Universidad Diego Portales
Centro de Derechos Humanos
Este artículo mostrará cómo las dos grandes empresas públicas chilenas que están activas en el rubro extractivo, CODELCO y ENAP, pueden generar responsabilidad internacional del Estado por hechos internacionalmente ilícitos,... more
would like to express my sincere gratitude to my doctoral supervisor, Clara Sandoval Villalba, for all of her support. She inspired my writing about the reparation jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court and made most precious comments... more
Luego de pasar revista a la literatura especializada sobre la implementación de decisiones de tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos por parte de los Estados nacionales, así como el grado de cumplimiento que exhiben los países del... more
State-owned enterprises (SOE) carry out important activities in many countries, often generating considerable negative impact regarding the enjoyment of human rights. This paper addresses issues of attribution of responsibility in... more
This article addresses the lack of clarity regarding obligations of state-owned enterprises in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Starting from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights' latest report on the... more
This article addresses the lack of clarity regarding obligations of state-owned enterprises in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Starting from the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights’ latest report on the... more
Allow me to begin with a personal note. Project finance (PF) and human rights was the issue my mentor Sheldon Leader was researching when I joined his team as a research assistant about 20 years ago, attempting the first stumbling steps... more
Allow me to begin with a personal note. Project finance (PF) and human rights was the issue my mentor Sheldon Leader was researching when I joined his team as a research assistant about 20 years ago, attempting the first stumbling steps... more
Luego de pasar revista a la literatura especializada sobre la implementación de decisiones de tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos por parte de los Estados nacionales, así como el grado de cum- plimiento que exhiben los países... more