Papers by Alessandra A Ferreira
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2018
A tree year old female Cocker Spaniel was admitted, hitted by a car. The patient presented progre... more A tree year old female Cocker Spaniel was admitted, hitted by a car. The patient presented progressive hypotension, epistaxis, fast and weak pulse, capillary refill time (CRT) of 4 seconds and progressive dispnea. An infusion with lactated ringer (90ml/kg/h IV) and oxygen therapy were started. The thoracocentesis revealed massive hemopneumothorax in both sides of the chest, and one thoracic drain was inserted in each hemithorax. Peripherical pulse became untouchable indicating severe blood pressure fall, and the patient got unconscious. In this way, was decided to perform an emergency thoracotomy by a transesternal resection on the fifth intercostal space, and a pulmonary lobectomy was than executed. The patient had a good recovery and at this moment she is healthy.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2018
After valve endocardiosis, dilated cardiomyopathy is the most diagnosed cardiac affection in dogs... more After valve endocardiosis, dilated cardiomyopathy is the most diagnosed cardiac affection in dogs. Sometimes this disease is unresponsible to medical therapy, in this way surgery becomes necessary to its correction. Unfortunately, dogs do not support cardiopulmonary bypass because its tendency in microtrombus formation in the capillary vessels of the lung circulation. Due to this condition, another surgical alternatives were developed, in order to correct the increase in ventricle size, as the ventricle plication or partial ventriculectomy with the inflow occlusion. However, this kind of technique has its complications, as well the ventricle plication. In plication, a part of necrotic heart tissue still remains, and if the necrosis does not happen, that portion of myocardium keeps its oxygen consumption, leading to heart failure. The partial ventriculectomy with the inflow occlusion is time dependent. For its execution it means that the surgeon gets only four minutes to perform the resection of the dilated ventricle and then suture the remaining defect after the inflow occlusion. The aim of this study is to develop a new technique of heart size reduction, called by the authors Beating Heart Partial Ventriculectomy.
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2011
O tratamento radioterápico/ radioquimioterápico para tumores de laringe pode ocasionar sequelas n... more O tratamento radioterápico/ radioquimioterápico para tumores de laringe pode ocasionar sequelas na deglutição. Objetivo: Avaliar características da deglutição de pacientes tratados por radioterapia/ radioquimioterapia para tumores de laringe. Material e Método: Estudo prospectivo com 20 indivíduos, idade média de 62 anos, após término do tratamento oncológico. Destes, 6 (30%) foram tratados por radioterapia exclusiva e 14 (70%) por radioquimioterapia. O tempo médio decorrido do tratamento médico ao momento da avaliação fonoaudiológica foi de 8,5 meses. Foi realizada avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição orofaríngea e analisados eventos das fases preparatória, oral e faríngea da deglutição. Resultados: Todos os pacientes se alimentavam com via oral exclusiva. Apenas 25% da amostra apresentavam deglutição dentro dos limites da normalidade. A videofluoroscopia da deglutição identificou os seguintes eventos alterados: formação do bolo (85%), ejeção do bolo (60%), estases na cavidade oral (55%), alteração no início da fase faríngea (100%), redução da elevação da laringe (65%) e estase em hipofaringe (80%). A penetração laríngea foi diagnosticada em 25% dos casos e 40% penetrações seguidas de aspirações traqueais. O grau de penetração/ aspiração foi considerado discreto em 60%, porém em 35% da amostra a aspiração foi silenciosa. Embora 75% da amostra apresentassem algum grau de disfagia, apenas 25% dos pacientes referiam queixa de deglutição. Conclusão: Pacientes com câncer de laringe tratados com radioterapia/ radioquimioterapia podem apresentar alterações em todas as fases da deglutição, mesmo na ausência de sintomas.
Molecular characterization and detection of resistance genes in isolates of Acinetobacter spp. fr... more Molecular characterization and detection of resistance genes in isolates of Acinetobacter spp. from clinical specimens and hospital wastewater
In the present work a computational model of the pitting corrosion process is implemented. The ma... more In the present work a computational model of the pitting corrosion process is implemented. The mass transfer phenomena are modeled by a transient diffusion equation taking into account the competing mechanisms of accumulation of chloride ions and removal of such ions to the electrolyte. It is also taken into account the phenomenon of breakdown-repair, being mathematically modeled by an ordinary differential equation. The generation of pits over a metallic surface is modeled using a random nucleation process, and then the solution of the mathematical model provides a visualization of the surface damage.
