Papers by Róbinson Rojas Sandford
Trans. by Andree Conrad (New York: Harper & Row, …, 1975
"NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHERS: "Ever since 1973 coup in Chile there has been considerable speculation... more "NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHERS: "Ever since 1973 coup in Chile there has been considerable speculation about what really happened and about the involvement of the U.S. government and U.S. business interests. Now, this explosive account by a Chilean journalist who lived through it all reveals the military, industrial, and commercial conspiracy, abetted by North American interests, to bring down the Allende government.
"Beginning on the day of the coup with Allende's murder and the military's artful staging of his "suicide", the book goes on to reveal the background of intrigue and counter-intrigue; the participation of the CIA, the Pentagon, and U.S. business interests, as well as that of the Brazilian government; the sinister roles of the Chilean armed forces, police forces, and political parties; the events throughout Chile on the day of the coup as the massive military apparatus got under way; and the reign of terror and torture unleashed on the civilian population.
This is a fast-moving, well-paced narrative, with a "State of Siege" quality to it. It will be an important and controversial book which neither Allendistas nor the conspirators and their respectable fronts will like. It shows the latter as a gang of premeditated murderers and the former, including Allende, as honorable but very foolish men, who, until the very last moments, believed that the military was made up of loyal soldiers, faithful to the Constitution they were sworn to uphold. The author is an excellent reporter and has carefully woven together the strands of seemingly unrelated events into a coherent, compelling, and well-documented story of who did what to whom, when."
De la casa editora Martínez Roca, S.A.:
11 septiembre 1973: derrocamiento y asesinato de Allende... more De la casa editora Martínez Roca, S.A.:
11 septiembre 1973: derrocamiento y asesinato de Allende. 30 septiembre 1974: asesinato del que fuera su directo colaborador, el general Prats. Dos eslabones de una trágica cadena todavía inconclusa y de consecuencias imprevisibles, pero que ahoga mientras a Chile en un baño de horror y desesperación. Los dos extremos de la cadena los sujetan las mismas fuerzas, el imperialismo norteamericano y una oligarquía nacional a su servicio, que han forjado principalmente los magnicidios contemporáneos cuando no queda otra opción para frenar el ímpetu revolucionario de un pueblo. A través del minucioso desenmascaramiento de la burda trama del «suicidio» de Allende, R. Rojas nos desvela los entresijos de tan aleccionador proceso
político. No enjuicia, suministra elementos exhaustivos para que el lector extraiga sus propias conclusiones y restituya los verdaderos perfiles a sus protagonistas: desde los militares, que prepararon hasta siete golpes de Estado en complicidad con el Pentágono y la democracia cristiana, hasta un presidente contemplado desde un agudo tamiz crítico. Y que sin perder su condición de símbolo, aparece con las inevitables limitaciones de su reformismo ante el doble frente de un aparato estatal burgués y la presión combativa de las clases populares.
El periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas es uno de los miles de chilenos
lanzados al exilio por un brutal régimen militar que ha desempolvado el espectro del fascismo. Pudo salvarse de la carnicería que alcanzó a tantas decenas de miles para buscar, inútilmente, refugio en diversos países sudamericanos y europeos: al cabo lo ha encontrado en China. Pero es, además, un testigo de excepción: su dilatada actividad profesional, sus viajes por el continente y su compromiso político le permitieron reunir una
información de primerísima mano para escribir esta denuncia escalofriante.
No es ya un libro de circunstancias ni una aportación más o menos
meritoria: es el testimonio definitivo sobre la verdad del asesinato de Allende, detonante para asesinar a todo un pueblo e impedir su liberación.
De Martinez Roca, S.A., Barcelona, editors:
Mao Tse-tung: un cadaver para la burguesía. Los me... more De Martinez Roca, S.A., Barcelona, editors:
Mao Tse-tung: un cadaver para la burguesía. Los meses dramáticos de la historia moderna de China. Un reportaje sensacional.
El autor de este libro, el periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas, vivió en la República Popular China desde agosto de 1974 hasta abril de 1977, cuando fue expulsado por considerársele un pregonero de “la banda de los cuatro”.
