A interação tem atraído pesquisadores no âmbito da influência das relações pessoais na aquisição ... more A interação tem atraído pesquisadores no âmbito da influência das relações pessoais na aquisição de segunda língua (SLA). A Hipótese de Interação afirma que a interação comunicativa relaciona o insumo de linguagem às habilidades e aos resultados de aprendizagem do aluno (output), de modo que os estudantes possam alterar seus resultados, desde que receba um insumo compreensível. Este artigo examina as implicações e a relevância da interação no âmbito da Teoria das Hipóteses de Interação no Ensino e Aquisição de Língua Inglesa em escolas públicas brasileiras. O trabalho visa apresentar os fundamentos teóricos e relacioná-los com a prática em sala de aula. A realidade brasileira do ensino de segunda língua é o ponto de partida para possíveis aplicações dos fundamentos teóricos relacionados a essa teoria. Uma perspectiva cronológica em relação ao Modelo Monitor de Krashen e a hipótese dicotômica de Aquisição e Aprendizagem é delineada. As cinco hipóteses de Krashen são apresentadas com ...
This paper examines the implications of interaction in the foreign language learning and teaching... more This paper examines the implications of interaction in the foreign language learning and teaching process. It aims at contributing to the discussion about the importance of interaction in and out of the classroom. Two perspectives and approaches were chosen to support the work on similar topics. The Taskbased Language Teaching (TBLT) is presented alongside Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis and the Input Hypothesis. An Analysis and some observations are exposed to both papers. The concept of interaction and its relevance in learning foreign languages, followed by the importance of tasks in the interactional process will be addressed. Paiva’s perspective (2018) and how she relates it to the classroom environment, and Jauregi et al.’s (2012) interactional analysis will also be presented. Lastly, the work considers the human-machine interaction and the digitalisation of language learning and teaching. Jauregi et al.’s research on the Second Life platform for interactions is also analysed alo...
The relevance of interaction in English language teaching in Brazilian schools, 2023
Interaction has attracted researchers regarding the influence of person-to-person relations in Se... more Interaction has attracted researchers regarding the influence of person-to-person relations in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research. The Interactive Hypothesis suggests that communicative interaction relates language input to the learner's learning abilities and output, so learners can change their output given they are provided with comprehensible input. This paper examines the implications and the relevance of interaction within the framework of the Interaction Hypothesis theory in English Foreign Language Teaching and Acquisition in Brazilian schools. The work aims to present theoretical rationales and relate them to classroom practice. The Brazilian foreign language teaching reality is a starting point for possible applications of theoretical rationales related to this theory. A chronological perspective regarding Krashen's Monitor Model and the dichotomous Hypothesis of Acquisition and Learning is drawn. Krashen's five Hypotheses are presented, with emphasis on the Input Hypothesis and the Interaction Hypothesis. The second part refers to a brief analysis of English classes as a foreign language in Brazil. It is suggested how face-to-face interactional processes can occur in the mentioned context between students and teachers. The paper mentions issues related to teachers' attitudes and students' aptitudes, motivation, and special skills concerning the Brazilian language teaching context.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem F... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem Fronteiras apresenta no que concerne à distribuição de bolsas entre as regiões do Brasil, com o intuito de analisar como o programa pode se tornar mais holístico com base em projetos mais consolidados como, o Erasmus. Também analisamos como o Brasil pode angariar novas parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit. Em termos metodológicos, uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo foi realizada por meio de dados coletados em sites oficiais e literatura sobre os programas. Os resultados confirmam a disparidade regional, apontam caminhos para que o Ciência sem Fronteiras se torne um programa mais abrangente e vislumbra possíveis parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit.
Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies... more ABSTRACT Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies to offer their students opportunities for establishing transnational contacts to foster autonomy, independence and professional exchange among their citizens. This practice is not new and is part of government’s internationalization plans both in old empires and in developing nations. Scholarships are the main instrument to carry out these language policies. These awards are benefits given to students who have the opportunity to strengthen lasting relationships with different countries. Some of these benefits also serve as instruments that enable soft power relations as a state policy that permeates international relations through the use and influence of language. This paper aims to present the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program and outline how the initiative has contributed to designing a generation of Germans and Americans. The motivation for the work is to understand the role of strategic educational alliances between nations that were once at war. The paper also draws lessons from this attempt at cultural (re)approximation through a mixture of sociolinguistic immersion and diplomacy. These individuals (students-ambassadors)help to re(write) German history, but the issues to be debated relate to practical and valid transformation, management, nation-branding strategies in a highly globalized world.
This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Langu... more This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Speaking was the skill that contributed most to a high FLA level and that approximately one-third of students presented a moderate FLA level. The situations experienced by Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC) students were chosen as the focus of our research because they have higher FLA rates of all ethnic groups. This work aims to shed light on English Speaking Anxiety and observe the tendencies to enable future research in this field. The research is based on a series of papers collected from journals. The findings are related to the influence of emotional factors that contribute to anxiety in the classroom and to teachers’ attitudes. A high anxiety rate may be related not only to a natural propensity to anxiety, but also to factors related to teachers’ activities and attributes. The studies showed that the tone of voice, gender, and the teacher’s dress code affecte...
No campo de estudos cujo enfoque e o ensino de lingua, o fenomeno da globalizacao e central nas p... more No campo de estudos cujo enfoque e o ensino de lingua, o fenomeno da globalizacao e central nas politicas linguisticas que promovem a expansao da lingua inglesa sob uma perspectiva mais globalista. De fato, a globalizacao e um fenomeno que influencia diretamente os processos de internacionalizacao da educacao e os programas de mobilidade academica sao exemplos de mecanismos que viabilizam a internacionalizacao do Ensino Superior. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formacao de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais, reflexivas e linguisticas. O estudo tambem tem outros objetivos, tais como: identificar relacoes (pos)coloniais desiguais, tendo em vista a posicao hegemonica da lingua inglesa no processo de mobilidade academica; analisar quais sao as caracteristicas da emergencia da classe media global, fora do norte global, levando em consideracao a emergencia de um cap...
This paper examines the implications of interaction in foreign language learning and foreign lang... more This paper examines the implications of interaction in foreign language learning and foreign language teaching. It intends to contribute to the discussion about the importance of interaction in and out of the classroom. Two papers were chosen to support the work on similar topics. The Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is presented alongside Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis as well as the Input Hypothesis. Analyses and observations are exposed to both papers. The concept of interaction and its relevance in learning foreign languages followed by the importance of tasks in the interactional process will be addressed. Paiva’s ecological relation and how she relates it with the classroom environment and Jauregi’s interactional analysis will also be presented. Lastly, the work considers the human-machine interaction and the digitalization of language learning and teaching. Jauregi’s research on Second Life interactions is also analysed alongside the importance of blended learning. The analy...
Círculo Fluminense de Estudos Filológicos e Linguísticos, 2020
RESUMO As trocas transnacionais têm se intensificado em grande parte do globo, bem co-mo a mercan... more RESUMO As trocas transnacionais têm se intensificado em grande parte do globo, bem co-mo a mercantilização da língua inglesa, impactando no ensino de idiomas globalmen-te. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é refletir criticamente sobre as mudanças dos discursos do inglês como língua franca em um contexto de globalização educacional, com ênfase na idealização prestigiosa da persona do falante nativo do inglês, tendo em vista seus elementos simbólicos comercializáveis agregados de mentalidade neoliberal. Uma análise qualitativa foi realizada em dois anúncios de ofertas de ensino de língua inglesa tendo em vista construtos teóricos de escalas, cronotopos, indexicalidade e policentricidade. Os resultados apontam que elementos do discurso do mito do falante nativo estão presentes nos materiais analisados e acabam fomentando diversas tensões entre falantes nativos e falantes não nativos, mesmo com a tendência de descentraliza-ção da legitimidade da língua inglesa e do ensino de língua em um contexto policêntri-co global. A hipervalozação de experiências transnacionais pela elite econômica ali-menta o imaginário da legitimidade do falante nativo, que se reifica como um produto de alto valor e prestígio no mercado. Palavras-chave: Legitimidade linguística. Inglês como Língua Franca. Mercantilização da língua inglesa. ABSTRACT Transnational relations have intensified in the globe, as well as the commoditization of the English language, impacting language teaching globally. The main aim of this work is to critically reflect on the changes in the discourses of English as a Lingua Franca in the context of educational globalization, with an emphasis on the prestigious idealization of the persona of the English native speaker, considering its aggregated marketable symbolic elements of neoliberal mentality. A qualitative analysis was carried out in two advertisements offering English language teaching and training given theoretical constructs of scales, chronotopes, indexicality, and polycentricity. The results show that elements in the speech of the native speaker myth are present in the analyzed materials and end up fomenting several tensions between native speakers (NS) and non-native speakers (NNS), even with the tendency to decentralize the legitimacy of the English language learning and teaching in a polycentric context. The hypervalozation of transnational experiences by the economic elite feeds the imagery of the native speaker legitimacy, which is reified as a product of high value and prestige in the market. Keywords: Linguistic legitimacy. English as a lingua franca. Commodification of the English language.
