Consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) occurs when animals exposed to an unexpected dow... more Consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) occurs when animals exposed to an unexpected downshift from a high palatable reward (e.g., 32% sucrose solution) to a less preferred one (e.g., 4% sucrose solution) show an abrupt and transient suppression of the consummatory response, compared with control animals that always had access to the less preferred one. This phenomenon constitutes an animal model of stress produced by frustrative events. To obtain information about individual differences regarding cSNC, we used Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) to analyze a sample of 53 animals exposed to an incentive downshift. We found two profiles of animals, both showing the suppression of the consummatory response but diverging in the speed of the recovery. Our results are consistent with previous literature showing individual differences in cSNC and do not support the existence of a third profile.
The sensation/novelty seeking behavioral trait refers to the exploration/preference for a novel e... more The sensation/novelty seeking behavioral trait refers to the exploration/preference for a novel environment. Novelty seeking increases during late adolescence and it has been associated with several neurobehavioral disorders. In this experiment, we asked whether inbred Roman high-and low-avoidance (RHA-I, RLA-I) rats (1) differ in novelty seeking in late adolescence and (2) whether late adolescent novelty seeking predicts this trait in adulthood. Thirty six male RHA-I and 36 RLA-I rats were exposed to a novel object exploration (NOE) test during late adolescence (pnd: 52–59; Dependent variables: contact latency, contact time, contact frequency). Head-dipping (hole-board, HB), time and visits to a novel-arm (Y-maze), and latency-in and emergence latency (emergence test) were registered in adulthood (pnd: 83–105). The results showed strain differences in all these tests (RHA-I > RLA-I). Factor analysis (RHA-I + RLA-I) revealed two clusters. The first one grouped HB and emergence test measures. The second one grouped NOE and Y-maze variables. Time exploring a novel object (NOE) was a significant predictor of novel arm time (RHA-I + RLA, RHA-I); contact latency was a significant predictor of novel arm frequency (RLA-I). Present results show consistent behavioral associations across four novelty-seeking tests and suggest that late adolescent novelty seeking predicts this genetically-influenced temperamental trait in adult Roman rats.
En el presente artículo, se revisan las circunstancias particulares, autores e ideas que influyer... more En el presente artículo, se revisan las circunstancias particulares, autores e ideas que influyeron en la generación de uno de los modelos de personalidad más sólidos con que cuenta la Psicología hasta nuestros días: el Modelo Psicobiológico de Eysenck. Se presentan las características principales del mismo, las cuales lo definen como un modelo disposicional, dimensional, jerárquico y psicobiológico. El intento de mejorar la descripción, explicación y medición de las dimensiones llevó a este autor a proponer modificaciones a su teoría original y a sus instrumentos. Se analizan de este modo las distintas etapas de su modelo. A pesar de la proliferación de teorías de personalidad, el modelo de Eysenck tienen una validez empírica que pocos poseen. Disponemos en Psicología de la Personalidad de un cuerpo de conocimientos que representa el Paradigma dentro del cual con mucha probabilidad nos moveremos en los próximos años.
Resumen Abstract El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo aportar descripciones actualizadas del fe... more Resumen Abstract El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo aportar descripciones actualizadas del fenómeno del maltrato en niños y adolescente de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 5341 casos de niños y adolescentes de 0 a 20 años intervenidos en el año 2010 por haber sido víctimas de maltrato. Se halló que el maltrato físico fue el motivo de intervención más frecuente. Las niñas presentaron mayor proporción de maltrato por abuso sexual, mientras que los niños registraron mayores proporciones de negligencia, maltrato físico y abandono. Se observó un incremento de la incidencia de abuso sexual en las adolescentes a partir de los 12 años. En conjunto, los datos evidencian que el sexo y la edad de la víctima se encuentran diferencialmente asociadas a los distintos tipos de maltrato, siendo variables pertinentes a ser tenidas en cuenta en futuras investigaciones y por los organismos de prevención y protección del maltrato. Study on Child Abuse in Children and Adolescents in the Province of Buenos Aires: The principal aim of this study was to provide a current description of the child and teenager maltreatment phenomenon in the Buenos Aires Province. The sample was composed by 5341 cases of children and teenagers from 0 to 20 years old, whose were treated in 2010 for having been victims of maltreatment. Physical maltreatment was the most frequent one. The girls presented major proportion of sexual abuse, whereas boys registered major proportions of negligence, physical maltreatment and desertion situation. An increase of the sexual abuse frequency in teenagers from 12 years was observed. As a whole, the information demonstrates that sex and age of victims are differentially associated with different types of maltreatment, and these are pertinent variables to have into account by future investigations, and prevention and protection organisms.
