminino, consideramos válidos a empatia e o envolvimento emocional para as relações interpessoais como aspectos significativos, que tornam possível amenizar os sintomas da violência e melhorar a convivência social.
Abstract: The vision of an alien being, what strategies and vulnerability nuances could be given for the condition of being a man and being a woman in urban society? From this curiosity, this article reflects on the reverse featuring human vulnerability outside of a consolidated view by male domination, with reference to the narrative of the film “Under the Skin”, 2013. From this fiction, we consider the vulnerability of masculine gender face of the threat of an inhuman consciousness, which wants to capture their bodies. In contrast, the relations that mark the feminine gender, we consider valid empathy and emotional involvement for interpersonal relationships as a significant aspects, which make possible to alleviate the symptoms of violence and improve social coexistence.
Universitas Humanística
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o contexto atual de transformação urbana da área central e históric... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o contexto atual de transformação urbana da área central e histórica de Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brasil), como medida de controle social e exploração do potencial turístico e imobiliário. Para compreender este processo são considerados os conceitos de “revitalização” e “humanização” a partir da análise do projeto “Feira Permanente Viva a Cidade”, desenvolvido pela Prefeitura Municipal em parceria com a Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL). Na discussão desta problemática de reforma urbana, diante do interesse pela revitalização desta área degradada, consideramos que a prerrogativa de fomentar atividades de cultura e lazer como instrumento gradual de apropriação do espaço público surge para atender interesses particulares de especulação, utilizando o conceito de “revitalização” como justificativa para o controle territorial. Por outro lado, a demanda pelo conceito de “humanização”, voltada para os interesses públicos e sociais, seria uma alternativa mais democrática na reformulação da função dos espaços públicos, sem transformá-los em meros receptáculos da espetacularização e do consumo.
Abstract: This article presents the current context of urban transformation of the central and historical area of Florianopolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), as a measure of social control and exploitation of tourism and real state potential. The concepts of “revitalization” and “humanization” are taken in consideration after analyzing the Live the City Permanent Fair project developed by the City Hall in association with the Chamber of Commerce (CDL). In the discussion on urban reform and due to the interest in revitalizing this degraded area, we consider that the prerogative of promoting culture and leisure activities -as a gradual instrument of appropriation of public space- addresses speculative interests by using the concept of “revitalization” as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the need to include the concept of “humanization”, focused on public and social interests, would turn to be a more democratic alternative in the reformulation of the function of public spaces, without transforming them into mere receptacles of spectacularization and consumption.
Revista Grifos
Resumo: A vanguarda dos movimentos feministas e homossexuais tomou a dimensão pública do question... more Resumo: A vanguarda dos movimentos feministas e homossexuais tomou a dimensão pública do questionamento da modernidade desigual, requerendo autonomia às mulheres e reconhecimento às dissidências sexuais, diante de uma sociedade machista e preconceituosa. De alguma maneira, esses movimentos foram importantes para tornar real a problemática de uma materialidade não representativa para corpos, identidades e desejos em desacordo com a ordem e a moralidade constituídas na modernidade. Contudo, no contexto da pós-modernidade, onde a cultura material ainda atende aos desejos predominantes da cisheterossexualidade masculina, quais as contribuições do feminismo e das sexualidades queer para descentrar os significados do planejamento urbano homogêneo e fomentar novas representações identitárias? No âmbito cultural, será que podemos considerar o conceito de modernidade líquida relativa apenas às identidades femininas e dissidentes enquanto para as tradições institucionais permaneceria a sólida concepção da materialidade cartesiana? Através de revisão bibliográfica e análise interdisciplinar, apresentamos algumas experiências de urbanidades conformadas pelo senso de reciprocidade e respeito à diversidade.
Abstract: The vanguard of feminist and homosexual movements took on the public dimension of questioning unequal modernity, requiring autonomy for women and recognition of sexual dissent, in the face of a sexist and prejudiced society. In some way, these movements were important to make real the problem of a non-representative materiality for bodies, identities and desires in disagreement with the order and morality constituted in modernity. However, in the context of postmodernity, where material culture still meets the predominant desires of male cisheterosexuality, what are the contributions of queer feminism and sexualities to decentralize the meanings of homogeneous urban planning and foster new identity representations? In the cultural sphere, can we consider the concept of liquid modernity relating only to feminine and dissident identities while for institutional traditions the solid conception of Cartesian materiality would remain? Through bibliographic review and interdisciplinary analysis, we present some experiences of urbanities conformed by the sense of reciprocity and respect for diversity.
Revista Indisciplinar, 2020
Resumo: Da mesma maneira que a cidade da era industrial foi concebida por intermédio da estrutura... more Resumo: Da mesma maneira que a cidade da era industrial foi concebida por intermédio da estrutura de dominação masculina e cis-heteropatriarcal, o acesso e usufruto das áreas centrais para as atividades de lazer refletem, ainda hoje, essa condição privilegiada nos modos de apropriação e segregação do espaço urbano. Ao mesmo tempo, revelam preconceitos e regulamentações morais contra grupos dissidentes, que são contraditórios à proposição de cidades mais democráticas. Diante dessa problemática, procuramos analisar as interações e representações sociais permeadas por expressões de gênero e sexualidades presentes no espaço urbano e nas atividades de lazer noturno da área central de Erechim, cidade localizada ao norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Com esse objetivo, organizamos a pesquisa qualitativa e interdisciplinar através de referencial teórico e levantamento de campo, utilizando o método de observação não participante, diário de campo e o mapeamento da área de estudos. Com base nas referências de contextualização e caracterização urbana de Erechim, partimos do pressuposto que a presença de grupos e indivíduos contra-hegemônicos à condição branca e cis-heteropatriarcal dominante é potencialmente hostilizada e não representativa no espaço público e nos estabelecimentos comerciais. Por outro lado, as supostas imoralidades que atendem aos desejos de homens cisgêneros, entre diferentes atividades de lazer recreativo e sexual, estão permanentemente representadas na área central e espetacular dessa média cidade.
Abstract: In the same way that the city of the industrial era was conceived through the structure of male and cis-heteropatriarchal domination, the access and enjoyment of the central areas for leisure activities reflect, even today, this privileged condition in the modes of appropriation and segregation of the urban space. At the same time, they reveal prejudices and moral regulations against dissident groups, which prove to be contradictory to the proposition of more democratic cities. In view of this problem, we seek to analyze the social interactions and representations permeated by expressions of gender and sexualities present in the urban space and in nighttime leisure activities in the central area of Erechim, a city located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. With this goal, we organized qualitative and interdisciplinary research through theoretical framework and field survey, using the non-participant observation method, field diary and the study area mapping. Based on Erechim's contextualization and urban characterization references, we start from the assumption that the presence of counter-hegemonic groups and individuals against the dominant white and cis-heteropatriarchal condition is potentially hostiled and unrepresentative in public space and commercial establishments. On the other hand, On the other hand, the alleged immoralities that meet the desires of cisgender men, between different recreational and sexual leisure activities, are permanently represented in the central and spectacular area of this medium city.