Tendencies for future research on English Speaking Anxiety in Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) students and teachers, 2020
This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Langu... more This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Speaking was the skill that contributed most to a high FLA level and that approximately one-third of students presented a moderate FLA level. The situations experienced by Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC) students were chosen as the focus of our research because they have higher FLA rates of all ethnic groups. This work aims to shed light on English Speaking Anxiety and observe the tendencies to enable future research in this field. The research is based on a series of papers collected from journals. The findings are related to the influence of emotional factors that contribute to anxiety in the classroom and to teachers' attitudes. A high anxiety rate may be related not only to a natural propensity to anxiety, but also to factors related to teachers' activities and attributes. The studies showed that the tone of voice, gender, and the teacher's dress code affected levels of anxiety experienced by students.
A sociolinguística como uma corrente teórico-metodológica da linguística sob um viés histórico, 2020
Sociolinguistics has been a very prolific discipline in the last 50 years. The aim of this paper ... more Sociolinguistics has been a very prolific discipline in the last 50 years. The aim of this paper is to present a historical overview of Sociolinguistics as a theoretical methodological current of Linguistics, presenting issues about the historical trajectory of dialects, and the emergence of national languages. Definitions related to central concepts, the importance of dialectal differences, and factors influencing in linguistic variation are discussed. The work shows that the tendency of the researches in Sociolinguistics is understanding of the peculiarities of the speaker and of the appreciation of linguistic diversity in the communities.
Resumo: Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmic... more Resumo: Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmica O fenômeno de transnacionalismo se relaciona diretamente com programas de mobilidade acadêmica, que são mecanismos que viabilizam esse processo. O trabalho investiga como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formação de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais e linguísticas tendo em vista o conceito de transnacionalismo de prestígio. O estudo também se propõe a identificar relações transnacionais, tendo em vista a posição hegemônica da língua inglesa no processo de mobilidade acadêmica e analisar quais são as características dos participantes do programa no que concerne à área de atuação, à distribuição geográfica e aos principais destinos dos participantes desse programa de mobilidade. No que diz respeito à metodologia, um levantamento de dados de caráter quantitativo foi realizado com o intuito de analisar informações obtidas do "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook-1984-2014". Os resultados do trabalho contribuem para o campo de pesquisa em mobilidade acadêmica. Palavras-chave: Transnacionalismo de Prestígio. Mobilidade acadêmica. Concentração de poder. Abstract: Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook
Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmica, 2019
Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility
The pheno... more Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility
The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook – 1984–2014". The results of this work contribute to the field of research in academic mobility.