Frustration is an emotional response that can be induced by the sudden devaluation of a reinforce... more Frustration is an emotional response that can be induced by the sudden devaluation of a reinforcer in the presence of greater reinforcement expectancies (e.g. instrumental successive negative contrast, iSNC). This emotional response seems to be similar to anxiety and can be attenuated by previous experiences of reward loss (e.g. partial reinforcement, PR, as opposed to continuous reinforcement, CR). In this study we used iSNC and PR procedures in order to compare the performance of two strains of rats psychogenetically selected on the basis of their emotional reactivity: the inbred Roman High-(RHA-I, low anxiety) and Low-(RLA-I, high anxiety) Avoidance rats. Animals were exposed to a straight alley, where they were changed from 12 pellets in the preshift phase (presented in 100% of trials—CR vs. 50% of trials—PR) to 2 pellets in the postshift phase, or exposed to 2 pellets throughout the training. The results indicated that the iSNC only appeared in RLA-I rats exposed to CR, as opposed to RLA-I animals exposed to PR and to RHA-I rats exposed to PR or CR. These data seem to support the implication of emotional responses in both iSNC and PR situations, and indicate that the behavioral reactivity to reward loss experiences is modulated by genetic variables. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Adolescence is a time involving a series of changes in the use of appetitive reinforcers like foo... more Adolescence is a time involving a series of changes in the use of appetitive reinforcers like food, as well as neuroendocrine changes like those taking place in the mesolimbic dopamine function. Social isolation from postnatal day 21 to 36 in rats leads to behavioral and neurophysiological alterations such as increased consumption of appetitive reinforcers. The work is focused on studying how exposure to chronic stress induced by social isolation during adolescence can have a long-lasting effect on responses to reinforcement shifts in adulthood. Two experiments were performed in rats in order to analyze the effect of adolescent isolation on the responses to unanticipated shifts in reinforcement during adulthood, in reinforcement devaluation (32-4% of sucrose solution), increase (4-32% of sucrose solution), and extinction (32-0% of sucrose solution) procedures. Adolescent isolation intensified the intake response resulting from a reinforcement increase (i.e., greater positive contrast), but had no effect on the response to reinforcement devaluation and omission. The implications of this procedure are discussed, along with the underlying behavioral and neurochemical mechanisms. ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol
R e c i b i d o : 9 d e a g o s t o d e 2 0 1 0 -A c e p t a d o : 0 7 d e s e p t i e m b r e d ... more R e c i b i d o : 9 d e a g o s t o d e 2 0 1 0 -A c e p t a d o : 0 7 d e s e p t i e m b r e d e 2 0 1 0
Perinatal asphyxia remains as one of the most important causes of death and disability in childre... more Perinatal asphyxia remains as one of the most important causes of death and disability in children, without an effective treatment. Moreover, little is known about the long-lasting behavioral consequences of asphyxia at birth. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to investigate the motor, emotional and cognitive functions of adult asphyctic rats. Experimental subjects consisted of rats born vaginally (CTL), by cesarean section (C+), or by cesarean section following 19 min of asphyxia (PA). At three months of age, animals were examined in a behavioral test battery including elevated plus maze, open field, Morris water maze, and an incentive downshift procedure. Results indicated that groups did not differ in anxiety-related behaviors, although a large variability was observed in the asphyctic group and therefore, the results are not completely conclusive. In addition, PA and C+ rats showed a deficit in exploration of new environments, but to a much lesser extent in the latter group. Spatial reference and working memory impairments were also found in PA rats. Finally, when animals were downshifted from a 32% to a 4% sucrose solution, an attenuated suppression of consummatory behavior was observed in PA rats. These results confirmed and extended those reported previously about the behavioral alterations associated with acute asphyxia around birth.