Expressa Extensão, 2020
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a experiência na produção de mensagens em formato de... more Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a experiência na produção de mensagens em formato de fanzines durante o desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino e extensão universitárias. Fanzine é uma publicação alternativa onde todo o processo, da criação à divulgação, é feito de maneira artesanal e com baixo custo para a edição gráfica. A partir dessas atividades acadêmicas no curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, divulgamos mais de cinquenta fanzines como meio para discutir temáticas sobre urbanidades e sociabilidades do contexto de Erechim, município na região norte do Rio Grande do Sul, no Brasil. Na produção e expressão gráfica de conteúdos sintéticos em texto e imagens, na organização e reprodução dos conteúdos impressos e na divulgação dos trabalhos selecionados, observamos a importância da comunicação como atividade de aprendizagem, envolvendo estudantes universitários e a comunidade local, por meio de suporte simples e mensagens poéticas. ---
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the experience in the production of in the format of fanzines during the development of university teaching and extension activities. Fanzine is an alternative publication where the whole process, from creation to dissemination, is done by hand and at low cost for graphic edition. From these academic activities in the course of Architecture and Urbanism, at Federal University of Fronteira Sul, we released more than fifty fanzines as a support to discuss topics about urbanities and sociability of the context of Erechim, a municipality in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. In the production and graphic expression of synthetic content in text and images, in the organization and reproduction of printed content and in the dissemination of selected works, we note the importance of communication as a learning activity, involving university students and the local community, through simple supports and poetic messages.
Ensino & Pesquisa, 2020
Resumo: A ideologia atual de desmonte das Ciências Humanas da educação superior brasileira é uma ... more Resumo: A ideologia atual de desmonte das Ciências Humanas da educação superior brasileira é uma ameaça para a constituição da democracia no país. Por si só, esse aspecto enfatiza a importância dessa área de conhecimento, voltada para as humanidades, na implementação mínima de direitos humanos e de políticas participativas na sociedade. Diante desse panorama brasileiro de precariedades sociais e humanas analisado através da referência de reportagens, livros e textos acadêmicos, este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o papel das Ciências Humanas enquanto campo de conhecimento fundamental para a formação crítica e a compreensão dos fenômenos sociais. Consideramos que o conhecimento mantido pelas Ciências Humanas é um importante diferencial na estrutura do saber e na interpretação histórica, por isso, para garantirmos a reflexão ampla e dialógica sobre a realidade é preciso contrapormos a armação técnica e unidimensional para a consolidação de ações políticas. ---
Abstract: The current ideology of dismantling the Human Sciences of Brazilian higher education is a threat to the constitution of democracy in the country. By itself, this aspect emphasizes the importance of this area of knowledge, focused on the humanities, the minimal implementation of human rights and participatory policies in society. In view of this Brazilian panorama of social and human precarities analyzed through the reference of reports, books and academic texts, this article aims to reflect on the role of the Human Sciences as a field of fundamental knowledge for the critical formation and understanding of social phenomena. We consider that the knowledge maintained by the Human Sciences is an important differential in the structure of knowledge and historical interpretation, therefore, to guarantee a broad and dialogical reflection on the reality it is necessary to counterpose the technical and one-dimensional framework for the consolidation of political actions.
PontoUrbe, 2019
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é valorizar a experiência do desvio no espaço urbano através do r... more Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é valorizar a experiência do desvio no espaço urbano através do relato de experiência ao acompanhar eventos públicos envolvendo dissidências de gênero e sexualidades em Berlim. Durante as vivências nesta cidade ao longo de dez meses, constatei através de análise fenomenológica que são em eventos cíclicos como a Christopher Street Day que a multidão queer torna-se representativa na esfera pública e estabelece novos parâmetros para os limites de orientação (pós)identitária e espacial nesta metrópole marcada pela relativa tolerância e respeito à diversidade. Ao mesmo tempo, são em eventos abertos ao público que a comunidade LGBTI+ berlinense reforça a constituição do gueto como território de reconhecimento e comunicação com a população da cidade, permitindo negociar novas políticas sociais e contestar o caráter de uniformidade urbana e social para as diversas vivências queer, diante do enquadramento recorrente de políticas cisheterossexuais predominantes. ---
Abstract: The objective of this article is to value the experience of deviation in the urban space through the reporting of experience in following public events involving gender and sexualities dissidents in Berlin. During the ten-month of lived experiences in this city, I have noticed through phenomenological analysis that it is in cyclical events like the Christopher Street Day that the queer crowd becomes representative in the public sphere and establishes new parameters for the limits of (post)identity and space orientation in this metropolis marked by a relative tolerance and respect for diversity. At the same time, it is in events open to the public that the Berlin LGBTI+ community reinforces the constitution of the ghetto as a territory of recognition and communication with the city's population, allowing them to negotiate new social policies and contest the character of urban and social uniformity for the various queer experiences, against the recurrent framing of predominant cisheterosexual policies.
Revista Estudos Feministas, 2015
Resenha do livro: PISCITELLI, Adriana. Trânsitos: brasileiras nos mercados transnacionais do sexo... more Resenha do livro: PISCITELLI, Adriana. Trânsitos: brasileiras nos mercados transnacionais do sexo. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ, 2013.
