Papers by Nindyo Budi Kumoro
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Feb 28, 2019
Despite the Special Autonomy Law has been declared, ethnical sentiment between migrant settlers (... more Despite the Special Autonomy Law has been declared, ethnical sentiment between migrant settlers (amber) and indigenous of Papua (komin) is still strong in Jayapura society. This study assumes that primordial sentiment does not merely derive from cultural differences, yet it is more likely caused by the social-economical disparities, mainly access to the venture space resources. Thereby, this study attempts to investigate how economic spatial domination upon Jayapura city between settlers and Papuans and what are the affecting factors? Using the urban ethnography method, we argue that settlers-indigenous sentiment grew as urban economic structure had not been really changed since the colonial era, even until Special Autonomy implementation. Those settlers such Chinese, Buginese, or Javanese subdue economical opportunities of the city. While Papua communities have not fully integrated to the market economy due to political history which tied up to the traditional manner. However, state affirmative politic after the Special Autonomy Law symbolically delivers new strength for Papuans in negotiating towards economic space disparities of Jayapura.
Berdikari, Aug 31, 2021
The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. A... more The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. As a result, there is an impression that the potential in the society in art and culture has not been optimized for the tourism industry. This service was intended in the context of optimization through exploring the potential of art and culture to support the tourism industry in East Java. This service also aimed to produce mapping data on the potential of cultural arts in the context of creating a directory of arts and culture in Malang Raya. Malang Raya will be used as a pilot project before it can be developed throughout East Java. The data collection method was focused on field studies based on the study of the PPKD (Pokok Pikiran Kebudayaan Daerah) documents for each region, while focus group discussions (FGDs) and field observations were also conducted. The results of the community service program showed that the potential of Malang Raya culture and arts could be compiled online and included in the PPKD mapping document.
Sosiohumaniora: jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial dan humaniora, Nov 6, 2020
This article is a museum study from an anthropological perspective. Generally, the museum is an i... more This article is a museum study from an anthropological perspective. Generally, the museum is an institution that stores and preserves particular material cultures. On the other side, a museum can also be critically seen as a space for the production of cultural discourse that narrates a particular ideology through exhibition strategies and display systems. This study wants to explore the discourse of cultural ideology that is represented by the museum through the design and exhibition. The museum is no longer only monopolized by the state but also developed by the private sector which offers a fusion model between the museum, edutainment, and amusement park. Thus, this article proposes a case study of the Museum Angkut in Batu, East Java, one of the most popular private museums in Indonesia that exhibits transportation system and world civilization themes assembled by implementing amusement park concepts. This article would like to address the issue of the production of cultural discourse. The research questions are what kind of cultural discourse production is narrated in the Museum Angkut, and how has it been materialized through the display strategy? Additionally, this article explores the relationship of the visitor with material objects in the museum. This paper uses a hermeneutic approach, and Michael Foucault's heterotopia to examine how cultural imagination with its ideology is represented in museum bodies. As a result, we argue that the Museum Angkut can reflect the character of society, as a post-colonial nation in the sense of seeing self and other cultures.
Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut ... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut dengan “ruang maya” atau cyberspace. Struktur cyberspace dalam internet memberi ruang yang bebas bagi setiap individu untuk melakukan tindakan apapun. Orang juga tak lagi pasif menerima informasi-informasi dari media massa, namun dapat secara aktif memproduksi dan menyebarkan informasinya sendiri. Saat ini kekuasaan wacana tidak lagi dipegang oleh pusat-pusat penyebar informasi seperti negara atau media massa melainkan pada setiap individu yang dapat mengakses teknologi informasi. Di sisi lain fenomena ini juga memicu booming informasi di mana orang tak lagi dapat membedakan yang bermanfaat atau tidak, yang pantas atau tidak. Tentunya penggunaan interaksi dalam dunia maya ini berpengaruh pada kehidupan masyarakat nyata dan membentuk pola-pola baru dalam hubungan sosial manusia. Kata Kunci: cyberspace, realitas, identitas, wacana
The issue of important waste entering Indonesia is now busy being discussed, the problem that occ... more The issue of important waste entering Indonesia is now busy being discussed, the problem that occurred in Sumengko Village, Gresik. This problem stems from the disposal of waste produced by Adiprima, which is a paper factory that imports waste as one of its production materials. However, it is the valuable value of imported waste that makes waste a resource for them. The profit from this imported waste business makes actors want to get access to garbage. This seizing access then causes conflict between the actors involved, which ends in garbage news from the village.