O Advento dos Conflitos Línguísticos e a Criação da Identidade Nacional: Novas Discussões, Velhas Raízes Allan Cordeiro da Silveira1 RESUMO O Advento dos Conflitos Línguísticos e a Criação da Identidade Nacional, 2018
National identity has been a subject that has received prominence in the literature of Applied Li... more National identity has been a subject that has received prominence in the literature of Applied Linguistics in the last decades, due to its intense and conflicting nature. The present work aims to make associations between language and nationalism, and these social conflicts. To this end, three papers were used as a basis for the discussion whose themes examine issues related to nationalism, the formation of European nation-states and the link between languages and dialects. The results of the study confirm that language and the concept of a nation are closely associated with the creation of nation-states. The paper is intended to contribute to the reflection on relevant themes to current and future trends in Applied Linguistics, as well as the discussion on population mobility and the historical incorporation of social groups into new territories.
Discursos interculturais e identitários na fala dos alunos de mobilidade acadêmica expectativas e realidades discentes, 2018
No campo de estudos cujo enfoque é o ensino de língua, o fenômeno da globalização é central nas p... more No campo de estudos cujo enfoque é o ensino de língua, o fenômeno da globalização é central nas políticas linguísticas que promovem a expansão da língua inglesa sob uma perspectiva mais globalista. De fato, a globalização é um fenômeno que influencia diretamente os processos de internacionalização da educação e os programas de mobilidade acadêmica são exemplos de mecanismos que viabilizam a internacionalização do Ensino Superior. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formação de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais, reflexivas e linguísticas. O estudo também tem outros objetivos, tais como: identificar relações (pos)coloniais desiguais, tendo em vista a posição hegemônica da língua inglesa no processo de mobilidade acadêmica; analisar quais são as características da emergência da classe média global, fora do norte global, levando em consideração a emergência de um capital cultural cosmopolita e de uma mentalidade neoliberal de competitividade. No que diz respeito à metodologia, uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo será realizada com o intuito de coletarmos e analisarmos dados obtidos por meio de entrevistas com participantes do programa Chevening. O próximo passo será a compilação e sistematização desses dados. Logo após, dar-se-á início à análise dos dados coletados. O objetivo dessa etapa é responder às perguntas de pesquisa que norteiam este trabalho.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Classe Média Global, Mobilidade acadêmica, Intercâmbio estudantil, Identidade cultural.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem F... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem Fronteiras apresenta no que concerne à distribuição de bolsas entre as regiões do Brasil, com o intuito de tornar o programa mais holístico com base em projetos mais consolidados como o Erasmus. Também analisamos como o Brasil pode angaria novas parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit. Em termos metodológicos, uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo foi realizada por meio de dados coletados em sites oficiais e literatura sobre os programas. Os resultados confirmam a disparidade regional, apontam caminhos para que o Ciência sem Fronteiras se torne um programa mais abrangente e vislumbra possíveis parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit.
A interação tem atraído pesquisadores no âmbito da influência das relações pessoais na aquisição ... more A interação tem atraído pesquisadores no âmbito da influência das relações pessoais na aquisição de segunda língua (SLA). A Hipótese de Interação afirma que a interação comunicativa relaciona o insumo de linguagem às habilidades e aos resultados de aprendizagem do aluno (output), de modo que os estudantes possam alterar seus resultados, desde que receba um insumo compreensível. Este artigo examina as implicações e a relevância da interação no âmbito da Teoria das Hipóteses de Interação no Ensino e Aquisição de Língua Inglesa em escolas públicas brasileiras. O trabalho visa apresentar os fundamentos teóricos e relacioná-los com a prática em sala de aula. A realidade brasileira do ensino de segunda língua é o ponto de partida para possíveis aplicações dos fundamentos teóricos relacionados a essa teoria. Uma perspectiva cronológica em relação ao Modelo Monitor de Krashen e a hipótese dicotômica de Aquisição e Aprendizagem é delineada. As cinco hipóteses de Krashen são apresentadas com ...
This paper examines the implications of interaction in the foreign language learning and teaching... more This paper examines the implications of interaction in the foreign language learning and teaching process. It aims at contributing to the discussion about the importance of interaction in and out of the classroom. Two perspectives and approaches were chosen to support the work on similar topics. The Taskbased Language Teaching (TBLT) is presented alongside Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis and the Input Hypothesis. An Analysis and some observations are exposed to both papers. The concept of interaction and its relevance in learning foreign languages, followed by the importance of tasks in the interactional process will be addressed. Paiva’s perspective (2018) and how she relates it to the classroom environment, and Jauregi et al.’s (2012) interactional analysis will also be presented. Lastly, the work considers the human-machine interaction and the digitalisation of language learning and teaching. Jauregi et al.’s research on the Second Life platform for interactions is also analysed alo...