Publicado na Revista Estudos Feministas, mai-ago, 2015.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta a experiência na aplicação do Conceito Poético como método intuitiv... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta a experiência na aplicação do Conceito Poético como método intuitivo para a geração de ideias na etapa inicial do desenvolvimento de projeto arquitetônico. Com base na baixa ênfase do caráter artístico aplicado ao ensino de arquitetura e urbanismo, no desenvolvimento de autonomia, criatividade e senso crítico, esta pesquisa reflete sobre a geração de ideias significativas para o desenvolvimento e auto compreensão do/da estudante em um contexto de atuação profissional fundamentado em projetos reproduzíveis pela funcionalidade e por concepções prévias de tecnologias construtivas. A intenção desta publicação é apresentar o método do Conceito Poético como alternativa para o aprendizado poético e intuitivo dos/as estudantes de arquitetura e urbanismo na geração de ideias com valor artístico, que antecedem a inovação técnico-funcional de projetos arquitetônicos e das áreas livres adjacentes. A aplicação deste método fez parte do processo de ensino-aprendizado em duas turmas de Projeto Arquitetônico na segunda fase do Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), ao longo do segundo semestre de 2012 e 2013. Os projetos trataram do tema templo ecumênico, localizando este equipamento em dois amplos espaços públicos, articulados com o projeto das áreas livres. De acordo com a avaliação das aulas nos dois semestres, a aplicação do método colaborou para ordenar as ideias e o processo de racionalização das etapas finais de projeto. Esta interpretação conceitual abriu possibilidades aos estudantes em desenvolver uma origem para o juízo estético na interpretação das condicionantes físicas e na aplicação das características de composição em um discurso arquitetônico coerente com o resultado apresentado. -----
Abstract: This article presents the experience in application of Poetic Concept as an intuitive method to generate ideas in the initial stage of the development of architectural design. Based on the low emphasis of artistic character applied to the teaching of architecture and urbanism, in the development of autonomy, creativity and critical sense, this research reflects on generating significant ideas for development and self-understanding of the student in the context of professional practice based on repeatable designs for functionality and preconceptions of construction technologies. The intention of this publication is to present the method of Poetic Concept as an alternative for poetic and intuitive learning for students of architecture and urbanism in generating ideas with artistic value that precedes within the technical and functional innovation of architectural projects and adjacent open areas. The application of this method was part of the teaching-learning in two classes of Architectural Design in the second phase of the Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) throughout the second semester of 2012 and 2013. The project dealt with the topic ecumenical temple, locating this equipment in two large public spaces, articulated with the design of open spaces. According to the evaluation of classes, in the two semesters, the application of the method collaborated to order the ideas and the process of rationalization of the final stages of design. This conceptual interpretation has opened opportunities to students to develop a source for the aesthetic judgment in the interpretation of the physical constraints and applying the compositional characteristics into a coherent architectural discourse with the result.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o contexto atual de revitalização da área central e histórica de Fl... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o contexto atual de revitalização da área central e histórica de Florianópolis como medida de controle social e exploração do potencial turístico e imobiliário. Para compreender este processo de higienização e reforma urbana, são considerados os conceitos de “revitalização” e “humanização” sobre a análise do Projeto “Viva a Cidade”, desenvolvido pela Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis em parceria com a Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas. Na discussão desta problemática de reforma urbana, diante do interesse pela revitalização desta área degradada, considera-se que a prerrogativa de fomentar atividades de cultura e lazer como instrumento gradual de apropriação do espaço público surge para atender interesses particulares de especulação, utilizando o conceito de “revitalização” como justificativa para o controle territorial. Por outro lado, a demanda pelo conceito de “humanização”, voltada para os interesses públicos e sociais, seria uma alternativa democrática na reformulação da função dos espaços públicos, tornando possível a apreensão de áreas abertas e de permanência entre os mais variados grupos sociais, sem transformar a área degradada em mero receptáculo da espetacularização e do consumo. -----
Abstract: This article presents the current context of revitalizing the historical and central area of Florianópolis as a social control measure and exploitation of tourism and real estate potential. To understand this process of cleaning and urban reform, the concepts of "revitalization" and "humanization" on the analysis of the project "Live City", developed by Florianópolis City Hall in partnership with the Chamber of Shopkeepers are considered. In discussions on this urban reform problematic, given the interest in the revitalization of this run-down area, we believe that the prerogative to foster cultural and leisure activities such as gradual instrument of public space appropriation comes to meet particular interests of speculation, using the concept of "revitalization" as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the demand concept of "humanization" facing the public and social interests, it would be a democratic alternative the redesign of public spaces function, making it possible the seizure of open areas and to be held between various social groups, without turning the area degraded into a mere receptacle of spectacle and consumption.
Resumo: A configuração urbana brasileira, enquanto reflexo da sociedade que nela vive, reproduz e... more Resumo: A configuração urbana brasileira, enquanto reflexo da sociedade que nela vive, reproduz espacialmente desigualdades sociais e impossibilidades de manifestações públicas diversas, sejam em comportamento, identidade cultural, orientação sexual e limitações físicas. A valorização do espaço privado e a falta de planejamento urbano colaboram para o abandono do espaço público enquanto esfera de reconhecimento coletivo e de funções sócio espaciais. A ampla divisão da cidade entre o espaço de consumo e o espaço de controle, somado a hegemonia de representação heterossexual masculina, impede o reconhecimento público de grupos diferenciados deste padrão, enfraquecendo a liberdade criativa para que nos reinventemos continuamente. Diante desta problemática, esta investigação qualitativa tem a intenção de avaliar as áreas livres públicas de Balneário Camboriú e Florianópolis - responsáveis pelo maior contingente de visitantes gays no sul do Brasil - e no quanto a configuração dessas duas cidades permite (ou restringe) a ambiência pública do espaço coletivo voltado para o contexto feminino e de orientações sexuais e afetivas diversas. Através do método de observação incorporada, os resultados de análise experiencial apontam que a inadequação física das áreas livres públicas e o seu condicionamento cultural de desprestigio condiciona o refúgio do público LGBTT no âmbito das áreas privativas enquanto espaço de consumo, e neutraliza seu reconhecimento no ambiente público de controle e monitoramento. -----
Abstract: The Brazilian urban setting, as a reflection of the society that lives in it, spatially reproduces social inequalities and impossibilities of various public events, whether in behavior, cultural identity, sexual orientation and physical limitations. The valuation of private space and the lack of urban planning collaborate to the abandonment of public space as sphere collective recognition and socio spatial functions. The broad division of the city between the consumption space and the control space added the hegemony of heterosexual male representation, prevents public recognition of different groups of the standard, weakening the creative freedom for we continually reinvent ourselves. Faced with this problem, this qualitative study intends to evaluate the free public areas of Balneário Camboriú and Florianópolis - responsible for the largest number of gay visitors in southern Brazil - and as the configuration of these two cities allow (or restrict) the ambience public the collective space facing to the context of female and diverse sexual orientations and affective.. Through observation method incorporated the experiential analysis results indicate that the physical inadequacy of open public spaces and its cultural conditioning affects to discredit the refuge public LGBTT within the private areas as space consuming, and neutralizes its recognition in the public environment of control and monitoring.