En el contraste sucesivo negativo consumatorio (CSNC), cuando las ratas reciben 32% de agua azuca... more En el contraste sucesivo negativo consumatorio (CSNC), cuando las ratas reciben 32% de agua azucarada e imprevistamente son expuestas al 4% de la misma solución, consumen menos que las que siempre recibieron 4%, debido a un efecto de frustración. 38 ratas macho de la cepa Wistar se entrenaron en un CSNC y en un condicionamiento de lugar, usando inyecciones de etanol (0.5 g/kg) apareado a un contex-to blanco (LB). Cuando la prueba de preferencia se realizó in-mediatamente después de la devaluación del reforzador, las ratas frustradas que recibieron salina en ambos contextos pre-firieron el contexto negro (LN). Esta tendencia se revirtió en los animales frustrados que recibieron etanol en el LB. Se con-sideran las implicancias teóricas y aplicadas de este hallazgo. Palabras clave: alcohol, ansiedad, frustración, condicionamiento de lugar, ratas. Abstract: Following Consummatory Successive Negative Contrast (CSNC), when rats are given a 32% of sugared water and then unexpectedly exposed to a 4% of the solution, they drink less compared to the rats that always received the 4%, due to a frustration effect. 39 Wistar male rats were trained in two ways: in a CSNC and in a conditioned place, using ethanol injections (0.5 g/kg) paired to a white context (LB). When the test of preference was carried out immediately after the devaluated re-enforcer, the frustrated rats, which received saline in both contexts, preferred the black context (LN). This trend reverted in frustrated animals that received ethanol in the LB. Theoretical implications and applications of this finding are being considered.
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
Facultad de Psicología -uBa / secretaría de investigaciones / anuario de investigaciones / volume... more Facultad de Psicología -uBa / secretaría de investigaciones / anuario de investigaciones / volumen xiv / año 2006 De la página 211 a la 220 ESTRESORES OCUPACIONALES, SOPORTE SOCIAL Y CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL EN JÓVENES
RESUMEN La inestabilidad laboral se ha tornado uno de los estre-sores psicosociales más relevante... more RESUMEN La inestabilidad laboral se ha tornado uno de los estre-sores psicosociales más relevantes en las últimas dé-cadas y su percepción podría generar malestar y sufri-miento, desembocando en un estado de estrés con la consecuente elevación de tensión en uno o varios de sus canales de expresión, provocando así efectos dele-téreos en la salud psico-física de los trabajadores. Nos preguntamos qué aspectos personales y laborales de los trabajadores estarían vinculados a un mayor ma-lestar debido a la inestabilidad laboral y si éste es pre-dictor de la tensión psicológica que manifiesta el traba-jador. El IMPIL, en su versión reducida, junto con otras técni-cas, fue administrado a una muestra de 90 empleados en relación de dependencia. Concluimos que la inestabilidad laboral impacta negati-vamente en el trabajador a través de uno de los canales de expresión: el malestar, sobre todo si existe un des-ajuste entre el nivel de instrucción y la tarea que realiza. A su vez, corroboramos que la inestabilidad laboral y el malestar que la misma genera producen altos niveles de tensión psicológica en el trabajador. ABSTRACT In the last decades job instability has become one of the most important psychosocial stressors and its perception could generate uneasiness and suffering, leading to a stressful state with a consequent increase of strain through one or several of its channels of expression , producing deleterious effects in the psychophys-ical health of workers. We wonder which workers' personal and job features could be related to a greater uneasiness due to job instability and if this job instability is a predictor of the psychological strain expressed by them. The IMPIL, in its reduced version, and other techniques were administered to a sample of 90 salaried employees. We conclude that job instability has a negative impact on the worker through one of the channels of expression: uneasiness, most of all if there exists a maladjust-ement between the education level and the tasks performed by the subject. We also confirm that the job instability and the uneasiness produced by it, generate high levels of psychological strain on the worker. diversos Proyectos UBACYT y CONICET referidos al tema " Ecoevaluación Psicológica " aplicada a diferentes contextos. Actualmente dirige los Proyectos UBACYT (P-016) " El malestar generado por inestabilidad laboral y/o sobrecarga ocupacional. Su relación con el rendimiento cognitivo y el funcionamiento familiar " y UBACYT (P-703) Urgencia Social " Familia y trabajo. Su significación en condiciones de precariedad psicosocial. Implementación de dispositivos de acompañamiento e intervención " .