The relevance of interaction in English language teaching in Brazilian schools, 2023
Interaction has attracted researchers regarding the influence of person-to-person relations in Se... more Interaction has attracted researchers regarding the influence of person-to-person relations in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research. The Interactive Hypothesis suggests that communicative interaction relates language input to the learner's learning abilities and output, so learners can change their output given they are provided with comprehensible input. This paper examines the implications and the relevance of interaction within the framework of the Interaction Hypothesis theory in English Foreign Language Teaching and Acquisition in Brazilian schools. The work aims to present theoretical rationales and relate them to classroom practice. The Brazilian foreign language teaching reality is a starting point for possible applications of theoretical rationales related to this theory. A chronological perspective regarding Krashen's Monitor Model and the dichotomous Hypothesis of Acquisition and Learning is drawn. Krashen's five Hypotheses are presented, with emphasis on the Input Hypothesis and the Interaction Hypothesis. The second part refers to a brief analysis of English classes as a foreign language in Brazil. It is suggested how face-to-face interactional processes can occur in the mentioned context between students and teachers. The paper mentions issues related to teachers' attitudes and students' aptitudes, motivation, and special skills concerning the Brazilian language teaching context.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem F... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem Fronteiras apresenta no que concerne à distribuição de bolsas entre as regiões do Brasil, com o intuito de analisar como o programa pode se tornar mais holístico com base em projetos mais consolidados como, o Erasmus. Também analisamos como o Brasil pode angariar novas parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit. Em termos metodológicos, uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo foi realizada por meio de dados coletados em sites oficiais e literatura sobre os programas. Os resultados confirmam a disparidade regional, apontam caminhos para que o Ciência sem Fronteiras se torne um programa mais abrangente e vislumbra possíveis parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit.
Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies... more ABSTRACT Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies to offer their students opportunities for establishing transnational contacts to foster autonomy, independence and professional exchange among their citizens. This practice is not new and is part of government’s internationalization plans both in old empires and in developing nations. Scholarships are the main instrument to carry out these language policies. These awards are benefits given to students who have the opportunity to strengthen lasting relationships with different countries. Some of these benefits also serve as instruments that enable soft power relations as a state policy that permeates international relations through the use and influence of language. This paper aims to present the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program and outline how the initiative has contributed to designing a generation of Germans and Americans. The motivation for the work is to understand the role of strategic educational alliances between nations that were once at war. The paper also draws lessons from this attempt at cultural (re)approximation through a mixture of sociolinguistic immersion and diplomacy. These individuals (students-ambassadors)help to re(write) German history, but the issues to be debated relate to practical and valid transformation, management, nation-branding strategies in a highly globalized world.
This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Langu... more This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Speaking was the skill that contributed most to a high FLA level and that approximately one-third of students presented a moderate FLA level. The situations experienced by Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC) students were chosen as the focus of our research because they have higher FLA rates of all ethnic groups. This work aims to shed light on English Speaking Anxiety and observe the tendencies to enable future research in this field. The research is based on a series of papers collected from journals. The findings are related to the influence of emotional factors that contribute to anxiety in the classroom and to teachers’ attitudes. A high anxiety rate may be related not only to a natural propensity to anxiety, but also to factors related to teachers’ activities and attributes. The studies showed that the tone of voice, gender, and the teacher’s dress code affecte...
No campo de estudos cujo enfoque e o ensino de lingua, o fenomeno da globalizacao e central nas p... more No campo de estudos cujo enfoque e o ensino de lingua, o fenomeno da globalizacao e central nas politicas linguisticas que promovem a expansao da lingua inglesa sob uma perspectiva mais globalista. De fato, a globalizacao e um fenomeno que influencia diretamente os processos de internacionalizacao da educacao e os programas de mobilidade academica sao exemplos de mecanismos que viabilizam a internacionalizacao do Ensino Superior. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formacao de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais, reflexivas e linguisticas. O estudo tambem tem outros objetivos, tais como: identificar relacoes (pos)coloniais desiguais, tendo em vista a posicao hegemonica da lingua inglesa no processo de mobilidade academica; analisar quais sao as caracteristicas da emergencia da classe media global, fora do norte global, levando em consideracao a emergencia de um cap...
