Papers by Juliana de Mesquita Pazos

portuguesUma efetiva organizacao do conhecimento arquivistico depreende, fundamentalmente, do apr... more portuguesUma efetiva organizacao do conhecimento arquivistico depreende, fundamentalmente, do aprofundamento teorico e empirico adquirido pelo profissional da informacao no decurso de sua formacao academica. Nesse sentido, a classificacao arquivistica assume papel preponderante na teoria, metodologia e pratica da Arquivistica, porquanto esta intimamente ligada a conformacao cientifica da area e a formulacao do seu escopo teorico-metodologico; e, desse modo, auxilia na conducao adequada do trabalho de organizacao da informacao e do conhecimento nos arquivos. Apesar de sua importância, a area apresenta problematicas pouco investigadas que influem no modelo de ensino e aprendizagem do profissional da informacao. Diante disso, nosso objetivo, neste trabalho, foi o de verificar se a classificacao arquivistica e objeto de uma disciplina especifica na Universidade Federal Fluminense e na Universidade Estadual Paulista, a fim de analisar se seus curriculos e planos de ensino expressam a rel...

portuguesO curso de graduacao em Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), vinculado... more portuguesO curso de graduacao em Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), vinculado ao Departamento de Ciencia da Informacao, foi criado em 1978 e desde entao passou por duas reestruturacoes curriculares e alguns ajustes para adequacao as realidades academicas e profissionais. Ao analisar os tres curriculos plenos (1978, 1993 e 2007) que vigoraram no curso, verificamos a inexistencia de uma disciplina voltada exclusivamente para o ensino da classificacao arquivistica ate o ano de 2016, quando a disciplina Classificacao em Arquivos tornou-se obrigatoria apos dois periodos letivos como optativa. Em termos de conteudo, de aprendizagem e de curriculo, a importância do ensino da classificacao arquivistica para o profissional da informacao reside na sua intrinseca relacao com a teoria, metodologia e tecnica da Arquivistica, de modo que orienta quanto as especificidades do documento de arquivo e distingue todo o trabalho de gestao em arquivos. Posto isso, objetivamos, nesse a...

The objective is to investigate how the function of classification of records is taught in the un... more The objective is to investigate how the function of classification of records is taught in the undergraduate courses in Archival Science at the Universidade Federal Fluminense and the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, which are the only public university institutions located in the southeast of Brazil to use a curriculum model based In an interdisciplinary approach with a degree in Librarianship. For this, the methodology used has an exploratory, qualitative, theoretical and analytical approach that allows to verify the adequacy of the curricular matrices and the subjects in the problems related to the theory, methodology, terminology and practical operation of this function in the Brazilian archives; And, also, to analyze the teaching practiced in the graduations in Archival Science of a federal institution and of a state institution. It is evidenced that the function of classification of records is related to the scientific conformation of the Archival Scienc...

A Pesquisa e o Ensino em Arquivologia: Perspectivas na Era Digital: Anais REPARQ, 2019
Resumo: O presente artigo objetiva apresentar um panorama histórico a respeito da criação do Curs... more Resumo: O presente artigo objetiva apresentar um panorama histórico a respeito da criação do Curso de Graduação em Arquivologia da Universi-dade Federal Fluminense, instituído no ano de 1978, e atualmente vinculado ao Departamento de Ciência da Informação do Instituto de Arte e Comunicação Social. Nesse sentido, também se propõe a sistematizar os três currículos plenos que estiveram e/ou estão em vigor no referido curso (1979-1992; 1993-2006; 2007-), assim como descrever os ajustes realizados nessas matrizes curriculares a fim de adequar a formação discente às demandas acadêmicas, profissionais e sociais que foram se alterando no cenário brasileiro ao longo das últimas quatro décadas. Dito isso, recordamos que essa pesquisa tem caráter histórico e visa preencher uma lacuna notada no que tange a um maior detalhamento das origens deste curso especificamente na história educacional arquivística brasileira. Para tanto, uma pesquisa exaustiva foi realizada nos documentos conservados sob a custódia da Coordenação do Curso de Arquivologia, do Departamento de Ciência da Informação e do Arquivo Central da UFF. Assim, a metodologia aplicada pode ser caracterizada como qualitativa, explorató-ria, analítica e documental. Por fim, ressaltamos que uma nova reforma curricular encontra-se em andamento coordenada por uma co-missão docente.