Resumo - Da experiência em acompanhar conteúdos de meios de representação em cursos de arquitetur... more Resumo - Da experiência em acompanhar conteúdos de meios de representação em cursos de arquitetura e urbanismo, percebe-se que, em geral, as aulas necessitam ser de longa duração para a prática de exercícios em sala de aula, formalizando o aprendizado do desenho a mão livre e associando as ferramentas com as técnicas de representação. Muitos estudantes apresentam dificuldade em lidar com as incertezas do processo criativo quando procuram expressar suas ideias através do desenho e da representação gráfica. Partindo desta compreensão, este artigo procura apresentar a experiência de ensino com o desenho rápido, feito à mão livre, durante as aulas presenciais de Oficina de Desenho II, ministradas no Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UFFS, em 2012. Considerando a importância do desenho no processo criativo e não apenas como resultado expositivo, foram aplicados exercícios que fazem o controle do tempo para a execução das tarefas, relativas aos conteúdos de perspectiva e aplicação de texturas e cores. Com a delimitação do tempo e a aplicação de novas práticas de desenho na execução dos diferentes exercícios de representação, acredita-se ter estimulado os pensamentos convergente e divergente dos estudantes, no uso responsável das habilidades e do conhecimento adquirido. -----
Abstract - From the experience in teaching content of representation in courses of architecture and urbanism, realizes that, in general, the lessons need to be long term for the practice exercises in the classroom, formalizing learning freehand and associating tools with representation techniques. Many students have difficulty in dealing with the uncertainties of the creative process attempting to express their ideas through drawing and graphing. Based on this understanding, this article presents a teaching experiment with quick sketch, done freehand, during classroom Workshop Design II, taught in the Course of Architecture and Urbanism of UFFS in 2012. Considering the importance of drawing in the creative process and not just as a result expository exercises were applied to make the time control for the execution of tasks relating to the contents of perspective and applying textures and colors. With the division of time and the application of new design practices in the implementation of the various exercises of representation, it is believed to have stimulated the convergent and divergent thinking of students in the responsible use of the skills and knowledge acquired.
Papers by Marcos Sardá-Vieira
Resumo: Neste artigo analisam-se os meandros da arquitetura enquanto dispositivo voltado aos prazeres sexuais em áreas cruising de Berlim, tendo como base a relação de desapego queer. Através de metodologia cartográfica e método fenomenológico, a intenção é compreender como corpos masculinos e desejos homossexuais são induzidos por dispositivos espaciais, objetos e efeitos de luzes/imagens, ao mesmo tempo em que tais corpos e suas performatividades também alteram as maneiras como a espacialidade pode ser concebida e adaptada. Assim, ao romper com convenções arquitetônicas diante de experiências dissidentes da heteronormatividade, destaca-se a ambiência de desapego para o desempenho de práticas sexuais não autorizadas no espaço público ou mesmo pela convenção arquitetônica, em troca da exploração consentida desses corpos e desejos pelos estabelecimentos comerciais. Tal interação de confinamento em quartos escuros (e verdades ocultas) reforça o fator de atração de outros corpos consumidores, submetidos ao suposto controle e disciplina de comportamentos e desejos sexuais associados à subcultura gay e ao regime farmacopornográfico, tendo como subterfúgio a estética disruptiva do corpo quando associado à arquitetura.
Resumo: Este artigo problematiza a guerra cultural brasileira deflagrada pelas disputas territoriais e políticas durante os bloqueios de estrada realizados no final de 2022, após o resultado da eleição presidencial favorável ao viés social-democrata de esquerda. Tendo em vista esse cenário, e com base em pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, utilizamos a análise de discurso para explorar o que emergiu sobre o tema e assuntos correlatos em fontes bibliográficas, artigos e reportagens, além de observação não-participante. Assim, ao pensarmos nessas manifestações como experiências de promoção ou aniquilamento do direito à cidade, junto de outros direitos fundamentais, deflagramos a condição antidemocrática recorrente de um território historicamente marcado pelos interesses ultraliberais. Ao mesmo tempo, consideramos a oportunidade para refletir sobre a constituição da cidade educadora na ressignificação dessa experiência e com base na postura ética comum através dessas vivências, que retomam a cidade como campo do fazer político.
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o caráter dissidente promovido pelas performatividades ambíguas de pessoas LGBT enquanto experiências contra a ordem urbanística ao longo de suas passagens e transitoriedades corporais e ocupacionais em Berlim (Alemanha). Assim, com base nas minhas vivências no espaço organizado desta metrópole durante estadias em 2016 e 2019, relato algumas experiências errantes entre diferentes lugares: em pontos de encontro entre quadras, na estação de metrô e em área pública e arborizada do Tiergarten. No referencial teórico e metodológico, baseio-me nos conceitos de errância e deriva, a partir de Paola Jacques e Francesco Careri, além da noção de passagens e transitoriedades, a partir de Walter Benjamin e Michel de Certeau. Enfim, com este relato espero discorrer sobre possíveis experiências do devir queer, enquanto desconstrução efêmera da condição cis-heteronormativa para conceber novas estéticas de existência e desvios na cidade contemporânea.
Abstract: The interior cities of southern Brazil reveal peculiar habits and traditions in the constitution of contemporary urbanity. In the case of Erechim, located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, we observe the predominance of conservatism marked by the unequal relationship of genders and sexualities in the precariousness of dissident identities, which have repercussions on processes of daily exclusions and discriminations. In this context, the goal of this article is to analyse the means of appropriation and social survival of corporeality and expressions of gender and sexual dissidences in the face of moral limits and peculiar traditions, demarcated in the formal spatialization of the city. Thus, in the interdisciplinary relationship between gender, space and sexualities, we carried out a field survey (by non-participant observation, field diary, sketches and photographs) and literature review to build our cartographic methodology. Finally, we found particular experiences of dissidence and body-identity subversions in the ephemeral and creative occupation of happy heterotopic and informal spaces.
Abstract: In view of the growing panorama of restrictions and policing of the manifestations of urbanity and, at the same time, of the regulation and discipline of formal urban planning, this article contextualizes the dynamics of constitution of urbanity by LGBTQ groups in Berlin over time as a reference of constitution of new aesthetics of existence and representation, in the face of restrictive material and urban culture and conditioned by cis-heteropatriarchal policies. Based on this Berlin historiographical reference, constituted from the phenomenological-hermeneutical method, we consider, finally, that the innovative actions of dissident groups must be continuous in the ephemeral appropriation of the city, as a movement of resistance to the states of permanence and conservatism.
Abstract: In this article we analyse the nuances related to moral identity and expression of gender and sexualities through artistic drawings produced by teenagers and young high school students. Our objective is to understand the identity representations of reproduction and/or creative imagination through drawings, having as a social and political context the field of disputes between feminist and counter sexual movements and conservative groups in defense of the traditional family and cis-heteropatriarchal desires. Thus, based on the results of the Arte de Caderno extension project, which brought together works by students from public schools from different regions of Brazil, we analysed the production of drawings highlighting identity and bodily expressions as part of the understanding of adolescents and young people about moral values discussed today. Therefore, although most drawings reproduce the hegemonic values of corporeality and binary expressions of identity, others raise the creative expression of dissident identity representations.