Estos casi tres años de su estancia en China coincidieron con los meses más dramáticos de la historia moderna de este país: la muerte física de sus principales líderes -Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai, Chu Te -, la muerte y resurrección política de uno de los más hábiles dirigentes del partido comunista, Teng Siao-ping; un devastador terremoto que aniquiló la vida de 600.000 habitantes en las cercanías de Pekín y dejó heridos a otros 400.000; y, por ultimo, el colapso final de lo que, desde 1949 hasta hasta 1976, se llamó revolución socialista en la República Popular China.
¿Qué ha ocurrido en China? ¿Qué ha ocurrido en una sociedad cuyo pueblo libró una sangrienta Guerra civil para liberarse, consiguió salir de la miseria y convirtió en realidad, por momentos, la creación de una sociedad justa, realizando hazañas en last areas de la producción y del bienestar colectivo? Rojas, con un estilo fuertemente polémico, avasallador, ha escrito un libro de combate que se lee de un tirón. La obra es de un interés inmenso por la actualidad de los hechos descritos y analizados.
Barcelona - 1978
""""""""It is argued that Latin American development, as based on a restricted, limited, and uppe... more """"""""It is argued that Latin American development, as based on a restricted, limited, and upper-class oriented type of market, and a fragmented society, is possible because it corresponds to a particular organization of the labour process, which, in turn, is the product of a particular mode of production. This particular mode of production is the outcome of the fusion of different modes of production in the region. In this context, the international capitalist system -at its imperialist stage- is not a cause, but a profiteer and
supporter of the contemporary social structure in Latin America. This particular organization of the labour process sets the boundaries ( limits ) within which Latin America's social structure, political organization and organization of labour can vary. At an abstract level, it is argued, unlike some modern Marxian scholars, that even when the relations of production are the genesis of the social structure, the latter can, in some historical situations, persist after the former subside, and adapt themselves to new forms of relations of production. It is concluded that the main barrier to development in the region lies not in its economic structure but in its social structure. Therefore, revolutionary change there must start at the social level, political level that is, and not at the economic level. The thesis is a starting point for further field research, aiming to construct a general theory of the social and economic reality of Latin America.
Robinson Rojas Sandford, London, 1984
Presentation by Dr. Robinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Robinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford - The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University... more Presentation by Dr. Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - University College London
By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- On June 3, 1997 a group of self-described neo-conservatives, commonl... more By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- On June 3, 1997 a group of self-described neo-conservatives, commonly referred to by now as "neo-cons," and some of their staunchest supporters have published online a "Statement of Principles" for their Project for the New American Century, also known as PNAC. In this statement they announced the following: "We aim to make the case and rally support for American global leadership. As the 20th century draws to a close, the United States stands as the world's preeminent power. Having led the West to victory in the Cold War, America faces an opportunity and a challenge: Does the United States have the vision to build upon the achievements of past decades? Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favourable to American principles and interests?"
Such "American principles and interests" were first announced on February 24, 1948, i.e., at the outset of the Cold War, by George Kennan - who was at that time head of U.S. State Department Planning, and a diplomat who authored the doctrine of "containing" the Soviet Union that determined the U.S. policy throughout the Cold War. A key passage of George Kennan's announcement is the following one (with italics added for emphasis):
"We [Americans] have about 60 per cent of the world's wealth but only 6.3 per cent of its population. Our real task in the coming period (will be) to maintain this position of disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford the luxury of altruism and world benefaction ...The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered then by idealistic slogans the better."
By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- 1.- Increasing globalisation, which appears as if it was the only wa... more By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- 1.- Increasing globalisation, which appears as if it was the only way societies can develop in modern times, points to the continuing relevance of structuralist theory as posed by ECLAC since the 1950s, and dependency theory as developed from the early 1960s, in Chile. Both theories view the problems of underdevelopment and development within a global context, as interconnected economic, political and social processes. Dependency theory forecasted that the world system will tend to concentrate production in the hands of relatively few transnational corporations, making of the world market an oligopoly market. From this, the theory also forecasted a long trend to slow down production and to speed up income polarisation.
By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- "Political economy integrates anthropology, economics, history, law,... more By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- "Political economy integrates anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, philosophy, sociology and sciences of nature", ( P. Bohmer ) providing building blocks for a methodology to understand social change and also supplying the analytical tools for making sense of contemporary public problems which relate not only to a variety of styles of development but also the survival of planet earth as an eco system capable of sustaining life as we know it. The Róbinson Rojas Archive seek to provide access to all the knowledge required for the above purposes, which amounts to what I call the political economy of development.
