Books by Carme Font Paz
Brill, 2018
Economic Imperatives for Women’s Writing in Early Modern Europe delves into the early modern hist... more Economic Imperatives for Women’s Writing in Early Modern Europe delves into the early modern history of women’s authorship and literary production in Europe taking a material turn. The case studies included in the volume represent women writers from various European countries and comparatively reflect the nuances of their participation in a burgeoning commercial market for authors while profiting as much from patronage. From self-representation as professional writers to literary reception, the challenges of reputation, financial hardships, and relationships with editors and colleagues, the essays in this collection show from different theoretical standpoints and linguistic areas that gender biases played a far less limiting role in women’s literary writing than is commonly assumed, while they determined the relationship between moneymaking, self-representation, and publishing strategies.
Routledge, 2017
This study examines women’s prophetic writings in seventeenth-century Britain as the literary out... more This study examines women’s prophetic writings in seventeenth-century Britain as the literary outcome of a discourse of social transformation that integrates religious conscience, political participation, and gender identity. The volume approaches prophecy as a culture, a language, and a catalyst for collective change as the individual prophet conceptualized it.
"In sum, Font's book is a significant contribution to the study of seventeenth-century culture and the writings it produced, and Font's continual focus on issues to do with voice and social change is admirable." -- Rachel Adcock, Keele University.
"Font's work is an enthusiastic and thought-provoking contribution to the study of seventeenth-century literature, and it helps highlight a complex genre ripe for further investigation." -- Claie McGann, Lancaster University.
"Early modern women's prophecy has been the subject of much scholarly interest of late. This fascinating study treats prophecy as genre and culture, expanding our understand of women's speech, lives and writing in the seventeenth century in new and original ways." -- Mary Spongberg, University Technology Sydney.
Book Chapters by Carme Font Paz
Economic Imperatives for Women’s Writing in Early Modern Europe (eds. Carme Font & Nina Geerdink), Brill, 2018
The Invention of Female Biography (ed. Gina Luria Walker), Routledge, 2017
Sfaccettature della traduzione letteraria (ed. Jutta Linder, Helena Aguilà, Donatella Siviero), Editoriale Artemide, 2017
Ficciones del deseo femenino: doce figuras (ed. Joan Curbet), Ediciones Cátedra, 2014
Narration et Genre. Les Femmes Écrivains dans l'Histoire Europpéene Jusqu'au Début du XXe Siècle (eds. Lieselotte Steinbrügge & Suzan van Dijk), Peeters Publishers. Collection La République des Lettres, 2013
The Cultural History of Reading (ed. Gabrielle Watling). Greenwood Press, 2008
Articles by Carme Font Paz
Nuevas de Indias. Anuario del Centro de Estudios de la América Colonial, 2018
La fundación de la Royal Society de Londres en 1660 posibilitó la exposición pública de los debat... more La fundación de la Royal Society de Londres en 1660 posibilitó la exposición pública de los debates entre ciencia empírica y saber humanista que se habían estado gestando en décadas anteriores. La revolución puritana, proclive a una concepción esencialista y revelacionista del orden de las cosas, tanto en materia científica como en política y religiosa, se vio abocada a una reformulación conceptual tras la restauración monárquica de Carlos II, entre la que se contaba una voluntad de profesionalizar el conocimiento, el método y la práctica científica. Ello favorecía una aproximación a los saberes de naciones rivales tanto en casa como en el nuevo mundo.
El presente artículo propone una aproximación a los matices de estos debates científico-religiosos que sacaron a la luz la necesidad de reformar e integrar el saber humanista del siglo xvi con las corrientes más experimentales. La figura del médico y autor Henry Stubbe, y su obra The Indian Nectar, or a Discourse concerning Chocolata (1662) pone de manifiesto las dificultades para integrar el saber humanista y empírico, así como sus puntos de contacto con las nuevas estructuras de pensamiento científico, político y religioso a las que se ve obligado a adaptarse.