Abstract: This interdisciplinary publication presents a reflection of gender as a category of analysis, and space, while materialization field of social representations, desires and body condition. In contrast to regular planning and orderly city of the nineteenth century, as the effect of social control measures, we exemplify the possibility of a place where people would express their singularities publicly, going beyond gender and breaking with the heteronormativity. With the support of queer theory, we present the example of free association between gender and space through the film "The Congress", where the flow of identity freedoms, desires and body hybridization are reflected in the deterritorialization of the urban space, defining the simulacrum of a dynamic and flexible place to be shared.
Abstract: The vision of an alien being, what strategies and vulnerability nuances could be given for the condition of being a man and being a woman in urban society? From this curiosity, this article reflects on the reverse featuring human vulnerability outside of a consolidated view by male domination, with reference to the narrative of the film “Under the Skin”, 2013. From this fiction, we consider the vulnerability of masculine gender face of the threat of an inhuman consciousness, which wants to capture their bodies. In contrast, the relations that mark the feminine gender, we consider valid empathy and emotional involvement for interpersonal relationships as a significant aspects, which make possible to alleviate the symptoms of violence and improve social coexistence.
Abstract: This article presents the current context of urban transformation of the central and historical area of Florianopolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), as a measure of social control and exploitation of tourism and real state potential. The concepts of “revitalization” and “humanization” are taken in consideration after analyzing the Live the City Permanent Fair project developed by the City Hall in association with the Chamber of Commerce (CDL). In the discussion on urban reform and due to the interest in revitalizing this degraded area, we consider that the prerogative of promoting culture and leisure activities -as a gradual instrument of appropriation of public space- addresses speculative interests by using the concept of “revitalization” as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the need to include the concept of “humanization”, focused on public and social interests, would turn to be a more democratic alternative in the reformulation of the function of public spaces, without transforming them into mere receptacles of spectacularization and consumption.
Abstract: The vanguard of feminist and homosexual movements took on the public dimension of questioning unequal modernity, requiring autonomy for women and recognition of sexual dissent, in the face of a sexist and prejudiced society. In some way, these movements were important to make real the problem of a non-representative materiality for bodies, identities and desires in disagreement with the order and morality constituted in modernity. However, in the context of postmodernity, where material culture still meets the predominant desires of male cisheterosexuality, what are the contributions of queer feminism and sexualities to decentralize the meanings of homogeneous urban planning and foster new identity representations? In the cultural sphere, can we consider the concept of liquid modernity relating only to feminine and dissident identities while for institutional traditions the solid conception of Cartesian materiality would remain? Through bibliographic review and interdisciplinary analysis, we present some experiences of urbanities conformed by the sense of reciprocity and respect for diversity.
Abstract: In the same way that the city of the industrial era was conceived through the structure of male and cis-heteropatriarchal domination, the access and enjoyment of the central areas for leisure activities reflect, even today, this privileged condition in the modes of appropriation and segregation of the urban space. At the same time, they reveal prejudices and moral regulations against dissident groups, which prove to be contradictory to the proposition of more democratic cities. In view of this problem, we seek to analyze the social interactions and representations permeated by expressions of gender and sexualities present in the urban space and in nighttime leisure activities in the central area of Erechim, a city located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. With this goal, we organized qualitative and interdisciplinary research through theoretical framework and field survey, using the non-participant observation method, field diary and the study area mapping. Based on Erechim's contextualization and urban characterization references, we start from the assumption that the presence of counter-hegemonic groups and individuals against the dominant white and cis-heteropatriarchal condition is potentially hostiled and unrepresentative in public space and commercial establishments. On the other hand, On the other hand, the alleged immoralities that meet the desires of cisgender men, between different recreational and sexual leisure activities, are permanently represented in the central and spectacular area of this medium city.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the experience in the production of in the format of fanzines during the development of university teaching and extension activities. Fanzine is an alternative publication where the whole process, from creation to dissemination, is done by hand and at low cost for graphic edition. From these academic activities in the course of Architecture and Urbanism, at Federal University of Fronteira Sul, we released more than fifty fanzines as a support to discuss topics about urbanities and sociability of the context of Erechim, a municipality in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. In the production and graphic expression of synthetic content in text and images, in the organization and reproduction of printed content and in the dissemination of selected works, we note the importance of communication as a learning activity, involving university students and the local community, through simple supports and poetic messages.
Abstract: The current ideology of dismantling the Human Sciences of Brazilian higher education is a threat to the constitution of democracy in the country. By itself, this aspect emphasizes the importance of this area of knowledge, focused on the humanities, the minimal implementation of human rights and participatory policies in society. In view of this Brazilian panorama of social and human precarities analyzed through the reference of reports, books and academic texts, this article aims to reflect on the role of the Human Sciences as a field of fundamental knowledge for the critical formation and understanding of social phenomena. We consider that the knowledge maintained by the Human Sciences is an important differential in the structure of knowledge and historical interpretation, therefore, to guarantee a broad and dialogical reflection on the reality it is necessary to counterpose the technical and one-dimensional framework for the consolidation of political actions.
Abstract: The objective of this article is to value the experience of deviation in the urban space through the reporting of experience in following public events involving gender and sexualities dissidents in Berlin. During the ten-month of lived experiences in this city, I have noticed through phenomenological analysis that it is in cyclical events like the Christopher Street Day that the queer crowd becomes representative in the public sphere and establishes new parameters for the limits of (post)identity and space orientation in this metropolis marked by a relative tolerance and respect for diversity. At the same time, it is in events open to the public that the Berlin LGBTI+ community reinforces the constitution of the ghetto as a territory of recognition and communication with the city's population, allowing them to negotiate new social policies and contest the character of urban and social uniformity for the various queer experiences, against the recurrent framing of predominant cisheterosexual policies.
Publicado na Revista Estudos Feministas, mai-ago, 2015.
