Papers by juan carlos stagnaro
Revista Argentina de Zoonosis y Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes, Dec 1, 2014

Journal of Affective Disorders, Apr 1, 2022
OBJECTIVE to estimate structural and attitudinal reasons for premature discontinuation of mental ... more OBJECTIVE to estimate structural and attitudinal reasons for premature discontinuation of mental health treatment, socio-demographic and clinical correlates of treatment dropout due to these reasons, and to test country differences from the overall effect across the region of the Americas. METHODS World Health Organization-World Mental Health (WMH) surveys were carried out in six countries in the Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and USA. Among the 1991 participants who met diagnostic criteria (measured with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI)) for a mental disorder and were in treatment in the prior 12-months, the 236 (12.2%) who dropped out of treatment before the professional recommended were included. FINDINGS In all countries, individuals more frequently reported attitudinal (79.2%) rather than structural reasons (30.7%) for dropout. Disorder severity was associated with structural reasons; those with severe disorder (versus mild disorder) had 3.4 (95%CI=1.1-11.1) times the odds of reporting a structural reason. Regarding attitudinal reasons, those with lower income (versus higher income) were less likely to discontinue treatment because of getting better (OR=0.4; 95%CI= 0.2-0.9). Country specific variations were found. LIMITATIONS Not all countries, or the poorest, in the region were included. Some estimations couldn´t be calculated due to cell size. Causality cannot be assumed. CONCLUSION Clinicians should in the first sessions address attitudinal factors that may lead to premature termination. Public policies need to consider distribution of services to increase convenience. A more rational use of resources would be to offer brief therapies to individuals most likely to drop out of treatment prematurely.
Revista de psicoanálisis, 2001
PubMed, Apr 1, 2020
Preceded by an introduction that highlights the importance of acknowledging those who spoke out a... more Preceded by an introduction that highlights the importance of acknowledging those who spoke out and led the Argentinian psychiatric field for more than a century, thirty Argentinian psychiatrists are presented and their ideas are summarized in this manuscript. These psychiatrists include: Arturo Ameghino, René Arditi Rocha, Gregorio Bermann, José T. Borda, Gonzalo Bosch, Exequías Bringas Nuñez, Domingo Cabred, Raúl Camino, Lanfranco Ciampi, Juan Dalma, Francisco De Veyga, Noel Feldman, R. Horacio Etchegoyen, Jorge García Badaracco, Mauricio Goldenberg, José Ingenieros, Cristofredo Jakob, Alejandro Korn, Enrique Eduardo Krapf, Osvaldo Loudet, Lucio Meléndez, Braulio Moyano, Juan M. Obarrio, Elpidio R. Olivera, Carlos Rodolfo Pereyra, Enrique Pichón Rivière, José María Ramos Mejía, Telma Reca, Carolina Tobar García, Guillermo Vidal.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Argentine psychiatric nosologies and nosographies]](
PubMed, May 1, 2017
Since the late 19th century, Argentinean psychiatrists have been developing classifcations of psy... more Since the late 19th century, Argentinean psychiatrists have been developing classifcations of psychiatric disorders. Their work has had local originality and fruitful exchange with international controversies on the subject. The thinking of some Argentinean psychiatrists transcended the borders of the country and was adopted in the South American region, as was the case with the classifcation proposed by José T. Borda. There were also historical anticipations of concepts that were not known in other latitudes: "oligotimia", a category created by Enrique Pichon-Rivière, preceded the characterization of early childhood autism by Leo Kanner. In recent decades, Argentinean psychiatrists have adopted current international classifcations (DSM and CIE), but also actively participated in the elaboration of an original regional proposal: the Latin American Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis (GLADP-VR 2012), and collaborated with the surveys carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the revision of the future ICD 11. This article provides a detailed description of Argentinian classifcations, extensively quoting each author to provide a clear understanding of their thinking, as well as critical reviews of their proposals.
PubMed, Jul 29, 2003
In almost all countries where reliable statistics researches are conducted, the rate of suicide a... more In almost all countries where reliable statistics researches are conducted, the rate of suicide among elderly people rises in people over 65 years old, reaching its highest point at 85 years old. Nevertheless, it seems that this phenomena is tended to be ignored. Although the evidence given by the epidemiology, many physicians and even of psychiatrits claim that the suicide among elderly is rare.