Abstract: The present article aims to present a historical overview of the creation of the Undergraduate Course in Archival Science of the Federal University of Fluminense, instituted in 1978, and currently linked to the Department of Information Science of the Institute of Art and Social Communication. In this sense, it also proposes to systematize the three full curricula that were and / or are in force in said course (1979-1992, 1993-2006, 2007-), as well as to describe the adjustments made in these curricular matrices in order to training students to the academic, professional and social demands that have been changing in the Brazilian scenario during the last four decades. Having said that, we recall that this research has a historical character and aims to fill a noted gap in what concerns to a greater detail of the ori-gins of this course specifically in the Brazilian archival educational history. In order to do so, exhaustive research was carried out on documents kept under the custody of the Coordination of the Course of Archival Science, the Department of Information Science and the Central Archive of the UFF. Thus, the applied methodology can be characterized as qualitative, exploratory, analytical and documen-tary. Finally, we emphasize that a new curricular reform is underway coordinated by a teaching commission.

Tendências Atuais e Perspetivas Futuras em Organização do Conhecimento: Atas do III Congresso ISKO Espanha e Portugal - XIII Congresso ISKO Espanha, 2017
Resumo: Uma efetiva organização do conhecimento arquivístico depreende, fundamentalmente, do apro... more Resumo: Uma efetiva organização do conhecimento arquivístico depreende, fundamentalmente, do aprofundamento teórico e empírico adquirido pelo profissional da informação no decurso de sua formação acadêmica. Nesse sentido, a classificação arquivística assume papel preponderante na teoria, metodologia e prática da Arquivística, porquanto está intimamente ligada à conformação científica da área e à formulação do seu escopo teórico-metodológico; e, desse modo, auxilia na condução adequada do trabalho de organização da informação e do conhecimento nos arquivos. Apesar de sua importância, a área apresenta problemáticas pouco investigadas que influem no modelo de ensino e aprendizagem do profissional da informação. Diante disso, nosso objetivo, neste trabalho, foi o de verificar se a classificação arquivística é objeto de uma disciplina específica na Universidade Federal Fluminense e na Universidade Estadual Paulista, a fim de analisar se seus currículos e planos de ensino expressam a relevância da operação para a singularidade do profissional da informação. Para tanto, foi empregada metodologia exploratória, qualitativa e analítica para evidenciar o papel da classificação arquivística para a epistemologia Arquivística; estabelecer as especificidades inerentes à função, teoria, terminologia, metodologia e instrumentos produzidos pela operação; explicar o processo de criação da graduação em Arquivologia no Brasil, na UFF e na UNESP, além de analisar seus currículos e planos de ensino, de modo a averiguar possíveis dissonâncias que afetem a formação profissional. A pesquisa demonstrou que ambas as universidades possuem disciplinas voltadas para o estudo exclusivo da classificação arquivística; projetos pedagógicos que determinam a confluência curricular entre as áreas de Arquivologia e Biblioteconomia sob a ótica da Ciência da Informação; e abordam os aspectos relevantes ao estudo da área.