Abstract: This article presents the experience in application of Poetic Concept as an intuitive method to generate ideas in the initial stage of the development of architectural design. Based on the low emphasis of artistic character applied to the teaching of architecture and urbanism, in the development of autonomy, creativity and critical sense, this research reflects on generating significant ideas for development and self-understanding of the student in the context of professional practice based on repeatable designs for functionality and preconceptions of construction technologies. The intention of this publication is to present the method of Poetic Concept as an alternative for poetic and intuitive learning for students of architecture and urbanism in generating ideas with artistic value that precedes within the technical and functional innovation of architectural projects and adjacent open areas. The application of this method was part of the teaching-learning in two classes of Architectural Design in the second phase of the Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) throughout the second semester of 2012 and 2013. The project dealt with the topic ecumenical temple, locating this equipment in two large public spaces, articulated with the design of open spaces. According to the evaluation of classes, in the two semesters, the application of the method collaborated to order the ideas and the process of rationalization of the final stages of design. This conceptual interpretation has opened opportunities to students to develop a source for the aesthetic judgment in the interpretation of the physical constraints and applying the compositional characteristics into a coherent architectural discourse with the result.
Abstract: This article presents the current context of revitalizing the historical and central area of Florianópolis as a social control measure and exploitation of tourism and real estate potential. To understand this process of cleaning and urban reform, the concepts of "revitalization" and "humanization" on the analysis of the project "Live City", developed by Florianópolis City Hall in partnership with the Chamber of Shopkeepers are considered. In discussions on this urban reform problematic, given the interest in the revitalization of this run-down area, we believe that the prerogative to foster cultural and leisure activities such as gradual instrument of public space appropriation comes to meet particular interests of speculation, using the concept of "revitalization" as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the demand concept of "humanization" facing the public and social interests, it would be a democratic alternative the redesign of public spaces function, making it possible the seizure of open areas and to be held between various social groups, without turning the area degraded into a mere receptacle of spectacle and consumption.
Abstract: The Brazilian urban setting, as a reflection of the society that lives in it, spatially reproduces social inequalities and impossibilities of various public events, whether in behavior, cultural identity, sexual orientation and physical limitations. The valuation of private space and the lack of urban planning collaborate to the abandonment of public space as sphere collective recognition and socio spatial functions. The broad division of the city between the consumption space and the control space added the hegemony of heterosexual male representation, prevents public recognition of different groups of the standard, weakening the creative freedom for we continually reinvent ourselves. Faced with this problem, this qualitative study intends to evaluate the free public areas of Balneário Camboriú and Florianópolis - responsible for the largest number of gay visitors in southern Brazil - and as the configuration of these two cities allow (or restrict) the ambience public the collective space facing to the context of female and diverse sexual orientations and affective.. Through observation method incorporated the experiential analysis results indicate that the physical inadequacy of open public spaces and its cultural conditioning affects to discredit the refuge public LGBTT within the private areas as space consuming, and neutralizes its recognition in the public environment of control and monitoring.
Abstract - From the experience in teaching content of representation in courses of architecture and urbanism, realizes that, in general, the lessons need to be long term for the practice exercises in the classroom, formalizing learning freehand and associating tools with representation techniques. Many students have difficulty in dealing with the uncertainties of the creative process attempting to express their ideas through drawing and graphing. Based on this understanding, this article presents a teaching experiment with quick sketch, done freehand, during classroom Workshop Design II, taught in the Course of Architecture and Urbanism of UFFS in 2012. Considering the importance of drawing in the creative process and not just as a result expository exercises were applied to make the time control for the execution of tasks relating to the contents of perspective and applying textures and colors. With the division of time and the application of new design practices in the implementation of the various exercises of representation, it is believed to have stimulated the convergent and divergent thinking of students in the responsible use of the skills and knowledge acquired.
Resumo: Neste artigo analisam-se os meandros da arquitetura enquanto dispositivo voltado aos prazeres sexuais em áreas cruising de Berlim, tendo como base a relação de desapego queer. Através de metodologia cartográfica e método fenomenológico, a intenção é compreender como corpos masculinos e desejos homossexuais são induzidos por dispositivos espaciais, objetos e efeitos de luzes/imagens, ao mesmo tempo em que tais corpos e suas performatividades também alteram as maneiras como a espacialidade pode ser concebida e adaptada. Assim, ao romper com convenções arquitetônicas diante de experiências dissidentes da heteronormatividade, destaca-se a ambiência de desapego para o desempenho de práticas sexuais não autorizadas no espaço público ou mesmo pela convenção arquitetônica, em troca da exploração consentida desses corpos e desejos pelos estabelecimentos comerciais. Tal interação de confinamento em quartos escuros (e verdades ocultas) reforça o fator de atração de outros corpos consumidores, submetidos ao suposto controle e disciplina de comportamentos e desejos sexuais associados à subcultura gay e ao regime farmacopornográfico, tendo como subterfúgio a estética disruptiva do corpo quando associado à arquitetura.
Resumo: Este artigo problematiza a guerra cultural brasileira deflagrada pelas disputas territoriais e políticas durante os bloqueios de estrada realizados no final de 2022, após o resultado da eleição presidencial favorável ao viés social-democrata de esquerda. Tendo em vista esse cenário, e com base em pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, utilizamos a análise de discurso para explorar o que emergiu sobre o tema e assuntos correlatos em fontes bibliográficas, artigos e reportagens, além de observação não-participante. Assim, ao pensarmos nessas manifestações como experiências de promoção ou aniquilamento do direito à cidade, junto de outros direitos fundamentais, deflagramos a condição antidemocrática recorrente de um território historicamente marcado pelos interesses ultraliberais. Ao mesmo tempo, consideramos a oportunidade para refletir sobre a constituição da cidade educadora na ressignificação dessa experiência e com base na postura ética comum através dessas vivências, que retomam a cidade como campo do fazer político.
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o caráter dissidente promovido pelas performatividades ambíguas de pessoas LGBT enquanto experiências contra a ordem urbanística ao longo de suas passagens e transitoriedades corporais e ocupacionais em Berlim (Alemanha). Assim, com base nas minhas vivências no espaço organizado desta metrópole durante estadias em 2016 e 2019, relato algumas experiências errantes entre diferentes lugares: em pontos de encontro entre quadras, na estação de metrô e em área pública e arborizada do Tiergarten. No referencial teórico e metodológico, baseio-me nos conceitos de errância e deriva, a partir de Paola Jacques e Francesco Careri, além da noção de passagens e transitoriedades, a partir de Walter Benjamin e Michel de Certeau. Enfim, com este relato espero discorrer sobre possíveis experiências do devir queer, enquanto desconstrução efêmera da condição cis-heteronormativa para conceber novas estéticas de existência e desvios na cidade contemporânea.
Abstract: The interior cities of southern Brazil reveal peculiar habits and traditions in the constitution of contemporary urbanity. In the case of Erechim, located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, we observe the predominance of conservatism marked by the unequal relationship of genders and sexualities in the precariousness of dissident identities, which have repercussions on processes of daily exclusions and discriminations. In this context, the goal of this article is to analyse the means of appropriation and social survival of corporeality and expressions of gender and sexual dissidences in the face of moral limits and peculiar traditions, demarcated in the formal spatialization of the city. Thus, in the interdisciplinary relationship between gender, space and sexualities, we carried out a field survey (by non-participant observation, field diary, sketches and photographs) and literature review to build our cartographic methodology. Finally, we found particular experiences of dissidence and body-identity subversions in the ephemeral and creative occupation of happy heterotopic and informal spaces.
