Sergi Turiella
Jornalista històric que fa recerca de forma autodidacta. Interessat en la història catalana, i en la seva cosmovisió. Treballo considerant els canvis globals de manera diacrònica, sobretot pel que fa la llengua i al dret. En el cas de la llengua vull esmentar el camp de la toponímia gothica, i en part, la cèltica a Catalunya. En el cas del dret, els usos i costums, drets i constitucions, dintre del seu marc general.
Address: Catalonia
Address: Catalonia
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Papers by Sergi Turiella
The Roman Empire has been an historical phenomenon, that it has to be seen as a whole. The Empire has evolved from the IVth Century till the XVth. It has suffered four transformations so far. The first one was started by Foedus. The second one has changed the Province government. The third one has come into the Counties. And last, the building of the Kingdoms, who succeeded by the Classical Renaissance, and the triumph of the Monarchies.
Drafts by Sergi Turiella
The Roman Empire has been an historical phenomenon, that it has to be seen as a whole. The Empire has evolved from the IVth Century till the XVth. It has suffered four transformations so far. The first one was started by Foedus. The second one has changed the Province government. The third one has come into the Counties. And last, the building of the Kingdoms, who succeeded by the Classical Renaissance, and the triumph of the Monarchies.