By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The former US Secretary for Labour, professor Robert Reich, once wro... more By Róbinson Rojas Sandford.- The former US Secretary for Labour, professor Robert Reich, once wrote "what may be rational for each individual corporation is irrational for society" (see R. Reich, "A hand across the great divide", Financial Times, March 6, 1996). This describes how damaging for the environment and human development the individual corporation perspective could be. And then, individual corporations dominate the world economy and the domestic and foreign policies in industrialised countries. The most powerful group of individual corporations are based in the US. We can assume then that they will react economically, politically, and militarily when their main interests are in danger by either public action or terrorist attacks. The World Summit 2002 is an example related to public action; the killing of 3,000 civilians in New York in 2001, is an example related to terrorism. International capital keeps therefore blocking any meaningful international agreement for protecting planet earth from being assassinated by a brutal style of industrialisation, and is taking 11/09/02 as an excuse to unleash the military might of the US to impose one ideology, one economy, one way of life on the totality of the world population.
There is a clear narrative behind what appears as a "stubborn" attitude by some political leaders in the industrialised sector of the world economy. It is a chilling narrative. Let us look at it.
Papers by Róbinson Rojas Sandford
"Beginning on the day of the coup with Allende's murder and the military's artful staging of his "suicide", the book goes on to reveal the background of intrigue and counter-intrigue; the participation of the CIA, the Pentagon, and U.S. business interests, as well as that of the Brazilian government; the sinister roles of the Chilean armed forces, police forces, and political parties; the events throughout Chile on the day of the coup as the massive military apparatus got under way; and the reign of terror and torture unleashed on the civilian population.
This is a fast-moving, well-paced narrative, with a "State of Siege" quality to it. It will be an important and controversial book which neither Allendistas nor the conspirators and their respectable fronts will like. It shows the latter as a gang of premeditated murderers and the former, including Allende, as honorable but very foolish men, who, until the very last moments, believed that the military was made up of loyal soldiers, faithful to the Constitution they were sworn to uphold. The author is an excellent reporter and has carefully woven together the strands of seemingly unrelated events into a coherent, compelling, and well-documented story of who did what to whom, when."
11 septiembre 1973: derrocamiento y asesinato de Allende. 30 septiembre 1974: asesinato del que fuera su directo colaborador, el general Prats. Dos eslabones de una trágica cadena todavía inconclusa y de consecuencias imprevisibles, pero que ahoga mientras a Chile en un baño de horror y desesperación. Los dos extremos de la cadena los sujetan las mismas fuerzas, el imperialismo norteamericano y una oligarquía nacional a su servicio, que han forjado principalmente los magnicidios contemporáneos cuando no queda otra opción para frenar el ímpetu revolucionario de un pueblo. A través del minucioso desenmascaramiento de la burda trama del «suicidio» de Allende, R. Rojas nos desvela los entresijos de tan aleccionador proceso
político. No enjuicia, suministra elementos exhaustivos para que el lector extraiga sus propias conclusiones y restituya los verdaderos perfiles a sus protagonistas: desde los militares, que prepararon hasta siete golpes de Estado en complicidad con el Pentágono y la democracia cristiana, hasta un presidente contemplado desde un agudo tamiz crítico. Y que sin perder su condición de símbolo, aparece con las inevitables limitaciones de su reformismo ante el doble frente de un aparato estatal burgués y la presión combativa de las clases populares.
El periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas es uno de los miles de chilenos
lanzados al exilio por un brutal régimen militar que ha desempolvado el espectro del fascismo. Pudo salvarse de la carnicería que alcanzó a tantas decenas de miles para buscar, inútilmente, refugio en diversos países sudamericanos y europeos: al cabo lo ha encontrado en China. Pero es, además, un testigo de excepción: su dilatada actividad profesional, sus viajes por el continente y su compromiso político le permitieron reunir una
información de primerísima mano para escribir esta denuncia escalofriante.
No es ya un libro de circunstancias ni una aportación más o menos
meritoria: es el testimonio definitivo sobre la verdad del asesinato de Allende, detonante para asesinar a todo un pueblo e impedir su liberación.