Abstract: In view of the growing panorama of restrictions and policing of the manifestations of urbanity and, at the same time, of the regulation and discipline of formal urban planning, this article contextualizes the dynamics of constitution of urbanity by LGBTQ groups in Berlin over time as a reference of constitution of new aesthetics of existence and representation, in the face of restrictive material and urban culture and conditioned by cis-heteropatriarchal policies. Based on this Berlin historiographical reference, constituted from the phenomenological-hermeneutical method, we consider, finally, that the innovative actions of dissident groups must be continuous in the ephemeral appropriation of the city, as a movement of resistance to the states of permanence and conservatism.
Abstract: In this article we analyse the nuances related to moral identity and expression of gender and sexualities through artistic drawings produced by teenagers and young high school students. Our objective is to understand the identity representations of reproduction and/or creative imagination through drawings, having as a social and political context the field of disputes between feminist and counter sexual movements and conservative groups in defense of the traditional family and cis-heteropatriarchal desires. Thus, based on the results of the Arte de Caderno extension project, which brought together works by students from public schools from different regions of Brazil, we analysed the production of drawings highlighting identity and bodily expressions as part of the understanding of adolescents and young people about moral values discussed today. Therefore, although most drawings reproduce the hegemonic values of corporeality and binary expressions of identity, others raise the creative expression of dissident identity representations.
Abstract: This interdisciplinary publication presents a reflection of gender as a category of analysis, and space, while materialization field of social representations, desires and body condition. In contrast to regular planning and orderly city of the nineteenth century, as the effect of social control measures, we exemplify the possibility of a place where people would express their singularities publicly, going beyond gender and breaking with the heteronormativity. With the support of queer theory, we present the example of free association between gender and space through the film "The Congress", where the flow of identity freedoms, desires and body hybridization are reflected in the deterritorialization of the urban space, defining the simulacrum of a dynamic and flexible place to be shared.
Abstract: The vision of an alien being, what strategies and vulnerability nuances could be given for the condition of being a man and being a woman in urban society? From this curiosity, this article reflects on the reverse featuring human vulnerability outside of a consolidated view by male domination, with reference to the narrative of the film “Under the Skin”, 2013. From this fiction, we consider the vulnerability of masculine gender face of the threat of an inhuman consciousness, which wants to capture their bodies. In contrast, the relations that mark the feminine gender, we consider valid empathy and emotional involvement for interpersonal relationships as a significant aspects, which make possible to alleviate the symptoms of violence and improve social coexistence.
Abstract: This article presents the current context of urban transformation of the central and historical area of Florianopolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), as a measure of social control and exploitation of tourism and real state potential. The concepts of “revitalization” and “humanization” are taken in consideration after analyzing the Live the City Permanent Fair project developed by the City Hall in association with the Chamber of Commerce (CDL). In the discussion on urban reform and due to the interest in revitalizing this degraded area, we consider that the prerogative of promoting culture and leisure activities -as a gradual instrument of appropriation of public space- addresses speculative interests by using the concept of “revitalization” as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the need to include the concept of “humanization”, focused on public and social interests, would turn to be a more democratic alternative in the reformulation of the function of public spaces, without transforming them into mere receptacles of spectacularization and consumption.
Abstract: The vanguard of feminist and homosexual movements took on the public dimension of questioning unequal modernity, requiring autonomy for women and recognition of sexual dissent, in the face of a sexist and prejudiced society. In some way, these movements were important to make real the problem of a non-representative materiality for bodies, identities and desires in disagreement with the order and morality constituted in modernity. However, in the context of postmodernity, where material culture still meets the predominant desires of male cisheterosexuality, what are the contributions of queer feminism and sexualities to decentralize the meanings of homogeneous urban planning and foster new identity representations? In the cultural sphere, can we consider the concept of liquid modernity relating only to feminine and dissident identities while for institutional traditions the solid conception of Cartesian materiality would remain? Through bibliographic review and interdisciplinary analysis, we present some experiences of urbanities conformed by the sense of reciprocity and respect for diversity.
Abstract: In the same way that the city of the industrial era was conceived through the structure of male and cis-heteropatriarchal domination, the access and enjoyment of the central areas for leisure activities reflect, even today, this privileged condition in the modes of appropriation and segregation of the urban space. At the same time, they reveal prejudices and moral regulations against dissident groups, which prove to be contradictory to the proposition of more democratic cities. In view of this problem, we seek to analyze the social interactions and representations permeated by expressions of gender and sexualities present in the urban space and in nighttime leisure activities in the central area of Erechim, a city located in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. With this goal, we organized qualitative and interdisciplinary research through theoretical framework and field survey, using the non-participant observation method, field diary and the study area mapping. Based on Erechim's contextualization and urban characterization references, we start from the assumption that the presence of counter-hegemonic groups and individuals against the dominant white and cis-heteropatriarchal condition is potentially hostiled and unrepresentative in public space and commercial establishments. On the other hand, On the other hand, the alleged immoralities that meet the desires of cisgender men, between different recreational and sexual leisure activities, are permanently represented in the central and spectacular area of this medium city.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the experience in the production of in the format of fanzines during the development of university teaching and extension activities. Fanzine is an alternative publication where the whole process, from creation to dissemination, is done by hand and at low cost for graphic edition. From these academic activities in the course of Architecture and Urbanism, at Federal University of Fronteira Sul, we released more than fifty fanzines as a support to discuss topics about urbanities and sociability of the context of Erechim, a municipality in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. In the production and graphic expression of synthetic content in text and images, in the organization and reproduction of printed content and in the dissemination of selected works, we note the importance of communication as a learning activity, involving university students and the local community, through simple supports and poetic messages.
Abstract: The current ideology of dismantling the Human Sciences of Brazilian higher education is a threat to the constitution of democracy in the country. By itself, this aspect emphasizes the importance of this area of knowledge, focused on the humanities, the minimal implementation of human rights and participatory policies in society. In view of this Brazilian panorama of social and human precarities analyzed through the reference of reports, books and academic texts, this article aims to reflect on the role of the Human Sciences as a field of fundamental knowledge for the critical formation and understanding of social phenomena. We consider that the knowledge maintained by the Human Sciences is an important differential in the structure of knowledge and historical interpretation, therefore, to guarantee a broad and dialogical reflection on the reality it is necessary to counterpose the technical and one-dimensional framework for the consolidation of political actions.
