Papers by Rocío Jiménez-Briones
RAEL: revista electrónica de lingüística aplicada, Jun 29, 2020
Studies in Role and Reference Grammar 2009 Isbn 978 607 02 0659 7 Pags 381 403, 2009
This paper focuses on conventionalized requests such as Can you X?, which are here considered to ... more This paper focuses on conventionalized requests such as Can you X?, which are here considered to be constructions or entrenched parings of form and function. We first offer a concise account of how such illocutionary constructions have been approached from the point of view of Construction Grammar, to then provide the reader with their computational treatment within the knowledge base for Natural Language Processing systems known as FunGramKB. In so doing, four constructional domains are formalized in the COREL metalanguage. The overall aim of this paper is to contribute further evidence that the construction-based approach, which lies at the basis of the FunGramKB Grammaticon, is relevant for the investigation of language processingEste artículo se centra en peticiones convencionalizadas como Can you X? (Puedes…?), que aquí se entienden como construcciones o pares de forma y significado. En primer lugar ofrecemos una descripción concisa de dichas construcciones ilocutivas desde el ...
Research in Corpus Linguistics, 2016
This paper looks at how illocutionary meaning could be accommodated in FunGramKB, a Natural Langu... more This paper looks at how illocutionary meaning could be accommodated in FunGramKB, a Natural Language Processing environment designed as a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language understanding applications. To this purpose, this study concentrates on the Grammaticon, which is the module that stores constructional schemata or machine-tractable representations of linguistic constructions. In particular, the aim of this paper is to discuss how illocutionary constructions such as Can You Forgive Me (XPREP)? have been translated into the metalanguage employed in FunGramKB, namely Conceptual Representation Language (COREL). The formalization of illocutionary constructions presented here builds on previous constructionist approaches, especially on those developed within the usage-based constructionist model known as the Lexical Constructional Model (Ruiz de Mendoza 2013). To illustrate our analysis, we shall focus on the speech act of CONDOLING, which is computati...
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 2017
This paper puts forward a finer-grained computational treatment of the English caused-motion cons... more This paper puts forward a finer-grained computational treatment of the English caused-motion construction (e.g. He kicked the ball into the net) within a knowledge base for natural language processing systems called FunGramKB. This computational project is largely based on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG), which is a functional projectionist theory of language. We argue that the RRG-based characterization of the caused-motion construction in FunGramKB is insufficient to account for the semantic and syntactic complexity of realizations such as He walked the dog to the park, I will show you out, or Mac flew Continental to Bush International Airport. Thus, drawing on insights from Constructions Grammars, three minimally distinct transitive motion sub-constructions are formalized within FunGramKB. It is through the inclusion of additional constructional schemas that the machine will be able to capture the various ways in which verbs and constructions interact to yield different input te...
Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013
Framed within Role and Reference Grammar, this chapter provides a finer-grained account of the En... more Framed within Role and Reference Grammar, this chapter provides a finer-grained account of the English resultative constructions (e.g. He hammered the metal flat / into a knife ), which enriches the constructional schema suggested in Van Valin (2005). In so doing, we mainly follow the work carried out by Nolan (2011a, b) and Diedrichsen (2010, 2011), while also drawing on insights coming from the family of Construction Grammars (e.g. Goldberg 1995; Goldberg & Jackendoff 2004, inter alios ). In turn, a further step is taken here by proposing the incorporation of additional features such as the motivation of the construction and its family resemblance connection; two essential issues which heavily depend upon the role of metaphor and metonymy (Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2011).
Studies in Language Companion Series, 2014
This is a contribution from Language Processing and Grammars. The role of functionally oriented c... more This is a contribution from Language Processing and Grammars. The role of functionally oriented computational models. Edited by Brian Nolan and Carlos Periñán-Pascual. This chapter presents a comparison between FunGramKB, a multipurpose lexico-conceptual base for Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, and FrameNet, a lexical resource for English whose objective is to document the range of semantic and syntactic combinatory possibilities of each sense of a word. After providing the reader with an overview of the two resources under scrutiny, we address their similarities and differences by focusing on the following issues: (1) methodology; (2) information at the lexical and conceptual levels; (3) relations between frames and concepts; (4) information management; and (5) multilingualism. To illustrate this comparison, we analyze how the verb dry is represented in each project.