Mao Tse-tung: un cadaver para la burguesía. Los meses dramáticos de la historia moderna de China. Un reportaje sensacional.
El autor de este libro, el periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas, vivió en la República Popular China desde agosto de 1974 hasta abril de 1977, cuando fue expulsado por considerársele un pregonero de “la banda de los cuatro”.
Estos casi tres años de su estancia en China coincidieron con los meses más dramáticos de la historia moderna de este país: la muerte física de sus principales líderes -Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai, Chu Te -, la muerte y resurrección política de uno de los más hábiles dirigentes del partido comunista, Teng Siao-ping; un devastador terremoto que aniquiló la vida de 600.000 habitantes en las cercanías de Pekín y dejó heridos a otros 400.000; y, por ultimo, el colapso final de lo que, desde 1949 hasta hasta 1976, se llamó revolución socialista en la República Popular China.
¿Qué ha ocurrido en China? ¿Qué ha ocurrido en una sociedad cuyo pueblo libró una sangrienta Guerra civil para liberarse, consiguió salir de la miseria y convirtió en realidad, por momentos, la creación de una sociedad justa, realizando hazañas en last areas de la producción y del bienestar colectivo? Rojas, con un estilo fuertemente polémico, avasallador, ha escrito un libro de combate que se lee de un tirón. La obra es de un interés inmenso por la actualidad de los hechos descritos y analizados.
Barcelona - 1978
supporter of the contemporary social structure in Latin America. This particular organization of the labour process sets the boundaries ( limits ) within which Latin America's social structure, political organization and organization of labour can vary. At an abstract level, it is argued, unlike some modern Marxian scholars, that even when the relations of production are the genesis of the social structure, the latter can, in some historical situations, persist after the former subside, and adapt themselves to new forms of relations of production. It is concluded that the main barrier to development in the region lies not in its economic structure but in its social structure. Therefore, revolutionary change there must start at the social level, political level that is, and not at the economic level. The thesis is a starting point for further field research, aiming to construct a general theory of the social and economic reality of Latin America.
Robinson Rojas Sandford, London, 1984
Such "American principles and interests" were first announced on February 24, 1948, i.e., at the outset of the Cold War, by George Kennan - who was at that time head of U.S. State Department Planning, and a diplomat who authored the doctrine of "containing" the Soviet Union that determined the U.S. policy throughout the Cold War. A key passage of George Kennan's announcement is the following one (with italics added for emphasis):
"We [Americans] have about 60 per cent of the world's wealth but only 6.3 per cent of its population. Our real task in the coming period (will be) to maintain this position of disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford the luxury of altruism and world benefaction ...The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered then by idealistic slogans the better."
There is a clear narrative behind what appears as a "stubborn" attitude by some political leaders in the industrialised sector of the world economy. It is a chilling narrative. Let us look at it.
"Beginning on the day of the coup with Allende's murder and the military's artful staging of his "suicide", the book goes on to reveal the background of intrigue and counter-intrigue; the participation of the CIA, the Pentagon, and U.S. business interests, as well as that of the Brazilian government; the sinister roles of the Chilean armed forces, police forces, and political parties; the events throughout Chile on the day of the coup as the massive military apparatus got under way; and the reign of terror and torture unleashed on the civilian population.
This is a fast-moving, well-paced narrative, with a "State of Siege" quality to it. It will be an important and controversial book which neither Allendistas nor the conspirators and their respectable fronts will like. It shows the latter as a gang of premeditated murderers and the former, including Allende, as honorable but very foolish men, who, until the very last moments, believed that the military was made up of loyal soldiers, faithful to the Constitution they were sworn to uphold. The author is an excellent reporter and has carefully woven together the strands of seemingly unrelated events into a coherent, compelling, and well-documented story of who did what to whom, when."