Jurnal studi pemuda, Jun 21, 2016
Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bagaimana pemuda Lereng Gunung Merapi berpartisipasi secara signifi... more Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bagaimana pemuda Lereng Gunung Merapi berpartisipasi secara signifi kan dalam memunculkan obyek wisata Volcano Tour. Tak seperti obyek wisata kebanyakan, Volcano Tour mampu memberi asupan ekonomi rumah tangga korban yang kosong setelah bencana. Letusan Gunung Merapi 2010 membuat struktur ekonomi warga yang bersandar pada peternakan sapi perah luluh lantak. Di sini pemuda berperan mengubah pola ekonomi masyarakat setempat yang sebelumnya agraris menjadi berbasis kepariwisataan. Dalam konteks pemuda sebagai agen perubahan, tulisan ini mencoba menawarkan wacana yang berbeda di mana perspektif agensi tidak harus diterjemahkan dalam seting politik negara, hierarki sosial, ideologi, sub-kultur, patologi sosial maupun identitas. Lebih jauh tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa pemuda manapun sama-sama memiliki modal untuk menjadi agen perubahan. Bukan karena intelektualitasnya, bukan pula semangat pemberontakannya, melainkan lebih pada energi yang tersimpan dalam setiap individu muda.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, Education and Culture, ICOLLEC 2021, 9-10 October 2021, Malang, Indonesia
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks, 2021
The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. A... more The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. As a result, there is an impression that the potential in the society in art and culture has not been optimized for the tourism industry. This service was intended in the context of optimization through exploring the potential of art and culture to support the tourism industry in East Java. This service also aimed to produce mapping data on the potential of cultural arts in the context of creating a directory of arts and culture in Malang Raya. Malang Raya will be used as a pilot project before it can be developed throughout East Java. The data collection method was focused on field studies based on the study of the PPKD (Pokok Pikiran Kebudayaan Daerah) documents for each region, while focus group discussions (FGDs) and field observations were also conducted. The results of the community service program showed that the potential of Malang Raya culture and arts could be compiled online an...
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks, 2021
The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. A... more The majority of tourism objects in East Java still rely on artificial and nature-based tourism. As a result, there is an impression that the potential in the society in art and culture has not been optimized for the tourism industry. This service was intended in the context of optimization through exploring the potential of art and culture to support the tourism industry in East Java. This service also aimed to produce mapping data on the potential of cultural arts in the context of creating a directory of arts and culture in Malang Raya. Malang Raya will be used as a pilot project before it can be developed throughout East Java. The data collection method was focused on field studies based on the study of the PPKD (Pokok Pikiran Kebudayaan Daerah) documents for each region, while focus group discussions (FGDs) and field observations were also conducted. The results of the community service program showed that the potential of Malang Raya culture and arts could be compiled online an...
Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bagaimana pemuda Lereng Gunung Merapi berpartisipasi secara signifi... more Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bagaimana pemuda Lereng Gunung Merapi berpartisipasi secara signifi kan dalam memunculkan obyek wisata Volcano Tour. Tak seperti obyek wisata kebanyakan, Volcano Tour mampu memberi asupan ekonomi rumah tangga korban yang kosong setelah bencana. Letusan Gunung Merapi 2010 membuat struktur ekonomi warga yang bersandar pada peternakan sapi perah luluh lantak. Di sini pemuda berperan mengubah pola ekonomi masyarakat setempat yang sebelumnya agraris menjadi berbasis kepariwisataan. Dalam konteks pemuda sebagai agen perubahan, tulisan ini mencoba menawarkan wacana yang berbeda di mana perspektif agensi tidak harus diterjemahkan dalam seting politik negara, hierarki sosial, ideologi, sub-kultur, patologi sosial maupun identitas. Lebih jauh tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa pemuda manapun sama-sama memiliki modal untuk menjadi agen perubahan. Bukan karena intelektualitasnya, bukan pula semangat pemberontakannya, melainkan lebih pada energi yang tersimpan dala...
