Papers by George Porto Ferreira
Os entes do SISNAMA, sobretudo o Ministério do Meio Ambiente e suas entidades vinculadas (IBAMA, ... more Os entes do SISNAMA, sobretudo o Ministério do Meio Ambiente e suas entidades vinculadas (IBAMA, ICMBIO, ANA, JBRJ, SFB), para o cumprimento de suas missões institucionais, conduzem ações de monitoramento ambiental utilizando as mais diversas fontes de dados ambientais. Atuando isoladamente, cada instituição se limita a buscar respostas para as questões que estão em sua respectiva esfera de competência. Com isso, grandes questões ambientais como, por exemplo, a relação entre a escassez de água em São Paulo e o desmatamento na Amazônia, acabam por ficar sem um lócus adequado para ser analisada. Em atendimento à portaria MMA n° 365, de 27 de novembro de 2015, este artigo apresenta um diagnóstico das principais iniciativas governamentais na esfera federal para a produção e disponibilização de dados sobre o meio ambiente e propõe a criação do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento Ambiental para tratar de forma integrada os dados ambientais produzidos no Brasil.Número de páginas: 53 p.Gestão ...
Since 1988, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has produced annual rates of defores... more Since 1988, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has produced annual rates of deforestation in the Amazon forest. This rate is achieved basically in two steps: (i) interpretation and generation of deforestation polygons based on satellite images; and (ii) normalization of quantitative deforestation in relation to the acquisition date and amount of cloud cover in each satellite image. This work makes use of polygons generated in the first step of the PRODES methodology to support the idea that each year the most of the occurrences of deforestation happens in the same macro-regions defined by the Kernel density map. In other words, what it is intended to demonstrate is that regions concentrating occurrences of deforestation in one year can be used to delimitate the regions of high probability of occurrence of deforestation in the next year. The main result on this study is the finding that, in the last six years, an average of 82% of the occurrences of deforestation are co...
This article proposes an automatic methodology to measure rivers and to establish Permanent Prote... more This article proposes an automatic methodology to measure rivers and to establish Permanent Protected Areas as established by law number 12.651 of May, 2012. The article will describe the procedures used to automatically process a RapidEye image from the region of Pontal do Paranapanema including hydrographic detection through non supervised classification and the application of an algorithm developed through Erdas Model Maker to determine the width of rivers and the respective APPs.Pages: 6861-686
Conference Presentations by George Porto Ferreira
Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto,, 2015
INPE has monitored deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in near real-time using the Moderate Res... more INPE has monitored deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in near real-time using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, which has 1-2 repeat pass and 250-m spatial resolution. As farmers started to clear-cut forests in small patches more intensively, the use of MODIS sensor is becoming limited. In order to complement the information provided by the INPE´s system, we propose a methodological approach to detect alterations in forestlands from the Legal Amazonia based on two subsequent Landsat-8 overpasses in time. The study area was a set of 85 Landsat-8 scenes located mostly in the states of Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Pará where ongoing deforestation is significant. The approach is based on the difference between these two images, which is entirely processed using the color rendering function available in the public domain Quantum GIS Desktop 2.4.0. Pixels presenting spectral changes are highlighted in bright tones and may be related to clear-cutting or to forest degradation processes. Visual interpretation of RGB color composites are then conducted only on such highlighted portions of images, making the whole process of image analysis much faster. In the time period of August 1-October 3, 2014, we identified a total of 924,49 km 2 of alterations in the study area. The municipality of Altamira, Para State, presented the highest area of alteration (90,3 km 2). Results showed that the approach developed in this study is suitable to detect small-size alterations in the Brazilian Amazon (~ > 6 ha) within the Landsat patch frame (185 km) in near real-time.
Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto,, 2015
INPE has monitored deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in near real-time using the Moderate Res... more INPE has monitored deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in near real-time using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, which has 1-2 repeat pass and 250-m spatial resolution. As farmers started to clear-cut forests in small patches more intensively, the use of MODIS sensor is becoming limited. In order to complement the information provided by the INPE´s system, we propose a methodological approach to detect alterations in forestlands from the Legal Amazonia based on two subsequent Landsat-8 overpasses in time. The study area was a set of 85 Landsat-8 scenes located mostly in the states of Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Pará where ongoing deforestation is significant. The approach is based on the difference between these two images, which is entirely processed using the color rendering function available in the public domain Quantum GIS Desktop 2.4.0. Pixels presenting spectral changes are highlighted in bright tones and may be related to clear-cutting or to forest degradation processes. Visual interpretation of RGB color composites are then conducted only on such highlighted portions of images, making the whole process of image analysis much faster. In the time period of August 1-October 3, 2014, we identified a total of 924,49 km 2 of alterations in the study area. The municipality of Altamira, Para State, presented the highest area of alteration (90,3 km 2). Results showed that the approach developed in this study is suitable to detect small-size alterations in the Brazilian Amazon (~ > 6 ha) within the Landsat patch frame (185 km) in near real-time.
Papers by George Porto Ferreira
Conference Presentations by George Porto Ferreira