Papers by Cecilia McCallum
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Mar 1, 1999
Anthropological Perspectives on Human Security eDiteD By thomas eriksen, eLLen BaL anD osCar saLe... more Anthropological Perspectives on Human Security eDiteD By thomas eriksen, eLLen BaL anD osCar saLemink A History of Anthropology thomas hyLLanD eriksen anD Finn sivert nieLsen Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives Second Edition thomas hyLLanD eriksen Globalisation: Studies in Anthropology eDiteD By thomas hyLLanD eriksen Small Places, Large Issues:
Editora FIOCRUZ eBooks, 1998
Ilha Revista de Antropologia, 2007
In Brazil, black women are symbolically associated withdomestic work. In Salvador, they generally... more In Brazil, black women are symbolically associated withdomestic work. In Salvador, they generally occupy the lowest places in the socioeconomic hierarchy. The article examines feminist responses to this situation. Responses include proposals to introduce affirmative action and a 'politics of presence' that supports the election of black women to represent the black female constituency. The article describes theracial dynamics between black and whitefeminists in Bahia, showing the contradictory tendencies structuring the relationship. It highlights different influences on the ideas and proposals of Bahian feminists. Finally, through a detailed andmicrohistoricalexamination of distinctfeminist discourses andthecontexts in which they are used, thearticle contests the notion that a 'politics of identity' necessarily leads to new essentialisms of race orculture.
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Sep 1, 1996
1994). I have often had the opportunity to benefit from Conklin's work and general intel... more 1994). I have often had the opportunity to benefit from Conklin's work and general intellectual support, and I am happy to be able to acknowledge her invaluable help again here. ... Conklin, Beth A. 1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. London: Cambridge University Press.
Cadernos De Saude Publica, Jul 1, 2006
This article examines childbirth in a public maternity hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from ... more This article examines childbirth in a public maternity hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from the perspective of young and adolescent women, mostly black and working-class. As an anthropological study, it is based on the analysis of birth narratives and hospital ethnography, especially in the obstetric ward. The women describe labor as dominated by fear, loneliness, and pain. These feelings are transformed into love with the birth of the child. Viewing childbirth as a biosocial process, the authors show how the young women construct meanings during the birth; meanwhile, social interactions specific to hospital birth develop, particularly with healthcare professionals. Symbolically, women construct birth as a rite of passage legitimating motherhood, against the institution's effective de-legitimization of sexual reproduction in low-income black mothers and stigmatization of adolescent motherhood.
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic may accentuate existing problems, hindering access to legal abortion, with ... more The COVID-19 pandemic may accentuate existing problems, hindering access to legal abortion, with a consequent increase in unsafe abortions. This scenario may be even worse in low-and middle-income countries, especially in Latin America, where abortion laws are already restrictive and access to services is already hampered. Our objective was to understand how different countries, with an emphasis on Latin Americans, have dealt with legal abortion services in the context of the COVID-19. Thus, we conducted a narrative review on abortion and COVID-19. The 75 articles included, plus other relevant references, indicate that the pandemic affects sexual and reproductive health services by amplifying existing problems and restricting access to reproductive rights, such as legal abortion. This impact may be even stronger in low-and middle-income countries, especially in Latin America, where access to legal abortion is normally restricted. The revision of sources in this article underlines the urgent need to maintain legal abortion services, both from women's perspective, in support of their reproductive rights, but also from that of the international commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Thereby, Latin American countries must place reproductive rights as a priority on their agendas and adapt legislation to accommodate alternative models of abortion care. Furthermore, our results underscore the need for clear information on the functioning of sexual and reproductive health services as essential for understanding the impact of the pandemic on legal abortion and to identify the groups most affected by the changes.
Cadernos De Saude Publica, Feb 1, 2016
Baseado numa investigação qualitativa desenvolvida em 2012, o artigo analisa experiências de abor... more Baseado numa investigação qualitativa desenvolvida em 2012, o artigo analisa experiências de abortos provocados de pessoas de estratos sociais médios realizados em clínicas privadas. Foram narradas 34 histórias de gravidezes interrompidas em clínicas por 19 mulheres e cinco homens, residentes em duas capitais do Nordeste brasileiro. Uma análise temática revela que existem diferentes tipos de clínicas e de atendimento prestados pelos médicos. O artigo mostra que a realização de um aborto em uma clínica privada não é garantia de um atendimento humanizado e seguro. As narrativas fornecem descrições de diversas situações e práticas, desde aquelas com algumas falhas, como a falta de informações sobre os medicamentos, até outras com abusos graves, como procedimentos realizados sem anestesia. Assim, conclui-se que a ilegalidade da prática do aborto, no Brasil, permite que as clínicas funcionem sem qualquer tipo de regulação do Estado, não impedindo que as mulheres realizem abortos, mas as expondo a situações de total vulnerabilidade e de violação dos direitos humanos.