Abstract: The objective of this article is to value the experience of deviation in the urban space through the reporting of experience in following public events involving gender and sexualities dissidents in Berlin. During the ten-month of lived experiences in this city, I have noticed through phenomenological analysis that it is in cyclical events like the Christopher Street Day that the queer crowd becomes representative in the public sphere and establishes new parameters for the limits of (post)identity and space orientation in this metropolis marked by a relative tolerance and respect for diversity. At the same time, it is in events open to the public that the Berlin LGBTI+ community reinforces the constitution of the ghetto as a territory of recognition and communication with the city's population, allowing them to negotiate new social policies and contest the character of urban and social uniformity for the various queer experiences, against the recurrent framing of predominant cisheterosexual policies.
Publicado na Revista Estudos Feministas, mai-ago, 2015.
Abstract: This article presents the experience in application of Poetic Concept as an intuitive method to generate ideas in the initial stage of the development of architectural design. Based on the low emphasis of artistic character applied to the teaching of architecture and urbanism, in the development of autonomy, creativity and critical sense, this research reflects on generating significant ideas for development and self-understanding of the student in the context of professional practice based on repeatable designs for functionality and preconceptions of construction technologies. The intention of this publication is to present the method of Poetic Concept as an alternative for poetic and intuitive learning for students of architecture and urbanism in generating ideas with artistic value that precedes within the technical and functional innovation of architectural projects and adjacent open areas. The application of this method was part of the teaching-learning in two classes of Architectural Design in the second phase of the Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS) throughout the second semester of 2012 and 2013. The project dealt with the topic ecumenical temple, locating this equipment in two large public spaces, articulated with the design of open spaces. According to the evaluation of classes, in the two semesters, the application of the method collaborated to order the ideas and the process of rationalization of the final stages of design. This conceptual interpretation has opened opportunities to students to develop a source for the aesthetic judgment in the interpretation of the physical constraints and applying the compositional characteristics into a coherent architectural discourse with the result.
Abstract: This article presents the current context of revitalizing the historical and central area of Florianópolis as a social control measure and exploitation of tourism and real estate potential. To understand this process of cleaning and urban reform, the concepts of "revitalization" and "humanization" on the analysis of the project "Live City", developed by Florianópolis City Hall in partnership with the Chamber of Shopkeepers are considered. In discussions on this urban reform problematic, given the interest in the revitalization of this run-down area, we believe that the prerogative to foster cultural and leisure activities such as gradual instrument of public space appropriation comes to meet particular interests of speculation, using the concept of "revitalization" as a justification for territorial control. On the other hand, the demand concept of "humanization" facing the public and social interests, it would be a democratic alternative the redesign of public spaces function, making it possible the seizure of open areas and to be held between various social groups, without turning the area degraded into a mere receptacle of spectacle and consumption.
Abstract: The Brazilian urban setting, as a reflection of the society that lives in it, spatially reproduces social inequalities and impossibilities of various public events, whether in behavior, cultural identity, sexual orientation and physical limitations. The valuation of private space and the lack of urban planning collaborate to the abandonment of public space as sphere collective recognition and socio spatial functions. The broad division of the city between the consumption space and the control space added the hegemony of heterosexual male representation, prevents public recognition of different groups of the standard, weakening the creative freedom for we continually reinvent ourselves. Faced with this problem, this qualitative study intends to evaluate the free public areas of Balneário Camboriú and Florianópolis - responsible for the largest number of gay visitors in southern Brazil - and as the configuration of these two cities allow (or restrict) the ambience public the collective space facing to the context of female and diverse sexual orientations and affective.. Through observation method incorporated the experiential analysis results indicate that the physical inadequacy of open public spaces and its cultural conditioning affects to discredit the refuge public LGBTT within the private areas as space consuming, and neutralizes its recognition in the public environment of control and monitoring.
Abstract - From the experience in teaching content of representation in courses of architecture and urbanism, realizes that, in general, the lessons need to be long term for the practice exercises in the classroom, formalizing learning freehand and associating tools with representation techniques. Many students have difficulty in dealing with the uncertainties of the creative process attempting to express their ideas through drawing and graphing. Based on this understanding, this article presents a teaching experiment with quick sketch, done freehand, during classroom Workshop Design II, taught in the Course of Architecture and Urbanism of UFFS in 2012. Considering the importance of drawing in the creative process and not just as a result expository exercises were applied to make the time control for the execution of tasks relating to the contents of perspective and applying textures and colors. With the division of time and the application of new design practices in the implementation of the various exercises of representation, it is believed to have stimulated the convergent and divergent thinking of students in the responsible use of the skills and knowledge acquired.
Abstract: This publication presents essays, photographs and articles related to the public space of Erechim-RS, generated by the critical and investigative interpretation of students, professors and researchers of the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS). There are different texts communicating information about the urban configuration of this city, located in Upper Uruguay, in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul. Therefore, with this book we hope to: bring the people from Erechim closer to some ideas and academic contents produced within the scope of this public institution (UFFS) and stimulate reflections on the dynamics of public space in Erechim - with the intention of improving the quality of life and the imagination of the people, who enjoy this urbanity.
La coordinación deste libro es de Galia Cozzi y Pilar Velázquez.
Es una publicación de 2017.
Publicação de artigos que fizeram parte do Primeiro Congresso Internacional sobre Gênero e Espaço, ocorrido na Cidade do México em 2015.
A coordenação do livro é de Galia Cozzi e Pilar Velázquez.
É uma publicação de 2017.
Publication of articles that were part of the First International Congress on Gender and Space, held in Mexico City in 2015.
The book's coordination is by Galia Cozzi and Pilar Velázquez.
It's a 2017 publication.
Abstract - Situated in a privileged geographical region, with an approximate area of 452 km², Florianópolis has been object of a series of urban plans that in nothing had privileged to the urban identity of the city. Over the last 50 years, the Capital of Santa Catarina had a rapid urban growth. The successive construction of landfills, the expansion of the road system to give vent to increase car fleet, the implementation of two new bridges linking the island and mainland, and disabling the port, in the continental part, were some of the factors that contributed to the estrangement maritime activities and the transformation of the urban landscape. At present, the growth of Florianópolis follows toward the same conflict that shape the urban Brazilian cities, such as spatial segregation, congestion of vehicles, the relaxation of laws to serve the interests of land speculation and urban violence. This book raises some of these problems and proposes solutions to urban and architectural results in different domain areas, making the conscious process of reflection on what we can expect for the future of the city.