Papers by Arturo Roizblatt

Revista Medica De Chile, Sep 1, 2016
Bariatric surgery is considered the most effective treatment for severe obesity and its benefits ... more Bariatric surgery is considered the most effective treatment for severe obesity and its benefits include improvement in medical comorbidities. However, a higher rate of suicides after this type of surgery has been reported. We performed a literature review on the subject, and concluded that the mentioned increase in suicide rates, compared to the general population, is probably caused by conditions that the patient had before surgery, especially psychiatric disorders such as depression or eating disorders. These are risk factors for suicide, and are more common in the population with indication for bariatric surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate these patients before surgery searching for suicide risk factors, deriving them to a mental health professional if necessary and follow their mental health after surgery. Considering that the literature on the topic is inconsistent, further research is needed.

Educación Médica, 2007
Se describe el proceso de implementación de programa de Interconsulta psiquiátrica docente para r... more Se describe el proceso de implementación de programa de Interconsulta psiquiátrica docente para residentes, realizado por el Departamento de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile entre 2003 y 2004. Método: Se establece programa preliminar, con objetivos y pautas de evaluación de cumplimiento de objetivos por parte de residentes. Resultados: Se destaca evaluaciones en el rango superior que los residentes hacen de objetivos docentes. Más bajos fueron evaluados los objetivos asistenciales. Supervisores evalúan positivamente el proceso en general, identificando las principales dificultades observadas: entre ellas la doble agenda presente en el proceso complejo propio de la actividad y de los objetivos docentes. Se destaca la importancia de la supervisión docente, la cual debería ser activa, vigilar las áreas que obstaculizan el proceso; mayores dificultades provenientes de demandas implícitas o explícitas subyacentes operaron como resistencias ...

The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry
To examine available literature regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adul... more To examine available literature regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. An electronic literature search of peer-reviewed English language articles using MEDLINE (without time limits) was undertaken. Symptoms of ADHD in adults exert a substantial negative impact on daily life, including work, social life and relationships. Co-morbidities are common, further impairing quality of life. Diagnosis of adult ADHD can be difficult, as current criteria require evidence of symptom onset before the age of 7 years and impact on activities typically undertaken by children. Drug therapy is the first-line treatment for adult ADHD, particularly stimulant medication. However, methylphenidate (MPH) immediate-release tablets require three or more times daily dosing, which can impact on compliance, while demonstrating a loss of symptomatic benefit later in the day. Extended-release preparations of MPH, mixed amphetamine salts and dexamphetamine can provide symptom control f...
Educación Médica, 2007
Primary Care Settings. This program was developed and applied by the Department of Psychiatry and... more Primary Care Settings. This program was developed and applied by the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Chile between 2003 and 2004. Method: Preliminary program was established, with objectives and evaluation schemes for the correct achievement of the objectives by the residents in two areas: learning and clinical work. Residents were assigned to different primary health centers, under a supervisor. Results: Good evaluations (superior rank) for residents' achievements in learning objectives were observed. Experiencia Docente en Interconsulta psiquiátrica en Atención Primaria de Salud para residentes.

