Papers by Veridiana Scudeller
Communications Biology
Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we ma... more Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and richness. Using only location, stratified by forest type, as predictor, our spatial model, to the best of our knowledge, provides the most accurate map of tree diversity in Amazonia to date, explaining approximately 70% of the tree diversity and species-richness. Large soil-forest combinations determine a significant percentage of the variation in tree species-richness and tree alpha-diversity in Amazonian forest-plots. We suggest that the size and fragmentation of these systems drive their large-scale diversity patterns and hence local diversity. A model not using location but cumulative water deficit, tree density, and temperature seasonality explains 47% of the tree species-richness in the terra-firme forest in Amazonia. Over large areas across Amazonia, residuals...
Editora Científica Digital eBooks, 2022
Current Biology
Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time and attempts to address it require a ... more Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time and attempts to address it require a clear understanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space. While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes vast areas of the tropics remain understudied. In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world's most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity, but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepresented in biodiversity databases. To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications may eliminate pieces of the Amazon's biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological communities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region's vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most neglected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lost.
Revista Valore, Sep 16, 2022
Resumo O uso de plantas medicinais é uma prática baseada no conhecimento popular e, quase sempre,... more Resumo O uso de plantas medicinais é uma prática baseada no conhecimento popular e, quase sempre, transmitida oralmente, e é muito significativo nos últimos tempos. Dada sua importância não só para os seres humanos mas para todos seres vivos, os estudos etnobotânicos garantem possibilidades de preservação da sociobiodiversidade. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma análise de estudos etnobotânicos publicados da Região Norte e verificado sua relação com a sustentabilidade ambiental para uma melhor garantia de uso e resgate, focado nas plantas medicinais. O método utilizado foi o quali-quantitativo. Foram analisados 15 artigos científicos no período de 2006 a 2020 e que utilizam as plantas para o tratamento e/ou cura de doenças como uma prática de manutenção e/ou preservação dos saberes tradicionais. Verificou-se que as plantas medicinais possuem relação direta com as pessoas por meio das diversas formas de utilização. Constatou-se que as espécies vegetais usadas com maior frequência foram os representantes das famílias Lamiaceae e Asteraceae. Outro fato observado foi que os moradores criam hortas de plantas medicinais nos próprios quintais, recolhem sementes de plantas, usam folhas fazendo infusão principalmente para tratar doenças relacionadas ao aparelho digestório (55%) e aparelho respiratório (45%), além da preservação dos seus conhecimentos culturais da fitoterapia vindo de gerações passadas.Portanto, se faz necessário compreender e entender como as plantas medicinais podem auxiliar nos recursos terapêuticos das comunidades e sociedades auxiliando de certa forma uma sensibilização para o desenvolvimento de posturas éticas e responsáveis perante ao meio ambiente a fim de garantir a sustentabilidade da flora medicinal. Palavras-chave: Conservação, quintais urbanos, recursos vegetais. Resumen El uso de las plantas medicinales es una práctica basada en el conocimiento popular y, casi siempre, por vía oral, y es muy significativa en los últimos tiempos. Dada su importancia no solo para el ser humano sino para todos los seres vivos, los estudios etnobotánicos
Aprender praticando em atividades de campo tem contribuído muito para o desenvolvimento do ensino... more Aprender praticando em atividades de campo tem contribuído muito para o desenvolvimento do ensino de Botânica. Aqui apresentamos a experiência das práticas de campo da disciplina de Morfologia e Taxonomia de Espermatófitas I, do curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Participaram das atividades 70 alunos, 15 monitores e 3 professores. As atividades foram desenvolvidas na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade e compreenderam coletas, análise do material e apresentação oral. Ao final destas atividades os alunos apontaram pontos positivos, negativos, críticas, sugestões e o impacto da experiência na vida acadêmica. Como pontos importantes e positivos os alunos destacaram o relacionamento mais próximo entre professor-aluno como estímulo ao aprendizado, oportunidade para estreitar relações interpessoais e trabalho em equipe. Estas atividades práticas e os destaques apontados foram reconhecidos como facilitadores para o entendimento da disciplina e para a formaçã...
Ambiente, Mar 12, 2022
The pressure for native wood use is a point of great interest for ethnobotanical studies, since t... more The pressure for native wood use is a point of great interest for ethnobotanical studies, since these species are indispensable for local communities' survival in different environmental conditions of the world. In this context, this study aimed to indicate the conservation priorities for useful woody medicinal plants in Darora indigenous community, part of the Makuxi people, which live in the savanna of Roraima State, Northern Brazilian Amazon. Ethnobotanical indexes associated with species ecological data were used, and semi structured interviews conducted among 60 inhabitants (36 men and 24 women) ranging from 18 to 84 years of age. The results indicated that from 33 woody medicinal plants, 24 were also associated with timber use. The conservation priority index indicated that Palicourea rigida, Anadenanthera peregrina, Copaifera pubiflora and Leptolobium nitens are highly prioritized species for local conservation. Our results indicated the need for actions on conservation, beyond exsitu conservation techniques, such as germplasm bank and cultivation. These actions are necessary to protect the most threatened woody medicinal species which are also used as different timber artifacts by the indigenous population living in the Darora Community.
