if you moralize to people in the global south about piracy youre going to hell btw. no atonement no take backsies. guaranteed hell forever permanently.
omg there’s a newborn in the notes
Look for all my fellow ass backwards Americans and the European as well, let me tell you a story.
A few years ago me and a Brazilian friend (they/them) had a joke that I owed them a sandwich because they burned one while in a VC with me.
A year later I sent $20 USD to them for the bit, about what I paid for my lunch at Subway at the time (before tips).
They texted me worried about how much money I sent them and if I was sure. Because with the exchange rate at the time, that was almost 100 BRL. I had assumed 1 BRL simply bought less (in local goods), turns out the pricing is, well its close enough that it is about 100 in spending power equivalent.
It is my understanding (though I could CERTAINLY be wrong) that Brazil is one of the nations in the Global South that is doing better relatively, and also that the exchange rate has worsened for BRL since.
However, many game devs simply set the price in USD and then forces everyone to pay that price. You know how some books have a slightly higher price listed in CAD if its printed on? Imagine if instead of like, 20 USD 22 CAD that book cost 100-120 CAD. That would be absurd right?
If you can’t see the problem with condemning piracy in the Global South after that explanation, then I suppose you’re deserving of whatever shit lands in your lap next.
Also, just for the record, we get you a lot more stuff than you realize. A lot of whistleblowers/ leaks/media archiving is done in the global South/spreads from there. It’s a genuine underground and public industry that a lot of us grew up learning to do and it matters. Because yea, the system is designed to make media completely impossible to afford