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 2011
Resumen: Dentro del Modelo Léxico-Construccional (MLC), una plantilla léxica (PL) es una meta-ent... more Resumen: Dentro del Modelo Léxico-Construccional (MLC), una plantilla léxica (PL) es una meta-entrada que codifica los rasgos sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos o de registro relevantes para un predicado, y constituye uno de los pivotes centrales del MLC, puesto que a partir de ella se desarrolla el resto de niveles de significado contemplados en este modelo: pragmático, ilocutivo y discursivo. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer el protocolo para la elaboración de estas plantillas; es decir, detallar qué tipo de elementos componen el módulo sintáctico, el semántico y el pragmático/registro de cada PL. Por otro lado, también se presentan dos herramientas computacionales que ayudan al lingüista en la creación de las plantillas, garantizando que éstas sean sintácticamente correctas, a la vez que permiten su almacenamiento en una base de datos, a la que se accede mediante una interfaz de usuario que facilita consultar y gestionar su contenido.
Desde hace algunos anos, FunGramKB (Perinan Pascual y Arcas Tunez, 2004, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2010... more Desde hace algunos anos, FunGramKB (Perinan Pascual y Arcas Tunez, 2004, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2010a, 2010b, y este volumen; Mairal Uson y Perinan Pascual, 2009a, 2009b, 2010; Perinan Pascual y Mairal Uson, 2009, 2010; Jimenez Briones y Luzondo Oyon, 2011) se ha venido consolidando como una de las bases de conocimiento lexico-conceptual mas interesantes en Inteligencia Artificial para la creacion de sistemas que requieren la comprension y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN). De los tres niveles de informacion que FunGramKB abarca, a saber, lexico, gramatical y conceptual, este articulo se centra en el ultimo, en concreto, en la Ontologia o el catalogo jerarquizado de los conceptos que todos manejamos cuando hablamos de situaciones cotidianas y que, por lo tanto, refleja el modelo del mundo compartido por toda una comunidad. De este modo, este trabajo pretende desentranar los pasos empleados para poblar la Ontologia de FunGramKB, detallando los compromisos ontologicos bajo los ...
Este trabajo se enmarca en el campo de los estudios de interficie lexico-sintaxis en un marco fun... more Este trabajo se enmarca en el campo de los estudios de interficie lexico-sintaxis en un marco funcional y dentro del contexto de toda una clase lexica. En concreto, se plantea un estudio lexico-semantico, sintactico y pragmatico de seis subdominios de los verbos de SENTIMIENTO: Feeling verbs, To feel something bad, To feel happiness, To cause someone to feel happiness, To feel fear y To cause someone to feel fear.El punto de partida de esta investigacion asume que las estructuras sintacticas en las que participa un predicado verbal se pueden relacionar sistematicamente con el significado de ese predicado (cfr. entre otros, la Gramatica Funcional; la Gramatica del Papel y la Referencia; las investigaciones de Jackendoff 1990, 1997, 2002; Levin & Rappaport 1995 o Pustejovsky 1995). Asi, tras una revision critica y profunda de las principales teorias funcionales, formales y cognitivas relacionadas con el desarrollo de un mecanismo de enlace entre la informacion lexico-semantica y la re...
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el metalenguaje usado en las representaciones lexico-sem... more El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el metalenguaje usado en las representaciones lexico-semanticas o «plantillas lexicas» propuestas dentro del Modelo Lexico-Construccional (MLC; Mairal & Ruiz de Mendoza 2006; Mairal & Faber 2007; Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2007a, 2007b). El MLC es una propuesta de representacion lexica centrada en comprender la relacion entre la sintaxis y todas las manifestaciones del significado, la cual, aunque se esta desarrollando dentro de la Gramatica del Papel y la Referencia (Van Valin 2005), es totalmente compatible con teorias cognitivas como la Gramatica de Construcciones (Goldberg 1995, 2006). De hecho, las plantillas lexicas pretenden aunar lo mejor de estos dos modelos, introduciendo un metalenguaje basado en primitivos semanticos (Wierzbicka 1996, 1999) y funciones lexicas (Mel�cuk 1989). La elaboracion de estas plantillas se ejemplifica en este estudio mediante la construccion de las plantillas de una serie de verbos de sentimiento del ingles y...
... verbos que expresan emociones o sentimientos. Autores: Rocío Jiménez Briones; Localización: C... more ... verbos que expresan emociones o sentimientos. Autores: Rocío Jiménez Briones; Localización: Cien años de investigación semántica, de Michel Breal a la actualidad : actas del Congreso Internacional de Semántica / coord. ...
Información del artículo La incorporación de las restricciones de selección a las entradas léxica... more Información del artículo La incorporación de las restricciones de selección a las entradas léxicas en los diccionarios de español.
Información del artículo The "tolerance" of Spanish dictionaries regarding sele... more Información del artículo The "tolerance" of Spanish dictionaries regarding selection restrictions.