11 septiembre 1973: derrocamiento y asesinato de Allende. 30 septiembre 1974: asesinato del que fuera su directo colaborador, el general Prats. Dos eslabones de una trágica cadena todavía inconclusa y de consecuencias imprevisibles, pero que ahoga mientras a Chile en un baño de horror y desesperación. Los dos extremos de la cadena los sujetan las mismas fuerzas, el imperialismo norteamericano y una oligarquía nacional a su servicio, que han forjado principalmente los magnicidios contemporáneos cuando no queda otra opción para frenar el ímpetu revolucionario de un pueblo. A través del minucioso desenmascaramiento de la burda trama del «suicidio» de Allende, R. Rojas nos desvela los entresijos de tan aleccionador proceso
político. No enjuicia, suministra elementos exhaustivos para que el lector extraiga sus propias conclusiones y restituya los verdaderos perfiles a sus protagonistas: desde los militares, que prepararon hasta siete golpes de Estado en complicidad con el Pentágono y la democracia cristiana, hasta un presidente contemplado desde un agudo tamiz crítico. Y que sin perder su condición de símbolo, aparece con las inevitables limitaciones de su reformismo ante el doble frente de un aparato estatal burgués y la presión combativa de las clases populares.
El periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas es uno de los miles de chilenos
lanzados al exilio por un brutal régimen militar que ha desempolvado el espectro del fascismo. Pudo salvarse de la carnicería que alcanzó a tantas decenas de miles para buscar, inútilmente, refugio en diversos países sudamericanos y europeos: al cabo lo ha encontrado en China. Pero es, además, un testigo de excepción: su dilatada actividad profesional, sus viajes por el continente y su compromiso político le permitieron reunir una
información de primerísima mano para escribir esta denuncia escalofriante.
No es ya un libro de circunstancias ni una aportación más o menos
meritoria: es el testimonio definitivo sobre la verdad del asesinato de Allende, detonante para asesinar a todo un pueblo e impedir su liberación.
Mao Tse-tung: un cadaver para la burguesía. Los meses dramáticos de la historia moderna de China. Un reportaje sensacional.
El autor de este libro, el periodista chileno Róbinson Rojas, vivió en la República Popular China desde agosto de 1974 hasta abril de 1977, cuando fue expulsado por considerársele un pregonero de “la banda de los cuatro”.
Estos casi tres años de su estancia en China coincidieron con los meses más dramáticos de la historia moderna de este país: la muerte física de sus principales líderes -Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai, Chu Te -, la muerte y resurrección política de uno de los más hábiles dirigentes del partido comunista, Teng Siao-ping; un devastador terremoto que aniquiló la vida de 600.000 habitantes en las cercanías de Pekín y dejó heridos a otros 400.000; y, por ultimo, el colapso final de lo que, desde 1949 hasta hasta 1976, se llamó revolución socialista en la República Popular China.
¿Qué ha ocurrido en China? ¿Qué ha ocurrido en una sociedad cuyo pueblo libró una sangrienta Guerra civil para liberarse, consiguió salir de la miseria y convirtió en realidad, por momentos, la creación de una sociedad justa, realizando hazañas en last areas de la producción y del bienestar colectivo? Rojas, con un estilo fuertemente polémico, avasallador, ha escrito un libro de combate que se lee de un tirón. La obra es de un interés inmenso por la actualidad de los hechos descritos y analizados.
Barcelona - 1978
supporter of the contemporary social structure in Latin America. This particular organization of the labour process sets the boundaries ( limits ) within which Latin America's social structure, political organization and organization of labour can vary. At an abstract level, it is argued, unlike some modern Marxian scholars, that even when the relations of production are the genesis of the social structure, the latter can, in some historical situations, persist after the former subside, and adapt themselves to new forms of relations of production. It is concluded that the main barrier to development in the region lies not in its economic structure but in its social structure. Therefore, revolutionary change there must start at the social level, political level that is, and not at the economic level. The thesis is a starting point for further field research, aiming to construct a general theory of the social and economic reality of Latin America.
Robinson Rojas Sandford, London, 1984
Such "American principles and interests" were first announced on February 24, 1948, i.e., at the outset of the Cold War, by George Kennan - who was at that time head of U.S. State Department Planning, and a diplomat who authored the doctrine of "containing" the Soviet Union that determined the U.S. policy throughout the Cold War. A key passage of George Kennan's announcement is the following one (with italics added for emphasis):
"We [Americans] have about 60 per cent of the world's wealth but only 6.3 per cent of its population. Our real task in the coming period (will be) to maintain this position of disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford the luxury of altruism and world benefaction ...The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered then by idealistic slogans the better."
There is a clear narrative behind what appears as a "stubborn" attitude by some political leaders in the industrialised sector of the world economy. It is a chilling narrative. Let us look at it.