This paper examines the implications of interaction in foreign language learning and foreign lang... more This paper examines the implications of interaction in foreign language learning and foreign language teaching. It intends to contribute to the discussion about the importance of interaction in and out of the classroom. Two papers were chosen to support the work on similar topics. The Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is presented alongside Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis as well as the Input Hypothesis. Analyses and observations are exposed to both papers. The concept of interaction and its relevance in learning foreign languages followed by the importance of tasks in the interactional process will be addressed. Paiva’s ecological relation and how she relates it with the classroom environment and Jauregi’s interactional analysis will also be presented. Lastly, the work considers the human-machine interaction and the digitalization of language learning and teaching. Jauregi’s research on Second Life interactions is also analysed alongside the importance of blended learning. The analy...
Círculo Fluminense de Estudos Filológicos e Linguísticos, 2020
RESUMO As trocas transnacionais têm se intensificado em grande parte do globo, bem co-mo a mercan... more RESUMO As trocas transnacionais têm se intensificado em grande parte do globo, bem co-mo a mercantilização da língua inglesa, impactando no ensino de idiomas globalmen-te. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é refletir criticamente sobre as mudanças dos discursos do inglês como língua franca em um contexto de globalização educacional, com ênfase na idealização prestigiosa da persona do falante nativo do inglês, tendo em vista seus elementos simbólicos comercializáveis agregados de mentalidade neoliberal. Uma análise qualitativa foi realizada em dois anúncios de ofertas de ensino de língua inglesa tendo em vista construtos teóricos de escalas, cronotopos, indexicalidade e policentricidade. Os resultados apontam que elementos do discurso do mito do falante nativo estão presentes nos materiais analisados e acabam fomentando diversas tensões entre falantes nativos e falantes não nativos, mesmo com a tendência de descentraliza-ção da legitimidade da língua inglesa e do ensino de língua em um contexto policêntri-co global. A hipervalozação de experiências transnacionais pela elite econômica ali-menta o imaginário da legitimidade do falante nativo, que se reifica como um produto de alto valor e prestígio no mercado. Palavras-chave: Legitimidade linguística. Inglês como Língua Franca. Mercantilização da língua inglesa. ABSTRACT Transnational relations have intensified in the globe, as well as the commoditization of the English language, impacting language teaching globally. The main aim of this work is to critically reflect on the changes in the discourses of English as a Lingua Franca in the context of educational globalization, with an emphasis on the prestigious idealization of the persona of the English native speaker, considering its aggregated marketable symbolic elements of neoliberal mentality. A qualitative analysis was carried out in two advertisements offering English language teaching and training given theoretical constructs of scales, chronotopes, indexicality, and polycentricity. The results show that elements in the speech of the native speaker myth are present in the analyzed materials and end up fomenting several tensions between native speakers (NS) and non-native speakers (NNS), even with the tendency to decentralize the legitimacy of the English language learning and teaching in a polycentric context. The hypervalozation of transnational experiences by the economic elite feeds the imagery of the native speaker legitimacy, which is reified as a product of high value and prestige in the market. Keywords: Linguistic legitimacy. English as a lingua franca. Commodification of the English language.
Tendencies for future research on English Speaking Anxiety in Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) students and teachers, 2020
This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Langu... more This paper examines the causes and consequences of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Speaking was the skill that contributed most to a high FLA level and that approximately one-third of students presented a moderate FLA level. The situations experienced by Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC) students were chosen as the focus of our research because they have higher FLA rates of all ethnic groups. This work aims to shed light on English Speaking Anxiety and observe the tendencies to enable future research in this field. The research is based on a series of papers collected from journals. The findings are related to the influence of emotional factors that contribute to anxiety in the classroom and to teachers' attitudes. A high anxiety rate may be related not only to a natural propensity to anxiety, but also to factors related to teachers' activities and attributes. The studies showed that the tone of voice, gender, and the teacher's dress code affected levels of anxiety experienced by students.