Ethnobotany is inserted in a subarea of botany that lies in the interface between traditional/pop... more Ethnobotany is inserted in a subarea of botany that lies in the interface between traditional/popular knowledge and conventional scientific knowledge. However, there are several interpretations on the subject. Thus, this study, of qualitative nature, seeked to track the conceptual trends of this area in Brazil, by conducting a bibliographical survey. We selected 12 studies published between 1998-2022, available in the databases Scielo, CAPES, and Google Scholar, in English and Portuguese, carried out by Brazilian researchers in the country and published in national and international journals. According to our survey, there is an expressive number of researchers and studies available on the subject, and that these help to improve the knowledge on ethnobotany, providing support for future studies on the area. According to the data obtained, we observed that 12 articles address the concepts of ethnobotany, traditional populations, use of therapeutic resources, as well as rescuing tradi...
Research, Society and Development
Este estudo apresenta um apanhado histórico sobre o uso e a ocupação do sítio urbano de Manaus oc... more Este estudo apresenta um apanhado histórico sobre o uso e a ocupação do sítio urbano de Manaus ocorrido no primeiro ciclo econômico da borracha entre 1870 e 1920, no segundo entre 1942 e 1945 e com a implantação da Zona Franca de Manaus que ocorreu a partir de 1967. Faz uma análise dos aspectos sociais relacionados principalmente à habitação e ao meio ambiente, com destaque a degradação das microbacias. Esses momentos econômicos alavancaram processos de mudanças na estrutura do espaço urbano ocasionado por movimento populacional campo-cidade, que culminou em um intenso êxodo rural. Utilizou-se da investigação qualitativa, uso de base cartográfica do Plano Diretor de Drenagem Urbana de Manaus de 2014, do Plano Diretor Urbano e Ambiental do Município de Manaus de 2014, dados secundários do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e do Instituto Trata Brasil, 2019, além das referências, trabalho de campo nos cursos d’água, uso de GPS, registro fotográfico e trabalho de escritóri...
Global Ecology and Biogeography
AimTo investigate the geographic patterns and ecological correlates in the geographic distributio... more AimTo investigate the geographic patterns and ecological correlates in the geographic distribution of the most common tree dispersal modes in Amazonia (endozoochory, synzoochory, anemochory and hydrochory). We examined if the proportional abundance of these dispersal modes could be explained by the availability of dispersal agents (disperser‐availability hypothesis) and/or the availability of resources for constructing zoochorous fruits (resource‐availability hypothesis).Time periodTree‐inventory plots established between 1934 and 2019.Major taxa studiedTrees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 9.55 cm.LocationAmazonia, here defined as the lowland rain forests of the Amazon River basin and the Guiana Shield.MethodsWe assigned dispersal modes to a total of 5433 species and morphospecies within 1877 tree‐inventory plots across terra‐firme, seasonally flooded, and permanently flooded forests. We investigated geographic patterns in the proportional abundance of dispersal modes. We ...
Igapó (Black-water flooded forests) of the Amazon Basin, 2018
This chapter intents to contribute to the knowledge of the geographic distribution of tree taxa i... more This chapter intents to contribute to the knowledge of the geographic distribution of tree taxa in Brazilian igapo forest and presents an analysis of the distribution of tropical tree species from periodic flooded areas, focusing on the description and interpretation of the patterns of local, regional and global. We used 19 floristic and phytosociological works carried out in periodically flooded forests of the Rio Negro basin, Brazilian Amazon, and classified them according to the occurrence area of tree species using the phytogeography patterns established by Prance (1977). Considering the different possibilities of occurrence of a taxon in the Amazon biome, we defined three possible tree species geographic patterns: AA – ample amazon; FP – floodplain area; and BW – black water. For each taxon we calculated the frequency of occurrence. For each phytogeographic pattern we investigated the occurrence of each taxon in other formations out of the Amazon forest, according to the five biomes by IBGE classification: Cerrado (CE), Caatinga (CA), Pantanal (PA), Mata Atlântica (MA) and Pampa (PP). In all, 19 surveys were selected; the specific richness of at least 636 woody taxa was recognized. Of these, 380 species are duly determined and belong to 211 genera and 62 families. We checked 231 species with wide distribution on the Amazon (AA), 65 occur only on floodplain (FP), 61 occur only near black water river (BW), 7 are restricted to one formation on Amazon and 16 species are not registered on Species Link site. The majority of the species BW are considered rare (59%) and only 12 species (19.7%) occur in other Brazilian biome. We observed the same with floodplain species (FP), only 12.3% also occur in other Brazilian biome. In general, the most constant/moderately frequent species in the igapo forest showed large geographic amplitude occurring in other Brazilian biomes. A great proportions of them also occurred in cerrado (CE), followed by Atlantic rain forest (MA). The fact that about 37.6% of all species occurred also in other formations, 43.1 % of genera and 69.4 % of families in igapo forest also occur out of Amazon forest.
Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 2021
Rural non-farm activities are adaptation strategies that local communities develop as socioeconom... more Rural non-farm activities are adaptation strategies that local communities develop as socioeconomic alternatives, for facing imposed restrictions in protected areas. To highlight these strategies, this study aimed to relate the socioeconomic variables of social agents (SAs) with their perceptions about the impact of rural non-farm enterprises (RNFEns) on the Buen Vivir of their community as residents of the Sustainable Development Reserve of Tupé, Manaus, Amazonas. In this exploratory research, through semi-structured interviews and participatory observations, the perceptions of the SAs about the dimensions of Buen Vivir (Psychological Well-Being, Time Use, Community Vitality, Culture, Environment, and others) were evaluated and how these perceptions relate to the socioeconomic variables of the RNFEns. In the perception of the SAs, the RNFEns positively impact Buen Vivir in the dimensions with the strongest collective tendency and negatively in the dimensions with the strongest priv...
Ethnoscientia, 2020
The studies over the local knowledge patterns between man and woman aim to understand specific ch... more The studies over the local knowledge patterns between man and woman aim to understand specific characteristics of communities in order to develop better strategies for natural resources conservation. The objective of this study was to recognize the useful species and their forms of use in order to evaluate traditional Makuxi knowledge of genders and age in the Darora community, in São Marcos indigenous land, Roraima State, Northern Brazil. The botanical knowledge was analyzed, considering species richness, number of citations and plant uses between gender and age groups. The research was carried out using semi-structured interviews with 60 participants (36 men and 24 women), ranging from 18 to 84 years of age. The interview data were compared between genders and three age groups (< 40, 40-60, and > 60 years of age). A total of 69 species and 2.100 citations were recorded (men, 69 species in 1.446 citations; women, 52 species in 654 citations). For the age groups, 53 species were mentioned by the category < 40, 61 by the category 40-60, and 59 by the category > 60 years. This difference was also observed in the species uses and in its parts, being timber uses the most significant purposes among men, and medicinal and food among women. The study provided an analysis of the profile of the Darora community, i.e., they are explorers of the natural resources, mainly oriented towards construction, due to the relatively recent occupation of the area (ca. 75 years ago), which evidences that they are at the establishment stage, as well as the need for medicine, probably related to the lack of health care, to the cost of industrial drugs, and also due to the belief on traditional medicine effectiveness. Results show that respondents over 40 years of age have more botanical knowledge than the younger ones. Elder men were considered the most knowledgeable regarding to the number of species and citations.
Gaia Scientia, 2019
As espécies de Copaifera, popularmente conhecidas como copaíba, tem seu óleo-resina utilizado na ... more As espécies de Copaifera, popularmente conhecidas como copaíba, tem seu óleo-resina utilizado na medicina tradicional indígena. Além disso, sua madeira é apreciada para produção de carvão, lenha ou para construção de casas, devido à sua durabilidade. O objetivo foi investigar o conhecimento tradicional Macuxi e usos da copaíba na comunidade indígena Darora, Terra Indígena São Marcos, Roraima. Foi realizado um inventário, por gênero e idade, sobre o conhecimento da copaíba entre os moradores da comunidade. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com 60 participantes (36 homens e 24 mulheres) entre 18 e 84 anos de idade. Entre estes, 48 participantes (32 homens e 16 mulheres) indicaram o uso de copaíba. A copaíba apresentou 21 usos, principalmente na categoria medicinal (47% das citações), e para uso de madeira (construção, 33%, combustível, 7,5% e tecnologia, 5%). Embora tenha havido diferenças entre IDV e IEV de homens e mulheres, havia apenas diferenças significativas com ...
Rodriguésia, 2008
RESUMO No Brasil, 85% das Bignoniaceae são representadas pela tribo Bignonieae, caracterizada pel... more RESUMO No Brasil, 85% das Bignoniaceae são representadas pela tribo Bignonieae, caracterizada pelo hábito trepador e arbustivo escandente. No Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (PERD), um dos últimos remanescente de Mata Atlântica em Minas Gerais, foram registradas 37 espécies dessa tribo. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: descrever a distribuição vertical das espécies de Bignonieae do PERD; reconhecer os padrões fenológicos de floração apresentados por elas; e associar os padrões morfológicos de corola e síndromes florais já estabelecidos com aqueles encontrados no PERD. As 37 espécies de Bignonieae foram observadas periodicamente, no período de 15 meses e 32 visitas. A distribuição vertical ocorreu em três estratos: dossel (75,7%), entre-copa (16,2%) e sub-bosque (8,1%), significando que 24,3% dessas espécies difundiram-se para outros nichos ecológicos, além do estrato superior da mata. Os padrões fenológicos de floração foram: floração maciça em 40,6% das espécies, várias florações...
