Papers by Hironimus Hari Kurniawan
Widyagama National Conference on Economics and Business (WNCEB), Nov 8, 2021
Penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif pada perspektif perusahaan-perusahaan tenant PPTI (Perjanj... more Penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif pada perspektif perusahaan-perusahaan tenant PPTI (Perjanjian Penggunaan Tanah Industri) sebagai pelanggan Kawasan Industri SIER di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) sebagai pengelola Kawasan Industri terbesar di Jawa Timur, menyadari bahwa loyalitas perusahaan-perusahaan pelanggan, adalah faktor yang sangat strategis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Customer Dissatisfaction Index (CDI), Customer Loyalty Index (CLI), Customer Engagement Index (CEI), di Kawasan Industri SIER Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian sequential explanatory research, yang merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi yang ditentukan sebanyak 467 responden, dan kemudian diambil sampel sebanyak 120 responden, dari representatif perusahaan pelanggan SIER. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CSI meraih nilai yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 78.1, CDI dalam level rendah yakni sebesar 4.8, CLI dan CEI tergolong sangat tinggi yakni sebesar 89.01. Apresiasi yang tinggi dalam dimensi SERVQUAL yang ditunjukkan pada CSI menunjukkan bahwa kepuasaan pelanggan tenant PPTI sudah tinggi, walaupun masih banyak hal yang perlu ditingkatan. Selain upaya sistematis yang harus dilakukan PT SIER dalam meningkatkan sarana prasarana, faktor psikologis pelanggan yang membutuhan kehadiran manajemen sebagai problem solving permasalahan bisnis pelanggan hendaknya menjadi prioritas di masa depan.
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 2017
McDonald's is one of the most popular fast food restaurant in Indonesia that faces a declining tr... more McDonald's is one of the most popular fast food restaurant in Indonesia that faces a declining trend in the Top Brand Index continues. It happens while food and beverage industry is growing significantly, especially in Malang. The peak of this research is brand loyalty as the most strategic intangible asset in order to dominate market share while industry competition increase. The purpose of this research is to find the influence of perceived quality to brand image, brand trust and brand loyalty, the influence of brand image and brand trust to brand loyalty, then the mediation of brand image and brand trust in the relationship between perceived quality to brand loyalty. A sample of this research has taken online with purposive sampling method and it used 150 respondents. The collected data analyzed in PLS (Partial Least Square) technique with Smart PLS 3 software. The mediation variables, hypothesis tested with Sobel. The finding of this research indicates that perceived quality positive and significantly influence to brand image, brand trust and brand loyalty. Then brand image and brand trust positive and significant influence to brand loyalty. Brand image and brand trust found as mediating variables in the relationship perceived quality to brand loyalty. Brand image has the highest influence to McDonald's brand loyalty, especially in Malang.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Profesional
This study examines Foreign Direct Investment (FDI/PMA) and Domestic Investment (DI/PMDN) which a... more This study examines Foreign Direct Investment (FDI/PMA) and Domestic Investment (DI/PMDN) which are relatively balanced (49.9% : 50.1%), and continue to be conducive during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In East Java Province, PMA continues to show a significant contribution to the national economy. This research is a descriptive study on the perspective of PMA tenant companies in the cities of Surabaya, Gresik, and Mojokerto, as a representation of the driver of the East Java Industry. The method used is a sequential explanatory research method, which is a quantitative descriptive study with a SERVQUAL (Service Quality) theoretical approach and dimensions of Loyalty and Engagement. The population is determined as many as 527 respondents, and then taken a sample of 228 respondents.The results of this study indicate that Customer Satisfaction has a high score of 88.02, Dissatisfaction is at a low level of 7.19, Customer Loyalty and Engagement are high at 77.59 and 88.36. These findings indic...
McDonald's is one of the most popular fast food restaurant in Indonesia that faces a declining tr... more McDonald's is one of the most popular fast food restaurant in Indonesia that faces a declining trend in the Top Brand Index continues. It happens while food and beverage industry is growing significantly, especially in Malang. The peak of this research is brand loyalty as the most strategic intangible asset in order to dominate market share while industry competition increase. The purpose of this research is to find the influence of perceived quality to brand image, brand trust and brand loyalty, the influence of brand image and brand trust to brand loyalty, then the mediation of brand image and brand trust in the relationship between perceived quality to brand loyalty. A sample of this research has taken online with purposive sampling method and it used 150 respondents. The collected data analyzed in PLS (Partial Least Square) technique with Smart PLS 3 software. The mediation variables, hypothesis tested with Sobel. The finding of this research indicates that perceived quality positive and significantly influence to brand image, brand trust and brand loyalty. Then brand image and brand trust positive and significant influence to brand loyalty. Brand image and brand trust found as mediating variables in the relationship perceived quality to brand loyalty. Brand image has the highest influence to McDonald's brand loyalty, especially in Malang. Keywords: perceived quality, brand image, brand trust, brand loyalty, partial least square. Abstrak: McDonald's adalah satu restoran cepat saji terpopuler di Indonesia yang sedang mengalami tren penurunan dalam Top Brand Index. Penurunan tersebut berlangsung ditengah pertumbuhan signifikan industri makanan dan minuman khususnya di Kota Malang. Puncak penelitian ini adalah brand loyalty sebagai intangibel asset yang paling strategis untuk menguasai pangsa pasar ditengah peningkatan kompetisi industri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perceived quality terhadap brand image, brand trust dan brand loyalty, pengaruh brand image dan brand trust terhadap brand loyalty, kemudian pengaruh mediasi brand image dan brand trust dalam hubungan antara perceived quality terhadap brand loyalty. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara online dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan yaitu sebanyak 150 responden. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis PLS (Partial Least Square) melalui software SmartPLS 3. Pengujian hipotesis untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel mediasi menggunakan Sobel test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived quality berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand image, brand trust dan brand loyalty. Kemudian brand image dan brand trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand loyalty. Brand image dan brand trust ditemukan menjadi variabel mediasi hubungan antara perceived quality terhadap brand loyalty. Brand image ditemukan memiliki pengaruh paling tinggi terhadap brand loyalty konsumen McDonald's kota Malang. Kata kunci: perceived quality, brand image, brand trust, brand loyalty, partial least square.
The purpose of this research was to answer this question: is Patrap Triloka (PT) of Ki Hadjar Dew... more The purpose of this research was to answer this question: is Patrap Triloka (PT) of Ki Hadjar Dewantara supportive to Online Teaching? The research investigated the PT, an educational trilogy values, and its application in Online Teaching (OT). It was conducted at Widya Karya Catholic University (UKWK), a private University in Malang, Indonesia, which has practiced OT only for two years. The researchers conducted interviews to 8 lecturers who have practiced OT and sent questionnaire to their 27 students. The data obtained were analyzed with a qualitative approach. The result is that both lecturers and students have mutual-supportive opinions that the implementation of OT at UKWK demonstrates the principles of PT, which means "giving examples in front, giving motivation in the middle and giving encouragement from behind". It also indicates that the enthusiasm of the lecturers to focus on students' self-development, building-relationships and variety of teaching method are important factors to make PT wisdom supportive OT.
Papers by Hironimus Hari Kurniawan