Journal of Food Processing, 2014
Cooking is imperative for beans owing to the presence of compounds that can negatively affect nut... more Cooking is imperative for beans owing to the presence of compounds that can negatively affect nutritional value. Additionally, the heating of beans can increase protein digestibility and induce desirable sensory properties. However, cooking also causes considerable changes in the composition of numerous chemical constituents, including amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. For this, effects of domestic cooking on the essential element concentrations in various beans species (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated using jalo, fradinho, rajado, rosinha, bolinha, black, and common species. Elemental determination was made with flame atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after sample digestion in a closed-vessel microwave oven using a diluted oxidant mixture. Analytical methods were evaluated with an addition and recovery test and analysis of certified reference materials (apple and citrus leaves). Ca, Cu, K, and Mg were present mai...
Journal of Endodontics, 2009
Introduction: During the preparation of curved canals, rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments ... more Introduction: During the preparation of curved canals, rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments are subjected to cyclic fatigue, which can lead to instrument fracture. Although several factors may influence the cyclic fatigue resistance of instruments, the role of the rotational speed remains uncertain. This study was intended to evaluate the effects of rotational speed on the number of cycles to fracture of rotary NiTi instruments. Methods: ProTaper Universal instruments F3 and F4 (Maillefer SA, Ballaigues, Switzerland) were used in an artificial curved canal under rotational speeds of 300 rpm or 600 rpm. The artificial canal was made of stainless steel, with an inner diameter of 1.5 mm, total length of 20 mm, and arc at the end with a curvature radius of 6 mm. The arc length was 9.4 mm and 10.6 mm on the straight part. The number of cycles required to fracture was recorded. Fractured surfaces and the helical shafts of the fractured instruments were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: The results showed approximately a 30% reduction in the observed number of cycles to fracture as rotational speed was increased from 300 to 600 RPM (p < 0.05). The morphology of the fractured surface was always of ductile type, and no plastic deformation was observed on the helical shaft of fractured instruments. Conclusions: The present findings for both F3 and F4 ProTaper instruments revealed that the increase in rotational speed significantly reduced the number of cycles to fracture.
Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2013
Patch tests were introduced as a diagnostic tool in the late nineteenth century. Since then, they... more Patch tests were introduced as a diagnostic tool in the late nineteenth century. Since then, they have improved considerably becoming what they are today. Patch tests are used in the diagnostic investigation of contact dermatitis worldwide. Batteries or series previously studied and standardized should be used in patch testing. The methodology is simple, but it requires adequate training for the results to be correctly interpreted and used. Despite having been used for over a century, it needs improvement like all other diagnostic techniques in the medical field.
Economia Aplicada, 2012
Este artigo apresenta estimativas inéditas de séries mensais da formação bruta de capital fixo (F... more Este artigo apresenta estimativas inéditas de séries mensais da formação bruta de capital fixo (FBCF) das administrações públicas no Brasil de 2002 a 2010. A estimação exigiu um esforço significativo de pesquisa. Em primeiro lugar, realizou-se uma análise criteriosa dos conceitos da contabilidade pública e da contabilidade nacional, enfatizando-se as peculiaridades do processo orçamentário brasileiro que enviesam as estimativas anuais dos investimentos públicos divulgadas nas estatísticas oficiais e que afetam a precisão das informações de alta frequência. Em segundo lugar, desenvolveram-se procedimentos para mitigar estes problemas. Por fim, buscou-se contornar a escassez de informações dos governos subnacionais solicitando-se informações adicionais de centenas de contadores públicos, técnicos ou secretários de Fazenda/Planejamento de todos os estados da Federação, do Distrito Federal (DF) e dos maiores municípios. Palavras-chave: Investimento público; Formação bruta de capital fixo da administração pública; Séries temporais mensais.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2009
Acinetobacter spp é um importante patógeno causador de infecções nosocomiais que acomete paciente... more Acinetobacter spp é um importante patógeno causador de infecções nosocomiais que acomete pacientes imunocomprometidos e capaz de adquirir resistência a antimicrobianos com facilidade. Os esgotos hospitalares são importantes disseminadores de genes de resistência a antimicrobianos para a microbiota ambiental. Neste contexto, 30 cepas de Acinetobacter spp provenientes de efluente de um hospital em Porto Alegre, RS, foram analisados quanto ao perfil de susceptibilidade a β-lactamases, quinolonas e aminoglicosídeos através de antibiograma e testes de triagem para metalo beta-lactamases e β-lactamases de espectro estendido. O perfil encontrado revela cepas multi-resistentes e que mecanismos de resistência como a produção de β-lactamases de espectro estendido e bombas de efluxo podem estar presentes nesses isolados.