Santé publique, Mar 11, 2022
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que d... more La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
This study contributes to the conceptual discussion of healthcare, seen through an ethnographic a... more This study contributes to the conceptual discussion of healthcare, seen through an ethnographic approach to the care of pregnant women and newborns offered by health professionals working under the Family Health Program in a low-income neighborhood of Salvador, Brazil. Research involved Interviews and participant observation. In the article we analyze and compare professionals’ and user’s perspectives in two disti nct contexts: The discovery of pregnancy and the decision to take it to completion; and attitudes an d practices with respect to breast-feeding. We argue that, for both, care involves a permanent con struction of “projects of the person”. While professionals focus their interventions on women, s eeking to implement guidelines and planned routines, users of the health centre resort to spon taneous behavior that attends to practical demands in which several relatives participate and where em bodied experience is central. Differences between professionals and users are linked...
American Anthropologist, 1992
Trusting and its Tribulations
Os hospitais são símbolos poderosos da modernidade. Verdadeiros templos à racionalidade e à tecno... more Os hospitais são símbolos poderosos da modernidade. Verdadeiros templos à racionalidade e à tecnologia, contrapõem-se à religião. Na antropologia da reprodução, no entanto, o parto hospitalar tem sido analisado como um processo ritual, notadamente no livro Birth as an American Rite of Passage, de Robbie Davis-Floyd, publicado em 1992. A autora enfoca a experiência do parto em hospitais norte-americanos a partir de uma perspectiva derivada da antropologia da religião, utilizando a teoria do ritual de Van Gennep, de Turner, entre outros autores. Como tese principal, Davis-Floyd argumenta que o parto hospitalar é um processo regido por "um modelo tecnocrático", no qual as estruturas de poder institucionais estão imbricadas com um alto valor atribuído à tecnologia. O parto hospitalar regido pelo modelo tecnocrático visa, como rito de passagem, inculcar valores principais da 'Cultura Americana'-em cujo âmbito a ciência e a tecnologia, as instituições e o poder patriarcal são superiores à natureza, aos indivíduos, às famílias e às mulheres. Na prática, o parto hospitalar atinge os indivíduos de um modo completo: é um rito de passagem que busca transformar as parturientes, não simplesmente em mães, mas num sentido mais amplo, levando-as à aceitação e incorporação destes 'valores e signifi cados culturais chaves'. Embora essa importante etnografi a de Davis-Floyd seja muito citada entre estudiosos do parto e da reprodução, sua tese tem sido ignorada na antropologia como um todo, principalmente no que diz respeito à função ritual do parto hospitalar. Ou seja: seu trabalho não teve êxito como uma contribuição à teoria do ritual aplicada à compreensão das sociedades modernas. Há vários motivos para isso, entre os quais, o teor excessivamente culturalista da teoria, já ultrapassada no momento da sua publicação (Bell 1992), quando ganhava força uma apreciação teórica do ritual mais dialética, que incorporava elementos da teoria da prática. Retornaremos ao tema da teoria do ritual, mais 206
This study aims to contribute towards the conceptual discussion on care from an ethnographic appr... more This study aims to contribute towards the conceptual discussion on care from an ethnographic approach among pregnant women and babies in a low-income district of Salvador who were attended within the Family Healthcare Program. We conducted interviews and participant observation. Based on analysis of two situationsdiscovery of pregnancy with the decision to take it further, and breastfeeding-we compared the professionals' and users' perspectives. We argue that for both, care involves continuing construction of projects of the person. While professionals focus their interventions on the women, seeking to give guidance and apply planned routines, users make reference to spontaneous behavior that responds to practical demands and in which embodied experience is central. The differences between professionals and users relate not only to subjective characteristics but also to the social positions that they occupy.
Papers by Cecilia McCallum