Page 1. UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER ADB084552 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO Approved for public release, di... more Page 1. UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER ADB084552 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO Approved for public release, distribution unlimited FROM Distribution authorized to US Gov't. agencies and their contractors; Specific authority; 31 Aug 1987. ...
This two-part papcr prcscnts a coinpreheiisive approach to practical space-time adaplivc processi... more This two-part papcr prcscnts a coinpreheiisive approach to practical space-time adaplivc processing (S'L'AP) for airbrrrnc phased array applications. Part I reformulates the JDL algorithm to removc rcstrictioiis placcd by the original developmenr for idcal linear arrays of point sensors. In doing so the pcrtimnaticc ol'llic JDL algorithm is sigtiificnntly improved in simulations nnd in mcasured data. Thc paper deals with STAP in hornogencous and non-lirmiugcnenus cnviroinnciifs with Part 1 rocusing on homogctieoiis cnvimmcntx arid Part 2 tloaling with STAP within rnngc cclls determined to he nonliomi~gcnctiiis. Par1 1 dcalv with applying the prcviously proposed joint domain 1oc;iliscd (JDL) algori(hm to practical plieserl arrays. Part 2 introduces R tiew S?Al' :~lgorithni for ;ipplicalion in nonhomogcncous interference scenarios. The algorithtn is ii hybrid or dircct data doinaiii ancl statistical adaptivc processing.
Signal Processing Ieee Transactions on, Jun 1, 2003
We propose a multistep procedure for constructing a lower confidence limit for computing the numb... more We propose a multistep procedure for constructing a lower confidence limit for computing the number of signals present in a vector measurement. We derive the probability of correct estimation ( ) and the least favorable configuration (LFC) for our procedure. Under the LFC, ( ) attains its minimum over the parameter space of all eigenvalues. Therefore, to implement our technique, procedure parameters are determined for the LFC for each sample size so that the probability requirement is reached.
We propose a multi-step procedure for constructing a confidence interval for the number of signal... more We propose a multi-step procedure for constructing a confidence interval for the number of signals present in noise. The proposed procedure uses likelihood ratio statistics and their simulated percentiles in a sequential manner to estimate the upper and lower limits for the confidence interval. A preference zone in the parameter space of the population eigenvalues is defined and used to separate signals from noise. We derive the least favorable configuration asymptotically under the preference zone and use it to determine the procedure parameters for the required confidence level. We applied our procedure to computer simulated radar data and the MCARM measured data set.
ABSTRACT This paper develops the theory of both optimum and adaptive MIMO radar. It is shown that... more ABSTRACT This paper develops the theory of both optimum and adaptive MIMO radar. It is shown that the optimum MIMO transmit-receiver pair consists of a coupled multidimensional eigensystem and whitening matched filter. Also introduced, is an design procedure for the clutter dominant case. After illustrating theoretical performance gains relative to conventional radar, we address the practical problem of adapting the transmit-receiver pair on-the-fly when the optimization must address multiple possible targets and/or signal (input) dependent noise (e.g., clutter). The resulting architecture combines the orthogonal transmit waveform MIMO radar with the aforementioned coupled transmit-receiver design pair with adaptive estimates for the radar channel.
Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE National Radar Conference, 1988
Calibration considerations and the performance analysis of an L-band airborne clutter measurement... more Calibration considerations and the performance analysis of an L-band airborne clutter measurement system are discussed. The measurement system is designed to collect simultaneous bistatic and monostatic clutter measurements in support of the hybrid bistatic radar (HBR) system. The analysis techniques used to define the experiment geometry and resulting resolution cells, calibration considerations, and the impact on the ability to determine clutter radar cross sections are described. The calibration techniques selected involved the transfer of calibration data from optimal geometries for calibration, to the geometries of interest in this program
The secondary data for estimating the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing... more The secondary data for estimating the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is normally obtained from range rings surrounding the test range ring. The assumption is that near-by range rings are representative of the test range ring. However, this is not always true. A clutter model was developed and the condition necessary for obtaining a good estimate of the clutter covariance matrix is presented. A theoretical basis for choosing reference rings, which contain clutter patches that are representative of one or two patches within the test range ring, is provided. An algorithm for using a priori map data to classify clutter patches based upon the type of land features contained within them is presented. It is conjectured that patches with equivalent classifications will have representative radar returns. Applications to post-Doppler processing are presented and positive results are provided using radar data.
