Papers by Susana Lloveras
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2021
Chagas disease reactivation in HIV-positive people is an opportunistic infection with 79 to 100% ... more Chagas disease reactivation in HIV-positive people is an opportunistic infection with 79 to 100% mortality. It commonly involves the central nervous system (CNS).
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Actualizaciones en Sida e Infectología, Aug 22, 2022
Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica, Sep 1, 2006
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2020
Resumen. Se ha observado la presencia de especies de Tityus en diferentes regiones del país, en l... more Resumen. Se ha observado la presencia de especies de Tityus en diferentes regiones del país, en las cuales su presencia no había sido comunicada previamente: 1-Tityus bahiensis en las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires, en esta última en la localidad de Lanús y en San Clemente del Tuyú, y 2-Tityus confluens
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Mar 1, 2010

Frontiers in tropical diseases, Feb 15, 2022
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.... more Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. COVID-19 leads, in most patients, to mild-to-moderate symptoms, but some develop severe disease and succumbed to death. People with medical conditions have a higher risk of death than those without them. Chagas disease (CD) can cause cardiac diseases in approximately one-third of affected people. The aim of this study is to find out if there is any clinical association between Chagas disease and COVID-19 severity. This is a cohort study of 29 patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 and had a diagnosis of chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection. This coinfected cohort was matched by sex, age, presence of comorbidities, and requirement of hospitalization on intensive care unit (ICU) at admission with a control cohort of patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 without CD in a 3:1 ratio (n = 87). The clinical outcomes evaluated were as follows: days of hospitalization, death, and requirement of ICU and mechanical respiratory assistance (MV). The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics in Research Committee. The Chagas disease/COVID-19 coinfected cohort had a median age of 55 years old (49.0, 66.0); 17 (59%) were male. All patients survived the acute COVID-19. Three of them were admitted to the ICU, and two required MV. Twenty-two (75.8%) required supplemental oxygen. There were no statistical differences in any laboratory parameters between the groups except for lactic acid dehydrogenase, which showed higher levels in the coinfected cohort, with a median of 573 U/L (interquartile range: 486.00, 771.00) vs. 476 U/L (346.00, 641.00) in the control group (p = 0.007). There were no differences in clinical outcomes between both groups. On the cohort with Chagas disease, there were zero deaths, three (10.3%) were admitted in the ICU, and two (6.9%) required MV, while for the control group there were six deaths (6.6%), 13 required ICU (14.9%), and 11 required MV (12.6%), without a statistically significant difference. This small series of coinfected Chagas disease and COVID-19 does not suggest differences in clinical evolution compared to non-Chagas patients. This data is similar to a Brazilian cohort. More data of this population with and without cardiomyopathy is needed to optimize the follow-up and recommendation for the population affected by this neglected tropical disease about COVID-19.

Revista Chilena De Infectologia, Dec 1, 2011
The geography, tourist attractions and the multiple sites of historical and cultural interest mak... more The geography, tourist attractions and the multiple sites of historical and cultural interest make South America as an important destination chosen by travelers. The continent has a wide climatic variation from north to south, making exposure to risk different between the tropics and the temperate or cold regions. In the countries of tropical South America, the greatest risk is associated with the possibility of acquiring vector-borne diseases, like yellow fever, dengue, malaria and leishmaniasis. The risk of acquiring traveler's diarrhea and food-borne illness is similar across the continent, with some variations according to country and to visit urban or rural areas. Rabies, pertussis and diphtheria have appeared as epidemics in several countries and other diseases such as rickettsiosis, hantavirosis and viral encephalitis have expanded their distribution. The geographic and epidemiological diversity of South America, promotes a challenge for travel medicine specialists because during the pre-travel advice they have to take in account the kind of trip, traveller´s medical history, exposure to risk and the dynamics of endemic emerging and reemerging diseases in the region.
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Sep 1, 2022

Lancet Infectious Diseases, Feb 1, 2023
Background The early epidemiology of the 2022 monkeypox epidemic in non-endemic countries differs... more Background The early epidemiology of the 2022 monkeypox epidemic in non-endemic countries differs substantially from the epidemiology previously reported from endemic countries. We aimed to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics among individuals with confirmed cases of monkeypox infection. Methods We descriptively analysed data for patients with confirmed monkeypox who were included in the GeoSentinel global clinical-care-based surveillance system between May 1 and July 1 2022, across 71 clinical sites in 29 countries. Data collected included demographics, travel history including mass gathering attendance, smallpox vaccination history, social history, sexual history, monkeypox exposure history, medical history, clinical presentation, physical examination, testing results, treatment, and outcomes. We did descriptive analyses of epidemiology and subanalyses of patients with and without HIV, patients with CD4 counts of less than 500 cells per mm³ or 500 cells per mm³ and higher, patients with one sexual partner or ten or more sexual partners, and patients with or without a previous smallpox vaccination. Findings 226 cases were reported at 18 sites in 15 countries. Of 211 men for whom data were available, 208 (99%) were gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men (MSM) with a median age of 37 years (range 18-68; IQR 32-43). Of 209 patients for whom HIV status was known, 92 (44%) men had HIV infection with a median CD4 count of 713 cells per mm³ (range 36-1659; IQR 500-885). Of 219 patients for whom data were available, 216 (99%) reported sexual or close intimate contact in the 21 days before symptom onset; MSM reported a median of three partners (IQR 1-8). Of 195 patients for whom data were available, 78 (40%) reported close contact with someone who had confirmed monkeypox. Overall, 30 (13%) of 226 patients were admitted to hospital; 16 (53%) of whom had severe illness, defined as hospital admission for clinical care rather than infection control. No deaths were reported. Compared with patients without HIV, patients with HIV were more likely to have diarrhoea (p=0•002), perianal rash or lesions (p=0•03), and a higher rash burden (median rash burden score 9 [IQR 6-21] for patients with HIV vs median rash burden score 6 [IQR 3-14] for patients without HIV; p<0•0001), but no differences were identified in the proportion of men who had severe illness by HIV status. Interpretation Clinical manifestations of monkeypox infection differed by HIV status. Recommendations should be expanded to include pre-exposure monkeypox vaccination of groups at high risk of infection who plan to engage in sexual or close intimate contact.
Actualizaciones en Sida e Infectología, Aug 22, 2022
Ninguno de los autores declara presentar conflicto de intereses en relación a esta publicación.
Revista Argentina De Microbiologia, 2023

Actualizaciones en Sida e Infectología
La enfermedad de Chagas fue descubierta hace más de un siglo y sigue siendo, según la Organizac... more La enfermedad de Chagas fue descubierta hace más de un siglo y sigue siendo, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, una enfermedad tropical desatendida que afecta entre 6 y 7 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Es endémica en 21 países de América Latina, donde se transmite por vía vectorial a los seres humanos y otros mamíferos, principalmente por las heces de insectos triatominos que se alimentan de sangre. La infección generalmente cursa en forma asintomática, pero tres de cada diez personas pueden presentar afección cardiaca o del sistema digestivo. Detectada a tiempo y en su fase inicial, puede curarse o mejorar su evolución clínica. Como problema de salud se ha asociado históricamente a la pobreza y al entorno rural de Latinoamérica, pero en la actualidad es un problema de salud global que ha traspasado las fronteras de la región y hoy podemos encontrar una persona afectada de Chagas en cualquier lugar del planeta. Algunos datos sobre esta enfermedad inte...
Acta toxicológica argentina, 2018
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2021
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018
Papers by Susana Lloveras