A sociolinguística como uma corrente teórico-metodológica da linguística sob um viés histórico, 2020
Sociolinguistics has been a very prolific discipline in the last 50 years. The aim of this paper ... more Sociolinguistics has been a very prolific discipline in the last 50 years. The aim of this paper is to present a historical overview of Sociolinguistics as a theoretical methodological current of Linguistics, presenting issues about the historical trajectory of dialects, and the emergence of national languages. Definitions related to central concepts, the importance of dialectal differences, and factors influencing in linguistic variation are discussed. The work shows that the tendency of the researches in Sociolinguistics is understanding of the peculiarities of the speaker and of the appreciation of linguistic diversity in the communities.
Resumo: Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmic... more Resumo: Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmica O fenômeno de transnacionalismo se relaciona diretamente com programas de mobilidade acadêmica, que são mecanismos que viabilizam esse processo. O trabalho investiga como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formação de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais e linguísticas tendo em vista o conceito de transnacionalismo de prestígio. O estudo também se propõe a identificar relações transnacionais, tendo em vista a posição hegemônica da língua inglesa no processo de mobilidade acadêmica e analisar quais são as características dos participantes do programa no que concerne à área de atuação, à distribuição geográfica e aos principais destinos dos participantes desse programa de mobilidade. No que diz respeito à metodologia, um levantamento de dados de caráter quantitativo foi realizado com o intuito de analisar informações obtidas do "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook-1984-2014". Os resultados do trabalho contribuem para o campo de pesquisa em mobilidade acadêmica. Palavras-chave: Transnacionalismo de Prestígio. Mobilidade acadêmica. Concentração de poder. Abstract: Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook
Relações de transnacionalismo de prestígio e concentração de poder em mobilidade acadêmica, 2019
Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility
The pheno... more Transnationalism of prestige relations and concentration of power in academic mobility
The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook – 1984–2014". The results of this work contribute to the field of research in academic mobility.
O Advento dos Conflitos Línguísticos e a Criação da Identidade Nacional: Novas Discussões, Velhas Raízes Allan Cordeiro da Silveira1 RESUMO O Advento dos Conflitos Línguísticos e a Criação da Identidade Nacional, 2018
National identity has been a subject that has received prominence in the literature of Applied Li... more National identity has been a subject that has received prominence in the literature of Applied Linguistics in the last decades, due to its intense and conflicting nature. The present work aims to make associations between language and nationalism, and these social conflicts. To this end, three papers were used as a basis for the discussion whose themes examine issues related to nationalism, the formation of European nation-states and the link between languages and dialects. The results of the study confirm that language and the concept of a nation are closely associated with the creation of nation-states. The paper is intended to contribute to the reflection on relevant themes to current and future trends in Applied Linguistics, as well as the discussion on population mobility and the historical incorporation of social groups into new territories.