Page 1. UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER ADB084552 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO Approved for public release, di... more Page 1. UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER ADB084552 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO Approved for public release, distribution unlimited FROM Distribution authorized to US Gov't. agencies and their contractors; Specific authority; 31 Aug 1987. ...
This two-part papcr prcscnts a coinpreheiisive approach to practical space-time adaplivc processi... more This two-part papcr prcscnts a coinpreheiisive approach to practical space-time adaplivc processing (S'L'AP) for airbrrrnc phased array applications. Part I reformulates the JDL algorithm to removc rcstrictioiis placcd by the original developmenr for idcal linear arrays of point sensors. In doing so the pcrtimnaticc ol'llic JDL algorithm is sigtiificnntly improved in simulations nnd in mcasured data. Thc paper deals with STAP in hornogencous and non-lirmiugcnenus cnviroinnciifs with Part 1 rocusing on homogctieoiis cnvimmcntx arid Part 2 tloaling with STAP within rnngc cclls determined to he nonliomi~gcnctiiis. Par1 1 dcalv with applying the prcviously proposed joint domain 1oc;iliscd (JDL) algori(hm to practical plieserl arrays. Part 2 introduces R tiew S?Al' :~lgorithni for ;ipplicalion in nonhomogcncous interference scenarios. The algorithtn is ii hybrid or dircct data doinaiii ancl statistical adaptivc processing.
Signal Processing Ieee Transactions on, Jun 1, 2003
We propose a multistep procedure for constructing a lower confidence limit for computing the numb... more We propose a multistep procedure for constructing a lower confidence limit for computing the number of signals present in a vector measurement. We derive the probability of correct estimation ( ) and the least favorable configuration (LFC) for our procedure. Under the LFC, ( ) attains its minimum over the parameter space of all eigenvalues. Therefore, to implement our technique, procedure parameters are determined for the LFC for each sample size so that the probability requirement is reached.
We propose a multi-step procedure for constructing a confidence interval for the number of signal... more We propose a multi-step procedure for constructing a confidence interval for the number of signals present in noise. The proposed procedure uses likelihood ratio statistics and their simulated percentiles in a sequential manner to estimate the upper and lower limits for the confidence interval. A preference zone in the parameter space of the population eigenvalues is defined and used to separate signals from noise. We derive the least favorable configuration asymptotically under the preference zone and use it to determine the procedure parameters for the required confidence level. We applied our procedure to computer simulated radar data and the MCARM measured data set.
ABSTRACT This paper develops the theory of both optimum and adaptive MIMO radar. It is shown that... more ABSTRACT This paper develops the theory of both optimum and adaptive MIMO radar. It is shown that the optimum MIMO transmit-receiver pair consists of a coupled multidimensional eigensystem and whitening matched filter. Also introduced, is an design procedure for the clutter dominant case. After illustrating theoretical performance gains relative to conventional radar, we address the practical problem of adapting the transmit-receiver pair on-the-fly when the optimization must address multiple possible targets and/or signal (input) dependent noise (e.g., clutter). The resulting architecture combines the orthogonal transmit waveform MIMO radar with the aforementioned coupled transmit-receiver design pair with adaptive estimates for the radar channel.
Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE National Radar Conference, 1988
Calibration considerations and the performance analysis of an L-band airborne clutter measurement... more Calibration considerations and the performance analysis of an L-band airborne clutter measurement system are discussed. The measurement system is designed to collect simultaneous bistatic and monostatic clutter measurements in support of the hybrid bistatic radar (HBR) system. The analysis techniques used to define the experiment geometry and resulting resolution cells, calibration considerations, and the impact on the ability to determine clutter radar cross sections are described. The calibration techniques selected involved the transfer of calibration data from optimal geometries for calibration, to the geometries of interest in this program
The secondary data for estimating the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing... more The secondary data for estimating the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is normally obtained from range rings surrounding the test range ring. The assumption is that near-by range rings are representative of the test range ring. However, this is not always true. A clutter model was developed and the condition necessary for obtaining a good estimate of the clutter covariance matrix is presented. A theoretical basis for choosing reference rings, which contain clutter patches that are representative of one or two patches within the test range ring, is provided. An algorithm for using a priori map data to classify clutter patches based upon the type of land features contained within them is presented. It is conjectured that patches with equivalent classifications will have representative radar returns. Applications to post-Doppler processing are presented and positive results are provided using radar data.
Papers by Michael Wicks