Études Épistémè, Revue de littérature et de civilisation XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Special Issue "Languages Dissidents: Processus de communication, supports et intermédiaires de la dissidence religieuse", (dir. Sophie Houdard, Adelisa Malena, Xenia v. Tippelskirch), 2017
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad de Zulia, 2016
Studi Rinascimentali, 2015
Huntington Library Quarterly, 2014
Journal of English Studies (JES), 2013
ODISEA, Revista de Estudios Ingleses, 2012
Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 2012
SEDERI Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, 2010
Identitat i Veu Femenines en A True Relation of Their Sufferings (“Relació Verídica dels seus Patiments”), 1662, de les Quàqueres Katharine Evans i Sarah Cheevers, 2010
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 2009
Books by Carme Font Paz
"In sum, Font's book is a significant contribution to the study of seventeenth-century culture and the writings it produced, and Font's continual focus on issues to do with voice and social change is admirable." -- Rachel Adcock, Keele University.
"Font's work is an enthusiastic and thought-provoking contribution to the study of seventeenth-century literature, and it helps highlight a complex genre ripe for further investigation." -- Claie McGann, Lancaster University.
"Early modern women's prophecy has been the subject of much scholarly interest of late. This fascinating study treats prophecy as genre and culture, expanding our understand of women's speech, lives and writing in the seventeenth century in new and original ways." -- Mary Spongberg, University Technology Sydney.
Book Chapters by Carme Font Paz
Articles by Carme Font Paz
El presente artículo propone una aproximación a los matices de estos debates científico-religiosos que sacaron a la luz la necesidad de reformar e integrar el saber humanista del siglo xvi con las corrientes más experimentales. La figura del médico y autor Henry Stubbe, y su obra The Indian Nectar, or a Discourse concerning Chocolata (1662) pone de manifiesto las dificultades para integrar el saber humanista y empírico, así como sus puntos de contacto con las nuevas estructuras de pensamiento científico, político y religioso a las que se ve obligado a adaptarse.
"In sum, Font's book is a significant contribution to the study of seventeenth-century culture and the writings it produced, and Font's continual focus on issues to do with voice and social change is admirable." -- Rachel Adcock, Keele University.
"Font's work is an enthusiastic and thought-provoking contribution to the study of seventeenth-century literature, and it helps highlight a complex genre ripe for further investigation." -- Claie McGann, Lancaster University.
"Early modern women's prophecy has been the subject of much scholarly interest of late. This fascinating study treats prophecy as genre and culture, expanding our understand of women's speech, lives and writing in the seventeenth century in new and original ways." -- Mary Spongberg, University Technology Sydney.
El presente artículo propone una aproximación a los matices de estos debates científico-religiosos que sacaron a la luz la necesidad de reformar e integrar el saber humanista del siglo xvi con las corrientes más experimentales. La figura del médico y autor Henry Stubbe, y su obra The Indian Nectar, or a Discourse concerning Chocolata (1662) pone de manifiesto las dificultades para integrar el saber humanista y empírico, así como sus puntos de contacto con las nuevas estructuras de pensamiento científico, político y religioso a las que se ve obligado a adaptarse.
IV Congreso Internacional Los Textos del Cuerpo. "Autorías encarnadas. Representaciones intermediáticas y sexuadas de la creación cultural", Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 16-22 abril 2018.
IV International Congress Texts of the Body. Embodied Authorships. Intermedia and gendered representations of cultural creation", Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, April 16-22, 2018.
The idea of a physical display of God’s possession became a marker of identity of the first generation of Quakers, of the persecuted Huguenots of the Cevennes, and of some Jansenist groups. However, the idea of the body as a prophetic theater was not alien to many people and groups in early modern times, as evidenced by the case of the Sabbatians. While these intense charismatic phenomena were perceived by those who experienced them as intense manifestations of the divine, their representation was used to vilify, denigrate, and ridicule these religious nonconformists. The theological and philosophical discussions about religious "Enthusiasm" were at the center of the confessional polemics of early modern times.