Abstract: An effective organization of archival knowledge derives, fundamentally, from the theoretical and empirical deepening acquired by the professional of the information in the course of its academic formation. In this sense, the classification of records assumes a preponderant role in the theory, methodology and practice of Archival Science, because it is closely linked to the scientific conformation of the area and to the formulation of its theoretical-methodological scope; and thus assists in the proper conduct of the work of organizing information and knowledge in archives. Despite its importance, the area presents little investigated issues that influence the teaching and learning model of the information professional. In view of this, our objective, at work, was to verify if the classification of records is object of a specific discipline at the Federal University of Fluminense and the State University of São Paulo, in order to analyze if its curriculum and teaching plans express the relevance of the operation to the singularity of the informationprofessional. For that, an exploratory, qualitative and analytical methodology was used to highlight the role of classification of records for Archival Science epistemology; Establish the inherent specificities of the function, theory, terminology, methodology and instruments produced by the operation; to explain the process of creation of the undergraduate degree in Archival Science in Brazil, UFF and UNESP, and analyze their curriculums and teaching plans, in order to investigate possible dissonances that affect professional training. The research demonstrated that both universities have disciplines focused on the exclusive study of classification of records; Pedagogical projects that determine the curricular convergence between the areas of Archival Science and Librarianship from the point of view of Information Science; And discuss aspects relevant to the study of the area.

A Ciência Aberta: o Contributo da Ciência da Informação: Atas do VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC, 2017
Resumo: O curso de graduação em Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), vinculado ... more Resumo: O curso de graduação em Arquivologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), vinculado ao Departamento de Ciência da Informação, foi criado em 1978 e desde então passou por duas reestruturações curriculares e alguns ajustes para adequação às realidades acadêmicas e profissionais. Ao analisar os três currículos plenos (1978, 1993 e 2007) que vigoraram no curso, verificamos a inexistência de uma disciplina voltada exclusivamente para o ensino da classificação arquivística até o ano de 2016, quando a disciplina Classificação em Arquivos tornou-se obrigatória após dois períodos letivos como optativa. Em termos de conteúdo, de aprendizagem e de currículo, a importância do ensino da classificação arquivística para o profissional da informação reside na sua intrínseca relação com a teoria, metodologia e técnica da Arquivística, de modo que orienta quanto às especificidades do documento de arquivo e distingue todo o trabalho de gestão em arquivos. Posto isso, objetivamos, nesse artigo, conhecer como o curso de graduação em Arquivologia da UFF formou e está formando o profissional da informação acerca da classificação arquivística. A metodologia proposta possui natureza exploratória, analítica e qualitativa, permitindo traçar um breve panorama acerca da institucionalização da Arquivística no Brasil, apontar a importância e os objetivos da classificação arquivística, e delinear a implantação do curso de graduação em Arquivologia na UFF. Em seguida, a partir da análise dos planos de ensino das disciplinas do curso de graduação em questão, identificar aquelas que possuem em seu conteúdo abordagens referentes à classificação arquivística para analisar, numa perspectiva histórica, como a formação do profissional da informação acerca da classificação arquivística foi e tem sido realizada no curso de graduação em Arquivologia da UFF. Os resultados preliminares demonstram que o modelo curricular empregado pela universidade privilegiou o estudo de teorias da classificação e a classificação bibliográfica, focando antes na recuperação temática do que na manutenção das especificidades inerentes aos documentos arquivísticos e o seu contexto de produção. A análise do plano de ensino da disciplina Classificação em Arquivos evidenciou que os principais aspectos relevantes ao estudo do tema estão, atualmente, sendo referenciados.
Abstract: The undergraduate program in Archival Science at the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF), linked to the Department of Information Science, was created in 1978 and since then has undergone two curricular restructuring and some adjustments to suit the academic and professional realities. When analyzing the three full curriculms (1978, 1993 and 2007) that were in force in the course, we verified the
lack of a discipline exclusively dedicated to the teaching of classification of records until the year 2016, when the Classification of Records discipline became compulsory after two terms as optional. In terms of content, learning and curriculum, the importance of teaching classification of records to the information professional lies in its intrinsic relationship with the theory, methodology and technique of Archival Science, so that it guides the specificities of the records and distinguishes all management work in Archives. Having said that, we aim, in this article, to know how the undergraduate course in Archival Science of the UFF formed and is forming the information professional about the classification of records. The proposed methodology is exploratory, analytical and qualitative, allowing a brief overview of the institutionalization of Archival Science in Brazil, to point out the importance and objectives of classification of records, and to delineate the implementation of the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. Then, from the analysis of the teaching plans of the undergraduate courses in question, identify those that have in their content approaches to classification of records to analyze, in a historical perspective, how the training of information professionals about classification of records was and has been carried out in the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. The preliminary results show that the curricular model used by the university privileged the study of theories of classification and bibliographical classification, focusing rather on thematic recovery than on the maintenance of the inherent specificities of the records and their production context. The analysis of the teaching plan of the discipline Classification of Records evidenced that the main aspects relevant to the study of the subject are currently being referenced.