Human and animal studies have shown the long-lasting impact of early life experiences on the deve... more Human and animal studies have shown the long-lasting impact of early life experiences on the development of individual differences in stress responsiveness in later life. Despite the numerous works that evaluate the effect of early experiences on different behavioral paradigms, which for the most part are related to aversive situations, there are few studies that assess the effects on the unexpected downshift or omission of positive rewards. The purpose of this article is to present several independent lines of research into how frustration responses during adulthood may be influenced by early experiences. Very few works have been found on the subject, and in most eScholarship provides open access, scholarly publishing services to the University of California and delivers a dynamic research platform to scholars worldwide. cases the results were negative or controversial. However, more recent investigations suggest that the responses in adults to frustration or euphoria may be modulated by early experiences.
In consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC), when rats receive 32% of sweetened water and... more In consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC), when rats receive 32% of sweetened water and are unexpectedly exposed to 4% of the same solution, they consume less than those who received 4% regularly. In consummatory extinction (cE), rats receiving a 32% or 4% sugar solution stop lapping when presented with an empty tube. In both cases, these situations trigger an aversive emotional reaction similar to fear and anxiety called frustration or negative contrast effect. Isolation conditions in adulthood increase anxiety responses. We describe an experiment in which isolated or grouped rats in adulthood are evaluated in an elevated plus maze (EPM), in cSNC and cE. Results show that rats in groups express less anxiety and activity in EPM and more persistence in cE than isolated rats. There are no differences between the two housing conditions in cSNC. We discuss these results on the basis of frustration theories.
Resumen: Se presentan dos experimentos para estudiar el efecto de la reducción del valor de incen... more Resumen: Se presentan dos experimentos para estudiar el efecto de la reducción del valor de incentivo sobre las respuestas de tiempo de observación y valoración de la emocionalidad de las imágenes, mediante una escala Likert. En ambos estudios un grupo de sujetos observó una serie de fotografías del Sistema Internacional de Imagen Afectiva (International Affective Picture System; IAPS) clasificadas como placenteras de alta activación (fase de pre-cambio) y luego, placenteras de baja activación (fase de post-cambio, Grupo Experimental, GE). Otro grupo observó en ambas fases solamente las imágenes placenteras de baja activación (Grupo Control, GC). No hubo efectos en el tiempo de observación de las imágenes pero sí en su valoración emocional. Durante la fase de post-cambio el GE evaluó las imágenes de baja activación como menos emocionales que el GC. El Experimento 2 replica el resultado cuando se interpone una tarea distractora entre cada ensayo de presentación de las imágenes. Estos resultados indican que la valoración afectiva de las imágenes está modulada por efectos de contraste negativo y que su mecanismo es de origen central. Palabras clave: Contraste negativo; imagen; IAPS; emoción.
Consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) occurs when animals exposed to an unexpected dow... more Consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) occurs when animals exposed to an unexpected downshift from a high palatable reward (e.g., 32% sucrose solution) to a less preferred one (e.g., 4% sucrose solution) show an abrupt and transient suppression of the consummatory response, compared with control animals that always had access to the less preferred one. This phenomenon constitutes an animal model of stress produced by frustrative events. To obtain information about individual differences regarding cSNC, we used Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) to analyze a sample of 53 animals exposed to an incentive downshift. We found two profiles of animals, both showing the suppression of the consummatory response but diverging in the speed of the recovery. Our results are consistent with previous literature showing individual differences in cSNC and do not support the existence of a third profile.
The sensation/novelty seeking behavioral trait refers to the exploration/preference for a novel e... more The sensation/novelty seeking behavioral trait refers to the exploration/preference for a novel environment. Novelty seeking increases during late adolescence and it has been associated with several neurobehavioral disorders. In this experiment, we asked whether inbred Roman high-and low-avoidance (RHA-I, RLA-I) rats (1) differ in novelty seeking in late adolescence and (2) whether late adolescent novelty seeking predicts this trait in adulthood. Thirty six male RHA-I and 36 RLA-I rats were exposed to a novel object exploration (NOE) test during late adolescence (pnd: 52–59; Dependent variables: contact latency, contact time, contact frequency). Head-dipping (hole-board, HB), time and visits to a novel-arm (Y-maze), and latency-in and emergence latency (emergence test) were registered in adulthood (pnd: 83–105). The results showed strain differences in all these tests (RHA-I > RLA-I). Factor analysis (RHA-I + RLA-I) revealed two clusters. The first one grouped HB and emergence test measures. The second one grouped NOE and Y-maze variables. Time exploring a novel object (NOE) was a significant predictor of novel arm time (RHA-I + RLA, RHA-I); contact latency was a significant predictor of novel arm frequency (RLA-I). Present results show consistent behavioral associations across four novelty-seeking tests and suggest that late adolescent novelty seeking predicts this genetically-influenced temperamental trait in adult Roman rats.
En el presente artículo, se revisan las circunstancias particulares, autores e ideas que influyer... more En el presente artículo, se revisan las circunstancias particulares, autores e ideas que influyeron en la generación de uno de los modelos de personalidad más sólidos con que cuenta la Psicología hasta nuestros días: el Modelo Psicobiológico de Eysenck. Se presentan las características principales del mismo, las cuales lo definen como un modelo disposicional, dimensional, jerárquico y psicobiológico. El intento de mejorar la descripción, explicación y medición de las dimensiones llevó a este autor a proponer modificaciones a su teoría original y a sus instrumentos. Se analizan de este modo las distintas etapas de su modelo. A pesar de la proliferación de teorías de personalidad, el modelo de Eysenck tienen una validez empírica que pocos poseen. Disponemos en Psicología de la Personalidad de un cuerpo de conocimientos que representa el Paradigma dentro del cual con mucha probabilidad nos moveremos en los próximos años.
Resumen Abstract El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo aportar descripciones actualizadas del fe... more Resumen Abstract El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo aportar descripciones actualizadas del fenómeno del maltrato en niños y adolescente de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 5341 casos de niños y adolescentes de 0 a 20 años intervenidos en el año 2010 por haber sido víctimas de maltrato. Se halló que el maltrato físico fue el motivo de intervención más frecuente. Las niñas presentaron mayor proporción de maltrato por abuso sexual, mientras que los niños registraron mayores proporciones de negligencia, maltrato físico y abandono. Se observó un incremento de la incidencia de abuso sexual en las adolescentes a partir de los 12 años. En conjunto, los datos evidencian que el sexo y la edad de la víctima se encuentran diferencialmente asociadas a los distintos tipos de maltrato, siendo variables pertinentes a ser tenidas en cuenta en futuras investigaciones y por los organismos de prevención y protección del maltrato. Study on Child Abuse in Children and Adolescents in the Province of Buenos Aires: The principal aim of this study was to provide a current description of the child and teenager maltreatment phenomenon in the Buenos Aires Province. The sample was composed by 5341 cases of children and teenagers from 0 to 20 years old, whose were treated in 2010 for having been victims of maltreatment. Physical maltreatment was the most frequent one. The girls presented major proportion of sexual abuse, whereas boys registered major proportions of negligence, physical maltreatment and desertion situation. An increase of the sexual abuse frequency in teenagers from 12 years was observed. As a whole, the information demonstrates that sex and age of victims are differentially associated with different types of maltreatment, and these are pertinent variables to have into account by future investigations, and prevention and protection organisms.