British Journal of Nutrition, 2012
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may play an important role in chronic diseases through the activation of... more Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may play an important role in chronic diseases through the activation of inflammatory responses. The type of diet consumed is of major concern for the prevention and treatment of these diseases. Evidence from animal and human studies has shown that LPS can diffuse from the gut to the circulatory system in response to the intake of high amounts of fat. The method by which LPS move into the circulatory system is either through direct diffusion due to intestinal paracellular permeability or through absorption by enterocytes during chylomicron secretion. Considering the impact of metabolic diseases on public health and the association between these diseases and the levels of LPS in the circulatory system, this review will mainly discuss the current knowledge about high-fat diets and subclinical inflammation. It will also describe the new evidence that correlates gut microbiota, intestinal permeability and alkaline phosphatase activity with increased blood LPS le...
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2012
OBJETIVO: analisar através de biologia molecular a diversidade da microbiota da junção ileocecal ... more OBJETIVO: analisar através de biologia molecular a diversidade da microbiota da junção ileocecal antes e após a ressecção da válvula ileocecal e reconstrução do trânsito com e sem a criação de "neoesfíncter". MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo A (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único, e Grupo B (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único e confecção do esfíncter artificial. Reoperados com 20 dias coletou-se novamente conteúdo intraluminar do íleo e do cólon. Das amostras coletadas, extraiu-se DNA para reação de PCR-DGGE. Os padrões de bandas eletroforéticas , gerados na reação, foram submetidos ao programa Bionumerics para análise da similaridade e da diversidade da microbiota. RESULTADOS: a diversidade da microbiota foi maior e em mais amostras do íleo do que as do cólon. O grupo com a válvula apresentou os maiores valores e variações no...
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2011
INTRODUCTION: Hospitals around the world have presented multiresistant Acinetobacter sp. outbreak... more INTRODUCTION: Hospitals around the world have presented multiresistant Acinetobacter sp. outbreaks. The spread of these isolates that harbor an increasing variety of resistance genes makes the treatment of these infections and their control within the hospital environment more difficult. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence and dissemination of Acinetobacter sp. multiresistant isolates and to identify acquired resistance genes. METHODS: We analyzed 274 clinical isolates of Acinetobacter sp. from five hospitals in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. We evaluated the susceptibility to antimicrobial, acquired resistance genes from Ambler's classes B and D, and performed molecular typing of the isolates using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) technique. RESULTS: A high (68%) percentage of multiresistant isolates of Acinetobacter sp. was observed, and 69% were resistant to carbapenems. We identified 84% of isolates belonging to species ...
Radiologia Brasileira, 2010
OBJETIVO: Avaliar índices de pulsatilidade das artérias umbilical (IPAU) e cerebral média (IPACM)... more OBJETIVO: Avaliar índices de pulsatilidade das artérias umbilical (IPAU) e cerebral média (IPACM) e relação do índice de pulsatilidade umbilico-cerebral (IPAU/IPACM) em fetos de gestantes hipertensas e presença de resultados perinatais adversos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisamos IPAU, IPACM e IPAU/IPACM de 289 fetos de gestantes hipertensas quanto à previsão dos resultados perinatais adversos. Os resultados foram comparados sem e com ajuste pela idade gestacional. RESULTADOS: O índice de Apgar < 7 no 5º minuto foi associado com resultados alterados após o ajuste por idade gestacional. O risco para recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional aumentou em três vezes após o ajuste, com significância estatística em todos os parâmetros do Doppler. Na síndrome da hipóxia neonatal o aumento do risco ajustado pela idade gestacional foi estatisticamente significante no IPAU e IPAU/IPACM. Não houve aumento no risco de síndrome do desconforto respiratório na análise ajustada. A mortalidad...
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2001
The aim of the present study was to determine biological characteristics such as expression of fi... more The aim of the present study was to determine biological characteristics such as expression of fimbriae, Congo red binding, production of hemolysin and aerobactin, adhesion to HeLa and uroepithelial cells and invasion of HeLa cells by Escherichia coli isolates obtained from patients showing clinical signs of urinary tract infection (UTI). Also, the presence of genes (apa, afa, spa) for fimbria expression and cytotoxic necrotizing factors (CNF1, CNF2) was assayed using specific primers in PCR. The data obtained were compared with the clonal relationships obtained by analysis of multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the rDNA (ribotyping) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR). All isolates but one presented a combination of at least two of the characteristics studied, a fact suggesting the presence of pathogenicity islands (PAIs). Diffuse adherence type to HeLa cells was observed to occur in most of the...
