Papers by Donna Carollina

Prangko seri Revolusi “Banteng” merupakan prangko yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1946 untuk memperin... more Prangko seri Revolusi “Banteng” merupakan prangko yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1946 untuk memperingati satu tahun kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dimana sebelum kemerdekaan prangko yang beredar merupakan prangko milik Belanda dan Jepang. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini. Prangko tak hanya sekedar alat tukar pembayaran jasa pos semata, tetapi secara visual turut mengandung beragam makna. Demikian penelitian ini penting dilakukan guna mengungkap makna dibalik desain prangko seri Revolusi “Banteng” yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1946. Pencarian makna dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan ikonografis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori ikonografi dan ikonologi. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa makna primer dalam prangko seri Revolusi “Banteng” terdiri atas makna faktual banteng memutus rantai dan makna ekspresional kekuatan. Temuan kedua yakni mengenai makna sekunder yang diwujudkan dengan tema dan konsep yang membentuk ilustrasi prangko seri Revolusi “Ba...

International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 2020
In the middle of March 2020, Indonesia declared a Covid-19 emergency. This pandemic has an impact... more In the middle of March 2020, Indonesia declared a Covid-19 emergency. This pandemic has an impact on art activities, including the artistic world of graffiti. During this time, the activities of graffiti artists in public spaces were increasingly limited. However, this limitation does not dampen their spirit, especially in terms of organizing exhibitions. Where on May 17, 2020, they held a virtual exhibition titled "Youth Pandemics." This topic is interesting to discuss since organizing a virtual exhibition is a new thing for graffiti artists, especially in Indonesia. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. This study's results reveal that implementing a virtual exhibition gave new alternative space for graffiti artists during a pandemic. Also, a virtual exhibition is a place to gather for graffiti artists amid their social limitations. Pameran Virtual Graffiti “Pandemic Youth” ABSTRAK Medio Maret 2020 Indonesia dinyatakan darurat Covid-19. Pandemik ini ...

Japanese propaganda matchboxes is one of the propaganda media used by Japan in its effort to get ... more Japanese propaganda matchboxes is one of the propaganda media used by Japan in its effort to get the hearts and attention of Indonesian people. This matchbox is producted on 1942-1945 with varied themed on each series, this research will spesifically discuss about series 101. As a propaganda media, this matchbox unconsciously is one of visual communication design product from the illustration, message delivery to the audience through design and its own function as a packaging. Thus, this research was conducted to reveal the meaning behind the design of the Japanese propaganda matchbox series 101. The research of meaning in this qualitative research is carried out with an approach to art critism according to Edmund Burke Feldman. The result of this research is the design of Japanese propaganda matchbox series 101 was produced in 1994 and designed by Takashi Kono. If assessed in term of quality, the visual element in this lable is harmoniously arranged and create a balanced and unifie...
Paper waste is the most produced waste in the field of education. No exception with the visual la... more Paper waste is the most produced waste in the field of education. No exception with the visual language courses held at STSRD VISI. In one semester, the visual language course requires a lot of paper use, where the paper is only used once. From these problems, visual language courses then apply the blended learning model whose method combines face-to-face and online methods using Google Classroom to deliver material and assignments. The results of implementing this blended learning model significantly reduce the number of paper used in visual language courses.