Frustration is an emotional response that can be induced by the sudden devaluation of a reinforce... more Frustration is an emotional response that can be induced by the sudden devaluation of a reinforcer in the presence of greater reinforcement expectancies (e.g. instrumental successive negative contrast, iSNC). This emotional response seems to be similar to anxiety and can be attenuated by previous experiences of reward loss (e.g. partial reinforcement, PR, as opposed to continuous reinforcement, CR). In this study we used iSNC and PR procedures in order to compare the performance of two strains of rats psychogenetically selected on the basis of their emotional reactivity: the inbred Roman High-(RHA-I, low anxiety) and Low-(RLA-I, high anxiety) Avoidance rats. Animals were exposed to a straight alley, where they were changed from 12 pellets in the preshift phase (presented in 100% of trials—CR vs. 50% of trials—PR) to 2 pellets in the postshift phase, or exposed to 2 pellets throughout the training. The results indicated that the iSNC only appeared in RLA-I rats exposed to CR, as opposed to RLA-I animals exposed to PR and to RHA-I rats exposed to PR or CR. These data seem to support the implication of emotional responses in both iSNC and PR situations, and indicate that the behavioral reactivity to reward loss experiences is modulated by genetic variables. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Adolescence is a time involving a series of changes in the use of appetitive reinforcers like foo... more Adolescence is a time involving a series of changes in the use of appetitive reinforcers like food, as well as neuroendocrine changes like those taking place in the mesolimbic dopamine function. Social isolation from postnatal day 21 to 36 in rats leads to behavioral and neurophysiological alterations such as increased consumption of appetitive reinforcers. The work is focused on studying how exposure to chronic stress induced by social isolation during adolescence can have a long-lasting effect on responses to reinforcement shifts in adulthood. Two experiments were performed in rats in order to analyze the effect of adolescent isolation on the responses to unanticipated shifts in reinforcement during adulthood, in reinforcement devaluation (32-4% of sucrose solution), increase (4-32% of sucrose solution), and extinction (32-0% of sucrose solution) procedures. Adolescent isolation intensified the intake response resulting from a reinforcement increase (i.e., greater positive contrast), but had no effect on the response to reinforcement devaluation and omission. The implications of this procedure are discussed, along with the underlying behavioral and neurochemical mechanisms. ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol
R e c i b i d o : 9 d e a g o s t o d e 2 0 1 0 -A c e p t a d o : 0 7 d e s e p t i e m b r e d ... more R e c i b i d o : 9 d e a g o s t o d e 2 0 1 0 -A c e p t a d o : 0 7 d e s e p t i e m b r e d e 2 0 1 0
Perinatal asphyxia remains as one of the most important causes of death and disability in childre... more Perinatal asphyxia remains as one of the most important causes of death and disability in children, without an effective treatment. Moreover, little is known about the long-lasting behavioral consequences of asphyxia at birth. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to investigate the motor, emotional and cognitive functions of adult asphyctic rats. Experimental subjects consisted of rats born vaginally (CTL), by cesarean section (C+), or by cesarean section following 19 min of asphyxia (PA). At three months of age, animals were examined in a behavioral test battery including elevated plus maze, open field, Morris water maze, and an incentive downshift procedure. Results indicated that groups did not differ in anxiety-related behaviors, although a large variability was observed in the asphyctic group and therefore, the results are not completely conclusive. In addition, PA and C+ rats showed a deficit in exploration of new environments, but to a much lesser extent in the latter group. Spatial reference and working memory impairments were also found in PA rats. Finally, when animals were downshifted from a 32% to a 4% sucrose solution, an attenuated suppression of consummatory behavior was observed in PA rats. These results confirmed and extended those reported previously about the behavioral alterations associated with acute asphyxia around birth.