PubMed, Dec 5, 2003
In this paper the author analyzes the epidemiological data of the effects of the social crisis on... more In this paper the author analyzes the epidemiological data of the effects of the social crisis on the mental health against the background of the political and social events in Argentine in the last years. These effects are found both in the general population and in the health care professionals. The article reviews the clinical and psychopathological approaches to understand the disorders of the patients during a social crisis.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Evolution and situation of the historiography of psychiatry in Argentina]](
PubMed, Feb 9, 2012
Historical researches focusing on the study of the ideas on madness and on psychiatry as a medica... more Historical researches focusing on the study of the ideas on madness and on psychiatry as a medical specialty in Argentina published until 1980 were few, and they were scattered throughout a time period covering more than a century. Some of them, however, constituted sources of useful data that contributed to subsequent developments which are still, in great measure, under way. New collective projects adopting new methodological approaches to address the subject have emerged in recent years. In this respect, the establishment of a vast plan for the research and compilation of primary sources, the organization and development of a formation of human resources that may adequately meet future research work, and a more solid assurance of the publication and divulgement of this research work are still pending. This article, of an introductory nature and predominantly descriptive and panoramic, reviews the main works and authors and their theoretical conceptions, situating them in the context of their time.
Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Mar 1, 2007
![Research paper thumbnail of [Present training for specialists in psychiatry: an epistemological challenge]](
PubMed, Nov 21, 2013
Teaching theoretical-technical knowledge aimed at training specialists in psychiatry at postgradu... more Teaching theoretical-technical knowledge aimed at training specialists in psychiatry at postgraduate level requires the explicitness of the theoretical model to which the curricula presented to students should be ordered. First, said model should be coherent with the general curricula for the medical training from which candidates to obtain the specialist degree graduate; second, it should serve to transmit theoretical elements, attitudes and skills that allow their work of excellence, which means acquiring the qualities considered relevant and necessary by the consensus among the members of a specialty, discipline or science (in our case, medical specialty in psychiatry) in the present historical moment. Reference points to meet them in the light of the present data concerning medical and psychiatric paradigms are developed. This article refers to those particular aspects with special emphasis on certain epistemological issues, from whose effects the same specialists do not escape, and which also condition their teaching practice, trying to show that an integrative pedagogical model is the one that best fits the contemporary historical conditions.
Asclepio-revista De Historia De La Medicina Y De La Ciencia, Dec 30, 2015
sostenía que las causas de las enfermedades humanas no se pueden distinguir entre puramente menta... more sostenía que las causas de las enfermedades humanas no se pueden distinguir entre puramente mentales, químicas o físicas, sino que resultan de una esencial interacción entre estos tres dominios. Además, formuló las bases de una nueva especialidad, a la que denominó psiquiatría, planteó los derechos de los enfermos mentales, denunció los efectos del estigma social que los afecta, defendió la creación de instituciones especializadas adecuadas para ellos, enfatizó la responsabilidad del gobierno y la sociedad toda ante los ciudadanos aquejados de esos trastornos y propuso a la cura psíquica como un tratamiento esencial, tanto para las enfermedades mentales como para las somáticas, en un plano equivalente a los tratamientos farmacológicos y a la cirugía.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Biomedicine or anthropological medicine]](
PubMed, Apr 23, 2002
The huge developments in the biological research and in the technics used in other spheres of sci... more The huge developments in the biological research and in the technics used in other spheres of science (physics, mathematics, chemistry, cybernetics, etc.) have a great influence on the constitution of the actual medical paradigm, as well as other non strictly scientific factors. These external factors are economic, political and cultural ones -such as the pharmaceutical industry and the public health systems, the privatisation of health services, the large amount of professionals, the advances in the medical instruments, etc. The theoritician of the Heidelberg School, called this prevalent model "biomedical" or "natural-scientific", underlying this way the tendance to the biological reductionism in relation to the concept of "illness" thus excluding the subjectivity, the history and the sociability of the patient when dealing with the pain, the inability and the death. Since the middle of XXth Century a serious criticism of this medical paradigm has been raised. This criticism revolved around the so called anthropological or integral model. This article makes a revision of this problem from a historical and epistemological outlook, revisiting some specific features in the psychiatric field.
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commo... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial (by-nc) Spain 3.0.
Papers by juan carlos stagnaro