Discursos interculturais e identitários na fala dos alunos de mobilidade acadêmica expectativas e realidades discentes, 2018
No campo de estudos cujo enfoque é o ensino de língua, o fenômeno da globalização é central nas p... more No campo de estudos cujo enfoque é o ensino de língua, o fenômeno da globalização é central nas políticas linguísticas que promovem a expansão da língua inglesa sob uma perspectiva mais globalista. De fato, a globalização é um fenômeno que influencia diretamente os processos de internacionalização da educação e os programas de mobilidade acadêmica são exemplos de mecanismos que viabilizam a internacionalização do Ensino Superior. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar como a mobilidade Brasil-Reino Unido, dentro de um programa britânico (Chevening), contribui para a formação de perspectivas cosmopolitas, interculturais, reflexivas e linguísticas. O estudo também tem outros objetivos, tais como: identificar relações (pos)coloniais desiguais, tendo em vista a posição hegemônica da língua inglesa no processo de mobilidade acadêmica; analisar quais são as características da emergência da classe média global, fora do norte global, levando em consideração a emergência de um capital cultural cosmopolita e de uma mentalidade neoliberal de competitividade. No que diz respeito à metodologia, uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo será realizada com o intuito de coletarmos e analisarmos dados obtidos por meio de entrevistas com participantes do programa Chevening. O próximo passo será a compilação e sistematização desses dados. Logo após, dar-se-á início à análise dos dados coletados. O objetivo dessa etapa é responder às perguntas de pesquisa que norteiam este trabalho.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Classe Média Global, Mobilidade acadêmica, Intercâmbio estudantil, Identidade cultural.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem F... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir a disparidade regional que o programa Ciência sem Fronteiras apresenta no que concerne à distribuição de bolsas entre as regiões do Brasil, com o intuito de tornar o programa mais holístico com base em projetos mais consolidados como o Erasmus. Também analisamos como o Brasil pode angaria novas parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit. Em termos metodológicos, uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo foi realizada por meio de dados coletados em sites oficiais e literatura sobre os programas. Os resultados confirmam a disparidade regional, apontam caminhos para que o Ciência sem Fronteiras se torne um programa mais abrangente e vislumbra possíveis parcerias educacionais com o Reino Unido pós-Brexit.
Papers by Allan Cordeiro
Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies to offer their students opportunities for establishing transnational contacts to foster autonomy, independence and professional exchange among their citizens. This practice is not new and is part of government’s internationalization plans both in old empires and in developing nations. Scholarships are the main instrument to carry out these language policies. These awards are benefits given to students who have the opportunity to strengthen lasting relationships with different countries. Some of these benefits also serve as instruments that enable soft power relations as a state policy that permeates international relations through the use and influence of language. This paper aims to present the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program and outline how the initiative has contributed to designing a generation of Germans and Americans. The motivation for the work is to understand the role of strategic educational alliances between nations that were once at war. The paper also draws lessons from this attempt at cultural (re)approximation through a mixture of sociolinguistic immersion and diplomacy. These individuals (students-ambassadors)help to re(write) German history, but the issues to be debated relate to practical and valid transformation, management, nation-branding strategies in a highly globalized world.
The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook – 1984–2014". The results of this work contribute to the field of research in academic mobility.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Classe Média Global, Mobilidade acadêmica, Intercâmbio estudantil, Identidade cultural.
Countries, associations and institutions have invested financial resources in strategies to offer their students opportunities for establishing transnational contacts to foster autonomy, independence and professional exchange among their citizens. This practice is not new and is part of government’s internationalization plans both in old empires and in developing nations. Scholarships are the main instrument to carry out these language policies. These awards are benefits given to students who have the opportunity to strengthen lasting relationships with different countries. Some of these benefits also serve as instruments that enable soft power relations as a state policy that permeates international relations through the use and influence of language. This paper aims to present the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program and outline how the initiative has contributed to designing a generation of Germans and Americans. The motivation for the work is to understand the role of strategic educational alliances between nations that were once at war. The paper also draws lessons from this attempt at cultural (re)approximation through a mixture of sociolinguistic immersion and diplomacy. These individuals (students-ambassadors)help to re(write) German history, but the issues to be debated relate to practical and valid transformation, management, nation-branding strategies in a highly globalized world.
The phenomenon of transnationalism is directly related to academic mobility programs, which are mechanisms that make this process feasible. The research investigates how the mobility between Brazil and the United Kingdom, within a British program (Chevening), contributes to the formation of cosmopolitan, intercultural, and linguistic perspectives in view of the concept of transnationalism of prestige. The study also aims to identify transnational relations, considering the hegemonic position of the English language in the process of academic mobility; to analyze the characteristics of alumni taking into account their field of study, geographical distribution, and the main destinations of the participants in this mobility program. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative data collection was conducted to analyze information from the "Handbook Brazil Alumni Yearbook – 1984–2014". The results of this work contribute to the field of research in academic mobility.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Classe Média Global, Mobilidade acadêmica, Intercâmbio estudantil, Identidade cultural.