En el contraste sucesivo negativo consumatorio (CSNC), cuando las ratas reciben 32% de agua azuca... more En el contraste sucesivo negativo consumatorio (CSNC), cuando las ratas reciben 32% de agua azucarada e imprevistamente son expuestas al 4% de la misma solución, consumen menos que las que siempre recibieron 4%, debido a un efecto de frustración. 38 ratas macho de la cepa Wistar se entrenaron en un CSNC y en un condicionamiento de lugar, usando inyecciones de etanol (0.5 g/kg) apareado a un contex-to blanco (LB). Cuando la prueba de preferencia se realizó in-mediatamente después de la devaluación del reforzador, las ratas frustradas que recibieron salina en ambos contextos pre-firieron el contexto negro (LN). Esta tendencia se revirtió en los animales frustrados que recibieron etanol en el LB. Se con-sideran las implicancias teóricas y aplicadas de este hallazgo. Palabras clave: alcohol, ansiedad, frustración, condicionamiento de lugar, ratas. Abstract: Following Consummatory Successive Negative Contrast (CSNC), when rats are given a 32% of sugared water and then unexpectedly exposed to a 4% of the solution, they drink less compared to the rats that always received the 4%, due to a frustration effect. 39 Wistar male rats were trained in two ways: in a CSNC and in a conditioned place, using ethanol injections (0.5 g/kg) paired to a white context (LB). When the test of preference was carried out immediately after the devaluated re-enforcer, the frustrated rats, which received saline in both contexts, preferred the black context (LN). This trend reverted in frustrated animals that received ethanol in the LB. Theoretical implications and applications of this finding are being considered.
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
Facultad de Psicología -uBa / secretaría de investigaciones / anuario de investigaciones / volume... more Facultad de Psicología -uBa / secretaría de investigaciones / anuario de investigaciones / volumen xiv / año 2006 De la página 211 a la 220 ESTRESORES OCUPACIONALES, SOPORTE SOCIAL Y CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL EN JÓVENES
RESUMEN La inestabilidad laboral se ha tornado uno de los estre-sores psicosociales más relevante... more RESUMEN La inestabilidad laboral se ha tornado uno de los estre-sores psicosociales más relevantes en las últimas dé-cadas y su percepción podría generar malestar y sufri-miento, desembocando en un estado de estrés con la consecuente elevación de tensión en uno o varios de sus canales de expresión, provocando así efectos dele-téreos en la salud psico-física de los trabajadores. Nos preguntamos qué aspectos personales y laborales de los trabajadores estarían vinculados a un mayor ma-lestar debido a la inestabilidad laboral y si éste es pre-dictor de la tensión psicológica que manifiesta el traba-jador. El IMPIL, en su versión reducida, junto con otras técni-cas, fue administrado a una muestra de 90 empleados en relación de dependencia. Concluimos que la inestabilidad laboral impacta negati-vamente en el trabajador a través de uno de los canales de expresión: el malestar, sobre todo si existe un des-ajuste entre el nivel de instrucción y la tarea que realiza. A su vez, corroboramos que la inestabilidad laboral y el malestar que la misma genera producen altos niveles de tensión psicológica en el trabajador. ABSTRACT In the last decades job instability has become one of the most important psychosocial stressors and its perception could generate uneasiness and suffering, leading to a stressful state with a consequent increase of strain through one or several of its channels of expression , producing deleterious effects in the psychophys-ical health of workers. We wonder which workers' personal and job features could be related to a greater uneasiness due to job instability and if this job instability is a predictor of the psychological strain expressed by them. The IMPIL, in its reduced version, and other techniques were administered to a sample of 90 salaried employees. We conclude that job instability has a negative impact on the worker through one of the channels of expression: uneasiness, most of all if there exists a maladjust-ement between the education level and the tasks performed by the subject. We also confirm that the job instability and the uneasiness produced by it, generate high levels of psychological strain on the worker. diversos Proyectos UBACYT y CONICET referidos al tema " Ecoevaluación Psicológica " aplicada a diferentes contextos. Actualmente dirige los Proyectos UBACYT (P-016) " El malestar generado por inestabilidad laboral y/o sobrecarga ocupacional. Su relación con el rendimiento cognitivo y el funcionamiento familiar " y UBACYT (P-703) Urgencia Social " Familia y trabajo. Su significación en condiciones de precariedad psicosocial. Implementación de dispositivos de acompañamiento e intervención " .