Revista chilena de pediatría, 1997
adolescentes que consultan en unidades publicas de a'encion de scrud mental y coe*aneos no consul... more adolescentes que consultan en unidades publicas de a'encion de scrud mental y coe*aneos no consulates alumnos de establecimlentos educacionales, ambos de Sant'cgo netropo itano. Psrsonas y metodc: 508 families con-ijos adolescentes r c consul'antes y 1 27 familias con n ; os adolescenles consdtartes en unidades de salud mental, fueron encuestadas con las correspondie"tes versiones oara adolescence y padres de un instrumento que incluye seis rac r ores de predicci5n y cinco de cr'terio pora conc'uctas de riesgo de la salud de los adolescentes. Resuttados: En el grupo de !os adolescenres consultantes se enccntro significativamente mayor ccntidad de factores de riesgo pare la salud [segjn padres: ventaja C,47; p< 0,001) y patrones meros p-otectores, con percepcio^es defic'e^tes especialmente en comunicaciones faniliares (segCn acolescentes: ventaja 0,93; p < 0.002), estilos de solucioi de problemas (segun padres: ventaja 1,16 ; p < 0,002; segun ado escentes: venta'a 0,88; p < 0,03) y d'sponibi idad de recursos familiares externos (segun adolescentes: ventaja 0,87; p < 0,02).. en el interior de la fami ia. Pa I a bras clave: ado escenc a, funcion fami iar, salud mental.) Family functional aspects among adolescents asking or not asking for mental health care Objecn've. to determine if there ere differences in functional family factors predictive o' constitutive of risks for healt" among adolescents asking x>r mental care. Design: case control Setting: urban general community, government neal'h ~acil'fies, met'opcTitan Santiago, Chile. Partidpa^ts: adolescents seeking care fcr menta health problems in: : 27),. age matched public schools students never asking for mental heahh care In: 508), a^d ; heir correspcnclnc fcrrilies. Outcome measures, participants vve'e asked to respectively fill either ar adolescent or a parental version of a questionnaire on-om\y function aspects considered ~c be predictve [six) or constitutive (five) or heatn risk, ^esu'iis. acolesceni heath risk factors Iparen's OR 0.47, p< 0:001) and less protective funcNona fam'ly patterns were significantly more frequently Deported by subjects seek'ng care ad their parents, particularly in famly communicanon ladolescents OR 0.93, p < O.C02J and problem solving styes (paren's OR 1 16, p < 0.002, acolescents OR 0.89, p < 0.03), and availabi : ir\' of ex-e'na family resources (adolescents OR 0,87, p < 0.02J.
Contemporary Family Therapy, 1999
Reports the Chilean segment of a multicultural, multicountry (Canada, Germany, Israel, Netherland... more Reports the Chilean segment of a multicultural, multicountry (Canada, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, USA) study on long-term marriages. This pilot study is seen as a starting point in research focusing on the childhood background and family history of long-term marital partners in Chile. No statistically significant association between marital satisfaction and economic or educational level was found. A
Family Court Review, 2005
This arlicle examines the long-term effects of divorce on adults whose parents divorced during th... more This arlicle examines the long-term effects of divorce on adults whose parents divorced during their childhood in Chile. A srudy of 35 adult Chileans found that many still fantosize about their parents 'reconciliation andas children hadnot been toldabout the divorce until one of the parents had already lefi the home. Preventive intervention oriented toward preparing both parents and their children for the impending divorce are suggested.
Contemporary Family Therapy, 1990
ABSTRACT: We present this eight-session structured workshop format aimed at school-aged children ... more ABSTRACT: We present this eight-session structured workshop format aimed at school-aged children of divorce who are considered psychologically healthy by family and teachers, in which we review the situations most frequently encountered by these families. In the workshop ...
Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 2004
A random sample of homeless individuals (106 men and 106 women) residing in a shelter were interv... more A random sample of homeless individuals (106 men and 106 women) residing in a shelter were interviewed using an interview schedule developed for this study. The main objectives were to study the sociodemographic characteristics and childhood history in an urban homeless population in a developing country (Santiago, Chile). The most salient finding is the high frequency of parent-child separation and placement with substitute parents during the early lives of the homeless
Base de dados : ADOLEC. Pesquisa : 185290 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : ADOLEC. Pesquisa : 185290 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, ADOLEC, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Id: 185290. Autor ...
The MMPI depression scale and a subjective depression test were administered to 80 patients who h... more The MMPI depression scale and a subjective depression test were administered to 80 patients who had aborted between 1 and 5 days before they were interviewed at 2 hospitals in Chile. A higher level of depression was found among patients who aborted, particularly in patients who had self inflicted abortions, than in the control group. Abortion is illegal in Chile and is condemned by the church; therefore, the study results may have been influenced by the cultural environment. Psychotherapy for women who abort is recommended. (author's modified)
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 231566 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 231566 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 231566. ...

Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1997
A case-control study was done to observe the association between the parents' divorce and the... more A case-control study was done to observe the association between the parents' divorce and their children's results in school. The information was obtained from a questionnaire which was answered by the counselors of 8 public schools in Santiago, Chile. From one class of each school, 52 pupils of divorced marriages were searched. The control group of 52 pupils of non-divorced parents was chosen by selecting the name following the case on the class list. The children of divorced parents were: 37 (71%) girls, 15 (29%) boys, the average age was 11.8 ± 0. 8 years; 12 (29%) had failed the year; the average marks were 5.2 ±0.7 (range 1-7) and the average attendance was 92 ± 8 %. The controls were: 33 (63%) girls, 19 (37%) boys, the average age was 11.4 ± 0.6 years; 3 (5.7%) had failed the year; the average marks were 5.9 ± 0.5 (range 1-7); the average attendance was 94.5 ± 4.5%. The conclusion is that children of divorced marriages have 4.9 more estimated relative risk (RR) of fail...
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría
The aim is to share the struggles of Psychiatry and of some Psychiatrists in the V Region of Valp... more The aim is to share the struggles of Psychiatry and of some Psychiatrists in the V Region of Valparaíso, Chile, covering a period of 50 years, from 1940 to 1990. It is intended to highlight the characteristics of the medical-psychiatric practice and the influence of the mental health team, at a time of political-social changes that had an impact on medical practice and especially on psychiatry, taking into account the origin and evolution of the Hospital del Salvador de Valparaíso.
Revista chilena de pediatría
When divorce or separation of a couple occurs, children will no longer live with both parents at ... more When divorce or separation of a couple occurs, children will no longer live with both parents at the same time. There may be multiple causes for divorce, and both literature and our own experience as child mental health providers, report some short-and long-term consequences for children, especially where the divorce has been conflictive. In these cases, increased risk of developing behavioral disorders, poor school performance, and substance abuse has been documented as well as

Revista médica de Chile, 2016
Suicide risk after bariatric surgery Bariatric surgery is considered the most effective treatment... more Suicide risk after bariatric surgery Bariatric surgery is considered the most effective treatment for severe obesity and its benefits include improvement in medical comorbidities. However, a higher rate of suicides after this type of surgery has been reported. We performed a literature review on the subject, and concluded that the mentioned increase in suicide rates, compared to the general population, is probably caused by conditions that the patient had before surgery, especially psychiatric disorders such as depression or eating disorders. These are risk factors for suicide, and are more common in the population with indication for bariatric surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate these patients before surgery searching for suicide risk factors, deriving them to a mental health professional if necessary and follow their mental health after surgery. Considering that the literature on the topic is inconsistent, further research is needed.
Papers by Arturo Roizblatt