This chapter presents a comparison between FunGramKB, a multipurpose lexico-conceptual base for N... more This chapter presents a comparison between FunGramKB, a multipurpose lexico-conceptual base for Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, and FrameNet, a lexical resource for English whose objective is to document the range of semantic and syntactic combinatory possibilities of each sense of a word. After providing the reader with an overview of the two resources under scrutiny, we address their similarities and differences by focusing on the following issues: (1) methodology; (2) information at the lexical and conceptual levels; (3) relations between frames and concepts; (4) information management; and (5) multilingualism. To illustrate this comparison, we analyze how the verb dry is represented in each project.
Onomazein, 2011
Framed within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and more precisely within the project FunGram... more Framed within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and more precisely within the project FunGramKB, i.e. a user-friendly environment for the semiautomatic construction of a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for Natural Language Processing systems, the aim of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, we shall provide a necessarily non-exhaustive theoretical discussion of FunGramKB in which we will introduce the main elements that make up its Ontology (i.e. Thematic Frames, Meaning Postulates, different types of concepts, etc.). Secondly, we will describe the meticulous process carried out by knowledge engineers when populating this conceptually-driven Ontology. In doing so, we shall examine various examples belonging to the domain of ‘change’ or #TRANSFORMATION (in the COREL notation), in an attempt to show how conceptual knowledge can be modeled in for Artificial Intelligence purposes
This paper looks at the way the English verbs of feeling, specifically the subdomain of anger ver... more This paper looks at the way the English verbs of feeling, specifically the subdomain of anger verbs, are organized and represented within the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM; Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal, 2006, 2007; Mairal & Ruiz de Mendoza, 2007). The LCM stems from the paradigmatic and syntagmatic lexical organization of the English and Spanish lexicons developed within the Functional Lexematic Model (FLM; c.f. Martin Mingorance, 1998; Faber & Mairal, 1999), which has been partially integrated into the new model. The premises of the FLM, crucial for the organization of our verbal domain, are dealt with in section 2 of this paper. In relation to the representation of the lexico-semantic and syntactic properties of verbs, the LCM employs lexical templates: formal meta-entries that in just one format unify all the relevant properties pertaining to a particular verbal class. Unlike Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) logical structures, LCM templates codify both grammatically salient feat...
Papers by Rocío Jiménez-Briones
This chapter presents a comparison between FunGramKB, a multipurpose lexico-conceptual base for Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, and FrameNet, a lexical resource for English whose objective is to document the range of semantic and syntactic combinatory possibilities of each sense of a word. After providing the reader with an overview of the two resources under scrutiny, we address their similarities and differences by focusing on the following issues: (1) methodology; (2) information at the lexical and conceptual levels; (3) relations between frames and concepts; (4) information management; and (5) multilingualism. To illustrate this comparison, we analyze how the verb dry is represented in each project.
The object of this chapter is to present an RRG account of one of the most widely studied constructions: the English resultative. In order to provide a finer-nuanced description of the resultative than the one currently posited by Van Valin (2005: 239), our study mainly draws on the work on constructional schemas recently carried out by some RRG scholars (i.e. Cortés 2009; Diedrichsen 2010, 2011; Nolan 2011ab; Van Valin 2011, 2012, inter alios). Additionally, it also takes into consideration part of the semantic and syntactic analyses developed within the family of Construction Grammars (CxG(s)) by Gonzálvez-García (2009, 2011), Goldberg (1995), Godlberg & Jackendoff (2004), and Luzondo (2011), to name but a few, and some of the insights from the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM; Ruiz de Mendoza & Mairal 2008, 2011; Mairal & Ruiz de Mendoza 2009; see Butler 2009 for a critical overview).
The structure of this paper is as follows. In section (2), a brief overview of the status of the notion of construction throughout RRG in general, and the account of the resultative construction in particular, is furnished. Section (3) presents a preliminary proposal of an RRG constructional schema for the property English resultative (e.g. The blacksmith hammered the metal flat), which enhances its constructional meaning and its relation with verb meaning. We sustain, with Diedrichsen (2010, 2011) and Nolan (2011ab), that RRG schemas should become more constructional and incorporate, among others, the construction signature, its constraints, its workspace, and its input and output strings. Furthermore, due to the fundamental role played by metaphor and metonymy in order to explain the data under scrutiny, we advance the addition of two new features to the proposed English resultative schema, namely, the motivation of the construction and the family resemblance connection. This stance on enriching RRG constructional schemas has immediate and direct consequences for our second goal in this work: what are the connections that the property English resultative establishes with the motion resultative construction (e.g. He hammered the metal into the shape of a heart), which we also posit could further be extended to other closely related constructions such as the motion resultative, the caused-motion, the way construction, etc. Section (4) explores this particularly interesting issue that still remains open in RRG (Van Valin 2011) but where we believe the theoretical apparatus of the LCM, a model which already integrates RRG in its lexical descriptions, could shed some light on. Finally, section (5) offers some concluding remarks.