International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 2017
In early 2015, a billboard advertisement of cigarette product Sampoerna A Mild titled “Mula Mula ... more In early 2015, a billboard advertisement of cigarette product Sampoerna A Mild titled “Mula Mula Malu-Malu, Lama Lama Mau” or in English means “Initially Feel Shy, Gradually Want” were protested by the majority of Indonesian people. Protests were stated on the website, with a petition asking for the billboard to be removed immediately. Shortly after, Sampoerna A Mild company responded to the protest by apologizing to the people of Indonesia and removing the billboard. This case raises several questions for the author: Why was Sampoerna A Mild’s billboard removed?; What were the communicative sign contained in the illustrations that causes the billboard to be removed?; What was the idelogical background of Indonesian society which causes them to reject the billboard of Sampoerna A Mild? To answer these questions, this research based on a case study uses the methods of art critic as described by E.B Feldman. Data collection was done based on the study of literature, the...
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa, 2017
The rampant of graffiti activity in Yogyakarta has an impact on increasing the amount of spraycan... more The rampant of graffiti activity in Yogyakarta has an impact on increasing the amount of spraycan waste that became the main tools in this activity. The utilization of spraycan waste then becomes an interesting thing, as shown in the street art exhibition catalog “Voice of Wall 6 Hours Exhibition”. This exhibition used spraycan waste as a catalog exhibition. Thus this catalog exhibition has been interesting thing to study. This study uses qualitative descriptive method to get a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the utilization of spraycan waste as the exhibition catalog of “Voice of Wall 6 Hours Exhibition”.
AKSA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual, 2020
Discussion about the problem of world waste, especially plastic wastein the sea, is currently a s... more Discussion about the problem of world waste, especially plastic wastein the sea, is currently a seriously problem, especially in Indonesia.Indonesia is the second-largest contributor to plastic waste in theworld. Plastic waste in the sea takes 500-1000 years to completelydecompose. So that efforts need to be made to reduce the use ofplastic to prevent the destruction of Indonesia's marine ecosystem.The effort made by the writer is to design motion graphics. Motiongraphics become an educational medium for junior high schoolchildren about the impact of plastic in the ocean along with solutionsthat can be applied in everyday life.
AKSA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual, 2020
Discussion about the problem of world waste, especially plastic wastein the sea, is currently a s... more Discussion about the problem of world waste, especially plastic wastein the sea, is currently a seriously problem, especially in Indonesia.Indonesia is the second-largest contributor to plastic waste in theworld. Plastic waste in the sea takes 500-1000 years to completelydecompose. So that efforts need to be made to reduce the use ofplastic to prevent the destruction of Indonesia's marine ecosystem.The effort made by the writer is to design motion graphics. Motiongraphics become an educational medium for junior high schoolchildren about the impact of plastic in the ocean along with solutionsthat can be applied in everyday life.

Periode 1940-an telah menjadi saksi kemunculan produk-produk teh seduh di Pulau Jawa. Salah satu ... more Periode 1940-an telah menjadi saksi kemunculan produk-produk teh seduh di Pulau Jawa. Salah satu produk yang lahir kala itu dan masih kuat eksistensinya hingga kini ialah “Teh Cap Botol”. Sebagai salah satu produk teh seduh yang telah lebih dari lima dasawarsa hadir di Indonesia, ilustrasi pada kemasannya menjadi menarik untuk dikaji. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena ilustrasi pada kemasan produk Teh Cap Botol sebagai identitas bagi produk itu sendiri. Ilustrasi kemasannya tak lekang oleh waktu dan telah menjadi ciri khas bagi produk Teh Cap Botol di mata konsumennya. Demikian yang menjadi latar belakang dalam penelitian ini ialah pencarian makna atas dasar tema dan konsep di balik ilustrasi kemasan Teh Cap Botol. Tinjauan dalam penelitian ini bersifat sejarah dengan menggunakan teori ikonografi dan ikonologi Erwin Panofsky. Tinjauan ikonografi menekankan kepada tema dan konsep yang terlampir pada ilustrasi Teh Cap Botol. Sedangkan interpretasi ikonologi sebagai hasil akhir pencarian ...
AKSA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual
Ngadinegaran village is a location for approximately fifteenhomestays for tourists. Although thes... more Ngadinegaran village is a location for approximately fifteenhomestays for tourists. Although these tourists have used the GoogleMaps application, it's often mistakes in the way to finding thelocation of the homestay to go. This reality is supported by theresults of a questionnaire of one hundred tourists who stay at ahomestay in Ngadinegaran village. Whereas they mentioned the needfor an infographic to make it easier for them to find the location ofthe homestay. Thus the infographic design for Ngadinegaran villageis the solution to the problems faced and becomes the main focus forcommunity service activities to be carried out.
Jurnal Kreatif Volume IV nomor 1, 2016
Papers by Donna Carollina