Papers by Juliana de Mesquita Pazos
Abstract: The present article aims to present a historical overview of the creation of the Undergraduate Course in Archival Science of the Federal University of Fluminense, instituted in 1978, and currently linked to the Department of Information Science of the Institute of Art and Social Communication. In this sense, it also proposes to systematize the three full curricula that were and / or are in force in said course (1979-1992, 1993-2006, 2007-), as well as to describe the adjustments made in these curricular matrices in order to training students to the academic, professional and social demands that have been changing in the Brazilian scenario during the last four decades. Having said that, we recall that this research has a historical character and aims to fill a noted gap in what concerns to a greater detail of the ori-gins of this course specifically in the Brazilian archival educational history. In order to do so, exhaustive research was carried out on documents kept under the custody of the Coordination of the Course of Archival Science, the Department of Information Science and the Central Archive of the UFF. Thus, the applied methodology can be characterized as qualitative, exploratory, analytical and documen-tary. Finally, we emphasize that a new curricular reform is underway coordinated by a teaching commission.
Abstract: An effective organization of archival knowledge derives, fundamentally, from the theoretical and empirical deepening acquired by the professional of the information in the course of its academic formation. In this sense, the classification of records assumes a preponderant role in the theory, methodology and practice of Archival Science, because it is closely linked to the scientific conformation of the area and to the formulation of its theoretical-methodological scope; and thus assists in the proper conduct of the work of organizing information and knowledge in archives. Despite its importance, the area presents little investigated issues that influence the teaching and learning model of the information professional. In view of this, our objective, at work, was to verify if the classification of records is object of a specific discipline at the Federal University of Fluminense and the State University of São Paulo, in order to analyze if its curriculum and teaching plans express the relevance of the operation to the singularity of the informationprofessional. For that, an exploratory, qualitative and analytical methodology was used to highlight the role of classification of records for Archival Science epistemology; Establish the inherent specificities of the function, theory, terminology, methodology and instruments produced by the operation; to explain the process of creation of the undergraduate degree in Archival Science in Brazil, UFF and UNESP, and analyze their curriculums and teaching plans, in order to investigate possible dissonances that affect professional training. The research demonstrated that both universities have disciplines focused on the exclusive study of classification of records; Pedagogical projects that determine the curricular convergence between the areas of Archival Science and Librarianship from the point of view of Information Science; And discuss aspects relevant to the study of the area.
Abstract: The undergraduate program in Archival Science at the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF), linked to the Department of Information Science, was created in 1978 and since then has undergone two curricular restructuring and some adjustments to suit the academic and professional realities. When analyzing the three full curriculms (1978, 1993 and 2007) that were in force in the course, we verified the
lack of a discipline exclusively dedicated to the teaching of classification of records until the year 2016, when the Classification of Records discipline became compulsory after two terms as optional. In terms of content, learning and curriculum, the importance of teaching classification of records to the information professional lies in its intrinsic relationship with the theory, methodology and technique of Archival Science, so that it guides the specificities of the records and distinguishes all management work in Archives. Having said that, we aim, in this article, to know how the undergraduate course in Archival Science of the UFF formed and is forming the information professional about the classification of records. The proposed methodology is exploratory, analytical and qualitative, allowing a brief overview of the institutionalization of Archival Science in Brazil, to point out the importance and objectives of classification of records, and to delineate the implementation of the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. Then, from the analysis of the teaching plans of the undergraduate courses in question, identify those that have in their content approaches to classification of records to analyze, in a historical perspective, how the training of information professionals about classification of records was and has been carried out in the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. The preliminary results show that the curricular model used by the university privileged the study of theories of classification and bibliographical classification, focusing rather on thematic recovery than on the maintenance of the inherent specificities of the records and their production context. The analysis of the teaching plan of the discipline Classification of Records evidenced that the main aspects relevant to the study of the subject are currently being referenced.