Veterinary Microbiology, 2000
Ninety-one Escherichia coli isolates obtained from diarrheic and normal feces of newborn piglets ... more Ninety-one Escherichia coli isolates obtained from diarrheic and normal feces of newborn piglets (0±11 days of age) from three states of Brazil were assessed for phenotypic and genotypic characteristics associated with pathogenic processes. These isolates expressed ®mbriae F18ac and type 1, but not ®mbriae K88, K99, 987P or F41. Genes for toxins (LT-I, STa, SLT-I, SLT-II, SLT-IIv) either individually or combined were found to be present in most of the diarrheic strains (65.7%) and in 42.8% of the non-diarrheic ones. The eaeA gene was present in 25.7% of the diarrheic isolates and in 9.5% of the non-diarrheic ones. Colicin, hemolysin and aerobactin were also found to be produced by some strains from both sources. Because of the great variety of biological characteristics associated with different illness processes, we suggest that, in Brazil, pigs may act as a reservoir for transmission of Escherichia coli strains to other animals.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2006
In the present study the repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ... more In the present study the repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to establish the clonal variability of 49 avian Escherichia coli (APEC) strains isolated from different outbreak cases of septicemia (n=24), swollen head syndrome (n=14) and omphalitis (n=11). Thirty commensal strains isolated from poultry with no signs of these illnesses were used as control strains. The purified DNA of these strains produced electrophoretic profiles ranging from 0 to 15 bands with molecular sizes varying from 100 bp to 6.1 kb, allowing the grouping of the 79 strains into a dendrogram containing 49 REP-types. Although REP-PCR showed good discriminating power it was not able to group the strains either into specific pathogenic classes or to differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. On the contrary, we recently demonstrated that other techniques such as ERIC-PCR and isoenzyme profiles are appropriate to discriminate between commensal ...
Rev. bras. cir. cabeça …, 2007
Introdução: as alterações vocais decorrentes da laringectomia fronto-lateral (LFL) podem causar i... more Introdução: as alterações vocais decorrentes da laringectomia fronto-lateral (LFL) podem causar impacto na qualidade de vida. Objetivo: avaliar as características vocais e a auto-percepção da desvantagem vocal de pacientes submetidos à LFL com reconstrução pelo retalho do esterno-hióideo. Pacientes e método: foi realizada a avaliação prospectiva de 12 pacientes, com idade média de 66,5 anos, submetidos à LFL com reconstrução pelo retalho do esterno-hióideo. Seis pacientes (50%) foram submetidos à radioterapia pós-operatória, com dose média de 6006cGy. A avaliação da voz dos pacientes foi realizada através da avaliação perceptivo-auditiva da voz, com a escala GIRBAS. A desvantagem vocal foi mensurada através da aplicação do questionário VHI, sendo que quanto maior for a pontuação, pior a desvantagem vocal. As amostras foram apresentadas de forma cego-aleatória para três fonoaudiólogos com experiência superior a três anos com disfonias decorrentes do tratamento oncológico. Resultados: um total de 83% dos pacientes apresentou disfonia, sendo 42% de grau severo. A rugosidade estava presente em 100% dos casos. O pitch foi considerado adequado em 58% da amostra e a ressonância foi julgada como laringofaríngea em 67% dos pacientes. A autopercepção de desvantagem vocal foi referida de impacto discreto nos três domínios e, em relação à pontuação global, foi observado pior impacto no grupo de pacientes com disfonia de grau grave e moderado. Conclusão: constatamos disfonia de grau severo, porém, com impacto discreto nos domínios avaliados pelo VHI. Esses resultados reforçam a indicação de avaliações com múltiplos enfoques, onde o diagnóstico não seja apenas do clínico especialista, mas, também, do paciente. O VHI é uma ferramenta utilizada internacionalmente que viabiliza a avaliação do ponto de vista do paciente. Descritores: câncer de laringe; disfonia; qualidade de vida.
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 2004
This study evaluated the impact of multimedia in the information transfer of subjects specific to... more This study evaluated the impact of multimedia in the information transfer of subjects specific to Tropical Diseases-Tetanus and Snake Envenoming. We evaluated the autonomous learning process of 76 fourth-year medical students at Botucatu School of Medicine of UNESP, using printed matter, video, and CD-ROM. The students were submitted to a specific test, which was repeated approximately one week later. They were divided into groups and received a kit containing a textbook, a video, and a CD-ROM. These materials were used for out-of-class study. Before the second test, the students gave a seminar, where they discussed and resolved their doubts with their professor. The results of the first test showed averages between 4.27±1.41 and 6.41±1.61. The second test, given after the seminar, presented averages that increased to 8.41±0.76 and 9.52±0.42, significance α = 5%. At the end of the course, the students answered a questionnaire, which evaluated the material quality and acquired knowledge. The students concluded that multimedia was a more efficient and quick means for knowledge building than traditional teaching materials. They said that the active participation and interactivity with the CD-ROM were the major differences. The authors continue to study the associated use of printed matter, video, and CD-ROM as a faster alternative to the traditional method of information transfer, which may be of help in the knowledge building process in medical education.
Papers by Alessandra A Ferreira