AoB PLANTS, 2018
Comparing plants of the same species thriving in flooded and non-flooded ecosystems helps to clar... more Comparing plants of the same species thriving in flooded and non-flooded ecosystems helps to clarify the interplay between natural selection, phenotypic plasticity and stress adaptation. We focussed on responses of seeds and seedlings of Genipa americana and Guazuma ulmifolia to substrate waterlogging or total submergence. Both species are commonly found in floodplain forests of Central Amazonia and in seasonally dry savannas of Central Brazil (Cerrado). Although seeds of Amazonian and Cerrado G. americana were similar in size, the germination percentage of Cerrado seeds was decreased by submergence (3 cm water) and increased in Amazonian seeds. The seeds of Amazonian G. ulmifolia were heavier than Cerrado seeds, but germination of both types was unaffected by submergence. Three-month-old Amazonian and Cerrado seedlings of both species survived 30 days of waterlogging or submersion despite suffering significant inhibition in biomass especially if submerged. Shoot elongation was also arrested. Submersion triggered chlorosis and leaf abscission in Amazonian and Cerrado G. ulmifolia while waterlogging did so only in Cerrado seedlings. During 30 days of re-exposure to non-flooded conditions, G. ulmifolia plants that lost their leaves produced a replacement flush. However, they attained only half the plant dry mass of non-flooded plants. Both submerged and waterlogged G. americana retained their leaves. Consequently, plant dry mass after 30 days recovery was less depressed by these stresses than in G. ulmifolia. Small amounts of cortical aerenchyma were found in roots 2 cm from the tip of well-drained plants. The amount was increased by flooding. Waterlogging but not submergence promoted hypertrophy of lenticels at the stem base of both species and adventitious rooting in G. ulmifolia. Despite some loss of performance in dryland plants, flood tolerance traits were present in wetland and dryland populations of both species. They are part of an overall stress-response potential that permits flexible acclimation to locally flooded conditions.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2018
QUESTIONS: How are the tree species of the periodically flooded black water forest distributed al... more QUESTIONS: How are the tree species of the periodically flooded black water forest distributed along the Negro River basin (igapo)? Can we classify the tree communities into similarity groups? Are oligarchic species present? METHODS: We analysed available data on tree species composition in vegetation plots located in the Negro River basin (igapo forests) in Brazil and built a similarity matrix based on Sorensen's similarity index. We applied principal coordinates analysis, established community groups (a posteriori) and applied both multi‐response permutation procedures and indicator species analysis. RESULTS: Among 19 surveys conducted in igapo forests, at least 604 woody taxa were recognized, and 384 taxa were identified to species level. Igapo tree species were not as frequent or abundant as were other tree species of the Amazon upland forest, although they were widely distributed in other forest types. The Sorensen similarity index was low (Sₛ = 0.16). Generally, the highest similarity values were recorded between surveys that were spatially close. The multivariate analyses suggested the existence of a strong vegetation gradient along the Negro River. The two groups established a posteriori showed 25 species with an indicator value (IV) >50%, and 68 species presented IndValues in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show a strong turnover of tree species replacement along the course of the Negro River, with 57.5% of species restricted to one survey of occurrence. This trend is particularly notable from the point at which the Branco River strongly discharges into the Negro River. No species show high values for range distribution or local abundance, although four were considered moderately frequent. The upper parts of the main rivers have indicator species that are less frequent downstream.
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 2015
RESUMO A utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de doenças tropicais como a malária n... more RESUMO A utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de doenças tropicais como a malária na Amazônia Central é de suma importância, principalmente em locais onde o sistema único de saúde não se encontra presente como na maioria das comunidades ribeirinhas desta região. Sendo assim, investigar e resgatar o conhecimento popular a respeito de plantas medicinais utilizadas no tratamento de malária e males associados pelos moradores da comunidade Julião situada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé, Manaus-AM, torna-se importante no registro de como as populações locais se previnem e tratam essa doença tão prevalente e perigosa na região. O trabalho foi conduzido na forma de oficinas participativas, segregadas por gênero e complementadas com entrevistas semiestruturadas aliadas à técnica da turnê-guiada nos quintais e floresta adjacente à comunidade. Foram calculados os índices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener, equitabilidade e concordância quanto ao uso principal (CUP...
Papers by Veridiana Scudeller