Abstract: The present article aims to present a historical overview of the creation of the Undergraduate Course in Archival Science of the Federal University of Fluminense, instituted in 1978, and currently linked to the Department of Information Science of the Institute of Art and Social Communication. In this sense, it also proposes to systematize the three full curricula that were and / or are in force in said course (1979-1992, 1993-2006, 2007-), as well as to describe the adjustments made in these curricular matrices in order to training students to the academic, professional and social demands that have been changing in the Brazilian scenario during the last four decades. Having said that, we recall that this research has a historical character and aims to fill a noted gap in what concerns to a greater detail of the ori-gins of this course specifically in the Brazilian archival educational history. In order to do so, exhaustive research was carried out on documents kept under the custody of the Coordination of the Course of Archival Science, the Department of Information Science and the Central Archive of the UFF. Thus, the applied methodology can be characterized as qualitative, exploratory, analytical and documen-tary. Finally, we emphasize that a new curricular reform is underway coordinated by a teaching commission.
Abstract: An effective organization of archival knowledge derives, fundamentally, from the theoretical and empirical deepening acquired by the professional of the information in the course of its academic formation. In this sense, the classification of records assumes a preponderant role in the theory, methodology and practice of Archival Science, because it is closely linked to the scientific conformation of the area and to the formulation of its theoretical-methodological scope; and thus assists in the proper conduct of the work of organizing information and knowledge in archives. Despite its importance, the area presents little investigated issues that influence the teaching and learning model of the information professional. In view of this, our objective, at work, was to verify if the classification of records is object of a specific discipline at the Federal University of Fluminense and the State University of São Paulo, in order to analyze if its curriculum and teaching plans express the relevance of the operation to the singularity of the informationprofessional. For that, an exploratory, qualitative and analytical methodology was used to highlight the role of classification of records for Archival Science epistemology; Establish the inherent specificities of the function, theory, terminology, methodology and instruments produced by the operation; to explain the process of creation of the undergraduate degree in Archival Science in Brazil, UFF and UNESP, and analyze their curriculums and teaching plans, in order to investigate possible dissonances that affect professional training. The research demonstrated that both universities have disciplines focused on the exclusive study of classification of records; Pedagogical projects that determine the curricular convergence between the areas of Archival Science and Librarianship from the point of view of Information Science; And discuss aspects relevant to the study of the area.
Abstract: The undergraduate program in Archival Science at the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF), linked to the Department of Information Science, was created in 1978 and since then has undergone two curricular restructuring and some adjustments to suit the academic and professional realities. When analyzing the three full curriculms (1978, 1993 and 2007) that were in force in the course, we verified the
lack of a discipline exclusively dedicated to the teaching of classification of records until the year 2016, when the Classification of Records discipline became compulsory after two terms as optional. In terms of content, learning and curriculum, the importance of teaching classification of records to the information professional lies in its intrinsic relationship with the theory, methodology and technique of Archival Science, so that it guides the specificities of the records and distinguishes all management work in Archives. Having said that, we aim, in this article, to know how the undergraduate course in Archival Science of the UFF formed and is forming the information professional about the classification of records. The proposed methodology is exploratory, analytical and qualitative, allowing a brief overview of the institutionalization of Archival Science in Brazil, to point out the importance and objectives of classification of records, and to delineate the implementation of the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. Then, from the analysis of the teaching plans of the undergraduate courses in question, identify those that have in their content approaches to classification of records to analyze, in a historical perspective, how the training of information professionals about classification of records was and has been carried out in the undergraduate course in Archival Science at UFF. The preliminary results show that the curricular model used by the university privileged the study of theories of classification and bibliographical classification, focusing rather on thematic recovery than on the maintenance of the inherent specificities of the records and their production context. The analysis of the teaching plan of the discipline Classification of Records evidenced that the main aspects relevant to the study of the subject are currently being referenced.