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Let T n be the set of all trees of diameter 3 and n vertices. We show that the Laplacian energy of any tree in T n is strictly between the Laplacian energy of the path P n and the star S n , partially proving the conjecture that this... more
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      Applied MathematicsTreeTotal orderLaplacian
Certain locally convex spaces of scalar-valued mappings are shown to be finitedimensional.
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure Mathematics
Let T n be the set of all trees of diameter 3 and n vertices. We show that the Laplacian energy of any tree in T n is strictly between the Laplacian energy of the path P n and the star S n , partially proving the conjecture that this... more
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    •   5  
      Applied MathematicsTreeTotal orderLaplacian
Certain locally convex spaces of scalar-valued mappings are shown to be finitedimensional.
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure Mathematics
The energy of a simple graph G is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. Two graphs of the same order are said to be equienergetic if they have the same energy. Several ways to construct equienergetic... more
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      Applied MathematicsLinear AlgebraGraph ProductsAdjacency Matrix
Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and m edges. Let edges of G be given an arbitrary orientation, and let Q be the vertex-edge incidence matrix of such oriented graph. The oriented incidence energy of G is then the sum of singular... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
The Laplacian energy of a graph sums up the absolute values of the differences of average degree and eigenvalues of the Laplace matrix of the graph. This spectral graph parameter is upper bounded by the energy obtained when replacing the... more
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
Reddy introduced an extended intuitionistic linearcalculus, called LLMS (for Linear Logic Model ofState), to model some features of state manipulation. His calculus includes the connective" before" and an associated modality y.... more
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      Linear LogicTensor product semigroupsCats
We present a categorical/denotational semantics for the Lambek Syntactic Calculus (LSC), indeed for a A-typed version Curry-Howard isomorphic to it. The main novelty of our approach is an abstract noncommutative construction with right... more
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      Mathematical LogicPure Mathematics
Round-robin tournaments rank participants according to their results in all games, considering that all victories have the same value. However, our understanding is that victories against strong opponents have more value than those... more
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    • Sport
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      EigenvaluesLaplacian matrix
The aim of this article is to answer a question posed by Merris in European Journal of Combinatorics, 24(2003)413−430, about the possibility of finding split nonthreshold graphs that are Laplacian integral, i.e., graphs for which the... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsBlock Designgraph Laplacian
In this article, we characterize all signless Laplacian integral graphs (here called Q -integral graphs) in the following classes: complete split graphs, multiple complete split-like graphs, extended complete split-like graphs, multiple... more
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      EngineeringGraph TheoryMathematical SciencesLaplacian
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    • Ctw
RESUMO A suavização da fronteira DEA foi proposta em 2002 para resolver o problema das múltiplas soluções ótimas para as DMUs extremo-eficientes na fronteira DEA clássica. Essa técnica substitui a fronteira original, linear por partes,... more
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    • Data Envelopment Analysis
Trees with two nonadjacent vertices of degree larger than two are not integral. This settles a question by .
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Let T n be the set of all trees of diameter 3 and n vertices. We show that the Laplacian energy of any tree in T n is strictly between the Laplacian energy of the path P n and the star S n , partially proving the conjecture that this... more
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      Applied MathematicsTreeTotal orderLaplacian
Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and m edges. Let edges of G be given an arbitrary orientation, and let Q be the vertex-edge incidence matrix of such oriented graph. The oriented incidence energy of G is then the sum of singular... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
We characterize when a tree of diameter 4 has integer index and we provide examples of infinite families of non-integral trees with integer index. We also determine a tight upper bound for the index of any tree of diameter 4 based on its... more
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      Applied MathematicsTree
Certain locally convex spaces of scalar-valued mappings are shown to be finitedimensional.
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    •   3  
      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure Mathematics