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2019
Despite the Special Autonomy Law has been declared, ethnical sentiment between migrant settlers (... more Despite the Special Autonomy Law has been declared, ethnical sentiment between migrant settlers (amber) and indigenous of Papua (komin) is still strong in Jayapura society. This study assumes that primordial sentiment does not merely derive from cultural differences, yet it is more likely caused by the social-economical disparities, mainly access to the venture space resources. Thereby, this study attempts to investigate how economic spatial domination upon Jayapura city between settlers and Papuans and what are the affecting factors? Using the urban ethnography method, we argue that settlers-indigenous sentiment grew as urban economic structure had not been really changed since the colonial era, even until Special Autonomy implementation. Those settlers such Chinese, Buginese, or Javanese subdue economical opportunities of the city. While Papua communities have not fully integrated to the market economy due to political history which tied up to the traditional manner. However, state affirmative politic after the Special Autonomy Law symbolically delivers new strength for Papuans in negotiating towards economic space disparities of Jayapura.
Jurnal Masyarakat dan Budaya
This paper tries to explain the relation between social-ecological change and the phenomenon of r... more This paper tries to explain the relation between social-ecological change and the phenomenon of religious conversion in a minority group in Indonesia. The case study is the Dayak community religion in Central Kalimantan, Kaharingan, with 'world' or 'official' religions such as Christianity, Catholicism, or Islam. The study of Kaharingan in this paper is placed in the context of Kalimantan as an object of resource expansion with massive intensity by the global economic capitalist chain. Forest exploitation and local gold mining activity from outsiders urged Dayaks to participate in new economic patterns, which caused swidden cultivation to become inaccessible to villagers and began to slowly be abandoned. This has implications for the transformation of the Dayaks in perceiving their relationship with the natural environment, a relationship that was previously the basis of Kaharingan religious beliefs and practices. Based on my ethnographic research in the rural Dayak ...
Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut ... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi melahirkan dunia baru bagi manusia, yaitu yang sekarang disebut dengan “ruang maya” atau cyberspace. Struktur cyberspace dalam internet memberi ruang yang bebas bagi setiap individu untuk melakukan tindakan apapun. Orang juga tak lagi pasif menerima informasi-informasi dari media massa, namun dapat secara aktif memproduksi dan menyebarkan informasinya sendiri. Saat ini kekuasaan wacana tidak lagi dipegang oleh pusat-pusat penyebar informasi seperti negara atau media massa melainkan pada setiap individu yang dapat mengakses teknologi informasi. Di sisi lain fenomena ini juga memicu booming informasi di mana orang tak lagi dapat membedakan yang bermanfaat atau tidak, yang pantas atau tidak. Tentunya penggunaan interaksi dalam dunia maya ini berpengaruh pada kehidupan masyarakat nyata dan membentuk pola-pola baru dalam hubungan sosial manusia. Kata Kunci: cyberspace, realitas, identitas, wacana
This study examines the perception of religious harmony in the Banyuwangi and Blitar communities,... more This study examines the perception of religious harmony in the Banyuwangi and Blitar communities, East Java. The aim is to find out about the level of acceptance of Banyuwangi and Blitar people on the reality of diversity of beliefs and religions in Indonesia. In addition, this paper also looks at how the attitudes of the two communities face various impacts on diversity to create inter-religious harmony. With a quantitative descriptive approach through analysis of minimum and maximum frequency (number) and comparison of relative frequencies (percentages) of two data groups, namely Blitar and Banyuwangi communities, this study shows that people in these two cities: (1) are increasingly critical in seeing problems in relations between-religion; (2) see that maintaining relationships, togetherness, and mutual assistance is an obligation in social life; In addition, (3) insights about other religions are very important to develop religious harmony by not only avoiding prejudice, but al...
Papers by Nindyo Budi Kumoro