Human and animal studies have shown the long-lasting impact of early life experiences on the deve... more Human and animal studies have shown the long-lasting impact of early life experiences on the development of individual differences in stress responsiveness in later life. Despite the numerous works that evaluate the effect of early experiences on different behavioral paradigms, which for the most part are related to aversive situations, there are few studies that assess the effects on the unexpected downshift or omission of positive rewards. The purpose of this article is to present several independent lines of research into how frustration responses during adulthood may be influenced by early experiences. Very few works have been found on the subject, and in most eScholarship provides open access, scholarly publishing services to the University of California and delivers a dynamic research platform to scholars worldwide. cases the results were negative or controversial. However, more recent investigations suggest that the responses in adults to frustration or euphoria may be modulated by early experiences.
In consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC), when rats receive 32% of sweetened water and... more In consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC), when rats receive 32% of sweetened water and are unexpectedly exposed to 4% of the same solution, they consume less than those who received 4% regularly. In consummatory extinction (cE), rats receiving a 32% or 4% sugar solution stop lapping when presented with an empty tube. In both cases, these situations trigger an aversive emotional reaction similar to fear and anxiety called frustration or negative contrast effect. Isolation conditions in adulthood increase anxiety responses. We describe an experiment in which isolated or grouped rats in adulthood are evaluated in an elevated plus maze (EPM), in cSNC and cE. Results show that rats in groups express less anxiety and activity in EPM and more persistence in cE than isolated rats. There are no differences between the two housing conditions in cSNC. We discuss these results on the basis of frustration theories.
Resumen: Se presentan dos experimentos para estudiar el efecto de la reducción del valor de incen... more Resumen: Se presentan dos experimentos para estudiar el efecto de la reducción del valor de incentivo sobre las respuestas de tiempo de observación y valoración de la emocionalidad de las imágenes, mediante una escala Likert. En ambos estudios un grupo de sujetos observó una serie de fotografías del Sistema Internacional de Imagen Afectiva (International Affective Picture System; IAPS) clasificadas como placenteras de alta activación (fase de pre-cambio) y luego, placenteras de baja activación (fase de post-cambio, Grupo Experimental, GE). Otro grupo observó en ambas fases solamente las imágenes placenteras de baja activación (Grupo Control, GC). No hubo efectos en el tiempo de observación de las imágenes pero sí en su valoración emocional. Durante la fase de post-cambio el GE evaluó las imágenes de baja activación como menos emocionales que el GC. El Experimento 2 replica el resultado cuando se interpone una tarea distractora entre cada ensayo de presentación de las imágenes. Estos resultados indican que la valoración afectiva de las imágenes está modulada por efectos de contraste negativo y que su mecanismo es de origen central. Palabras clave: Contraste negativo; imagen; IAPS; emoción.
Papers by Lucas Cuenya